
The University of Minnesota's Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering department offers two undergraduate majors: Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering and Sustainable Systems Management.

The volume of E15 sold in August 2023 has been revised by the Minnesota Department of Commerce from 10.54 million gallons to 11.05 million gallons - a new record.

Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association's (MN Bio-Fuels) executive director, Brian Werner, was among the participants at a panel at the 2024 Minnesota Ag Expo in Mankato on Jan 18. 

The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) are among eight midwest renewable fuel associations that sent a letter to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) today urging it to finalize regulatory action to make E15 available year-round in several midwest states. 

MN Bio-Fuels At Rep. Omar Roundtable

  • Thursday, 25 January 2024 09:35

The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association's executive director, Brian Werner, was at an Infrastructure Roundtable with Rep. Ilhan Omar in Minneapolis yesterday.

The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association's (MN Bio-Fuels) executive director, Brian Werner, was a panelist at Growth Energy's Executive Leadership Conference in Florida yesterday.

Minnesota's ethanol consumption ratio in 2022 was 12.71 percent - the highest in the country - according to the latest information by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). 

Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) executive director, Brian Werner, testified yesterday at the Minnesota Senate's Transportation Committee on amendments to the Clean Transportation Standard (CTS) act.