Blogging For Biofuels

The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) are among eight midwest renewable fuel associations that sent a letter to the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) today urging it to finalize regulatory action to make E15 available year-round in several midwest states. 

Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association's (MN Bio-Fuels) executive director, Brian Werner, was among the participants at a panel at the 2024 Minnesota Ag Expo in Mankato on Jan 18. 

The volume of E15 sold in August 2023 has been revised by the Minnesota Department of Commerce from 10.54 million gallons to 11.05 million gallons - a new record.

The University of Minnesota's Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering department offers two undergraduate majors: Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering and Sustainable Systems Management.

The US Department of the Treasury will include an updated lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions model from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory known as the Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies (GREET) as one of the methodologies that farmers and biofuel producers may use to determine eligibility for the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) tax credit under the Inflation Reduction Act. 

Minnesota's Rep. Brad Finstad, along with Rep. Nikki Budzinski, Sen. Joni Ernst and Sen. Tammy Baldwin, led a bipartisan, bicameral follow-up letter urging the White House to act on implementing the availability of E15 year-round.

9.94 Million Gallons Of E15 Sold In October

  • Monday, 11 December 2023 08:55

E15 sales in Minnesota in October totaled 9.94 million gallons, according to the latest data from the Minnesota Department of Commerce.

9.76 Million Gallons Of E15 Sold In Sept

  • Thursday, 09 November 2023 12:44

The Minnesota Department of Commerce reports 9.76 million gallons of E15 was sold in Minnesota in September.