CANDIDATES & BIOFUELS : Shawn Olson, Torrey Westrom & Amy Wilde

  • Thursday, 27 October 2016 11:30

Shawn Olson Torrey Westrom  Amy Wilde

Today we head to the candidates running in Senate Districts 8 (Shawn Olson), District 12 (Torrey Westrom) and District 18 (Amy Wilde). Each district has an ethanol plant - Green Plains Renewable Energy in District 8, Denco in District 12 and Heartland Corn Products in District 18. Only one candidate from each of these districts is being featured because they were the only ones who responded to our queries on biofuels. 

Candidates & Biofuels

Shawn Olson copySHAWN OLSON

- Would choose E10 over non-oxygenated fuel.

- Would choose E15 over E10.

- Would oppose measures to scrap the RFS.

- Would support measures to scrap Minnesota's Petroleum Law.

- Would support measures to fund infrastructure to increase the availability of E85.

- Would support measures to fund infrastructure retrofits to increase the availability of E15 - E25. 

- Would support accelerating the permitting process for the installation of equipment to improve ethanol production and reduce emissions.

Additional comments:

"It is also important to start to explore new biofuel options like switchgrass and hemp."

Torrey Westrom copyTORREY WESTROM


"Just like natural gas, clean coal and nuclear power, renewable energies and biofuels need to remain a key part of Minnesota's energy supply. All of the above is a balanced and reasonable approach. This allows the state to help promote homegrown renewable energies, but that needs to be balanced with the cost of such renewable energies. The competitive energies like ethanol, biodiesel and wind has grown significantly in our state over the past 20 years. More expensive sources should continue to be tested and research done through our universities, electric companies and private groups. This will help bringing those costs down as they become more commercially viable. 

"I will continue to seek this balanced approach - being cognizant that we cannot drive up the cost of energy and electricity more for consumers. I have been supportive of multiple policies that help promote the research, manufacturing and deployment of renewable energies - ranging from supportive policies at the state level, targeted incentives or research dollars and promoting blend(er) pumps to enhance our distribution network. There is a balance between traditional and new energy sources, but a very legitimate place for homegrown renewable energies for consumers and to provide for our future energy needs."


 Would choose E10 over non-oxygenated fuel.

- Would choose E15 over E10.

- Would oppose measures to scrap the RFS.

- Would oppose measures to scrap Minnesota's Petroleum Displacement Law.

- Would support a standalone bill to fixing the RVP problem so that E15 can be sold during the summer months. Would also support actions to call the EPA to take administrative action to bring RVP parity to E15 and measures requiring gasoline blendstocks with a lower RVP to be used thus eliminating the need for a waiver for both E10 and E15. 

- Would support measures to fund infrastructure to increase the availability of E85 and look for legislation for funds to assist in the replacement or retooling of underground storage tanks.

- Would support measures to fund infrastructure retrofits to increase the availability of E15 - E25. 

- Would support accelerating the permitting process for the installation of equipment to improve ethanol production and reduce emissions.


District 08A : Bud Nornes Vs C. J. Holl

District 16A : Chris Swedzinski Vs Al Kruse

District 17A : Tim Miller Vs Andrew Falk

District 18B : Glenn Gruenhagen Vs Darrel Mosel

District 22B : Rod Hamilton Vs Kirby Kruse 

District 28B : Greg Davids Vs Thomas Trehus

District 23A, 23B & 27A : Bob Gunther, Tony Cornish & Gary Schindler

District 9: Paul Gazelka Vs Jason Weinerman

District 16: Gary Dahms Vs James Kanne

District 22 : Bill Weber Vs Brian Abrahmson

District 23 : Julie Rosen Vs Barbarra Ann Lake