Candidates & Biofuels: Roger Steinkamp, Dan Sparks

  • Friday, 02 October 2020 13:23

Candidates D24 D27

Today, we head to district 24 where Roger Steinkamp faces Sen. John Jasinski and distrct 27 where Sen. Dan Sparks is up against Gene Dornink. Both Jasinski and Dornink did not respond to our queries so we will only feature the responses we received from Steinkamp and Sparks.

D24 Roger Steinkampcropped Roger Steinkamp (D)

Q. Do you support Minnesota’s Petroleum Replacement Law (Minn. Stat. 239.7911), which calls for the consumption of at least 30 percent biofuels in transportation fuel by 2025?

A. Yes.

Q. Given the large number of spark ignition engine powered vehicles on the road and the need to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector, what is your position concerning a Minnesota Low Carbon High Octane Fuel Standard/Clean Fuels Policy which would result in higher consumption of ethanol?

A. In the situation we find ourselves, this is a good step in the right direction, reducing greenhouse gases.The caveat is to make longer range plans that reduce the carbon footprint of agriculture.  Biofuels are only carbon neutral if fossil fuels are eliminated in the production.Let's be honest in the assessment and get some good research based on long-term sustainability, not short term subsidies and profitability. 

Q. Do you support accelerating the permitting process for installation of equipment to improve ethanol production and reduce emissions?

A. Yes, if it doesn't circumvent long-range goals of reducing the overall carbon footprint of biofuels and the integrity of the environment.  I'm in favor of efficient and effective permitting with the honesty to tell the truth, wherever that leads.Right now, we need to support the farmers that depend on the ethanol market for their corn that makes up 40% of the crop, and have the courage to re-evaluate our long-term cropping strategy. That is already in progress.

Q. Do you support making higher ethanol blends, such as E15, available across Minnesota through infrastructure funding?

A. I will when it is evident that it is part of a long term strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the numbers show the reduction in the carbon footprint of the production of biofuels. We need to connect the dots to see the whole picture. 

dan sparkscropped Dan Sparks (D)

Q. Do you support Minnesota’s Petroleum Replacement Law (Minn. Stat. 239.7911), which calls for the consumption of at least 30 percent biofuels in transportation fuel by 2025?

A. Yes.

Q. Given the large number of spark ignition engine powered vehicles on the road and the need to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector, what is your position concerning a Minnesota Low Carbon High Octane Fuel Standard/Clean Fuels Policy which would result in higher consumption of ethanol?

A. I would support such a fuel proposal that is beneficial to our farmers, ethanol producers, and the environment.

Q. Do you support accelerating the permitting process for installation of equipment to improve ethanol production and reduce emissions?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you support making higher ethanol blends, such as E15, available across Minnesota through infrastructure funding?

A. Yes


MN Senate Candidates:

District 09: A. John Peters

District 23: Julie Rosen

MN House Candidates:

District 01A: Connie Lindstrom

District 04B: Paul Marquart

District 09B : Ron Kresha, Laura Wright  

District 12B: Paul Anderson

District 16A : Doria Drost

District 16B : Paul Torkelson

District 18B : Heather Bakke

District 23A : Patricia Fahey Bacon

District 23B: Jeremy Munson

District 27B: Jeanne Poppe

District 29A: Renee Cardarelle