Today we begin our series on the candidates running for seats in the Minnesota Senate and where they stand on biofuels. For our first installment in this series, we head to district 9 where A. John Peters who is running against Sen. Paul Gazelka and district 23 where Sen. Julie Rosen is facing David Pulkrabek. Neither Gazelka or Pulkrabek responded to our queries so we will only feature the answers we recieved from Peters and Rosen.
A. John Peters (D)
Q. Do you support Minnesota’s Petroleum Replacement Law (Minn. Stat. 239.7911), which calls for the consumption of at least 30 percent biofuels in transportation fuel by 2025?
A. Yes, but I would prefer that be higher.
Q. Given the large number of spark ignition engine powered vehicles on the road and the need to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector, what is your position concerning a Minnesota Low Carbon High Octane Fuel Standard/Clean Fuels Policy which would result in higher consumption of ethanol?
A. Given that climate change is the premier issue for future generations, it is important to understand the total impact of any fuel on the environment. Measuring the total carbon produced can give a more accurate view of the damage done to our environment.
Q. Do you support accelerating the permitting process for installation of equipment to improve ethanol production and reduce emissions?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you support making higher ethanol blends, such as E15, available across Minnesota through infrastructure funding?
A. Yes.
Julie Rosen (R)
Q. Do you support Minnesota’s Petroleum Replacement Law (Minn. Stat. 239.7911), which calls for the consumption of at least 30 percent biofuels in transportation fuel by 2025?
A. Yes - For the past 18 years, I have been a strong advocate for the biofuels industry. Looking forward to working with you and all the folks who promote this vital fuel source. Let me know what I can do to be of assistance.
Q. Given the large number of spark ignition engine powered vehicles on the road and the need to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector, what is your position concerning a Minnesota Low Carbon High Octane Fuel Standard/Clean Fuels Policy which would result in higher consumption of ethanol?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you support accelerating the permitting process for installation of equipment to improve ethanol production and reduce emissions?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you support making higher ethanol blends, such as E15, available across Minnesota through infrastructure funding?
A. Yes - As an old, retired Agronomist (lol!), I am well aware of the importance and necessity for a diverse biofuel infrastructure. In fact, I was chief author way back in 2007 (?) to help the industry with the elimination of an automatic EIS for a 100 million gallon plant. And now the district I serve has three 100 million gallon plants.
MN House Candidates:
District 01A: Connie Lindstrom
District 09B : Ron Kresha, Laura Wright