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In the News

Renewable Fuels Association

February 18, 2016

U.S. exports of distillers grains (DG) — a co-product of dry mill ethanol production — set a new record of 12.56 million metric tons (MMT) in 2015, according to a new summary of ethanol co-product trade statistics released today by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). Last year’s DG export number was 11 percent higher than 2014, and was more than double the amount exported in 2009. The report finds that U.S. DG exports were shipped to 45 countries on five continents in 2015.

“This report shows the global reach of American-made distillers grains,” said Bob Dinneen, RFA president and CEO. “In 2015, an estimated 34 percent of U.S. distillers grains production was exported, meaning one out of every three tons produced was shipped to foreign markets. These data make it crystal clear that the U.S. ethanol industry is both fueling and feeding the world. It is also worth noting that DG exports were worth almost $3 billion in 2015, providing a critical source of revenue to ethanol producers.”

RFA’s statistical summary, which draws on data from several U.S. government entities, shows that China, Mexico, Vietnam, South Korea, and Canada represented the top five markets in 2015 for DG exports. China received 50 percent of DG exports, while Mexico received 13 percent. Both Vietnam and South Korea received 5 percent of DG exports. With respect to imports, the report finds that last year Canada was once again the top supplier of DG imports to the United States, and shipped 401,554 MT to the United States. China and Brazil were the only other exporters of DG to the U.S. market in 2015. The RFA document also provides statistics on feed co-product exports from wet mills, including corn gluten feed and meal.

View the RFA summary of co-product exports here.

The co-product export summary is a complimentary publication to the RFA’s ethanol export summary published earlier in February. “Between ethanol and distillers grains, our industry exported the equivalent of 800 million bushels of corn last year,” Dinneen said. “If that amount of corn had been exported in raw form, it would have been worth $3.6 billion. But in the form of ethanol and distillers grains it was worth $4.8 billion. This is value-added agriculture at its best.”

Read the original release: U.S. Exports of Distillers Grains Set New Record in 2015, According to RFA Report

Global Renewable Fuels Alliance

February 17, 2016

Bliss Baker, the president of the Global Renewable Fuels Alliance, called upon national leaders to take advantage of the low price and abundant stockpiles of crude oil to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies. Baker pointed to the latest figures from the International Energy Agency that estimated global fossil fuel subsidies to be worth $490 billion, and outlined how global oil demand is forecast to drop by 25 percent in 2016 to 1.2mb/d.

Fossil fuel subsidies are theoretically intended to increase energy access during periods of high prices, but with the current state of global energy markets these subsidies are only succeeding in discouraging investment in energy efficiencies and renewables.

“The persistent oversupply of oil, and the resulting low prices, gives countries an opportunity not seen in recent memory to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies and encourage a transition to viable low-carbon energy sources like ethanol,” Baker said. “World leaders couldn’t ask for better circumstances to take action,” he added.

At the recently concluded Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) in Paris, a landmark agreement on combating climate change was reached. The deal aims to ensure that the global temperature rise this century does not exceed 2°C above pre-industrial levels by shifting to a low carbon global economy and encouraging the development of clean technologies as the basis for future development.

Over the past year, almost 30 countries have reduced their fossil fuel subsidy programs. These changes have been made in recognition of the fact that the current low price of oil reduces the impact of eliminating consumer fossil fuel subsidies, and that their removal results in lower domestic national emissions of greenhouse gases.

“It is blatantly counter productive for governments to continue to subsidize the industry that contributes the majority of global greenhouse gas emissions, especially after 195 countries agreed that drastically cutting back GHG emissions was necessary to combat climate change” Baker said. “It’s time to take the brakes off of clean technology development and meaningfully begin the transition to a sustainable future,” he concluded.

The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting biofuel friendly policies internationally. Alliance members represent over 90% of global biofuels productions. Through the development of new technologies and best practices, Alliance members are committed to producing renewable fuels with the smallest possible footprint.

Read the original story: GRFA Calls on National Governments to End Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Renewable Fuels Association

February 16, 2016

The U.S. ethanol industry added $44 billion to the nation’s gross domestic product and supported nearly 360,000 jobs in 2015, according to a new study conducted by ABF Economics. The study, which was released today by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) at the National Ethanol Conference (NEC), quantified the impact of domestic ethanol production in 2015 on the national economy.

The study showed that as a result of last year’s record domestic ethanol production, 85,967 direct jobs and 271,440 indirect and induced jobs were sustained. Additionally, the ethanol industry added $43.9 billion to the national GDP, $23.5 billion to household income, and paid $8.7 billion in taxes. These monies helped to stimulate and sustain economies at the national, state, and local levels. The study also revealed that the 14.7 billion gallons of ethanol produced in 2016 displaced 527 million barrels of foreign oil worth almost $26 billion.

Bob Dinneen, president and CEO of the RFA, lauded the study’s finding, noting: “The numbers speak for themselves and underscore the indelible positive impact the domestic ethanol industry continues to have on America’s economy. The nearly 360,000 jobs the industry sustained last year represent stable, well-paying positions in communities where, unfortunately, the employment situation is often bleak. The $8.7 billion the industry spent last year in local, state, and federal taxes contributes to improving and maintaining public services. And, each of the 527 million barrels of oil that we did not have to import last year keeps America on a path toward a more secure energy future.”

Economist John Urbanchuk, the study’s author and a managing partner at ABF Economics, concluded the analysis by stating: “The ethanol industry continues to make a significant contribution to the economy in terms of job creation, generation of tax revenue, and displacement of imported crude oil and petroleum products. The importance of the ethanol industry to agriculture and rural economies is particularly notable. Continued growth and expansion of the ethanol industry through new technologies and feedstocks will enhance the industry’s position as the original creator of green jobs, and will enable America to make further strides toward energy independence.”

Below is a brief summary of the study’s findings. In 2015, the production and use of 14.7 billion gallons of ethanol:

  • Added $43.9 billion to the national gross domestic product
  • Supported 85,967 direct jobs and 271,440 indirect and induced jobs
  • Boosted household income by $23.5 billion
  • Increased federal, state and local taxes by $8.7 billion
  • Displaced 527 million barrels of imported oil, keeping $26 billion in the U.S. economy

The full study, prepared on behalf of the Renewable Fuels Association, can be found here

Read the original story: Ethanol Industry had Wide-Ranging Impact on National Economy in 2015, According to New Study

Renewable Fuels Association

February 16, 2016

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Bob Dinneen announced today at the National Ethanol Conference (NEC) the launch of the “Flex My Choice” campaign, which is designed to voice consumer support for flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs). This effort is aimed directly at automakers, auto dealerships, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Dinneen said the time is ripe for such a campaign because, as the government phases out CAFE credits for producing FFVs, automakers have begun to limit the total number of FFV models that roll off their assembly lines.

“The auto companies claim there has not been meaningful consumer demand for these vehicles and the incremental cost, albeit trivial, cannot be justified in the absence of a more balanced CAFE regime,” said Dinneen. “The ethanol industry needs to demonstrate the continued enthusiasm for FFVs. We want to raise our voices so that E85 and other mid-level ethanol fuels remain viable options for consumers.”

As part of the campaign, RFA intends to distribute 75,000 postcard pamphlets to targeted parties across the country in the hopes of changing the conversation on the future of FFV production. The postcard pamphlets will contain five panels: the first panel is a brief introduction to the issues; panels 2 through 4 are individual postcards to General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (the “Detroit Three”); and the fifth panel contains a pledge that consumers can drop off at their local auto dealership. Additionally, the campaign launched two petitions on www.Change.org directed at the automakers and the EPA respectively.

FlexMyChoice_Raise Your Voice or Lose Your Choice

“It goes without saying that when consumers’ choices within a given market are limited, everyone loses,” said Robert White, RFA’s vice president of industry relations. “The ‘Flex My Choice’ campaign intends to ensure that consumers have choices when it comes to buying and fueling their vehicles. Thanks to USDA, the ethanol industry, and agriculture, 2016 will mark the largest expansion of E85 stations in history; it is not the time to stop the momentum. This campaign will send a clear signal to the automakers, their auto dealerships, and the EPA that there is a real demand on the part of consumers for more vehicle choices, more choices at the pump and increased access to higher ethanol blends.”

For postcard pamphlets and additional information, go to www.FlexMyChoice.com. Consumers are encouraged to amplify their support for FFVs on social media using the hashtag #FlexMyChoice.

Read the original story: Raise Your Voice or Lose Your Choice: RFA Launches #FlexMyChoice FFV Awareness Campaign

Ethanol Producer Magazine

February 12, 2016

By Richard Childress

Ethanol takes the spotlight in two high-octane events in late February in Florida.  NASCAR’s season-opening Daytona 500 is Feb. 26 and the seventh annual Growth Energy Executive Leadership Conference is Feb. 20-23. As a former driver, the team owner of Richard Childress Racing (RCR) and a believer in the importance of homegrown renewable fuels, I couldn’t be more thrilled to see these two events align. This year’s conference theme is Full Throttle and I believe that it’s as important to go full throttle in the real world as it is on the race track.

At RCR, we are proud to partner with this American-grown, American-made industry for many reasons. Biofuels, like ethanol, keep money we would normally send abroad for oil in the U.S., creating jobs and economic activity here at home instead of overseas. We have a unique platform to share this message with race fans and to demonstrate that E15 is a reliable, high performance fuel that can withstand the toughest driving conditions. Nationwide, moving to E15 will create another 136,000 American jobs that can’t be outsourced, reduce our demand for foreign oil by 7 billion gallons and reduce greenhouse gas emissions relative to regular gasoline, all while saving consumers between 5 and 15 cents per gallon at the pump. From RCR’s perspective, we should be doing things that help drivers adopt biofuels and encourage companies to produce advanced and cellulosic biofuels.

Of course, we didn’t become successful by not paying attention to the performance details of our race cars. In 2011, NASCAR switched to a 15 percent ethanol fuel blend, Sunoco Green E15. After several tests done by our engineers at ECR Engines, we have seen increased horsepower from the higher-octane ethanol fuel blend, decreased emissions and an overall cooler running engine. RCR and ECR Engines have even tested ethanol blends up to E30, finding no issues. These are areas our team of talented engineers and mechanics are really excited about.

The final formulation of Sunoco Green E15 was the result of extensive analysis by Sunoco scientists and the support of over 100 members of the technical areas of the NASCAR Research and Development Center, nearly all of the race teams, their engine shops and the extended NASCAR green team. After over a year and a half of work on the lab bench, the engine dynamometer and in thousands of miles of live on-track endurance testing of a range of fuel blend levels from substantially below to substantially greater than 15 percent ethanol, Sunoco Green E15 was selected. E15 provided the optimal synergy of high performance as reflected by roughly 10 additional horsepower on average over the prior fuel, and 100 percent reliability on the track.

E15 is a great fuel for RCR and for the entire NASCAR community. Now in its sixth season of use, the fuel has been used in over 8 million miles of racing with zero reported engine problems or increased maintenance issues. As a lifelong fan of the sport, I am certain that the switch to a higher blend of ethanol has been a great move by NASCAR. The transition has been seamless; we’re proud of our connection to the ethanol industry and all of the good that it’s doing for our country. I hope the attendees of the Growth Energy Executive Leadership Conference enjoy the Daytona 500 and are inspired to go full throttle in 2016. With the right energy, strategy and momentum, I believe that the ethanol industry will finish in victory lane.

Read the original story: Going Full Throttle With Ethanol

Ethanol Producer Magazine

February 12, 2016

By Susanne Retka Schill

The renewable fuel standard (RFS) does not expire in 2022, but an analysis of the statute reveals major changes could occur. University of Illinois economist Jonathan Coppess examined recent RFS discussions regarding the RFS in campaign coverage in a FarmDoc Daily post, “Following-up on RFS Questions.”

The statute does not contain a sunset or end date provision, writes Coppess, but setting the annual mandates becomes more discretionary for the U.S. EPA. “After 2022, the applicable volumetric mandates for renewable fuels are to be determined by the EPA administrator,” he writes, “and based on analysis of the impact of the production and use of renewable fuels on various matters such as environment factors, U.S. energy security, infrastructure, cost to consumers of using renewable fuels and other factors including job creation and food and commodity prices.” Estimates of expected commercial renewable fuel production are to be included as well.

Two features of the post-2022 provisions speak to the current discussions around the agency’s interpretation of its waiver authority—specifically consumer and infrastructure considerations. “On one hand, Congress included issues related to the ultimate consumer and fueling infrastructure (the blend wall) in EPA's volumetric determinations. On the other hand, however, those matters are included only for determinations made after 2022 when the statutory levels (and arguably the waiver authority) no longer apply. Additionally, these are among a large set of factors within six categories for EPA to consider and all of the analysis is to be based upon a review of implementation of the RFS during the calendar years leading up to 2022.”

Another feature in the statute affects the impact of waiver decisions already made by the EPA. “If any of the statutory mandated levels are reduced by at least 20 percent for two consecutive years or at least 50 percent in any single year, the EPA administrator is given the authority to write a rule modifying the applicable volumes for all years that follow the final year of the waiver, except that this modification cannot take place prior to 2016,” Coppess writes, citing the statute language.  That already has happened regarding advanced and cellulosic biofuels, but did not occur for other fuels in the modified mandates for 2014-’16, though it came close, he points out.

Crossing that 20 percent threshold in future years could become easier, if EPA’s interpretation of its waiver authority prevails. The ethanol industry has brought suit to challenge that, however. “The fact that EPA's use of the waiver authority could also set it up to completely modify the statute might well impact a judge's review of the reasonableness of EPA's arguments,” Coppess writes, adding the outcome of the litigation is “very much unknown.”

To read his full analysis, including citations to specific statute language, click here.

To read the original story: Economist: No Sunset for RFS, Waivers Impact Future Authority

Ethanol Producer Magazine

February 11, 2016

By Kassidi Andres

New research by American Coalition for Ethanol President Ron Alverson indicates life cycle modeling has demonstrated significant improvement in emissions performance of the corn-based ethanol life cycle, with continued improvements expected during the next few years.


Alverson conducted research based on the Greenhouse gases Regulated Emissions and Energy use in Transportation model. The model was developed by Argonne National Laboratory to evaluate the life cycle emissions of various fuel combinations, including ethanol and gasoline and ethanol-gasoline blends.

According to the national lab, "The peer-reviewed model has laid to rest some long-held misunderstandings about ethanol (EtOH) and its important role in reducing petroleum use and greenhouse gas emissions. In terms of key energy and environmental benefits, Argonne’s GREET shows that cornstarch ethanol clearly outpaces petroleum-based fuels, and that tomorrow’s cellulose-based ethanol would do even better."

According to Alverson’s research, life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with ethanol have dropped by approximately 60 percent over the last 25 years and will continue to decrease with improvements in production efficiencies and negative land-use change.

GREET’s calculations show that the fossil energy input per unit of ethanol is lower, with 0.78 million British thermal units (Btu) of fossil energy consumed for each 1 million Btu of ethanol delivered. In comparison, 1.23 million Btu of fossil energy consumed for each 1 million Btu of gasoline delivered.

Read the original story: ACE: GREET Shows Improvement in Life Cycle Ethanol Emissions

Ethanol Producer Magazine

February 9, 2016

By Susanne Retka Schill

A 25 million bushel increase in projected corn use for ethanol in USDA’s February supply-demand report is partially offsetting a 50 million bushel lower export forecast. Corn imports are projected 10 million bushels higher based on recent imports of corn into southeastern U.S. feed markets and corn exports are projected 50 million bushels lower as larger supplies of South American corn further increase competition for U.S. exports. The result is USDA is projecting feed grain ending stocks for the 2015-’16 crop year higher by 35 million bushels. USDA narrowed its projected range for season-average farm prices by 5 cents on both ends to $3.35 to $3.85 per bushel.

The increase in ethanol use projections are based on the strong pace of ethanol production during January, as indicated by weekly Energy Information Administration data and higher forecast gasoline consumption. Corn use for ethanol is now projected to reach 5.225 billion bushels, up from 5.2 billion in the January report. That compares with 5.124 billion used in the 2013-’14 marketing year (beginning Sept. 1) and the estimated 5.209 billion bushels in 2014-’15.

Global coarse grain supplies for 2015-’16 are projected 1.3 million tons higher.  Higher Brazil and Argentina corn production more than offset lower corn beginning stocks in these same countries and lower production elsewhere.  Brazil and Argentina 2015-’16 beginning stocks are lowered with higher 2014-’15 exports.  Brazil corn production for 2015-’16 is raised 2.5 million tons based on higher first-crop yields and indications that strong domestic corn prices, reflecting the devalued local currency, will increase second-crop plantings.  Argentina corn production is increased 1.4 million tons on higher area.  Argentina corn production is revised higher for 2014-’15, also on higher area.  South Africa corn production for 2015-’16 is lowered 1.0 million tons, as continued historic drought conditions further reduce crop prospects despite some stabilizing rain during the month of January.  Indonesia corn production is reduced 500,000 tons. 

Global coarse grain consumption for 2015-’16 is raised 900,000 tons with foreign consumption up 200,000 tons. The largest change this month is a 2.0-million-ton increase in China corn feed use as relative internal market prices are expected to support greater corn feeding at the expense of wheat.  Corn use is also increased for Mexico, India and Turkey.  Partially offsetting are corn feeding reductions for Brazil and Argentina. Sorghum feed use is lowered for Mexico. 

Global coarse grain imports for 2015-’16 are raised 4.3 million tons with corn imports higher for South Africa, Iran, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Turkey.  Corn exports are raised for Brazil, Argentina, and South Africa, but lowered for the United States.  Barley exports are raised for Argentina and Kazakhstan, with higher imports for Saudi Arabia.  Global coarse grain ending stocks for 2015-’16 are slightly higher, as larger barley and rye stocks more than offset a small reduction for corn.

Read the original story: Corn Use for Ethanol Offsets Lower USDA Export Forecast