In the News

Congressman Peterson

Apr 10, 2020

Washington, D.C - Representative Collin Peterson, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, led fellow members of the Biofuels Caucus in urging Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to direct funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to support the biofuels industry. Biofuels plants across the nation have idled production as stay at home orders reduce demand for fuel and the profitability of biofuels production.

“Biofuels production is an important piece of the agriculture economy and I urge the Secretary to use the resources Congress appropriated to support this sector through the financial stress caused by COVID-19,” said Peterson.  “The biofuels industry entered this crisis behind the curve following the last few years of disastrous management of the RFS program by the EPA. The biofuels industry is going to need significant support to weather this disaster.”

Dozens of biofuels plants across the country have idled some or all of their production since March 1st. Of the roughly 200 ethanol plants in the U.S., roughly 30 have shut down, and another 80 have reduced production by 50% or more. Biofuels plants consume millions of bushels of grain each year. They also produce low-cost livestock feed products (dried distillers grains) and are a major producer of CO2 gas used by hospitals and food processors.

Chairman Peterson is co-chair of the Congressional Biofuels Caucus, a bipartisan group of Members of Congress who advocate for homegrown renewable fuel policies that boost farmer incomes and reduce dependence on foreign oil. He is also the sponsor of the Renewable Fuel Standard Integrity Act of 2019, a bill which provides certainty to the biofuels industry by setting an annual deadline for small refinery exemption applications and bringing transparency to the process.

Full text of the letter can be found here.

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Apr 7, 2020

A group of 15 senators sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue on April 6 urging the USDA to use funds allocated to the agency’s Commodity Credit Corp. by the CARES Act to provide financial assistance to the biofuel industry.

“We are concerned about our nation’s biofuel sector during the unprecedented economic circumstances brought on by the national pandemic of COVID-19,” the senators wrote.

The letter explains that that the pandemic has caused motor fuel use to rapidly decrease. “This dynamic comes on top of EPA’s failure to implement the RFS in accordance with the law, including the issuance of illegal small refinery waivers and the recent failure to enforce ethanol blending requirements,” the senators continued. “As the consumption of motor fuel continues to decrease in response to COVID-19, it is important to note that most U.S. gasoline contains at least 10 percent ethanol.”

“We are concerned for the many farmers and producers who will bear the impact of this decrease in consumption, further damaging an already hurting rural economy and resulting in the closing of production facilities that employ many people in rural communities in our home states,” the senators wrote. 

Decreased fuel consumption has caused many biofuel plants to idle. The letter cites industry data that indicates more than 4 billion gallons of ethanol production has ceased production. “The CCC was created to stabilize, support and protect farm income and prices while also maintaining balanced and adequate supplies of agricultural commodities and aids in their orderly distribution,” the senators wrote.

“Farm income and prices for corn and other crop commodities are directly linked to the health of the renewable fuel industry,” they continued. “Ethanol plants use 40 percent of all corn grown in the United States. Among other feedstocks, biodiesel and renewable diesel producers currently use over 8 billion pounds of soybean oil a year, creating demand that adds 13 percent to the cash price of a bushel of soybeans. We have seen a significant drop in the price of corn and soybeans because of the decline in demand. Keeping plants open is vital for our states and we ask that you use the authority given by Congress to assist the biofuel industry during extremely difficult times. We are supportive of the proposals the biofuel industry has put forward to reimburse feedstocks and also believe that adding additional CCC funds to the Higher-Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program will drive future biofuel demand.”

The letter is signed by Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa; Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill,; Joni Ernst, R-Iowa; Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisc.; Deb Fischer, R-Neb.; Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Roy Blunt, R-Mo.; Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill.; M. Michael Rounds, R-S.D.; Tina Smith, D-Minn.; Josh Hawley, R-Mo.; Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio; Ben Sasse, R-Neb.; Jerry Moran, R-Kan.; and John Thune, R-S.D.

Representatives of the biofuels industry have spoken out to applaud the senators for sending the letter.

“Once again, renewable fuel champions in the Senate are working tirelessly to stand up for an industry that is vitally important to rural America,” said Geoff Cooper, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association. “We thank them for recognizing the unprecedented challenges facing ethanol producers today and seeking solutions to help our industry weather this storm. Ethanol prices have plunged to record lows, stocks are at all-time highs, and plants throughout the Heartland are shutting down. As ethanol serves as the largest market for U.S. corn growers, the well-being of the ethanol industry is directly linked to farm income and the livelihood of farm families across the nation. We agree with the senators that providing assistance to the renewable fuels industry would be an appropriate and timely use of emergency relief funding appropriated to USDA.”

Cooper noted that, as of April 6, 41 ethanol plants with an annual production capacity of 3.2 billion gallons have been fully idled, while 66 plants have reduced their output rates by a collective 1.8 billion gallons. Another 13 plants with 800 million gallons of capacity were closed or idled due to other factors prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, he said, a total of about 5.8 billion gallons of capacity is idle today, representing more than a third of the industry’s total production capacity. On an annualized basis, this would represent a potential lost demand for 1.7 billion bushels of corn.

“We applaud our Senate champions for their ongoing efforts to protect rural communities, where farmers and biofuel producers have been stretched beyond the breaking point,” said Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy. “The plunge in biofuel demand sparked by COVID-19 has generated a perfect storm, adding to the burdens created by a foreign price war over oil, continued trade barriers, and regulatory uncertainty here at home. Nearly half the industry may be offline within weeks, and without swift and decisive action in Washington, many more may soon halt grain purchases or close their doors completely. The USDA should act quickly to implement the urgent call from lawmakers and safeguard farm and biofuel jobs.”

A full copy of the letter can be downloaded from Grassley’s website.

Read the original story here

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Apr 2, 2020

The U.S. exported 194.16 million gallons of ethanol and 852,904 tons of distillers grains in February, according to data released by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service on April 2. Exports of both products were up when compared to February 2019.

The 194.16 million gallons of U.S. ethanol exported in February was up significantly from both the 151.23 million gallon exported the previous month and the 113.82 million gallons exported during the same month of the previous year.

The U.S. exported ethanol to approximately three dozen countries in February. Brazil remained the top importer of U.S. ethanol with 56.1 million gallons, followed by India with 47.6 million gallons and Canada with 29.44 million gallons.

The value of U.S. ethanol exports reached $323 million in February, up from $256.53 million in January and $186.78 million in January 2019.

Total ethanol exports for the first two months of the year reached 345.4 million gallons at a value of $579.53 million, compared to 241.73 million gallons at a value of $377.82 million for the same period of last year.

The 852,904 tons of distillers grains exported in February was down from the 976,688 tons exported in January, but up from the 686,005 tons exported in February of the previous year.

The U.S. exported distillers grains to nearly three dozen countries in February. Mexico was the top destination for U.S. distillers grains exports with 165,609 tons, followed by South Korea with 127,776 tons and Indonesia with 102,117 tons.

The value of U.S. distillers grains was at $178.24 million in February, down from $199.48 million the previous month, but up from $143.11 million in February 2019.

The U.S. exported a total of 1.83 million tons of distillers grains during the first two months of this year at a value of $377.72 million, compared to 1.49 million tons at a value of $315.48 during the same period of 2019.

Additional data is available on the USDA FAS website

Read the original story here.

Argus Media

April 1, 2020

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is allowing previously unapproved ethanol producers to make industrial-use product for hand sanitizer, which is in high demand amid the spread of coronavirus.

The agency released guidance and standards to produce ethanol that is to be used as an "active pharmaceutical ingredient" (API) because of inquiries from ethanol producers that are not approved to produce API grade alcohol despite possessing the capability to do so.

The FDA will not prevent or punish previously unapproved ethanol plants from producing API grade alcohol so long as it is no less than 94.9pc ethanol by volume. The ethanol must also be denatured by the producer or by the time it is an ingredient of a finished hand sanitizer product.

Production reallocated to making sanitizer products is not expected to provide notable increases to overall ethanol demand, according to the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA).

"The volume of ethanol that is being supplied for hand sanitizer and similar products is small overall, especially relative to fuel use of ethanol, so we do not expect it to be a major driver of ethanol demand in the months ahead," said RFA chief executive Geoff Cooper.

Some plants have already pivoted to producing hand sanitizer. In his 27 March earnings call, Pacific Ethanol chief executive Neil Khoeler reported that the company's sale of industrial-use ethanol had doubled ( to fight the spread of coronavirus.

Parties looking to produce API grade alcohol must register their facility online with the FDA but will be automatically approved to begin production.

Read the original story here: FDA Allowing More Ethanol Plants To Make Sanitizer

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Mar 31, 2020

The USDA expects U.S. farmers to plant 97 million acres of corn in 2020, up 8 percent or 7.29 million acres from 2019. Compared with 2019, planted acreage for corn is expected to be up or unchanged in 38 of the 48 estimating states, according to data released in the agency’s Prospective Plantings report, released March 31.

Farmers in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota and Kansas are expected to lead the nation when it comes to planted corn acres. Approximately 14.1 million acres of corn are expected to be planted in Iowa, up from 13.5 million in 2019. Corn acres in Illinois are expected to reach 11.3 million, up from 10.5 million last year. In Nebraska, farmers are expected to plant 10.5 million acres of corn, up from 10.1 million in 2019, while corn acres in Kansas are expected to fall to 6.3 million, down from 6.4 million last year.

The report projects that corn acreage will grow most significantly in South Dakota, where farmers are expected to plant 6 million acres of corn this year, up from 4.35 million acres in 2019. If realized, 2020 corn acreage in the state will be at 138 percent of 2019 levels.

A full copy of the report can be downloaded from the USDA website.

Read the original story here

Star Tribune

Mar 25, 2020

Chippewa Valley Ethanol at least has some consolation during grim times for the biofuel industry. The west-central Minnesota company also churns out industrial alcohol, a key ingredient in hand sanitizer.

“It’s nice to have a little product diversity,” said Chad Friese, Chippewa Valley’s CEO. “In a market like this, it makes a difference.

Much of the ethanol industry has been floundering in red ink for the last year, hurt by a glut of supply and declining demand due to trade restrictions and a flood of federal exemptions on ethanol use by smaller oil refineries.

Now, with much of the country’s economy shut down, demand for transportation fuel has nose-dived and so have ethanol prices. However, during the COVID-19 outbreak, the need for sanitizers — and the industrial alcohol that goes in it — has spiked, helping some U.S. ethanol producers, including one in Minnesota.

“I haven’t seen ethanol prices this low since the mid-1990s,” said Brian Kletscher, CEO of Highwater Ethanol and current board president of the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association, a trade group.

None of Minnesota’s 17 operating ethanol plants have temporarily shut down due to the current crisis. But like their peers across the Midwest’s ethanol belt, they are contemplating cutting biofuel production if they haven’t already.

Highwater Ethanol in the southwestern Minnesota town of Lamberton cut output by 20% on March 19, Kletscher said.

He said he has heard “rumblings” of other Minnesota ethanol plants doing the same. Throughout the country, the ethanol industry is trimming production by 20%, he said. Indeed, output will have to be curtailed if the ethanol storage system — tanks, even rail cars — fills up.

Minnesota is the nation’s fourth-largest ethanol producer and hosts 17 operating biofuels plants. The ethanol sector is an important part of the state’s agricultural economy.

Under the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard, most fuel sold as gasoline is required to include 10% ethanol. President Donald Trump’s administration has increased the number of ethanol hardship waivers for smaller refineries, incensing biofuel makers that say it cuts demand for their product.

Now, with COVID-19 paralyzing much of the economy, demand for transportation fuel has been whacked.

“I think we will see demand destruction of 25 to 30 percent, or even up to 40 percent over the next month due to COVID-19,” Kletscher said. New York and California, two states that have been virtually shut down by their governors, are two of the nation’s biggest fuel markets, he added.

The duration of the public safety lockdowns, of course, will likely determine the depth of the ethanol industry’s troubles.

“When we get through this, people will be antsy to get out,” Kletscher said. “We are getting close to the driving season, too, and that will also increase demand.”

Chippewa Valley Ethanol in Benson is getting pummeled by declining fuel demand, too, but unlike other biofuel plants in Minnesota it produces industrial alcohol. Normally a staid, niche market, industrial alcohol demand is hot.

“We have been in this market for many years, and have just seen some large growth,” said Chippewa CEO Chad Friese. “We have a strong customer base in the sanitizer market.”

Normally, industrial alcohol accounts for about 15% of Chippewa Valley’s production, with ethanol making up the rest, Friese said. But with the COVID-19 crisis, that percentage has risen to 20% and even as high as 22%.

Making industrial alcohol from ethanol requires a further step in distillation. It also requires permits from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Chippewa Valley, a longtime producer, has both.

If the ethanol demand slump is prolonged, other ethanol makers may also seek such licenses and rejigger their production setup to produce industrial alcohol, Kletscher said.

Read the original story here


Mar 25, 2020

Time has run out for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to challenge a federal court ruling that would limit the agency’s use of waivers exempting small oil refineries from the country’s biofuels regulations.

The EPA had until the end of March 24 to file a challenge, but by early March 25, no such filing had been entered, according to a Reuters review of the case docket though the U.S. government’s electronic public access service for court records.

A decision by the administration of President Donald Trump not to appeal the ruling would mark a big win for the U.S. corn lobby and a blow to the oil industry.

Oil refiners say the waivers have been crucial to keeping small refineries in business, but the agriculture industry believes they have been over used and have cut into demand for corn-based ethanol.

Under the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard, refiners are required to blend billions of gallons of ethanol into their gasoline every year, a boon for corn farmers. But the EPA can give out waivers to small facilities that prove that compliance would put them in financial straits.

The waiver program was cast into question in January after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Trump administration had been too free with the waivers and set a standard for the exemptions that would greatly reduce the numbers of waivers the EPA can give out in the future.

The EPA has been considering its response since.

EPA and White House officials did not comment on the issue on Wednesday.

Sources told Reuters earlier this month that the Trump administration was likely to adhere to the ruling and apply it nationally.

The agency, meanwhile, was discussing the possibility of other measures to ease the financial burden on refiners, including instituting a cap or other restrictions on the price of biofuel blending credits that they must acquire to show compliance with the RFS, the sources said.

Read the original story here.

Mar 20, 2020

United States Senator Amy Klobuchar

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) joined a bipartisan effort with 14 of their Senate colleagues urging President Trump to support the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) as coronavirus pushes ethanol prices to record lows. Their request comes following news that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may appeal a recent unanimous decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals concerning small refinery exemptions.

With the drop in oil prices related to coronavirus and the pandemic’s projected decrease in gasoline consumption, some experts are projecting a reduction in corn used for ethanol production of 120 to 170 million bushels.

The Tenth Circuit ruling found that the EPA had abused the use of small refinery hardship waivers under the RFS, eliminating demand for billions of gallons of demand for renewable fuels and hurting rural communities, farmers, clean energy producers, and agribusinesses. 

“The RFS has been a critical economic driver for rural America and the agricultural industry in each of our states. Farm country has taken successive blows from low commodity prices, trade disruptions, inclement weather, and continued uncertainty over the RFS,” the Senators wrote. “Now, with the global economy bracing for the full consequences of the coronavirus, upholding this court decision is a small step that will have a resounding benefit for farmers and ethanol stakeholders who are on the ropes.”

For years, Klobuchar has been a leader in the fight to strengthen the RFS to support American jobs and decrease dependence on foreign oil. Klobuchar has led several letters urging the Administration to cease issuing small refinery waivers and reject changes to the RFS that would upend stability and predictability for small businesses and rural communities. In December 2019, Klobuchar  In November 2019, Klobuchar led a public comment letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler expressing concern over the proposed supplemental rule establishing the Renewable Fuel Standard’s (RFS) 2020 Renewable Volume Obligations and 2021 Biomass-Based Diesel Volumes. In October 2019, Klobuchar sent a letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue asking the agency to document the impact of small refinery waivers on farm income, commodity prices, and renewable fuel usage. Klobuchar has also led a bipartisan push for the EPA to allow for the year-round sale of E15, including letters to the Administration urging them to expand waivers for the sale of E15 in the summer months. Klobuchar is an original cosponsor of the bipartisan Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act, which would amend the Clean Air Act to allow for the year-round sale of E15.

Smith has long fought for a strong RFS. In October 2019, Smith pressed U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephen Censky about the Administration’s policy on the amount of corn-based ethanol and other renewable fuels blended into the nation’s gasoline supply at a Senate Agriculture Committee hearing. Smith has also pressed EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler to take action, pointing out that the granting of waivers had increased by 370 percent since 2016, with “small refinery” waivers going to large oil companies under the Trump Administration.

Read the letter here