In the News

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Jan 16, 2015

By Holly Jessen

The ethanol industry is reacting to efforts in the U.S. Senate to add an amendment to the Keystone pipeline bill to alter the renewable fuel standard (RFS). 

Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., have attached an amendment that would eliminate corn ethanol from the RFS to the Keystone bill that is currently before the Senate.

Bob Dinneen, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, released the following statement:

“The Feinstein/Toomey amendment is founded upon a false premise. The sponsors claim the so-called corn ethanol mandate drives up the price of corn, food, and gas. The fact of the matter is that corn is less expensive today than when the RFS was passed in 2007. There is simply no truth to the notion that ethanol has driven up the price of food. In fact, the UN concluded that food prices are driven more by the price of energy than the cost of commodities. To that point, ethanol has been less expensive than gas for the better part of the past four years and has helped reduce consumer pain at the pump.

“This amendment is an unnecessary solution to an imaginary problem. If approved, it would set our nation’s energy, economic, and climate agenda back decades.”

A statement from Tom Buis CEO of Growth Energy, said:  

“This legislation is incredibly shortsighted. Nearly identical legislation has been introduced in the past and has always failed to gain any traction since a majority of Senators understand the importance of homegrown American renewable fuels. This amendment would eviscerate the RFS - the most successful energy policy enacted in the last 40 years. It will continue to keep us addicted to foreign oil and more than anything, it seems like this legislation is appeasing the wishes of Big Oil and Big Food.

“Additionally, this legislation is based on false, misleading information. To blame ethanol for an increase in the price of food may make for good rhetoric, but it is completely devoid of any facts to back it up. Corn ethanol is not the cause of high prices; it is the price of oil. Even the World Bank outlined how crude oil prices are responsible for over 50 percent of the increase in food prices since 2004. Countess studies have shown that oil prices, Wall Street speculators and the high costs of manufacturing, packaging and transportation are the true culprits driving up food prices.  Furthermore, 2014 yielded a record corn crop and the price of corn dropped precipitously throughout the harvest, even as food costs increased.

“The authors of this legislation fail to understand the actual process of how ethanol is produced," Buis said. "Only the starch is removed, while all of the valuable components – the fiber, oil and protein is returned to the food chain in the form of a high protein animal feed.

The statement went on to point to ethanol's environmental benefits and called it a "concession to the demands of Big Oil and Big Food."

Read the original story here : RFS Amendment Would Set U.S. Energy Agenda Back Decades

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Jan 13, 2015

By Erin Voegele

The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the January issue of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, which includes its first short-term prediction of 2016 ethanol production levels.

Within the STEO, the EIA reported ethanol production in December reached a record of 979,000 barrels per day, exceeding the previous record of 968,000 barrels per day set in November. Ethanol production averaged approximately 935,000 barrels per day last year, and is expected to average 936,000 barrels per day this year. In 2016, the EIA predicts ethanol production will increase to 937,000 barrels per day.

According to the EIA, biodiesel production averaged 81,000 barrels per day last year and is forecast to average 84,000 barrels per day this year and in 2016.

EIA data indicates weekly regulator gasoline retail prices averaged $2.14 per gallon on Jan. 12, the lowest since May 4, 2009. The EIA predicts gasoline prices will average $2.16 per gallon during the first quarter of this year, and average $2.33 per gallon in 2015. Gasoline prices averaged $3.36 per gallon last year. In 2016, gasoline prices are expected to increase, averaging $2.72 per gallon.

The EIA’s most recent weekly ethanol production data indicates production averaged 949,000 barrels per day the week ending Jan. 2, down from 972,000 barrels per day the week ending Dec. 26. The U.S. set a new weekly production record during the week ending Dec. 19, when production averaged 992,000 barrels per day.

The U.S. exported nearly 1.89 million barrels of ethanol in October, and increase from the 1.35 million barrels exported in September. The U.S. also imported 30,000 barrels of ethanol in October, up from 7,000 barrels in September.

Read the original story here : EIA Predicts Increased Ethanol Production In 2015 and 2016

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Jan 12, 2015

By Holly Jessen

A Minnesota ethanol producer is having success with its efforts to provide E85 directly to gas retailers, bringing lower-priced E85 to Minnesota drivers. In fact, on Jan. 12, the Cenex gas station in Alexandria, Minnesota, was selling E85 for only 85 cents a gallon, exactly $1 cheaper than E10, as part of an E85 price agreement with DENCO II, an ethanol plant in Morris, Minnesota.

The 24 MMgy plant first installed a blending skid in 2011. “It’s definitely the right thing to do for the industry and for the consumers in the local market,” said Carson Berger, commodities risk manager of the ethanol plant.” We have the fuel right here.” 

The company grew its direct sales program from a very small percent of production to about 10 percent. And it's still growing. “Over past year we have more than doubled our E85 sales and we have plans to double it again,” he said, adding that it has provided the company with added marketing flexibility.

In all, DENCO II supplies E85 directly to 45 gas stations. The company sends out its prices in a daily email, direct to station owners and sells E85 on a daily or contract basis, he said. Other Minnesota ethanol plants that provide E85 direct to retailers include Chippewa Valley Ethanol Co., Bushmills Ethanol Inc. and a Poet LLC plant.

Thirteen stations are part of DENCO II’s price promotion, which started April 2013 and will continue at least through March, Berger told Ethanol Producer Magazine. Like the Cenex station in Alexandria selling E85 for 85 cents, the gas stations sell DENCO II E85 for $1 less than E10. As of Jan. 9, three gas stations in Morris, where the plant is located, were selling E85 for 95 cents and E10 for $1.95. Other west central Minnesota gas stations that are part of the price promotion include Glenwood, Hancock and Wheaton.

As a blender, DENCO II separates and sells renewable identification numbers (RINs), which allows the company to sell E85 for less to retailers, enabling retailers to sell E85 for less to consumers. According to the Jan. 12 Atlas Markets daily price email, RINs are currently priced between 71 to 75 cents for 2013 and 2014 D6 RINs. Because DENCO collects 100,000 or more RINs in a month, it can more easily wade into the RINs market than a gas retailer could, Berger said, adding that, “it’s difficult to sell RINs in smaller lots.”

The direct sales program isn’t as simple as just installing a blending skid at the plant, notifying area gas stations about E85 prices from the plant and hoping for success, Berger said. The company has put a lot of work in, developing relationships with retailers and getting them on board with E85. Retailers who are used to selling regular gas need education about new fuel blends and help with marketing. DENCO II works with Growth Energy to supply the stations with the information and material they need to market E85 and other ethanol blends properly.

Selling E85 to gas retailers hasn’t only been successful for the ethanol plants. “We’ve seen stations increase their sales volume by 700 percent,” he said, adding that with the current low E85 prices, retailers are seeing ripple effects. “The consumer has more dollars in their pocket and retailers have found that some of the savings on the fuel side will come into the store and be spent on retail goods, like candy bars and pop,” he said.

Read the original story here : Ethanol Plant Brings 85 cent E85 To Minnesota

Gevo Inc

Jan 8, 2015

Gevo Inc, the world's only commercial producer of renewable isobutanol, today reported an update on the progress of the Side-by-Side operational mode (SBS) of its plant in Luverne, MN.

In June 2014, Gevo commenced the co-production of isobutanol and ethanol at Luverne, with one fermenter dedicated to isobutanol production and three fermenters dedicated to ethanol production. Gevo had articulated a goal of reaching isobutanol production levels of 50-100 thousand gallons per month by the end of 2014. In the month of December, Gevo produced over 50 thousand gallons of isobutanol, meeting the Company's stated goal.

Other key highlights since the last plant update provided in Gevo's third quarter earnings release include:

Implementation of a second-generation yeast isobutanol biocatalyst at Luverne that significantly improves plant operability.

Increased the isobutanol fermentation rate by approximately 20% versus the best performing batch using the first-generation yeast.

Can produce in operating conditions that enable further mitigation of potential infections, as well as the improved management of the iDGs animal feed co-product.

This second-generation yeast platform, which is a product of a new yeast modification capability developed by Gevo, speeds up the development and implementation of new traits in Gevo's yeast through high-speed combinatorial techniques.

NAPA Myers Auto Parts began selling off-road fuel developed by Gulf Racing Fuels containing blends of up to 16% of Gevo's renewable isobutanol in North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and Minnesota for use in boats, ATVs, motorcycles and snowmobiles.

"We are very pleased to have achieved our milestone of producing over 50 thousand gallons of isobutanol in a month, while continuing the co-production of ethanol. Since announcing in March 2014 that we would be switching Luverne over to SBS, we have consistently met our operational targets. I would like to thank the entire Gevo team for all of their hard work in continuing to prove out isobutanol production at a commercial scale. We are also extremely excited to have implemented our new yeast biocatalyst at Luverne. We believe that this yeast platform will enable even greater progress of our commercial isobutanol production," said Dr. Patrick Gruber, Gevo's CEO.

"The anticipated benefits of switching Luverne to SBS have borne out. Producing alcohol in all four fermenters improves the operating environment for the optimization of our isobutanol production by creating a continuous and stable mash flow and a more consistent recycle of water through the plant. SBS has also dramatically improved the cash flow profile of the plant. In fact, we estimate that the plant operated at roughly an EBITDA breakeven level in November. Overall, we believe that we have made tremendous progress in proving out our isobutanol technology for potential licensees," Gruber added.

"We are also very encouraged by the enthusiasm of the market to adopt Gulf Racing Fuels' gasoline blends with Gevo's renewable isobutanol for marine and off-road applications. These are ideal markets to demonstrate isobutanol's beneficial properties and set the stage for entry into the larger on-road market," he said.


Read more about Gevo here

Renewable Fuels Association

Jan 6, 2015

By Robert White

Every week I hear from consumers with questions on ethanol and what it does to their fuel. Most don’t understand that the composition of gasoline, along with the refining process, has changed dramatically over the past two decades. They automatically assume that anything negative has to be caused by ethanol. Nearly all of them will admit that nothing has happened to them, but they have been told a story, or seen an advertisement that made them nervous. Many companies have jumped on this fear and the anti-ethanol movement. When Big Oil spends millions to denounce ethanol, it creates an opportunity to sell products to consumers they don’t truly need.

This year at Sturgis I found an “octane enhancer” bottle near our fueling position. RFA was again giving away free 93 octane E10 (10% ethanol) to riders. Our summer intern that was filling the tank said someone was through and was concerned the ethanol didn’t have enough octane, and added this product before he left. My curiosity got the best of me, and I had to know what the secret ingredient was for this product. The AMSOIL Dominator Octane Boost wasn’t trying to hide it; ingredients were listed on the back. The product is 60–100% #2 diesel. You can read the MSDS Sheet here. Let’s think about this for a second. This gentleman was trying ethanol-blended fuel, supposedly for the first time, and due to his fear, AMSOIL had convinced him to add #2 diesel to his motorcycle’s fuel tank? We didn’t see the man again, but I did wonder what he would blame if he had issues... the ethanol, the gasoline or the diesel?

Recently, I spotted someone promoting a new product on Twitter.  This product, BG Ethanol Fuel System Drier, claims that it “defends engines against the water that accumulates in ethanol-blended fuel.” The supplier advertising on Twitter claimed it “goes in ethanol & absorbs moisture to prevent freezing.” When I pointed out the fact that is what ethanol does for gasoline, they quickly responded with an “awesome, thanks” and blocked me from seeing their future Tweets.  But, my curiosity got the best of me again, and I went hunting for more information on this product. I easily found the MSDS Sheet and found that this product is 60–100% alcohol. So, again, the consumers that are concerned with the amount of ethanol (alcohol) in their fuel are being marketed by BG to add more alcohol? That this product will cure a problem that doesn’t exist, that ethanol has already remedied? Just to further my point, in just 5 minutes of research, I collected this list of products that contain over 60% alcohol that claim to fix an ethanol issue:

Evinrude 2-4 Fuel Conditioner

Formula X2

K100 Fuel Treatment

Consumers are faced with a barrage of information dailty, but one thing is consistent. They should all do their own research. I understand that convincing people to read an MSDS sheet is not ever going to be easy, but the label is a good start. RFA will continue its efforts to add more transparency to the marketing of the additive manufacturers. The best advice to give to consumers is for them to read their owner's manuals and follow the advice of the company that provides the warranty, and built the product. Not someone trying to sell you some snake oil.

Read the original story here : Read The Label!

Every week I hear from consumers with questions on ethanol and what it does to their fuel. Most don’t understand that the composition of gasoline, along with the refining process, has changed dramatically over the past two decades. They automatically assume that anything negative has to be caused by ethanol. Nearly all of them will admit that nothing has happened to them, but they have been told a story, or seen an advertisement that made them nervous. Many companies have jumped on this fear and the anti-ethanol movement. When Big Oil spends millions to denounce ethanol, it creates an opportunity to sell products to consumers they don’t truly need.

This year at Sturgis I found an “octane enhancer” bottle near our fueling position. RFA was again giving away free 93 octane E10 (10% ethanol) to riders. Our summer intern that was filling the tank said someone was through and was concerned the ethanol didn’t have enough octane, and added this product before he left. My curiosity got the best of me, and I had to know what the secret ingredient was for this product. The AMSOIL Dominator Octane Boost wasn’t trying to hide it; ingredients were listed on the back. The product is 60–100% #2 diesel. You can read the MSDS Sheet here. Let’s think about this for a second. This gentleman was trying ethanol-blended fuel, supposedly for the first time, and due to his fear, AMSOIL had convinced him to add #2 diesel to his motorcycle’s fuel tank? We didn’t see the man again, but I did wonder what he would blame if he had issues... the ethanol, the gasoline or the diesel?

Recently, I spotted someone promoting a new product on Twitter.  This product, BG Ethanol Fuel System Drier, claims that it “defends engines against the water that accumulates in ethanol-blended fuel.” The supplier advertising on Twitter claimed it “goes in ethanol & absorbs moisture to prevent freezing.” When I pointed out the fact that is what ethanol does for gasoline, they quickly responded with an “awesome, thanks” and blocked me from seeing their future Tweets.  But, my curiosity got the best of me again, and I went hunting for more information on this product. I easily found the MSDS Sheet and found that this product is 60–100% alcohol. So, again, the consumers that are concerned with the amount of ethanol (alcohol) in their fuel are being marketed by BG to add more alcohol? That this product will cure a problem that doesn’t exist, that ethanol has already remedied? Just to further my point, in just 5 minutes of research, I collected this list of products that contain over 60% alcohol that claim to fix an ethanol issue:

- See more at:

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Dec 29, 2014

By Sussane Retka Schill

The U.S. ethanol industry is closing out 2014 with a bang, as the ethanol industry has set weekly production records in four of the last five weeks. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reported another week of record-breaking production at 992,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) for the week ending Dec. 19.

U.S. ethanol producers have steadily been ramping up production in recent weeks. According to the EIA, production for the week ending Dec. 12 was 990,000 bbl/d, for the week ending Dec. 5,  988,000 bbl/d, and for the week ending Nov. 21, 982,000 bbl/d. Those production figures top the prior record set earlier this year on the week ending June 13 with its average of 972,000 bbl/d.

 “The most recent weekly data indicates the industry was operating at an annualized rate of more than 15.2 billion gallons per year,” said Geoff Cooper, senior vice president of the Renewable Fuels Association. “2014 will be a record year for annual output, with approximately 14.31 billion gallons of production--that eclipses the previous record of 13.93 billion gallons in 2011.”

Ethanol stocks were holding steady in the last couple of weeks. The EIA reported stocks on hand for the week ending Dec. 19 at 17.6 million barrels, down slightly from the previous week’s ending stocks of 17.7 million barrels. The Dec. 19 ending stocks were up 15.7 percent from the number for the same week last year, which was 15.7 million barrels (the lowest stocks since 2009), and down 13.3 percent from the stocks in the same week two years ago, which numbered 20.3 million barrels. The all-out production levels of 2011 led to price-depressing ethanol stocks in 2012, the peak set in March 2012 at 22.58 million barrels.   

Current stocks are not yet climbing, Cooper said, because “unprecedented ethanol consumption, particularly from the export market, is keeping ethanol stocks in check and ensuring a good supply-demand balance is maintained in the marketplace. Stocks are about 5 percent lower than they were in September, yet production is up about 9 percent since then. Domestic blending demand has picked up in recent weeks too, as ethanol input by U.S. refiners and blenders hit a 10-week high last week.”

In the Dec. 9 Short-Term Energy Outlook, EIA said ethanol production in November reached a monthly average record of 963,000 bbl/d, exceeding the previous record of 959,000 bbl/d set in December 2011. By the end of November, EIA expected ethanol production to average 931,000 bbl/d in 2014 and 948,000 bbl/d in 2015. With the first three weeks of December setting new records, those numbers are likely to ratchet up a bit more.

“The recent production levels should definitely put to rest any notion that the industry can’t produce enough ethanol to meet statutory RFS requirements for 2015 and beyond of 15 billion gallons,” Cooper added.

Read the original story here : US Ethanol Production Runs Full Bore, Sets Record As 2014 Ends


Dec 23, 2014

The Central MN Ethanol Co-op in Little Falls, Minn., has been purchased by Green Biologics Inc., which plans to convert the 21-million-gallon-per-year plant to produce renewable normal butanol, also known as n-butanol, and acetone.

The plant will continue to produce ethanol for the time being, with n-butanol and acetone production beginning in 2016. Its current management and employees will remain.

Green Biologics is a wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of Green Biologics Limited, a UK-based industrial biotechnology and renewable chemicals company.

“We are extremely pleased with the successful closing and look forward to the leadership role that Green Biologics will play in bringing renewable chemicals to commercial reality,” Dana Persson, CEO of Central MN Ethanol Co-op, says in a written statement.

The acquisition was made through Central MN Renewables LLC, an affiliate of Green Biologics.

“This is a great opportunity to help Minnesota maintain its leadership position in renewables, and kick start a new renewable chemicals industry in the state,” Joel Stone, president of Green Biologics Inc. and Central MN Renewables, says in a statement. “We’re pleased with the local and state support from Minnesota, and we’re particularly enthusiastic about the incredibly positive energy from our new team of employees and managers at CMR. We’re also grateful to our corn growers and we look forward to producing clean, renewable chemicals from Minnesota corn.”

N-butanol is used in the production of high-value derivatives such as butyl acrylates, butyl glycol ethers, butyl acetate, amino resins and plasticizers.

Acetone is used in the production of several high-value products, particularly as a solvent in paints, coatings, adhesives, ink, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, electronics and laboratory chemicals.

Green Biologics Ltd., based in Abingdon, England, has a process that converts a wide range of sustainable feedstocks into green chemicals.

The ethanol plant, established in 1995, purchases about 7.5 million bushels of corn annually. It generates income from ethanol and ethanol co-products, including dried distillers grains, wet distillers grain, corn oil and syrup.

Read the original story here : Minn. Ethanol Plant Sold ; New Use Planned

The Central MN Ethanol Co-op in Little Falls, Minn., has been purchased by Green Biologics Inc., which plans to convert the 21-million-gallon-per-year plant to produce renewable normal butanol, also known as n-butanol, and acetone.

The plant will continue to produce ethanol for the time being, with n-butanol and acetone production beginning in 2016. Its current management and employees will remain.

Green Biologics is a wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of Green Biologics Limited, a UK-based industrial biotechnology and renewable chemicals company.

“We are extremely pleased with the successful closing and look forward to the leadership role that Green Biologics will play in bringing renewable chemicals to commercial reality,” Dana Persson, CEO of Central MN Ethanol Co-op, says in a written statement.

The acquisition was made through Central MN Renewables LLC, an affiliate of Green Biologics.

“This is a great opportunity to help Minnesota maintain its leadership position in renewables, and kick start a new renewable chemicals industry in the state,” Joel Stone, president of Green Biologics Inc. and Central MN Renewables, says in a statement. “We’re pleased with the local and state support from Minnesota, and we’re particularly enthusiastic about the incredibly positive energy from our new team of employees and managers at CMR. We’re also grateful to our corn growers and we look forward to producing clean, renewable chemicals from Minnesota corn.”

N-butanol is used in the production of high-value derivatives such as butyl acrylates, butyl glycol ethers, butyl acetate, amino resins and plasticizers.

Acetone is used in the production of several high-value products, particularly as a solvent in paints, coatings, adhesives, ink, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, electronics and laboratory chemicals.

Green Biologics Ltd., based in Abingdon, England, has a process that converts a wide range of sustainable feedstocks into green chemicals.

The ethanol plant, established in 1995, purchases about 7.5 million bushels of corn annually. It generates income from ethanol and ethanol co-products, including dried distillers grains, wet distillers grain, corn oil and syrup.

- See more at:

The Central MN Ethanol Co-op in Little Falls, Minn., has been purchased by Green Biologics Inc., which plans to convert the 21-million-gallon-per-year plant to produce renewable normal butanol, also known as n-butanol, and acetone.

The plant will continue to produce ethanol for the time being, with n-butanol and acetone production beginning in 2016. Its current management and employees will remain.

Green Biologics is a wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of Green Biologics Limited, a UK-based industrial biotechnology and renewable chemicals company.

“We are extremely pleased with the successful closing and look forward to the leadership role that Green Biologics will play in bringing renewable chemicals to commercial reality,” Dana Persson, CEO of Central MN Ethanol Co-op, says in a written statement.

The acquisition was made through Central MN Renewables LLC, an affiliate of Green Biologics.

“This is a great opportunity to help Minnesota maintain its leadership position in renewables, and kick start a new renewable chemicals industry in the state,” Joel Stone, president of Green Biologics Inc. and Central MN Renewables, says in a statement. “We’re pleased with the local and state support from Minnesota, and we’re particularly enthusiastic about the incredibly positive energy from our new team of employees and managers at CMR. We’re also grateful to our corn growers and we look forward to producing clean, renewable chemicals from Minnesota corn.”

N-butanol is used in the production of high-value derivatives such as butyl acrylates, butyl glycol ethers, butyl acetate, amino resins and plasticizers.

Acetone is used in the production of several high-value products, particularly as a solvent in paints, coatings, adhesives, ink, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, electronics and laboratory chemicals.

Green Biologics Ltd., based in Abingdon, England, has a process that converts a wide range of sustainable feedstocks into green chemicals.

The ethanol plant, established in 1995, purchases about 7.5 million bushels of corn annually. It generates income from ethanol and ethanol co-products, including dried distillers grains, wet distillers grain, corn oil and syrup.

- See more at:

Ethanol Producer Magazine

By Sussane Retka Schill

Dec 19, 2014

An analysis of conventional and alternative vehicles and their air pollution-related public health impacts from researchers at the University of Minnesota got a swift debunking from the ethanol industry. The university researchers found electric vehicles could reduce the deaths from air pollution by 70 percent and concluded the use of corn ethanol or electricity from coal is worse than gasoline for public health.

The co-authors of the report, published in the Dec. 15 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, were Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering assistant professor Jason Hill and Chris Tessum, a researcher in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering.

The team look at how particulate matter (PM) and ground-level ozone change as a result of using various options for powering vehicles, and included not only tail-pipe emissions but a life-cycle analysis (LCA).

The Renewable Fuels Association released a three-page analysis that says the paper’s conclusions “…stand at odds with real-world data showing decreases in ozone and PM2.5 concentrations...” and that “Data from 222 EPA sensing sites show that ozone and PM2.5 concentrations have trended downward during the period in which the use of ethanol-blended gasoline has dramatically increased.”

The RFA response goes on to show that “On a full lifecycle basis, the study’s results are contradictory to the results from the Department of Energy’s latest GREET model” and that “There is a substantial body of evidence proving that ethanol reduces both exhaust hydrocarbons and CO emissions, and thus can help reduce the formation of ground-level ozone.”

The study’s reliability is also called into question as it omitted key factors when reaching conclusions on the environmental impact of gasoline and electric vehicles. RFA points out that the University of Minnesota conclusion “…excludes NOx and SOx emissions associated with crude oil extraction, a decision that grossly underrepresents the actual lifecycle emissions impacts of gasoline.” RFA concluded, “Omitting key emissions sources from the lifecycle assessment of EVs and crude oil inappropriately skews the paper’s results for the overall emissions impacts of these fuels and vehicles.”

The Minnesota Biofuels Association echoed RFA’s response. “While the U of M's report states that [ozone and particulate matter] increase with ethanol usage, data from the EPA suggests otherwise. According to the EPA, the amount of ozone in the air has decreased 18 percent from 2000 to 2013. In the Upper Midwest, ozone levels have fallen 11 percent during the same time period. Similarly, particulate matter has decreased 34 percent nationwide from 2000 to 2013. It is important to note that the drop in ozone and particulate matter coincide with the increase in ethanol blended gasoline.”

Growth Energy’s statement following the release of the report added to the critiques from another angle. “This report also fails to account for the numerous environmental benefits ethanol provides,” the Growth Energy statement said. “According to Argonne National Laboratory, ethanol reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by an average of 34 percent compared to gasoline, even when the highly controversial and disputed theory on indirect land use change (ILUC) is factored into the modeling ... Argonne has found that without ILUC included, ethanol reduces GHG emissions by 57 percent compared to gasoline.”

Read the original story here : Industry Debunks Minn. Report Shedding Bad Light On Corn Ethanol