USDA: Corn Use for Fuel Ethanol Production Up in July

  • Tuesday, 26 September 2023 08:38

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Sept 25, 2023

Corn use for fuel ethanol production in July was up when compared to both the previous month and the prior year, according to the September edition of the USDA National Agricultural Service’s Grain Crushings and Co-Products Production Report. 

Total corn consumed for alcohol and other uses was at 504 million bushels in July, up 2 precent when compared to June and up 1 percent from July 2022. Usage included 92 percent for alcohol and 8 percent for other purposes. 

Corn consumed for fuel alcohol production reached 454 million bushels in July, up 3 percent when compared to the previous month and up 2 percent when compared to the same month of last year. Corn consumed for dry milling fuel production and wet milling fuel production was 91.9 percent and 8.1 percent, respectively. 

Corn consumed for industrial alcohol production reached 7.19 million bushels in July, up from 6.26 million bushels in in June and 4.75 million bushels in July of last year. Corn consumed for beverage alcohol fell to 3.4 million bushels in July, down from 5.41 million bushels the previous month and 4.88 million bushels in July 2022.

At dry mills, condensed distillers solubles production was at 110,547 tons in July, down from 117,041 tons the previous month, but up from 94,830 tons in July of last year. Corn oil production was at 187,808 tons, down from 184,370 tons in June and 187,853 tons in July 2022. Distillers dried grains production expanded to 404,109 tons, up from both 390,664 tons in June and 334,122 tons in July of last year. Distillers dried grains with solubles production fell to 1.78 million tons, down from 1.79 million the previous month and 1.93 million tons in July of last year. Distillers wet grains production reached 1.31 million tons, up from both 1.3 million tons in June and 1.28 million tons in July 2022. Modified distillers grains production was at 430,169 tons, up from 414,953 tons the previous month, but down from 495,386 tons in July of last year. 

At wet mills, corn germ meal production was at 48,269 tons in July, up from 45,709 tons in June, but down from 57,800 tons in July 2022. Corn gluten feed production was at 277,997 tons, up from both 270,060 tons in June and 271,334 tons in July of last year. Corn gluten meal production expanded to 119,450 tons, up from both 110,430 tons the previous month and 105,796 tons in July 2022. Wet corn gluten feed production reached 224,484 tons, up from 179,905 tons in June and 221,764 tons in July of last year. 

Carbon dioxide captured at both dry and wet mills fell to 207,926 tons in July, down from 225,597 tons the previous month and 240,189 tons in July 2022. 

Read the original story here.