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In the News

Ethanol Producer Magazine

May 24, 2017

By Bliss Baker

The year is shaping up to be very significant for the ethanol industry and the role it will play in international efforts to reduce global transport emissions. From the signing of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, to the termination of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to speculation about Brexit and the change in outlook with the new U.S. administration, what happens in 2017 could shape the global economic landscape for years to come.

While biofuels do not always make headlines in international trade discussions, the potential for the impressive growth and maturation of the global biofuels industry to be impacted by upcoming trade negotiations is very real. For the industry to continue to create jobs, reduce transport sector emissions, develop new technologies and drive down costs, a stable investment climate is crucial.

The recent rise of economic populist and protectionist language used in several countries is a troubling sign as it could harm investors’ confidence at a time when the biofuels industry’s future is particularly bright. 

Projections for 2017 show that total global ethanol production will hold firm at 97.80 billion liters (25.8 billion gallons), continuing the trend of incremental annual ethanol production growth since 2013. The industry has achieved this resilience during a period when oil prices dropped to record lows. Bolstering this resilience, some of the favorite attacks used by opponents of the biofuels industry have finally been put to rest.

The food vs. fuel issue has been conclusively disproven as real-world data has become available, and the American Petroleum Institute’s self-serving myth that 10 percent is the marketplace limit for ethanol content in U.S. gasoline has been shattered. Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that in 2016, gasoline consumed in the U.S. contained more than 10 percent ethanol on average, demonstrating that the so-called blend wall is not a real constraint on ethanol consumption.

As these specious arguments are disproven by hard evidence, the enormous growth potential still available for biofuels globally becomes more clear every day. In the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook for 2016, the IEA is forecasting global energy demand will increase by 30 percent by 2040, with a significant portion from the transport sector.

Where this demand would historically have been addressed with increased reliance on fossil fuels, the global mindset has shifted. The ratification of the Paris Agreement last year established very ambitious targets for CO2 emission reductions, and set aspirational goals of shifting to a low-carbon global economy and encouraging the development of clean technologies as the basis for future growth.

Ethanol, as an immediately dispatchable low-carbon transport fuel alternative, represents a key policy solution that will be integral to meeting this challenge.

Multiple nongovernmental organizations have published reports since the ratification of the agreement outlining how current national policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions from global transport activity will not achieve the targets laid out in the Paris Agreement, and that governments will have to redouble efforts to meet steeper targets in coming years.

Developing low-carbon alternatives to fossil fuels while maintaining growth will require the maximization of all cost-effective options and continued investment in clean technology development. Biofuels represent an ideal solution, but for the global industry to continue to grow, international free trade and a stable investment climate is key.

International trade negotiators would be extremely shortsighted to consider protectionist measures that would undermine the biofuels industry and the hundreds of billions of dollars of economic activity it represents. Creating barriers to trade would only serve to increase global reliance on crude oil and increase greenhouse gas emissions. As major economies look to negotiate trade agreements that will shape the investment outlook for the foreseeable future, it is critical that countries avoid protectionist policies.

It’s time to recognize ethanol for the ideal low-carbon transport fuel alternative that it is, take the brakes off biofuels technology development and meaningfully begin the transition to a sustainable future.

Read the original story: Free Trade Needed to Maximize Biofuels’ Benefit

Ethanol Producer Magazine

May 22, 2017

By Erin Voegele

The U.S. EPA has published renewable identification number (RIN) generation data for April, reporting that nearly 1.79 billion RINs were generated during the month, including more than 17.29 million cellulosic RINs. A net total of 5.92 billion RINs were generated during the first four months of the year.

More than 17.29 million D3 cellulosic biofuel RINs were generated in April, bringing the net total for the first four months of the year to 49.91 million. Nearly 1.31 million D3 RINs have been generated for ethanol so far this year, with 30.67 million generated for renewable compressed natural gas and 17.93 million generated for renewable liquefied natural gas. Nearly 44.73 million D3 RINs have been generated domestically, with 5.21 million generated by importers. No D7 cellulosic diesel RINs have been generated so far this year.

Nearly 7.02 million D5 advanced biofuel RINs were generated in April, bringing the net total for the first third of the year to 22.67 million. To date, 8.13 million D5 RINs have been generated for ethanol, with 10.94 million generated for naphtha, 890,603 generated for heating oil, and 2.72 million for nonester renewable diesel. More than 22.68 million D5 RINs have been generated domestically, with none generated by importers or foreign entities so far this year.

More than 1.18 billion D6 renewable fuel RINs were generated in April, bringing the net total for the first four months of the year to 4.87 billion. Most, 4.79 billion, were generated for ethanol, with 84.75 million generated for nonester renewable diesel. Approximately 4.79 billion D6 RINs have been generated domestically, with 3.83 million generated by importers and 84.75 million generated by foreign entities.

More than 279.63 million D4 biomass-based diesel RINs were generated in April, bringing the net total for the first four months of the year to 970.85 million. The majority, 736.51 million, were generated for biodiesel, with 235.88 million generated for nonester renewable diesel and 937,219 million generated for renewable jet fuel. Approximately 694.9 million have been generated domestically, with 168.55 million generated by importers and 109.88 million generated by foreign entities.

As of the end of April, the EPA estimates total RIN generation so far this year has reached nearly 5.93 billion, with 144.52 million RINs retired, 175.1 million locked and available and 5.61 billion unlocked and available.

Read the original story: EPA: 1.79 billion RINs generated in April

May 16, 2017

WILMINGTON, Del – Solenis signed an agreement to acquire the business and assets of Nopco Colombiana S.A. (“Nopco Colombiana”), a producer and supplier of specialized chemical solutions for water intensive industries, including pulp and paper, oil and gas, food and beverage and other industrial markets in Central and South America. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2017, following receipt of customary regulatory approvals.

Headquartered in Medellin, Colombia, Nopco Colombiana employs over 75 people. Until this acquisition, the company was Solenis’ pulp and paper specialty chemical distributor in Central and South America. Nopco Colombiana produces and distributes wet strength resins, antiscalants, dispersants and defoamers in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

“This is an opportunity to combine Nopco Colombiana’s position in northwestern South America with Solenis’ global direct-to-market strategy,” said John Panichella, president and CEO, Solenis.

“This acquisition will strengthen our portfolio for the water treatment market and enable us to better serve the growing Central and South American markets through expanding our production footprint and customer service capabilities,” stated José Armando Piñón Aguirre, vice president, Latin America, Solenis.

Ethanol Producer Magazine

May 11, 2017

By Erin Voegele

The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the May edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting ethanol production will average 1.03 million barrels per day this year, up from 1 million barrels per day next year. Ethanol production is currently expected to fall to 1.02 million barrels per day in 2018. The May STEO increases the outlook for 2017 ethanol production when compared to the projection made in April, when the EIA predicted production would average 1.02 million barrels per day this year.

On a quarterly basis, the May STEO indicates ethanol production averaged approximately 1.03 million barrels per day during the first quarter of this year. Production is expected to fall to 1.02 million barrels per day during the second quarter, and increase to 1.03 million barrels per day during the third and fourth quarters. In 2018, the EIA predicts ethanol production will average 1.02 million barrels per day during the first two quarters of the year, increasing to 1.03 million barrels per day in the third quarter, and again falling to 1.02 barrels per day in the fourth quarter.

According to the EIA, U.S. regular gasoline retail prices are expected to average $2.39 per gallon during the April through September driving season, up from $2.23 per gallon last summer. The higher forecast gasoline price is primarily attributed to higher forecasted crude prices. The annual average price for regular gasoline in 2017 is expected to be $2.34 per gallon.

The EIA’s most recent weekly ethanol production data shows production averaged 1.006 million barrels per day the week ending May 5, up from 986,000 barrels per day the previous week. The EIA’s most recent monthly export data shows the U.S. exported nearly 3.35 million barrels of ethanol in February, primarily to Brazil, India and Canada. During the same month, the U.S. imported only 377,000 barrels of ethanol, all from Brazil.

Read the original story here : EIA Increases 2017 Ethanol Production Outlook


May 11, 2017

Press Release

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., May 11, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ:GEVO) announced today that it was selected to collaborate with researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as part of DOE’s Small Business Vouchers (SBV) program.

The SBV program provides funding for DOE’s national laboratories to partner with selected U.S. businesses, enabling these clean technology companies to leverage the laboratories’ technical and intellectual resources. Specifically, Argonne National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) received funding to work with Gevo to develop a predictive octane blending model for isobutanol and gasoline blendstocks for oxygenated blending (BOBs). While it is known that isobutanol increases octane when blended into BOBs, the effect is non-linear, and dependent on a BOB’s properties. This project is intended to measure the actual octane effect on finished fuels when blending Gevo’s isobutanol with existing BOBs, obviating the need for blenders to perform these expensive and time consuming tests themselves.

This work is expected to support the investments that Gevo and its value chain partners are currently making to develop BOBs specifically for isobutanol (iBOBs). Isobutanol possesses a range of properties which makes it an ideal blendstock for gasoline such as high energy content, high octane, low water solubility and low volatility. By developing optimized iBOBs to blend with Gevo’s isobutanol, Gevo and its partners can produce high performance finished fuels which can benefit end consumers, as well as provide margin to all participants across the fuel blending value chain.

“Gevo is excited to be collaborating with Argonne and NREL on this project. We believe that expanding the blending of Gevo’s isobutanol will benefit the U.S. by reducing the need for petroleum imports while reducing harmful carbon emissions. We, and our partners, want to ensure that we develop finished gasoline that delivers the highest value to the end-customer. At the same time, we want to make sure that we are taking advantage of the superior properties of isobutanol to develop economical iBOBs that drive the highest margin through our value chain, while still delivering a high quality finished product to the consumer,” said Dr. Patrick Gruber, Gevo’s Chief Executive Officer. 

About Gevo

Gevo is a renewable technology, chemical products, and next generation biofuels company. Gevo has developed proprietary technology that uses a combination of synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering to focus primarily on the production of isobutanol, as well as related products from renewable feedstocks. Gevo’s strategy is to commercialize bio-based alternatives to petroleum-based products to allow for the optimization of fermentation facilities’ assets, with the ultimate goal of maximizing cash flows from the operation of those assets. Gevo produces isobutanol, ethanol and high-value animal feed at its fermentation plant in Luverne, Minnesota. Gevo has also developed technology to produce hydrocarbon products from renewable alcohols. Gevo currently operates a biorefinery in Silsbee, Texas, in collaboration with South Hampton Resources Inc., to produce renewable jet fuel, octane, and ingredients for plastics like polyester. Gevo has a marquee list of partners including The Coca-Cola Company, Toray Industries Inc. and Total SA, among others. Gevo is committed to a sustainable bio-based economy that meets society’s needs for plentiful food and clean air and water.

Read the original release: Argonne National Laboratory and National Renewable Energy Laboratory Receive Funding to Support the Blending of Gevo’s Isobutanol with Gasoline


Biomass Magazine

May 10, 2017

By Erin Voegele

Gevo Inc. has announced first quarter financial results, reporting revenue of $5.6 million and a gross loss of $3.8 million. During an investor call, the company described plans to convert its Luverne, Minnesota, biorefinery to exclusively produce isobutanol and hydrocarbon products.

Revenue for the quarter was $5.6 million, down from $6.3 million during the same quarter of 2016. Revenue derived from ethanol sales and related products was $5.5 million, down $300,000 when compared to the first quarter of last year. The decrease is primarily attributed to lower ethanol and distiller grain prices. Hydrocarbon revenues were $100,000, down $200,000 from the same period of 2016. The loss from operations at $7.2 million.

Gross loss was $3.8 million, compared to $2.9 million during the first quarter of last year. Loss from operations was $7.2 million, compared to $5.9 million during the same period of 2016. The non-GAAP cash EBITDA loss was $5.4 million compared to $3.9 million during the first quarter of last year. Net loss was $5.9 million compared to $3.6 million during the first quarter of 2016. The non-GAAP adjusted net loss was $7.9 million, compared to $8 million during the first quarter of last year.The company reported net loss per share of 51 cents for the three months ending March 31, with a non-GAAP adjusted net loss per share of 68 cents.

Gevo produced approximately 100,000 gallons of isobutanol at its Luverne facility during the first quarter. According to the company, it was focused on producing sufficient quantities of isobutanol to meet immediate customer demand and providing enough inventory to support additional market and customer development efforts. Gevo’s production goals were not to maximize production, but to align production with isobutanol sales efforts. As a result, only ethanol was produced during certain periods of the quarter. The company also indicated it may elect to produce only ethanol during the second quarter of the year.

During an investor call, Patrick Gruber, CEO of Gevo, discussed future plans for the Luverne facility. The Gevo team, he said, remains laser focused on getting the company to profitability. He said the company believes the best path to achieve profitability to convert 100 percent of the grind and fermentation capacity at Luverne to its isobutanol and hydrocarbon products, specifically alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) and isooctane.

According to Gruber, Gevo is already executing on the conversion plan and is well into the engineering work needed to make it happen. The expanded plant is expected to have a capacity of more than 12 MMgy. However, Gruber noted the actual size and configuration of the expanded plant will be dependent on customer contracts, capital requirements and financing.

Given the level of engagement by customers, Gruber said the company currently expects 8-10 MMgy of that capacity to be processed into hydrocarbons. He cautioned, however, that could change for a variety of reasons.

To accomplish the build-out of Luverne, Gruber said the company has identified two key near-term goals it must accomplish. First is the restructuring of the company’s balance sheet to lessen its near-term liquidity issues. Second is the need to sign up customers for long-term supply agreements.

Read the original story: Gevo Discusses Future Plans for Luverne Plant

Energy Ag Wired

May 8, 2017

By Cindy Zimmerman

During his first visit to Iowa as Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue made his support for renewable energy and ethanol perfectly clear.

“Do you know who I work for?,” the Secretary asked the local FFA officer who wanted to make sure he supported renewable energy. “I work for a fellow by the name of Donald J. Trump. Did you hear what he said during the campaign? Renewable energy, ethanol is here to stay…you have nothing to worry about.”

Secretary Perdue visited Couser Cattle Company in Nevada, Iowa where he was welcomed by Bill, Nancy and Tim Couser, as well as Iowa Senators Joni Erst and Chuck Grassley, and Rep. Steve King. Looking comfortable in worn jeans, Perdue related that he calmed Sen. Grassley’s concerns about him as secretary when he told him, “I got 12 grain elevators, all we do is corn, wheat and beans and we sell to an ethanol plant.”

Couser, who is co-founder of Lincolnway Energy ethanol plant in Nevada, presented Perdue with his custom made corn products display, as well as a Don’t Mess with the RFS button from the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association.

Perdue held a round table discussion with Iowa biofuels and agricultural leaders and answered questions during a town hall event, all held on the Couser operation. During his visit to Iowa, Perdue also met with current Governor and soon to be Ambassador Terry Branstad, and incoming governor Kim Reynolds.

Read the original story: Secretary Perdue Shows Support for Renewable Energy


The Hill

May 4, 2017

By Brian Jennings

Enactment of the Renewable Fuel Standard in Congress did more than save money at the pump and clean up the air for consumers, it also helped boost demand for U.S. corn and soybeans which, in turn, increased prices received by American farmers.  By every measure, increasing the production and use of homegrown renewable fuels has spurred economic growth for U.S. farmers and supported high-skill, high-wage jobs in rural communities.

When the use of renewable fuels is curbed, the opposite is true.  Starting in 2013, economic insecurity spread across rural America because the Environmental Protection Agency took implementation of the RFS off-track, reducing annual renewable volume obligations (RVOs) below levels established by Congress.  During this period, EPA sided with oil companies that claimed infrastructure constraints and the mythical E10 “blend wall” prevented higher ethanol blends, such as E15 and E30, from being used in the marketplace.  As a result, leading biofuel groups were forced to sue the Obama administration’s EPA.  This litigation is ongoing and oral arguments were held last week by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. A court decision is expected later this year.

The timing of EPA’s mismanagement of the RFS was awful and the consequences have been worse.  While EPA was riding the brakes on the RFS, the productivity of American farmers led to record-high corn crops in 2015 and 2016.  Supplies grew while demand and farm income fell.  According to the United States Department of Agriculture, surplus stocks of corn will swell to a 30-year high of 2.4 billion bushels and corn prices will fall to a 10-year low in 2017. Liquidity ratios and working capital have deteriorated to their weakest levels since 2002 and the value of farm sector assets is expected to decline by $32 billion in 2017.  Farm debt is mounting and will represent about 20 percent of farm income this year.  The share of farm loans that are delinquent is creeping up and reports of farm auctions have been on the rise.

Net farm income has dropped from $124 billion in 2013 to an expected $62 billion in 2017, a decrease of nearly 50 percent since EPA took the RFS off-track.  As some will remember, similar conditions forced Congress to authorize yearly ad hoc economic emergency disaster payments to farmers between 1999 and 2002 and required additional spending of $73.5 billion in the 2002 Farm Bill to avert economic collapse in rural America.  It was enactment of the RFS in 2005 that restarted the rural economy and allowed farmers to profit from the free market versus relying so heavily on government payments.  The lesson learned is that increasing the demand for renewable fuels leads to higher market prices for farmers and reduced taxpayer spending on farm program payments. 

Growing the renewable fuels market in 2017 is even more critical given the uncertainty created by efforts to renegotiate existing trade pacts. While we are hopeful that these new negotiations will lead to better trade opportunities, the uncertainty in the near term will impact the U.S. farm economy which makes a strong and growing market for ethanol-blended fuel even more important.

To restore badly needed economic security to rural America, EPA and Congress should take a number of steps.   First, Congress must reject any attempt to reduce or repeal the RFS.  To get the RFS back on track, the Trump administration needs to make good on its campaign promise to set and keep RFS volumes at statutory levels.  Likewise, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt needs to follow through on the statement made during his confirmation hearing “to honor the intent of the RFS statute…, use RFS waivers judiciously, and honor RVO timelines.”

Second, legislative or regulatory action must be taken so E15 and higher blends of ethanol have access to the market.   Retailers want to sell E15 in the summer months because the fuel is less emitting and lower cost than E10 and straight gasoline, but EPA’s current interpretation of its Reid vapor pressure (RVP) rule handcuffs them.  This RVP regulation is the most burdensome hurdle preventing more immediate growth of E15 use nationwide.  Bipartisan legislation is pending in Congress to fix this problem and EPA has options at its disposal to make a commonsense regulatory change that would allow consumers to have access to E15 and other lower cost fuels that improve air quality.  Action needs to be taken soon.

A third hurdle impeding the use of higher ethanol blends is the mountain of EPA red tape over the approval process for new certification fuels and the registration of those fuels.  EPA needs to streamline its fuel petition process and eliminate unreasonable criteria for approval of high-octane fuels, such as E25-E40, that currently discourages innovation and obstructs the ability for new efficient high-octane fuels to compete in the marketplace.

Read the original story: Renewable Fuels Are Part of an ‘America First’ Energy Plan