US Drivers to Rely on Internal Combustion for Decades to Come

  • Wednesday, 22 February 2017 09:13

Ethanol Producer Magazine

February 21, 2017

By Fuel Freedom Foundation

By 2050, there will be three billion light-duty vehicles (LDVs) on the road.  Even under the most optimistic forecast, alternative vehicles will account for — at best — 50 percent of the total worldwide fleet, leaving hundreds of millions of cars with internal combustion engines (ICE) still in operation. 

To illustrate the need to push aggressively for all possible solutions, Fuel Freedom Foundation launched its interactive model projecting the composition of the light duty fleet through 2050. It demonstrates that alternative vehicles alone won’t solve our problems related to transportation, air pollution and global oil demand.

A significant portion of the discussion on jobs, economic growth and the environment has focused on “the right solution” for transportation, with each side promoting its “one and only” solution. There’s an assumption by many that electric vehicles will overtake gas- and diesel-powered ICE cars in the next 20 years. The new user-interactive tool developed shows that this assumption is overly optimistic.

The tool consolidates research, data and assumptions from a wide variety of sources, including the International Energy Agency (IEA); Argonne National Laboratory; the U.S. Department of Energy; and the consulting firm IHS. The tool also is designed to be user-friendly, allowing people to input their own projections and assumptions to determine the size and composition of the global light-duty vehicle fleet through 2050.

“These findings have critical ramifications for consumers, automakers, legislators, and anyone working to solve our transportation problems,” said Joseph “Yossie” Hollander, founder and chairman of Fuel Freedom Foundation. “The likelihood that the world could double or triple oil production to meet this demand is in question. We cannot afford the risk of coming up short.”

To learn more, and to test the model yourself, visit:

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