Member Spotlight : Stinson Leonard Street

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On Jan 1, 2014, Stinson Morrison Hecker and Leonard, Street and Deinard completed a merger to become Stinson Leonard Street.

The newly merged entity combines expertise in various industries such as agribusiness and has been involved with the ethanol industry since 2000.

Below is an interview with Tom Jensen, partner at Stinson Leonard Street.

Jensen Tom A4x5 Radloff Jill 4x5 1

      Tom Jensen                   Jill Radloff

Q. Please tell us about your company’s role within the ethanol industry and why the company is committed to supporting the ethanol industry now and into the future.

A. Our firm first got involved in the ethanol industry back in 2000. At that time we helped a number of farmer-led groups take their newly-formed ethanol companies public and also helped a number of existing cooperatives convert to limited liability companies.

In both instances we handled all corporate and securities law matters for these companies. Since that time, both Jill Radloff and I, as well as many others in our firm, have continued to have strong ties to the ethanol industry.

We currently represent contractors, investors, owners, marketing groups and consultants to the ethanol industry.

Because of these strong current and historical ties, Stinson Leonard Street is strongly committed to the industry and its stakeholders.

Q. How did your personal career path lead you to where you are now?

A. In terms of our involvement with the ethanol industry, both Jill and I grew up in small towns and already had a personal connection to the agricultural community. 

This background, coupled with our transactional legal practices, has positioned us and our firm well to serve the ethanol industry.  It’s really been a good fit for us and our clients.

Q. From your perspective, what you would you like fuel consumers to know about the ethanol industry and the fuel it produces?

A. The ethanol industry is an important economic driver, especially here in the Midwest.  And the people who make up the industry are strongly and personally committed to its success.

Q. What does your company see for the future of ethanol and advanced biofuels?

A. Continued consolidation is likely – including additional acquisitions by petroleum industry participants. We also see incremental and important technological advances on the horizon.