Rep Collin Peterson

October 22, 2019

Press Release

House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson of Minnesota voiced his support following an announcement today that the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on the Environment and Climate Change will review the nation’s biofuel-blending requirements, and specifically the Environmental Protection Agency’s granting of Small Refinery Exemption waivers and the Administration’s plans to reallocate those waived gallons of biofuel.

“I would like to thank Chairmen Pallone and Tonko and the House Committee on Energy and Commerce for scheduling an oversight hearing on the Administration’s operation of the Renewable Fuel Standard’s Small Refinery Waiver provision. Our farmers and rural communities rely on the RFS for their economic viability, and EPA’s actions have done nothing but provide uncertainty and the potential for economic ruin.”

Chairman Peterson is a co-chair of the Congressional Biofuels Caucus, a bipartisan group of Members of Congress who advocate for homegrown renewable fuel policies that boost farmer incomes and reduce dependence on foreign oil. He is also the sponsor of the Renewable Fuel Standard Integrity Act of 2019, a bill which provides certainty to the biofuels industry by setting an annual deadline for small refinery exemption applications and bringing transparency to the process.

Read the original release: Peterson Statement on House Energy and Commerce Hearing on Small Refinery Exemptions

Renewable Fuels Association

October 22, 2019

News Release

Newly available court documents assert that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency inappropriately granted Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) compliance exemptions to certain small refineries that did not even qualify for the waivers, and that there was division within the Trump administration about its new approach to small refinery hardship exemption requests.

Specifically, the briefs and supporting documents show EPA granted disproportionate economic hardship exemptions to small refineries whose previous exemptions had fully lapsed, meaning the Agency disregarded the requirement that refiners may only obtain an “extension” of an existing exemption.

The redacted briefs and other documents filed in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals pertain to Renewable Fuels Association et al. v. EPA, which addresses EPA’s decisions to retroactively grant hardship exemptions to two refineries owned by HollyFrontier and one refinery owned by CVR’s Wynnewood subsidiary. An audio file of the oral argument was also recently made available by the Court.

The exemptions, which include two granted for RFS compliance year 2016 and one for compliance year 2017, were impermissible under the statute and based on analysis that rendered EPA’s actions arbitrary and capricious, according to the opening and reply briefs filed by RFA, along with the American Coalition for Ethanol, the National Corn Growers association, and National Farmers Union.

The petitioners’ briefs argue that EPA, in addition to ignoring the commonsense meaning of “extension,” also misinterpreted the phrase “disproportionate economic hardship”—the statutory criteria required to extend an exemption. EPA’s interpretation is also undermined by the agency’s own published conclusions that RFS compliance costs are generally passed through to purchasers of fuel and are borne proportionately for small and large refineries alike.

The parties’ filings also revealed what ethanol interests had suspected for quite some time – that EPA was granting full exemptions not only where the Department of Energy had recommended only a partial exemption, but even where DOE had recommended a denial of the small refinery exemption extension in its entirety. EPA’s supplemental proposed rulemaking for the 2020 RVO, while proposing an inadequate solution to the small refiner exemption problem, reveals the extent to which EPA departed from DOE’s recommendations. For the 2016-2018 compliance years, DOE on average recommended that 7.6 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel from small refineries be exempted from RFS obligations; however, EPA disregarded those recommendation and actually exempted an average of 12.8 billion gallons.

Although EPA maintained that the statute gives it final say on whether to extend the exemptions, EPA’s decision to grant a full exemption where DOE recommended full denial is at odds with the recently released EPA decision document for 2018 small refinery exemptions, where EPA indicated that it denied all exemption requests where DOE had recommended denials.

Although the issues have been fully briefed by the parties, on October 15, RFA and the other petitioners filed a request for the Court to consider three new documents that reveal disagreement within the administration regarding its approach to small refinery exemptions.

The first document, a memo authored by Francis Brooke, Special Assistant on the President’s National Economic Council, describes a 2018 proposal to resolve the differences between ethanol and oil interests in part by a “restructuring” whereby “EPA will grant future small refinery exemptions based on only true disproportionate economic hardship,” implying the administration was knowingly issuing waivers to small refineries who were not truly experiencing disproportionate economic hardship. The second document details the reservations of David Schnare, one of the senior aides to Former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, regarding the Agency’s granting of small refinery exemptions that Schnare maintained were unlawful.  The third document is the EPA decision document for 2018 exemption extensions, showing inconsistencies in EPA’s adherence to DOE recommendations.

A decision by the court, which could impact how EPA grants other retroactive small refinery exemptions in the future, may come by early 2020.

Read the original news release: New Court Documents Detail Rampant EPA Abuse of Small Refinery Exemption Program

Successful Farming

October 15, 2019

by Chuck Abbott

China, Brazil, and the United States will help drive a dramatic global increase in ethanol consumption in the next 10 years, said a U.S. Grains Council analyst on Monday. However, the Sino-U.S. trade war will blunt the opportunity for ethanol from the United States, the world’s largest exporter, to win a share of the Chinese market in the near term.

Ethanol production hit 110 billion liters in 2018 and could expand significantly in the next decade, said Mike Dwyer, chief economist for the export-promoting Grains Council, at the Global Ethanol Summit. Some 400 people from 60 nations attended the conference in Washington.

“We think that number (110 billion liters) is set to grow dramatically, especially with developments in China, Brazil, and the United States itself as we make our transition to mid-level blends and higher,” said Dwyer.

Farm groups and ethanol makers expect ethanol sales to rise now that E15 can be sold year-round. Until this year, sales of E15, a 15% blend of ethanol into gasoline, were banned during the summer. The traditional ethanol blend is 10%, which Grains Council president Ryan LeGrand called “just a starting point. It will work in any vehicle.”

About 10% of global ethanol production is sold on the world market, with the United States holding a 61% market share. Brazil, second to the United States as a producer and also second in exports, accounts for one fifth of sales.

Speakers at the ethanol summit extolled ethanol as an octane-enhancing fuel that reduces air pollution and could help nations meet their pledges under the Paris Accord to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The biofuel also reduces dependence on petroleum, they said. Five dozen countries have policies that encourage use of biofuels.

China, the world’s most populous nation, says it will adopt E10 beginning in January. But it can produce only one-third of ethanol that is needed to meet its goals, so large-volume imports may be necessary, said Dwyer.

“That is what is so unfortunate about the trade war we are having with them right now. The United States could provide more ethanol to China, but we face 70% duties,” he said. If the trade war tariffs were removed, “we could find a pretty good home in China,” even with the previous 30% tariff.

Brazil’s RenovoBio policy, taking effect in the new year, will encourage use of E100, said Dwyer. Over time, it could increase ethanol use by 20 billion liters annually, enough to nearly double consumption.

In the near term, Asia offers the greatest potential for growth, because of a rising middle class and low ethanol consumption at present, followed by Central and South America, said Dwyer.

About 35% to 40% of the U.S. corn crop is used to make ethanol. The USDA says corn-for-ethanol has hit a plateau of around 5.4 billion bushels a year. Domestic ethanol consumption declined for the first time ever in 2018.

Read the original article: Global Ethanol Use to Grow Dramatically, Says USGC Analyst

Thursday, 17 October 2019 14:12

E15 Rewards For St Paul Drivers

KS95athighlandminnocoQ42019St Paul, Oct 17 – The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Biofuels) and KS95 FM teamed up today at Highland Service Minnoco on Snelling Avenue to reward drivers who fueled up with Unleaded 88 (E15) during an hour-long promotion.

From 12pm to 1pm, drivers who fueled up with E15 were rewarded with prizes that included $20 in cash, tickets to the Crayola Experience, gift cards to Applebee’s, Herbie’s On The Park and Seven Steakhouse and KS95 merchandise.

“Today’s promotion was the 14th time this year we’ve partnered with KS95 at a gas station in the Twin Cities metro to promote E15, which is cheaper than regular gas, made in Minnesota and reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions,” said Tim Rudnicki, executive director of MN Biofuels.

KS95 personality, Rudy Pavich, and MN Biofuels staff were at Highland Service Minnoco educating drivers on the benefits of using E15 during today’s promotion.

Nearly 7 million gallons of E15 was sold in Minnesota in August, bringing the total volume of E15 sold in the first eight months of the year to 50.57 million gallons.

The total volume of E15 sold in Minnesota in 2018 was 59.4 million gallons.

Thursday, 17 October 2019 09:41


957 8th St. Farmington, MN 55024

957 8th Street
United States 55024

Thursday, 17 October 2019 09:40

Hy-Vee Maple Grove Fast and Fresh

18755 70th Ave. N.
Maple Grove, MN 55311
E15, E85

18755 70th Ave. N.
Maple Grove,Minnesota
United States 55311

Thursday, 17 October 2019 09:32

Hy-Vee Lakeville Fast and Fresh

17380 Cedar Ave.
Lakeville, MN 55044
E15, E85

17380 Cedar Avenue
United States 55044

Des Moines Register

October 15, 2016

By Donnelle Eller

Iowa farm and renewable fuel groups say a proposal that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released Tuesday fails to keep President Donald Trump's promise to boost the sagging market for ethanol and biodiesel.

“We had a deal with the president … but what the EPA rolled out isn’t that deal,” said Monte Shaw, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association's executive director. 

Jim Greif, president of the Iowa Corn Growers Association, said his group "is outraged" that the EPA's proposal Tuesday doesn't reflect what the administration outlined "only 11 days ago."

On Oct. 4, the EPA said it would begin accounting for the reduction in demand for corn-based ethanol and soybean-based biodiesel that resulted when the administration granted some refineries exemptions from a federal mandate called the Renewable Fuel Standard.

The law, known as RFS, outlines how many gallons of ethanol and biodiesel that oil refiners must blend into the nation's fuel supply each year.

The EPA said Tuesday it plans to use a three-year average to account for the reduction in demand for ethanol and biodiesel resulting from the waivers, using the number of gallons that the U.S. Department of Energy recommends waiving.

But the Trump administration earlier this month told farm groups it would use the average of the actual number of renewable fuel gallons that are waived, which is much larger. "Any proposal that does not account for actual waived gallons under the Renewable Fuel Standard fails to restore the integrity of the law," Greif said in a statement.

The difference between the two is significant, said Monte Shaw, executive director of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association.

The energy department, which provides an initial review of small refinery exemption requests, most recently recommended granting waivers for 770 million gallons of renewable fuels. The EPA, however, approved waivers for 1.4 billion gallons during its last round of exemptions.

Since taking office, the Trump administration has granted 85 waivers to oil refineries, freeing them from using 4 billion gallons of renewable fuel. The exemptions have killed demand for 1.4 billion bushels of corn used to make ethanol, industry officials say.

"It's not a shock that the EPA is trying to water down" the plan the Trump administration announced earlier this month, Shaw said.

The administration in the Oct. 4 announcement said Trump had made a deal with Iowa Republicans, including U.S. Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst, and Gov. Kim Reynolds, to increase renewable fuel demand.

Grassley said in a statement Tuesday that Iowa farmers and renewable fuels plants will have to trust the EPA to adequately account for the waived gallons.

"The ethanol and biodiesel industries have a lot of cause to distrust EPA and that is understandable," Grassley said. "But President Trump brokered this deal and any attempt to undermine it from EPA would represent a betrayal of the president. I expect EPA would not do that after all the work that’s gone into this issue.”

Ernst and Reynolds said in separate statements they would do everything they could to hold the EPA accountable.

“I understand the biofuel industry’s frustration and distrust following the EPA’s announcement today,” Reynolds said. “The next 30-day comment period is crucial to making sure the EPA follows through on the president’s commitment.”

A public hearing is scheduled to be held Oct. 30 in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Growth Energy, a Washington, D.C., ethanol association, called on the EPA to hold the public hearing in Iowa “so more Midwest families racing to complete this year’s harvest will have an opportunity to share their views.

“The farm families hit hardest by EPA exemptions deserve a seat at the table, and that can’t happen if the EPA refuses to hold a hearing in a central location, closer to millions of voices who cannot afford to leave the farm for days at a time,” said Emily Skor, Growth Energy's CEO.

The decline in demand for ethanol and biodiesel has been a double blow to farmers already dealing with depressed prices for corn and soybeans because of the administration's trade wars with China, Mexico, Canada and other countries.

The current corn ethanol requirement is 15 billion gallons.

Shaw said it will be tough for many farmers to trust EPA.

“We couldn’t trust the EPA to stick to the deal for 11 days,” Shaw said. “We haven’t been able to trust EPA for the last two years with the RFS.”

Few Iowa renewable fuels or farm groups would have supported the Oct. 4 plan if they had known how the EPA planned to implement it, Shaw said.

“We all said it has to be real numbers. It has to be accountable," Shaw said. "And it has to send a market signal.

Grant Kimberley, Iowa Biodiesel Board's executive director, said he believed the EPA's proposal would be "likely to inflict further damage on the already struggling biodiesel industry and farm economy."

Nearly 30 U.S. ethanol and biodiesel plants have closed either temporarily or permanently because of the exemptions. Four are in Iowa.

U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack, an Iowa Democrat, said the EPA's proposed rule "is another in a long string of broken promises for our farmers and biofuel producers."

The proposal leaves “farmers and biofuel producers with no guarantee that the billions of gallons of biofuels exempted from the mandate would ever be restored, as has long been promised by the Trump Administration and EPA,” Loebsack said.

The Renewable Fuels Association called the EPA's proposal a "step backward."

"It falls short of delivering on President Trump’s pledge to restore integrity to the Renewable Fuel Standard and leaves farmers, ethanol producers, and consumers with more questions than answers," Geoff Cooper, the group's CEO, said in a statement.

"This proposal is not what was promised by the administration just over a week ago and fails to answer President Trump’s personal call for a stronger conventional biofuel requirement of more than 15 billion" gallons, Cooper said.

The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association said the EPA's proposal "reneges on the core principle" of Trump's plan earlier this month.

"It is unreasonable and counterproductive to expect Iowans to put their faith in EPA to fix the small refinery exemption problem when they were the ones who created the crisis in the first place," Shaw said.

The EPA released details of its plan as part of a supplemental document to the 2020 biofuels requirement. It was required to be filed by Nov. 30.

In a statement earlier this month, the EPA said that under its plan, it would seek comments on actions "to ensure that more than 15 billion gallons of conventional ethanol be blended into the nation's fuel supply." But it did not specify how many gallons will be restored beginning next year.

Read the original article: Farm, Renewable Fuel Groups Angered by EPA Plan to Replace Lost Demand for Ethanol, Biodiesel


Benson, October 15 – Twenty-five students from West Central Area Secondary School in Barrett visited Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC) this morning to learn about about renewable energy production.

The students, from grades 10 to 12, toured the various stages and processes of ethanol production at CVEC, which produces 50 million gallons of ethanol a year.

“We were pleased to welcome students from West Central Area today. These tours provide our staff an opportunity to showcase the many positive benefits of homegrown ethanol production and potential career opportunities available in the ethanol industry,” said Chad Friese, CEO of CVEC.

During the tour, the students learned about including incoming grain grading, grain handling, fermentation, grain storage, distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) production and storage, ethanol storage and shipment.

The tour was organized by the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Biofuels) and sponsored by Novozymes, a global microbe and enzyme provider, and supporter of Minnesota’s ethanol industry. CVEC and Novozymes are members of MN Biofuels.

“Through these tours, students learn how ethanol boosts the economy in rural Minnesota, reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions, saves consumers at the pump and makes America more energy independent,” said Tim Rudnicki, executive director at MN Biofuels.

West Central Area's Agriculture Instructor, Eric Sawatzke, brought his Ag 9 and On-the-job Training classes for today’s tour.

“Our students live in western Minnesota and many live on crop farms but may not know what their crops are used for. Others might be interested in career opportunities within the biofuels industry but need to be exposed to those options in order for them to consider the possibilities,” said Sawatzke.

He said biofuels are part of the curriculum for his Ag 9 class.

“Ethanol plays a big role in the lives of many students at West Central Area whether they know it or not. Many of the students live on farms that produce corn that will be converted into ethanol. Some of these students may very well end up in the ethanol industry in the future and this tour could have an impact on them many years from now,” Sawatzke added.

Tuesday, 08 October 2019 14:35

Morris Area High School Tours CVEC


Picture Caption: CVEC CEO, Chad Friese, explaining ethanol production to the students during the tour.

Benson, October 8 – Thirty students from Morris Area High School toured Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC) today to get a better understanding of clean Minnesota-produced renewable energy. 

“We are always happy to give tours of our plant and explain how the ethanol industry benefits consumers, local farmers and the environment,” said Chad Friese, CEO of CVEC.

The students, from grades nine to 12, toured the various stages and processes of ethanol production at CVEC, which produces 50 million gallons of ethanol a year.

During the tour, the students learned about the different stages in ethanol production including incoming grain grading, grain handling, fermentation, grain storage, dried distiller grain production and storage, ethanol storage and shipment.

CVEC commenced operations in 1996 and currently has 50 employees. It has hosted many tours over the years for high school students, 4-H’ers, and local agriculture and science programs. The tour was organized by the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Biofuels). CVEC is a member of MN Biofuels.

“The ethanol industry is a vital driver of economic activity in rural Minnesota. CVEC’s operations benefits farmers in Benson and its surrounding areas,” said Tim Rudnicki, executive director of the MN Biofuels.

The students were from Morris High School’s Ag Processing and Rec Vehicles classes.

Nick Milbrandt, agriculture teacher at Morris Area High School, accompanied his students during today’s tour. Milbrandt had previously toured CVEC with his classes in the fall of 2017.

“This tour helps with the understanding of the process to make ethanol and how it can be used in vehicles,” said Milbrandt.