Wednesday, 19 April 2017 12:13

Kwik Trip #695

13357 Palomino Drive Apple Valley MN 55124
13357 Palomino Drive
Apple Valley,Minnesota
United States 55124

Wednesday, 19 April 2017 12:11

Kwik Trip #421

14941 Florence Trail
Apple Valley MN 55124
14941 Florence Trail
Apple Valley,Minnesota
United States 55124

Wednesday, 19 April 2017 12:09

Kwik Trip #406

7545 145th Street West Apple Valley MN 55124
E15, E85
7545 145th Street West
Apple Valley,Minnesota
United States 55124

Wednesday, 19 April 2017 12:06

Kwik Trip #397

15065 Dodd Blvd Apple Valley MN 55124

15065 Dodd Boulevard
Apple Valley,Minnesota
United States 55124


April 6, 2017

News Release:

MINNETONKA, Minn., USA, – Developments in cellulosic ethanol technology, including a collaboration between Syngenta and Cellulosic Ethanol Technologies, LLC, are viewed as opportunities to help grow demand for Earth-friendly American ethanol.

According to Miloud Araba, head of Enogen® technical services at Syngenta, cellulosic innovation could enable dry grind ethanol producers to capitalize on steadily increasing Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volume requirements for cellulosic biofuels, which are up 35 percent for 2017.1 Araba discussed opportunities for cellulosic ethanol at the 2017 National Ethanol Conference.

“Approximately 10 percent of the corn kernel dry weight is fiber, and converting corn kernel fiber feedstock to cellulosic ethanol has been possible for some time,” Araba said. “However, recent advances in technologies can enable commercial deployment today. In fact, the approximately 12 million tons of corn kernel fiber feedstock already available at U.S. dry grind ethanol plants each year could produce a potential 1.5 billion gallons of additional, cellulosic ethanol.”

Araba added that the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) offers further opportunities for corn kernel fiber. “Low carbon intensity fuel that puts out fewer emissions will be increasingly needed in California to meet the goals of the LCFS program and the demand for LCFS credits,” he said. “Looking ahead, cellulosic ethanol from corn kernel fiber will be in demand because long-term objectives of the LCFS cannot be met with D6 ethanol at 10 percent.”2

In 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency added corn kernel fiber to the list of qualifying cellulosic biofuel feedstocks as part of the RFS. That same year, using Cellerate™ process technology, Quad County Corn Processors (QCCP) was the first commercial cellulosic facility – using corn kernel fiber as feedstock – and achieved EPA certification to generate D3 RINs. Through November 2016, QCCP’s output represented approximately 85 percent of D3 RIN ethanol produced. To date, QCCP has produced more than 5.5 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol.

Araba added that Cellerate enables an ethanol plant to leverage its existing infrastructure to produce cellulosic ethanol and significantly increase throughput. Performance results achieved at QCCP to date include: a six percent yield increase plus a 20 percent throughput increase combined for a 26 percent increase in ethanol production3; higher protein feed co-products; and improved oil yield.

“In addition to improvements in throughput and yield, Cellerate enhanced by Enogen® corn enzyme technology drives corn oil yield, leads to increased protein levels and lower residual starch content in co-products,” Araba said. “Protein increases were observed immediately after Cellerate was integrated at QCCP in July of 2014. Initial feed formulation evaluations have shown that Cellerate can lead to an increase in the value of feed co-products, as well as potential access to higher value feed markets.”4

For Cellerate technical inquiries, or a tour of the Cellerate process at QCCP, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">Tim Tierney with Syngenta at 612-801-9775 or Travis Brotherson with QCCP at 712-282-4628. Learn more about Cellerate process technology at

Read the original release: Syngenta Discusses the Future of Cellulosic Ethanol and Opportunities for Dry Grind Ethanol Producers

Friday, 07 April 2017 10:56

API Push Poll Doesn’t Reflect Reality

Renewable Fuels Association

April 7, 2017

By Rachel Gantz

This morning, the American Petroleum Institute will issue yet another push poll, claiming that a majority of Americans oppose the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). But repeating the same tired, skewed results doesn’t make it true.

If past is prologue, API will have framed its RFS polling questions to be biased against the biofuels program. Take API’s April 2016 polling results. Here’s API’s first misleading question:

“As you may know, much of the gasoline in the U.S. market currently contains up to a 10% ethanol blend. Most auto manufacturers have said they will not cover vehicle damage caused by higher ethanol fuel blends over 10% if the vehicle is not specifically designed for it. Given that situation, how concerned are you about government requirements that would increase the amount of ethanol in gasoline?”

What’s the truth? The RFS does not require consumers to purchase increasing—or any—biofuels in their fuel, while ethanol blends of up to 15% are approved for approximately 90% of the vehicles on U.S. roads today.

Think API’s new push poll will be any different? Neither do we.

Here’s the truth. Nearly sixty percent of those polled in a recent national survey support the RFS.

The survey, conducted in late March by Morning Consult on behalf of the Renewable Fuels Association, found that 58% of those polled support the RFS, with only 17% of those polled opposed to the RFS. That’s a more than 3:1 margin of support for the RFS.

“Consumers all across our country are seeing the benefits of the RFS, whether it’s cleaner air, a reduction in our dependence on petroleum or a boost to local economies,” said RFA President and CEO Bob Dinneen. “The RFS has been an unmitigated success, stimulating growth in domestic renewable fuels, creating a value-added market for farmers and providing choice at the pump for consumers.”

“It’s no wonder that API, which represents petroleum producers, wants to obfuscate the success of a program that boosts the production and use of renewable fuel. Consumers want a choice at the pump and the RFS helps ensure that choice exists. API can release all the push polls it wants, but the truth speaks for itself,” Dinneen added.

Read the original release: API Push Poll Doesn’t Reflect Reality

Ethanol Producer Magazine

April 4, 2017

By Renewable Fuels Association

U.S. ethanol exports hit 138 million gallons in February, the third-highest monthly volume on record, according to government data released today and analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association. The February total falls short of only two other months—November 2011 (152.5 mg) and December 2011 (172.7 mg).

Brazil was again the top customer, taking in more than one-third of all U.S. ethanol exports (50.8 mg, or 37 percent) but 14 percent less than record shipments to Brazil in January. Canada also decreased its purchases in February with 24.7 mg (18 percent of total exports) entering the country. Sales to India, however, nearly doubled from the prior month, increasing from 13.2 mg to 24.3 mg. The United Arab Emirates (10.1 mg) and the Philippines (7.0 mg) were other significant importers in February. Year-to-date exports stood at 259.8 mg, up nearly 70 percent from the year-ago total of 154.1 mg.

Exports of U.S. undenatured fuel ethanol rose by 14 percent over January to a record volume of 106.3 mg—nearly double the quantity shipped two months prior. About half of the undenatured product (50.8 mg) went to Brazil. India received a quarter of U.S. undenatured fuel ethanol (24.2 mg), up 118 percent from its January intake. The UAE (10.1 mg) and Philippines (7.0 mg) rounded out top markets for undenatured fuel ethanol. Denatured fuel ethanol exports in February experienced a slight uptick, rising 1 percent to 26.7 mg. Canada and Peru again accounted for the bulk of the market, receiving 23.6 mg (88 percent) and 3.0 mg (11 percent), respectively.

Exports of distillers grains hit 1.07 million metric tons (mmt) in February, the highest monthly total in six months and up 14 percent over January. Mexico expanded its purchases by 36 percent to 241,249 mt (23 percent of total U.S. exports), firmly holding on to its status as the top DDGS destination for a third straight month. Similarly, the Turkish market has been expanding, with a 21 percent increase in DDGS exports in February to 152,537 mt (14 percent). Thailand (71,838 mt), China (64,534 mt), Japan (62,562 mt), Indonesia (58,934 mt), and Spain (58,263 mt) were other top markets, and together with Mexico and Turkey, accounted for two-thirds of February exports. The remaining one-third of DDGS was distributed to 29 countries around the globe. Year-to-date exports stood at 2.01 million metric tons.

Read the original story: RFA: February Ethanol Exports Neared Record, DDGS Shipments Rose

Tuesday, 04 April 2017 11:10

Cenex Truck Stop

605 West Highway 212
Montevideo, MN 56265
E15, E30, E85
605 U.S. 212
United States 56265

Tuesday, 04 April 2017 10:03

Ethanol Workforce Big on Military Vets


April 3, 2017

By Cindy Zimmerman

A new Department of Energy (DOE) study shows that military veterans make up a significant share of America’s ethanol industry workforce which is not only larger than any other energy sector but more than twice the national average.

Nearly one in five ethanol industry employees is a veteran (18.9%), compared to a national average of 7% across all sectors of the workforce, according to the DOE study. The study also finds that the ethanol industry employs twice as many veterans as the oil and gas sector and nearly four times as many veterans as the coal and nuclear power generation sectors. Other renewable energy sectors, including advanced biofuels, wind and solar, also employ a relatively large share of military veterans.

These statistics confirm what veterans working in the ethanol industry have been saying recently, like East Kansas Agri-Energy (EKAE) CEO Jeff Oestmann, a former U.S. Marine who recently organized a letter from industry vets urging President Trump to include renewable fuels in his energy plan.

Nine of the 52 employees at EKAE are veterans, which is very close to the national average. “Working and investing in the ethanol industry allows us to continue honoring our commitment to making America stronger and more independent,” said Oestmann during the recent National Ethanol Conference.

Read the original story: Ethanol Workforce Big on Military Vets

Echo Press

March 31, 2017

By State Representative Mary Franson

The ethanol industry contributed over $1.98 billion to Minnesota's economy in 2016. However, recent news surrounding the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which regulates blending volumes in fuel, threatens to significantly impact this important market and severely affect our state's economy.

First, the White House is currently debating a change to the RFS point of obligation. Shifting the point of obligation would essentially overturn the current RFS structure and likely prevent future expansion of ethanol blending.

This potential market uncertainty is compounded by the fact that the Environmental Protection Agency is set to take full control over the RFS after 2022. The EPA would then have complete authority to reduce or eliminate corn ethanol from blending standards. This would cause a decline in ethanol production, which would raise fuel prices for consumers, and devastate business for both the ethanol producers and the Minnesota corn farmers that supply them.

As a state representative, I am firmly against policy changes that could negatively impact some of our state's most lucrative industries. Ethanol production is crucial to the state's economy and Minnesota should capitalize on this market instead of allowing government regulation to hinder its potential.

Farmers and ethanol producers should not have to rely on the RFS. If ethanol were allowed to compete in a free market, I believe corn ethanol would thrive in the fuel marketplace and continue providing economic growth and opportunity for Minnesota.

Read the original letter: LETTER: Ethanol Production is Crucial for Economy