
Sleepy Eye HS at HWE 03.22.23edited

Lamberton, March 24 - Twenty-three students from Sleepy Eye High School’s crop science class toured Highwater Ethanol on March 22 to learn about renewable fuel production. 

During the tour, the students learned about the various stages in ethanol production such as incoming grain grading, grain handling, fermentation, grain storage, ethanol storage and shipment and dried distillers grains production and shipment. 

“We were delighted to host students from Sleepy Eye High School. It’s important for students to learn about the ethanol production process and it’s role in creating jobs in rural Minnesota, while also reducing state greenhouse gas emissions, lowering prices at the pump and promoting energy independence,” said Brian Kletscher, CEO of Highwater Ethanol.

A recent study by the University of Minnesota Extension said Minnesota’s ethanol industry contributed $2.7 billion to the state’s economy in 2022 and supported nearly 26,000 jobs. 

The students that participated in the tour were from grades 10 to 11. 

“The students learned about corn and the uses of the crop in making renewable biofuel. I believe this was a great opportunity to reinforce the idea that corn has more uses than just for food,” said Paul Hendrickx, agriculture teacher at Sleepy Eye High School. 

The tour was organized by the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels). Highwater Ethanol is a member of MN Bio-Fuels. 

Ridgewater College at CVEC 03.31.23edited

Benson, April 4 - Twenty students from Ridgewater College toured Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC) on March 31 to learn about renewable fuel production.

During the tour, the students learned about incoming grain grading, grain handling, fermentation, grain storage, dried distillers grain production and storage, ethanol storage and shipment.

“We’re always happy to host students from Ridgewater College. Our goal is for students to walk away with not only a better understanding of the production process and of our various co-products, but also a better appreciation for the many ways our industry benefits the environment, rural economies, prices at the pump and energy independence,” said Chad Friese, CEO at CVEC. 

The tour was organized by the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels). CVEC is a member of MN Bio-Fuels.

The students that participated in the tour were from the college’s animal nutrition class. They were accompanied by Ridgewater College agriculture instructor, Kari Slinden.

“Animal nutrition students from Ridgewater College in Willmar learned about the ethanol producing process by touring CVEC in Benson. Many students feed DDGS to their livestock or use other ethanol by-products. We discuss DDGS in class, so students enjoyed being able to understand the process by seeing it first-hand,” she said.

The tour on March 31 was the fourth time Slinden has brought her class to learn about ethanol production at CVEC over the past five years. She previously brought her students to tour CVEC in April 2022, February 2020, March 2019 and April 2018.


Winthrop, Apr 11 - Sixteen students from Central High School in Norwood Young America toured Heartland Corn Products today to learn about ethanol production. 

“We appreciate students from Central High School taking time out of their schedules to learn more about ethanol production and the advantages it provides as a source of transportation fuel. Our industry plays an important role in our state’s economy by strengthening rural economies, providing savings at the pump, reducing carbon emissions and contributing to energy independence,” said Gary Anderson, CEO of Heartland Corn Products. 

During the tour, the students learned about the various processes of ethanol production. This included incoming grain grading, grain handling, fermentation, grain storage, dried distillers grain production and storage, liquefaction and ethanol storage and shipment.

The tour was organized by the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels). Heartland Corn Products is a member of MN Bio-Fuels.

The students who participated in the tour were from grades nine to 12 and were from the school’s small engines class. 

Jim Mesik, agriculture teacher at Central High School, accompanied his students during the tour.

“This tour helped my students see how countless acres of corn raised in our area can be used to help us meet our fuel needs. They learned about environmental and economic benefits and how their choices as fuel consumers are important,” he said. 

Minneapolis, Apr 14 - Transitioning to E15 from E10 in Minnesota would contribute $1.06 billion to Minnesota’s gross domestic product (GDP), according to a new study by ABF Economics.

The study said statewide use of E15 in Minnesota will increase ethanol demand, benefit consumers and the state economy and significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

According to ABF Economics, transitioning to E15 on a statewide basis would:

  • Save consumers $84 million based on the average price discount between E15 and E10 in 2022.
  • Provide $809 million in household income and support nearly 20,000 jobs. 
  • Reduce 1.02 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.
  • Expand ethanol demand by 298 million gallons per year.

“Transitioning to E15 on a statewide basis would provide significant benefits in Minnesota by lowering prices at the pump, reducing carbon emissions, and providing additional income and jobs throughout the economy. This study shows not only the benefits of increasing access to higher blends of Minnesota-made renewable fuels, but also the downsides associated with interrupting E15 sales. We urge the Biden administration to immediately issue an emergency waiver to allow consumers full access to the lowest-cost, lowest-carbon fuel this summer,” said Brian Werner, executive director at the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels)

The stability of global and US fuel markets has been impacted by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, low domestic inventories, recently announced output cuts by OPEC+, and inflationary pressures on fuel consumers. To ease pressure on US fuel supplies, MN Bio-Fuels has joined biofuel and farm leaders in calling on President Biden to authorize sales of E15 this summer. In April 2022, President Biden waived outdated Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) restrictions on E15, which saved drivers an average of 23 cents per gallon according to the Minnesota Department of Commerce.

The study was prepared by ABF Economics for the MN Bio-Fuels. 


Janesville, Apr 18 - Students from Mankato Area Public Schools toured Guardian Energy on Apr 13 to learn about ethanol production. 

“We’re always happy to welcome students interested in learning more about ethanol production. As producers of clean, renewable energy from locally grown corn, these tours give us an opportunity to talk more about the positive impact our industry has on strengthening rural economies, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing prices at the pump and promoting energy independence,” said Jeanne McCaherty, CEO of Guardian Energy.

During the tour, the students learned about the various processes of ethanol production. This included incoming grain grading, grain handling, fermentation, grain storage, dried distillers grain production and storage, liquefaction and ethanol storage and shipment.

The tour was organized by the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels). Guardian Energy is a member of MN Bio-Fuels.

A total of nine students from Mankato Area Public Schools participated in the tour. The students were from grades nine to 12. 

Robin Tidd, agriculture, food and natural resources teacher at Mankato Area Public Schools, accompanied her students during the tour.

“After learning in class about products that are created with plants, students were able to attend a tour of Guardian Energy and see the process in person. Field trips like this expose students to careers in agriculture they did not know existed and help make those connections to what they learned in class,” she said. 


Minneapolis, April 25 - The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) and KS95 FM teamed up today to promote E15 to drivers at a Winner station in Golden Valley from 12 pm to 1 pm.

During the hour-long promotion, drivers who fueled up with E15 were rewarded with prizes such as $20 in cash, tickets to Minnesota United, tickets to the St Paul Saints, Applebee’s gift cards and KS95 merchandise.

KS95 personality, Greg “Hutch” Hutchinson, was at the station with MN Bio-Fuels staff educating drivers on the various benefits of choosing E15. The Winner station in Golden Valley is located at 9405 Medicine Lake Road. 

“We are glad to be resuming our partnership with KS95 to educate consumers about the benefits of choosing E15 - a lower-cost, lower emission fuel available at nearly 430 retail stations in Minnesota. We continue to call on the Environmental Protection Agency to provide certainty to fuel producers, retailers, and consumers by granting an emergency waiver to ensure E15 will remain available to Minnesota consumers this summer,” said Brian Werner, executive director at MN Bio-Fuels.

In 2022, E15 sales in Minnesota surpassed 100 million gallons for the first time with 105.47 million gallons sold. 

Minneapolis, April 28 - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a national emergency waiver to allow E15 to be sold from June 1 to Sept 15 this year. 

“Allowing E15 sales during the summer driving season will not only help increase fuel supply, but support American farmers, strengthen US energy security, and provide relief to drivers across the country,” said Michael Regan, EPA administrator, in statement. 

The EPA said the emergency fuel waiver will go into effect May 1. 

“The EPA’s announcement of an emergency waiver allowing the sale of E15 this summer is the right decision for Minnesota’s consumers, the environment, and economy. Minnesota has been a leader in offering higher blends of ethanol like E15 because it saves drivers money, improves air quality, and reduces our dependence on fossil fuels. We especially thank Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Rep. Angie Craig, and all the bipartisan members of the Minnesota delegation who helped advocate with the administration to secure this critical result,” said Brian Werner, executive director of the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association. 

Read the EPA’s full announcement here


Minneapolis, May 4 - For the second straight week, the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) and KS95 FM teamed up at a station in the Twin Cities metro area to promote E15. 

Today’s joint-promotion was held at a Holiday station in White Bear Lake from 12 pm to 1 pm. 

Drivers who fueled up with E15 during the promotion were rewarded with prizes such as $20 in cash, tickets to Minnesota United, tickets to the St Paul Saints, Applebee’s gift cards and KS95 merchandise.

“Today in White Bear Lake, consumers who purchased E15 benefited not only from prizes, gift cards, and KS95 merchandise, but also from lower prices at the pump because E15 saves drivers more than 25 cents per gallon on average. And thanks to swift action by the EPA last week, E15 will be saving consumers money and improving Minnesota’s environment all summer long,” said Brian Werner, executive director at MN Bio-Fuels. 

Last week, the EPA issued a national emergency waiver to allow E15 to be sold from June 1 to Sept 15 this year. 

As a result of the waiver, MN Bio-Fuels will host several more joint promotions with KS95 at stations in the Twin Cities metro over the next several months to educate consumers on the benefits of fueling up with E15. 

Today’s promotion was held at a Holiday station in White Bear Lake located at 4540 Centerville Road. Last week, MN Bio-Fuels and KS95 promoted E15 at a Winner station in Golden Valley.