Mankato Area Public Schools Tour Guardian Energy

  • Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:15

Guardian11262019Janesville, Nov 26 – Twenty-two high school students from Mankato toured Guardian Energy today to gain a better understanding of renewable fuel production.

During the tour, the students learned about several components of ethanol production including incoming grain grading, grain handling, fermentation, grain storage, dried distiller grain production and storage, ethanol storage and shipment.

The students, from grades 9 to 12, were from Mankato East High School and Central High School.

“The ethanol industry plays an important role in reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions while boosting Minnesota’s economy,” said Jeanne McCaherty, CEO of Guardian Energy.

The tour was organized by the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Biofuels), a non-profit trade organization that represents the ethanol industry in Minnesota. Guardian Energy, which produces 150 million gallons of ethanol a year, is a member of MN Biofuels.

“Today’s visit concludes our school tour program for 2019, which brought over 500 students to their local ethanol plant,” said Tim Rudnicki, executive director of MN Biofuels.

Ethan Dado, Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Instructor for Mankato Area Public Schools, accompanied the students during today’s tour.

“The majority of students in high school have little to no experience with ethanol and biofuels. The goal of the tour is to show how what they are learning in class applied to the workplace. Students had the opportunity to learn about careers in this field,” said Dado.