Survey: Voters Want Congressional Action Supporting Low-Carbon Ethanol

  • Tuesday, 12 September 2023 09:33

Renewable Fuels Association

Sep 12, 2023

With Congress back in session after the August recess, a new survey from the polling firm Morning Consult found continued strong voter support for policies promoting the use of lower-cost, lower-carbon American-made ethanol. In the latest results, registered voters also indicated robust support for specific legislation to allow the year-round sale of E15 (fuel containing 15 percent ethanol), as well as policy that would promote the production of more flex fuel vehicles capable of using the lower-cost E85 fuel blend.

“Voters across the country clearly want to see solutions that will help them save money at the pump while also improving the environment and public health. Consumers want greater access to lower-carbon, lower-cost renewable fuels,” said Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “This nationwide poll of more than 2,000 voters shows strong support for important legislative proposals that are currently pending in the House and Senate. We are calling on Congress to listen to their constituents and get this legislation over the goal line before the end of the year.  Now is the time for action.”   

Among the results:

  • 62 percent of those surveyed had a favorable opinion of ethanol, while only 17 percent had an unfavorable opinion; of those who have an opinion either way on ethanol, nearly four out of five voters (79 percent) support it.
  • 67 percent support the Renewable Fuel Standard, with 19 percent offering no opinion and 14 percent opposed. This is the highest percentage of support since RFA first began surveys with Morning Consult in 2016.
  • 67 percent also support the United States increasing the availability of the E15 blend, and 62 percent believe it is very or somewhat important to promote the production and sale of flex fuel vehicles (FFVs). Only 14 percent opposed the expansion of E15, and just one out of five respondents said it isn’t important to increase production of FFVs.

When it comes to specific legislation now pending before Congress:

  • 63 percent support the  Flex Fuel Fairness Act,  which would encourage automakers to expand production of flex fuel vehicles that can run on E85. The bill would create an incentive for flex fuel vehicle production similar to the incentive already in place to encourage automakers to expand production of electric vehicles.
  • 61 percent support the  Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act,  which would allow E15 to permanently be sold nationwide on a year-round basis. Only 15 percent of voters oppose the legislation.
  • Likewise, 61 percent support the  Next Generation Fuels Act,  which would establish a high-octane, low-carbon fuel standard, with just 14 percent expression opposition.

The online survey was conducted of 2,013 registered voters Sept. 6-9, and has a 2 percent margin of error.  Click here for the topline results  of this national tracking poll.

Read the original press release here