Ethanol 101 For Beginners

  • Friday, 04 September 2015 00:00

Admit it, we aren’t all knowledgeable about everything under the sun. We all have our specialties and things we are passionate about in which we secretly hope people will bring up so we can showcase our brainy talents, but we’re not a Wikipedia robot. There are things we simply don’t know about. And one of those things for me, was ethanol (and outer space).


As someone new to the biofuels industry, I find it gratifying to know that our state leads the way in regards to the implementation of renewable fuels. But also, as someone coming from a first-mover state, I found myself grossly unware of ethanol, its impacts and just exactly what biofuels were defined as, much less what they were doing in the industry. So here are the basics, my thoughts and the facts broken down by an average person who knew next to nothing on the subject before digging into it with two hands. (All pictures and sides notes by yours truly!)

So currently, all gasoline sold contains 10 percent ethanol (E10) and can be used in all vehicles and brings prices down at the pump since ethanol is cheaper to produce. It is also a cleaner fuel and has a higher octane rating. You know how when you fuel up, you have regular unleaded and then the premium gold or silver fuels for the cool Mercedes?

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Well, ethanol provides the same high quality fuel octane at a lower price. Not only am I paying less, I am feeding my car a brownie with fiber (she deserves it afterall)!

So what’s the next step? Changing the standard E10 to E15 (gas with 15% ethanol) which all vehicles 2001 and newer are allowed to use according to the EPA. That amounts to over 80% of the cars on the road today! Including mine. I can feed my car a better brownie with fiber AND antioxidants!

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E15 runs cleaner than E10, has a higher octane rating and is on average 10 to 20 cents cheaper per gallon than regular E10. That adds up in my money jar! Essentially a free Chipotle burrito every 4 times I fuel up! And with certain prices I might even be able to go all out and get some guacamole. Mmmm, free Chipotle! I’m happy, my car is happy and I haven’t even gotten to the environmental benefits yet!

So where do I find this magical E15 fiber brownie? Check out our map or download our app. If there is a station right next to you, there really is no excuse, because whether it’s free chipotle, or a free pumpkin spice latte, the economic paybacks speak for themselves all while providing your car a valuable service that will make it run better and cleaner.

Certainly not even past the first layer of what the whole industry is about but let’s learn together. Ethanol 101 for beginners starts now.

By Mackenzie Zimmerman