Visiting Phibro Ethanol Performance Group

  • Monday, 31 August 2015 00:00

We were recently invited to visit Phibro's ethanol performance diagnostic center in St Paul.

The 4,100 sq ft facility performs a wide range of ethanol specific protocols and includes 15 bio-reactors. Phibro conducts testing in the facility for diagnostic kits to determine a plant's health as well as fermentation and chemical analysis. 

The ultimate goal is to provide ethanol producers a way to maximize their production, efficiency and return on investment.

Here are photos of some of the equipment at the ethanol performance diagnostic center.

Pic 1

Laboratory Bioreactor / Fermenter (Bioflow 115) Control Unit And Vessel

Pic 2

Ethanol plant samples cultured on bacterial petrifilm (left) and yeast / mold petrifilm (right)

Pic 3

Soxhlet apparatus for processing samples in antibiotic residue testing

Pic 4

15 laboratory bioreactor / fermenters

Pic 5

Inside view of one of three shaker-incubators (used for flask testing of products and / or growing bacteria).

Pic 6

View of incubator / automated reader for the omnilog (used for phenotypic identification of bacteria and antibiotic sensitivity testing).

Pic 7

Broth media in tubes.

Pic 8

Ethanol diagnostic kits that are sent to Phibro's clients. They contain sterile sample bottles, cooler packs and instructions. Clients then fill up the containers and return it to Phibro for processing / testing.

Pic 9

96 well microplates used in Omnilog antimicrobial sensitivity testing.