In the News

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Mar 17, 2021

U.S. ethanol production was up nearly 4 percent the week ending March 12, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on March 17. Fuel ethanol stocks were down more than 3 percent.

Ethanol production for the week ending March 12 averaged 971,000 barrels per day, up 33,000 barrels per day when compared to the 938,000 barrels per day of production reported for the previous week. When compared to the same week of last year, production was down 64,000 barrels per day.

Weekly ending stocks of fuel ethanol fell to 21.34 million barrels the week ending March 12, down 730,000 barrels when compared to the 22.070 million barrels of stocks reported for the previous week. When compared to the same week of last year, stocks for the week ending March 12 were down 3.258 million barrels.

Read the original story here.

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Mar 16, 2021

Using Market Access Program funds, the U.S. Grains Council sponsored a joint Vietnamese ministry and U.S. industry ethanol conference in Ho Chi Minh City in the fall of 2018 to share information on the country’s new E5 ethanol–gasoline blend mandate policy, the advantages of increased ethanol usage and ethanol marketing to consumers. 

More than 200 representatives participated, including officials from the Vietnamese government’s ministries of finance and industry and trade, petroleum trading and petroleum distributors, private sector enterprises, the U.S. government, and the press. 

The conference was a direct follow-up activity from the Ethanol Summit of the Asia–Pacific, held in May 2018, and in preparation for a post-tour to Nebraska associated with the Global Ethanol Summit, held in October 2019. 

Vietnam is the fastest-growing economy in Southeast Asia thanks to the increasing population, urbanization and rapid economic growth. Total gasoline consumption in the country is expected to grow by nearly 15 percent by 2022. Vietnam started offering E5 on Jan. 1, 2019, with a goal to move to E10 by 2020. By that time, Vietnam could represent a 225-million-gallon ethanol market at an E10 blend rate, equivalent to roughly 80 million bushels of corn. 

The Council’s work – in partnership with domestic ethanol industry partners – is already starting to pay off in sales as the Vietnamese fuel industry expands. After importing no U.S. ethanol for the last four marketing years, Vietnam has imported more than 3.5 million gallons of U.S. ethanol in the 2018/2019 marketing year, valued at $4.9 million.  

The Council invested $130,000 of MAP funds to promote U.S. ethanol exports to Vietnam, resulting in a return on investment (ROI) of $37 for every $1 of MAP funding invested. 

Read the original story here.

Senator Tina Smith

Mar 15, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) announced that she has been named Chair of the Rural Development and Energy Subcommittee, which is tasked with overseeing many U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development programs, including the Rural Housing Service, and programs relating to facilities, utilities, loans, and renewable energy. 

In addition to her role as Chair, Sen. Smith will also serve on the Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Local Food Systems, and Food Safety and Security Subcommittee, and the Commodities, Risk Management, and Trade Subcommittee, as part of her role on the Senate Agriculture Committee.

"By traveling to rural and Tribal areas across Minnesota, I know that in order for these communities to create jobs and strengthen rural communities, we need to support infrastructure," said Sen. Smith. "As Chair of the Rural Development and Energy Subcommittee, I will keep working to strengthen clean energy and clean energy jobs, access to affordable electricity and water systems, and advocate for funding that supports rural businesses and rural affordable housing, boosts local development, and promotes trade that benefits rural areas. I'm also looking forward to the work my colleagues and I will do on the Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Local Food Systems, and Food and Safety Subcommittee, and the Commodities, Risk Management, and Trade Subcommittee, so that we can support farmers and producers nationwide."

When she first joined the Senate in 2018, Sen. Smith fought for and secured a spot on the Senate Agriculture Committee because ag is the backbone of Minnesota's economy. All Minnesotans are impacted by the Farm Bill, and Sen. Smith heard from Minnesotans with backgrounds in farming, rural development, rural health, and nutrition to make sure that all voices were reflected in the final 5-year bill that passed in 2018 after she joined the Ag Committee. That legislation included many provisions that Sen. Smith authored and championed, including improvement to the dairy safety-net program, the legislative roadmap for the energy title, and improvement to USDA conservation programs. It also included many provisions that benefit Minnesota's native communities and new American communities, like permanent funding for beginning and traditionally under-served farmer outreach programs.

Sen. Smith has heard from farmers about the high cost of health care, including access to health care providers and access to mental health care resources, which is why Sen. Smith championed the creation of the rural health liaison at the USDA as well as funding for local mental health resources and to expand access to stress reduction and suicide prevention programs.

She also believes it's important to invest more in Greater Minnesota, and with her leadership post on the Rural Development and Energy Subcommittee, she will keep working to expand access to broadband and better infrastructure. Thousands of Minnesotans are employed in the ethanol and biodiesel industry, selling corn and soybeans to biofuel facilities and boosting the incomes of farmers around the state. Biofuels are good for energy security, for our environment, and for our economy, which is why Sen. Smith will keep advocating for a strong Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) program. More broadly, rural areas have a huge opportunity to benefit economically and in terms of good jobs from the clean energy transition, including wind, solar, and other energy sources.

Read the original press release here.

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Mar 10, 2021

U.S. ethanol production expanded nearly 11 percent the week ending March 5, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on March 10. Fuel ethanol stocks were down nearly 2 percent.

Ethanol production for the week ending March 5 averaged 938,000 barrels per day, up 89,000 barrels per day when compared to the 849,000 barrels per day of production reported for the previous week. When compared to the same week of last year, production was down 106,000 barrels per day.

Weekly ending stocks of fuel ethanol fell to 22.07 million barrels the week ending March 5, down 355,000 barrels when compared to the 22.425 million barrels of stocks reported for the previous week. When compared to the same week of last year, stocks for the week ending March 5 were down 2.264 million barrels.

Read the original story here

Great Plains Institute

Mar 11, 2021

Minneapolis, MN — A coalition representing automakers, biofuel producers, electric vehicle (EV) sector and conservation advocates is endorsing new bipartisan and bicameral legislation that would implement a clean fuels standard statewide in Minnesota. 

The 26-member Minnesota Future Fuels Coalition is throwing its support behind the Future Fuels Act, which would direct the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Commerce with developing a rule to implement a clean fuels standard at the state level to achieve a 20 percent reduction in carbon intensity for all transportation fuel supplied in the state by the end of 2035. 

The lead authors are Minnesota House of Representatives Assistant Majority Leader Todd Lippert (DFL) and Senate Energy and Utilities Finance and Policy Committee Chairman David Senjem (R). The bill will be discussed at a hearing today in the Minnesota House Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Committee. 

The Minnesota Future Fuels Coalition, which is facilitated by the Great Plains Institute, has outlined a set of principles and benefits? underlying the Future Fuels Act and other efforts in the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels. 

“Minnesota is behind schedule in achieving bipartisan transportation greenhouse gas reduction and clean fuel adoption goals and we believe that a clean fuels policy, such as the proposed Future Fuels Act, can help get the state back on track,” said ?Brendan Jordan, vice president for transportation and fuels at the Great Plains Institute?. 

While clean fuels policies are in place in several jurisdictions already and statewide legislation is pending this year in New York, New Mexico, and Washington state, this is the first legislative effort to try to implement a statewide clean fuels standard in the Midwest. It is also notable for involving a diverse coalition intent on paving a new path for an all-of-the-above strategy to decarbonize transportation fuels. 

The Future Fuels Act requires reductions in transportation greenhouse gas emissions but is technology and fuel neutral? and rewards a fuel’s greenhouse gas reduction based on actual performance. ?It would establish a process for evaluating the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions from any transportation fuel and allow transportation fuel providers to compete in offering lower carbon fuels at lower cost. 

Clean fuels are defined as any that have a lower carbon intensity than what is required in the standard, which can include electricity for transportation fuel, ethanol, biodiesel, renewable diesel, propane, renewable propane, renewable natural gas, hydrogen, sustainable aviation and others. 

The Future Fuels Act establishes criteria for the Commissioner to follow in developing the rule, including broad economic development; reliance on domestically-produced fuels; equitable transportation electrification powered primarily with low-carbon and carbon-free power; air quality and public health; state solid waste recycling goals by facilitating credit generation from renewable natural gas produced from organic waste; voluntary efforts led by farmers to improve soil health and water quality in growing low-carbon clean fuel feedstocks; and protecting natural lands and expanding biodiversity. 

“The Future Fuels Act is smart legislation that would reduce emissions from transportation fuels in Minnesota, support low-carbon biofuels and renewable electricity, and pave the way for a cleaner transportation future,” said ?Jeremy Martin, senior scientist and director of fuels policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists?. “By creating the first clean fuels standard in the region, the Future Fuels Act would deliver real benefits to Minnesota residents and provide a model to states around the country.” 

"The Future Fuels Act helps to transition Minnesota towards a clean transportation future by providing a regulatory scheme aimed at reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuels like gasoline and diesel," said ?Joel Levin, executive director of Plug In America?. "This policy helps to highlight the cleaner transportation options available to consumers, like electric vehicles." 

"This coalition and legislation is a much-needed complement to the Governor’s Council on Biofuels and other efforts to ensure Minnesota as one of the nation's leaders in encouraging domestically-produced renewable ethanol and other clean transportation fuels that benefit our consumers, farmers and environment," ?Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association Executive Director Tim Rudnicki? said. 

“At GM we recently announced a $27 billion investment in our EV programs, laying the foundation for our aspiration to eliminate tailpipe emissions from our light-duty vehicles by 2035. However, realizing this vision will require investments and commitments from all stakeholders, including a comprehensive public policy framework that helps build the EV market,” said Thomas Van Heeke, policy lead for mobility and climate change at General Motors?. “The Future Fuels Act can be a key part of that framework, creating new funding for EV purchase incentives while spurring investment in EV charging and fleet electrification. It has the potential to be a win-win for the environment and the economy and a model for others to follow.” 

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, which includes General Motors and other global-leading automakers and their suppliers, is also supporting the measure. 

Other members of the Minnesota Future Fuels Coalition supporting the Future Fuels Act include the American Coalition for Ethanol, Amp Americas, Audi of America, BioMass Solution, Center for Energy and Environment, ChargePoint, Christianson & Associates CPA, Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas, Conservation Minnesota, Farmers Business Network, Fresh Energy, Low Carbon Fuels Coalition, Partnership on Waste and Energy, Renewable Fuels Association, Rivian, Sustainable Farming Corporation, Tesla, The Nature Conservancy, Universal Renewable Products, LLC and Xcel Energy. 

About the Minnesota Future Fuels Coalition: ?The Minnesota Future Fuels Coalition, facilitated by the Great Plains Institute, is a broad coalition of stakeholders working together to implement the Minnesota Future Fuels Act, which is a clean fuels policy tailored to Minnesota. Coalition members include producers and marketers, electric utilities, environmental nonprofits, auto manufacturers, and agriculture and industry groups.

About Great Plains Institute (GPI):? As a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, the Great Plains Institute works with diverse interests to transform the energy system to benefit the economy and environment. We combine our unique consensus-building approach, expert knowledge, research and analysis, and local action to work on solutions that strengthen communities and provide greater economic opportunity through the creation of higher-paying jobs, expansion of the nation’s industrial base, and greater domestic energy independence while eliminating carbon emissions.

Learn more at ?

Read the original press release here.

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Mar 9, 2021

The USDA maintained its forecast for 2020-’21 corn use in ethanol in its latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report, released March 9. The outlook for 2020-’21 corn supply, use and price were also unchanged.

The forecast for 2020-’21 corn planted area was unchanged at 90.8 million acres, up from 89.7 million acres in 2019-’20. Area harvested is expected at 82.5 million acres. Yield per harvested acre is expected at 172 bushels, up from 167.5 bushels in 2019-’20.

Corn production for 2020-’21 is expected at 14.182 billion bushels. An estimated 4.95 billion bushels of corn is expected to go to ethanol production in 2020-’21, up from 4.857 billion bushels in 2019-’20, but down from 5.378 billion bushels in 2018-’19.

The projected season-average farm price for corn is unchanged at $4.30 per bushel.

Foreign corn production is forecast higher with increases for India, South Africa, and Bangladesh that are partly offset by a decline for Mexico. India corn production is higher with increases to both area and yield. South Africa corn production is raised reflecting more favorable yield prospects.

Corn exports are raised for India, Vietnam, and South Africa. Imports are increased for Vietnam, Bangladesh, and the Philippines.

Foreign corn ending stocks for 2020-‘21 are higher, mostly reflecting increases for India, Vietnam, and Paraguay that are partly offset by reductions for Argentina and Mexico. Global corn ending stocks, at 287.7 million tons, are up 1.1 million from last month.

Read the original story here

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Mar 8, 2021

A bipartisan group of 10 senators on March 8 sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack urging him to provide targeted COVID-19 relief to U.S. biofuel producers through the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corp.

“We have been advocating for targeted relief for the biofuels industry since last spring when we were first made aware of the demand collapse for ethanol and other renewable fuels due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” the senators wrote. “As you know, additional funding was added to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Stabilization (CARES) Act. However, the previous administration argued that congressional intent was not clear with regard to support for biofuels and did not use its discretionary authority to assist biofuels producers through available CCC funding.

“As a result, we worked to ensure specific language was included in December’s COVID relief bill that explicitly clarifies that USDA may provide direct payments to biofuels producers hard hit by the pandemic,” they continued. “Providing aid to the ethanol industry would provide much-needed financial assistance for these key agriculture processors and help keep these critical markets open to farmers. It is for these reasons that we are supportive of the proposals the biofuels industry and key agricultural organizations have put forward to stabilize the market from last year’s macroeconomic shock.

“As the Department prepares a proposal for providing assistance to the agriculture industry using CCC and other resources, we ask that you use this explicit authority to aid the nation’s biofuels industry,” the senators added. “Keeping biofuels plants open is vital to the states we represent. We have been encouraged by your recent statements at your confirmation hearing that you will fully utilize USDA resources to get biofuel producers back on track and will aid the Biden Administration in restoring the integrity of the Renewable Fuel Standard.”

The letter is signed by Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa; Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Joni Ernst, R-Iowa; Richard Durbin, D-Ill.; John Thune, R-S.D.; Tina Smith, D-Minn.; Deb Fischer, R-Neb.; Roger Marshall, R-Kan.; Michael Rounds, R-S.D.; and Mike Braun, R-Ind.

Growth Energy has issued a statement in support of the letter. “We’re grateful to our Senate biofuels champions for their bipartisan effort in asking USDA to use CCC’s COVID funding for biofuels relief assistance,” said Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy. Biofuel producers, farmers, and others throughout the biofuels supply chain have been hit hard financially over the course of the pandemic and securing much-needed financial assistance would bring relief and certainty as they look ahead to a brighter year and build back what was lost.

“Secretary Vilsack understands the critical role the biofuels industry plays in supplying critical co-products, providing cleaner fuel choices to American drivers, and supporting the rural economy,” Skor continued. “We look forward to working with him on a solution.”

A full copy of the letter can be downloaded from Grassley’s  website

Read the original story here

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Mar 3, 2021

U.S. ethanol production rebounded significantly the week ending Feb. 26, reaching 849,000 barrels per day following  a substantial downturn the previous week related to disruptions caused by February’s polar vortex. Ethanol stocks fell by nearly 2 percent the week ending Feb. 26, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on March 3.

Ethanol production for the week ending Feb. 26 was up approximately 29 percent, or 191,000 barrels per day, when compared to the 658,000 barrels per day of production reported for the previous week. When compared to the same week of last year, production was down 230,000 barrels per day.

Weekly ending stocks of fuel ethanol fell to 22.425 million barrels the week ending Feb. 26, down 360,000 barrels per day when compared to the 22.785 million barrels of stocks reported for the previous week. When compared to the same week of last year, ethanol stocks for the week ending Feb. 26 were down 2.539 million barrels.

Read the original story here.