In the News

DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences

Jan 26, 2021

DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences today announced the launch of the SYNERXIA® Gemstone Collection, the next advancement in high-performance yeasts. The new collection from the XCELIS® platform includes SYNERXIA® SAPPHIRE and SYNERXIA® RUBY – two innovative, high-yield yeasts designed for the unique needs of ethanol producers. 

This marks the first time that DuPont has co-launched two high-yield yeasts. SYNERXIA® SAPPHIRE brings the most powerful combination of yield, robustness and enzyme expression in a yeast. It offers enhanced ethanol yield increase paired with revolutionary thermotolerance and infection robustness in fermentation and has been genetically engineered to withstand harsh stressors, while still finishing fermentation with ultra-low DP1. 

SYNERXIA® SAPPHIRE has been engineered to provide a strong ethanol yield increase compared to conventional yeast and powers through fermentation finishing clean when ethanol producers encounter hot fermentations or severe infections. The product also expresses enough glucoamylase to displace up to 80 percent of the glucoamylase injected to fermentation.  The yeast’s strong expression of the powerful glucoamylase offers reduced residual starch for many producers. 

SYNERXIA® RUBY is the highest yielding yeast available today from the XCELIS® platform, delivering exceptional performance to producers via a patented PKL pathway and additional targeted genetic modifications. It produces less acetic acid compared to SYNERXIA® THRIVE GX and enables up to 65 percent glucoamylase reduction.

“The SYNERXIA® Gemstone Collection will give ethanol producers flexibility in responding to their individual plant needs while ensuring high ethanol yield and minimal waste,” said Hans Foerster, global marketing director, DuPont Biorefineries. “These new yeasts represent a new standard in high-yield yeasts on the market for ethanol producers and is just the latest in DuPont’s innovative approach to ethanol solutions through the XCELIS® platform.”

To learn more about the SYNERXIA® Gemstone Collection and the XCELIS® platform, visit or

Read the original news release here

Renewable Fuels Association

Jan 26, 2021

A  comprehensive new study  by scientists from Harvard University, Tufts University and Environmental Health & Engineering Inc. shows that using corn ethanol in place of gasoline reduces greenhouse gas emissions by almost half. The “central best estimate” of corn ethanol’s carbon intensity is 46% lower than the average carbon intensity of gasoline, according to the study’s authors, with some corn ethanol in the market today achieving a 61% reduction. The study credits recent efficiency improvements and the adoption of new technologies for the steady reduction in the lifecycle carbon intensity of corn ethanol. The new study will be published in an upcoming volume of Environmental Research Letters, a well-respected academic journal.

“This new study provides further validation that ethanol is a highly effective tool that for decarbonizing liquid transportation fuels and significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector,” said Renewable Fuels Association President & CEO Geoff Cooper. “And with ethanol, we don’t have to wait and hope for technological and economic breakthroughs. It’s here today at a low cost and already has a proven track record. Ethanol can and should be allowed to do more to contribute to the fight against climate change, and that starts by breaking down the barriers to higher blends like E15, E30, and flex fuels like E85. As President Biden’s administration and the new Congress consider actions and policies to address climate change, we encourage them to examine the best available science and properly account for the critical role ethanol and other renewable fuels can play in securing immediate GHG reductions.”

Cooper pointed out that the scientists found that emissions from land-use change are only “a minor contributor” to the overall carbon footprint of corn ethanol, accounting for just 7% of total GHG emissions.

According to EH&E’s Chief Science Officer David MacIntosh, one of the study’s authors, “This research provides an up-to-date accounting of corn starch ethanol’s GHG profile in comparison to that of gasoline refined from crude oil. The results of this research are timely for the scientific, public health, legislative, and business communities seeking to establish a net-zero carbon economy while addressing related technological, political and economic challenges.”

Read the original news release here

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Jan 22, 2021

U.S. ethanol production was up less than 1 percent the week ending Jan. 15 while weekly ending stocks were down slightly, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Jan. 22.

U.S. ethanol production averaged 945,000 barrels per day the week ending Jan. 15, up 4,000 barrels per day when compared to the 941,000 barrels per day produced during the previous week. When compared to the same week of last year, production was down 104,000 barrels per day.

Production of fuel ethanol has stabilized in recent months after falling to historic lows in the spring of 2020 due to market impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethanol production hit a low of 537,000 barrels per day the week ending April 24, but began to recover in May and June as travel restrictions associated with the pandemic began to ease and demand for transportation fuels started to recover. Production levels since July have been maintained at a level above 900,000 barrels per day, but are down roughly 10 percent when compared to the same period of last year.

Weekly ending stocks of fuel ethanol fell to 23.628 million barrels the week ending Jan. 22, down 64,000 barrels when compared to the 23.692 million barrels of stocks reported for the previous week.

Stocks of fuel ethanol trended down for several months after reaching a record high of 27.289 million barrels the week ending April 17 and remained at levels below those reported for the same period of 2019 through mid-November. Ending stocks, however, have been trending higher in recent months. When compared to the same week of last year, ethanol stocks for the week ending Jan. 15 were up 403,000 barrels.

Read the original story here

Renewable Fuels Association

Jan 21, 2021

In response to an  emergency motion filed Tuesday evening by the Renewable Fuels Association, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit today ordered that EPA’s action on Tuesday to grant three small refinery petitions must be “administratively stayed pending further order of the court.”

The order prevents EPA from further processing the small refinery exemptions, at least until the court has had “sufficient opportunity to consider the emergency motion for stay.” EPA has until February 3 to respond to the motion, and any replies are due to the court by February 10.

The stay comes roughly 36 hours after EPA approved two 2019 waiver petitions and one 2018 petition, which—if allowed to stand—would erase another 260 million gallons of Renewable Fuel Standard blending requirements.

“We took this action immediately to prevent the agency from doing further economic damage to an industry already reeling from the impacts of COVID-19,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper on Tuesday when the motion was filed. “To avert additional harm to the ethanol industry, EPA must be prevented from returning any compliance credits (RINs) to the unidentified refiners who were given these last-minute exemption handouts.”

Read the original press release here.

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Jan 18, 2021

The ethanol sector continued to recover during the fourth quarter of 2020 with production levels up 3.5 percent when compared to the third quarter, according to a new quarterly report released by CoBank’s Knowledge Exchange on Jan. 14. Margins, however, were down.

Average daily production was at 14.7 billion gallons or 90 percent of pre-COVID supply and demand during the fourth quarter, up from 14.2 billion gallons in the third quarter or approximately 87 percent of pre-COVID supply and demand during the third quarter.

According to CoBank, average daily operating margins for a representative Iowa dry mill fuel ethanol plant fell by 10 cents during the quarter to 11 cents per gallons. The report notes that input costs increased dramatically during the three-month period, with corn prices up 26 percent and natural gas prices up 19 percent.

CoBank said it is closely monitoring industry operating margins given the risk that ethanol fuel prices could stagnate relative to increasing corn prices. The report indicates, however, that facilities producing distillers grains coproducts may continue to see margin expansion should distillers grains values remain elevated relative to corn.

In the near-term, CoBank said the incoming Biden administration’s urgency in addressing climate change through its recommitment to the Clean Air Act will be a positive for the ethanol industry. Longer term, however, electric vehicles threaten to erode ethanol demand.

CoBank also predicted the production outlook for fuel ethanol could somewhat improve in 2021 if COVID-19 vaccine deployment fosters a return to workplaces.

For the U.S. economy as a whole, CoBank predicts it will be summer before the economy really begins to gain steam. The second half of the year, however, is expected to power the economy to annual growth of approximately 4.5 percent to 5.5 percent.

A full copy of the quarterly report can be downloaded from the CoBank  website.

Read the original story here


Jan 14, 2021

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Thursday it would propose to extend deadlines for refiners to prove compliance with biofuel laws, but signaled it would not decide on a slew of pending waiver requests submitted by the industry.

The agency's proposal represented mixed news for refiners hard hit by slumping energy demand during the coronavirus pandemic and eager to sidestep regulatory costs associated with U.S. biofuel blending policy. It also marks one of the last actions from President Donald Trump's EPA before he leaves office on Jan. 20.

The agency said it is proposing to extend the compliance deadline for 2019 biofuel blending obligations to Nov. 30, 2021, and an associated deadline for submission of attest engagement reports to June 1, 2022. The EPA is also proposing to extend the 2020 deadlines to Jan. 31, 2022, and June 1, 2022. 

Refiners must hand in credits to the EPA each year to prove they complied with their annual biofuel blending obligations for the previous year. 

The agency also said it was not taking a position on the availability of 2019 small refinery waivers, which can exempt oil refiners from biofuel blending obligations. The agency said the decision was related to pending litigation regarding the waiver program. 

EPA could not be reached by Reuters to clarify whether that meant the agency was not issuing any additional waivers before Trump leaves office. 

The proposal was outlined in a document seen by Reuters that is scheduled to be posted on the Federal Register on Friday.

Under the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard, refiners must blend billions of gallons of biofuels like corn-based ethanol into their fuel mix, or buy credits from those that do. Refiners can apply for exemptions if they can prove the obligations would cause them financial harm.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, EPA had not enforced compliance for some refineries for the 2019 compliance year.

"While we don’t agree that EPA needs to wait as long as it is proposing, particularly for the 2020 compliance year, we do agree with EPA that the outgoing administration should refrain from any further action on the pending small refinery petitions," said Geoff Cooper, president of the Renewable Fuels Association.

U.S. senators including Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley of Iowa urged EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler in a letter dated Thursday not to grant small refinery exemptions until ongoing litigation is resolved. 

Renewable fuel (D6) credits for 2020 traded at 90 cents each on Thursday, up from 79 cents in the previous session, traders said.

Read the original story here

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Jan 13, 2021

U.S. ethanol production was up nearly 1 percent the week ending Jan. 8, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Jan. 13. Weekly ending stocks of fuel ethanol increased by nearly 2 percent.

U.S. ethanol production averaged 941,000 barrels per day the week ending Jan. 8, up 6,000 barrels per day when compared to the 935,000 barrels per day produced during the previous week. When compared to the same week of last year, production was down 154,000 barrels per day.

Production of fuel ethanol has stabilized in recent months after falling to historic lows in the spring of 2020 due to market impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethanol production hit a low of 537,000 barrels per day the week ending April 24, but began to recover in May and June as travel restrictions associated with the pandemic began to ease and demand for transportation fuels started to recover. Production levels since July have been maintained at a level above 900,000 barrels per day, but are down roughly 10 percent when compared to the same period of last year.

Weekly ending stocks of fuel ethanol increased to 23.692 million barrels the week ending Jan. 8, up 408,000 barrels when compared to the 23.692 million barrels of stocks reported for the previous week.

Stocks of fuel ethanol trended down for several months after reaching a record high of 27.289 million barrels the week ending April 17 and remained at levels below those reported for the same period of 2019 through mid-November. Ending stocks, however, have been trending higher in recent months. When compared to the same week of last year, ethanol stocks for the week ending Jan. 8 were up 686,000 barrels.

Read the original story here

Senator Amy Klobuchar

Jan 12, 2021

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] — U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) are calling on the incoming Biden administration to take bold action immediately following the inauguration to support farmers and rural communities by restoring integrity to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), and Richard J. Durbin (D-IL) joined Klobuchar and Smith on this request.

The RFS sets the amount of renewable fuels made from farm products such as corn and soybeans that is blended into the nation’s fuel supply. A strong renewable fuel standard is critically important to Minnesota corn and soybean farmers and is key to job creation in many rural communities. Waivers granted by the Trump Administration allowed fuel refineries to blend billions of gallons less of renewables into the fuel supply, hurting farm income.

In part, the Senators wrote: “The outgoing administration undermined the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which was designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, diversify our fuels, strengthen our national security and drive economic opportunity in America’s heartland. It is critical that the integrity of this policy be restored, and that biofuels be part of your efforts to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Nation’s largest emitting sector.”

A full copy of the letter is available below and here.

Dear President-Elect Biden,

We write to respectfully request your administration take bold action to support our Nation’s farmers and rural communities while acting to combat climate change. The outgoing administration undermined the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which was designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, diversify our fuels, strengthen our national security and drive economic opportunity in America’s heartland. It is critical that the integrity of this policy be restored, and that biofuels be part of your efforts to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Nation’s largest emitting sector.

In order to deliver on these goals, we urge you to swiftly act by taking these steps:

  1. Direct EPA to adopt the Tenth Circuit decision nationwide and swiftly reject any pending and future petitions for small refinery exemptions (SREs) that do not meet the standards set forth by the court: Congress included SREs under the RFS with the intention of mitigating economic harm to small refinery operations. Under the last administration, the intent of SREs was grossly abused when multi-billion dollar companies, like ExxonMobil and Chevron, were provided these waivers.
  2. Publish Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) swiftly: The outgoing administration failed to meet its statutory obligation by not publishing a set of 2021 RVOs. EPA must now publish them quickly and restore certainty in the fuel markets. The RVOs must facilitate substantial growth opportunity for advanced biofuels and include the court-ordered reallocation of 500 million gallons of blending obligations that were wrongfully waived in 2016.
  3. Approve pending pathway applications for corn kernel fiber ethanol and update EPA’s biofuels emissions modeling: EPA faces a backlog of applications from companies seeking to produce cellulosic biofuel from various feedstocks and have them qualify under the RFS. The Agency’s failure to approve these applications is discouraging investment and impacting the ability of these fuels to be commercialized. Companies have waited, on average, more than two years for their applications to be approved. This has led some companies to abandon their plans. Furthermore, EPA’s emissions modeling for the RFS is a decade old and inaccurate. It is critical their modeling be updated so that we fully recognize how biofuels are contributing to our greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. We urge EPA to adopt Argonne National Laboratory’s Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies (GREET) model.
  4. When reaffirming our commitment to the Paris Climate Accord, include biofuels: Transportation is responsible for approximately one-quarter of total global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions and the sector is rapidly growing. Biofuels are substantially lower in carbon intensity than fossil fuels and have the advantage that they can reduce the carbon emissions of gasoline vehicles in the short run. For example, in its January 12, 2017, report, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that corn ethanol reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 43 percent compared to conventional gasoline and has the potential to reduce emissions by as much as 76 percent. It is essential that biofuels are included in addressing carbon reduction in the transportation sector for our international climate goals to be met.

We strongly support your administration’s goal of addressing the climate crisis and supporting our Nation’s farmers. Ending the policy abuses that were prevalent during the outgoing administration early on in your term will help to renew commitments to rural communities and drive economic resiliency in the heartland. In addition to the policy recommendations above, we urge your administration to begin consideration of the RFS “set” for RVO volumes for 2023 and beyond, guided by the important role that biofuels must play in meaningful and rapid climate action.

We look forward to working with you on this important effort. 

Read the original press release here.