
t rudnicki

By Timothy J. Rudnicki, Esq

Seldom do the puzzle pieces align so perfectly as they now have to give Minnesota motorists greater access to E15 and higher blends of Minnesota grown, renewable ethanol.

Some of those puzzle pieces include State and Federal funds for fuel storage and dispensing infrastructure, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction tools, economic development and consumer savings.

The puzzle picture, however, is only complete when the aligned pieces are put together.


One part of the storage and dispensing infrastructure puzzle involves pre-blended E15. This is a valuable product for the growing number of fuel retailers who are unable to install a blender pump yet desire to offer their customers E15 (marketed by some and better known to consumers as “88 Octane” or “unleaded plus”). The good news: this part of the puzzle is now in place and more pieces of the fuel supply chain can be added.

Diesel Dogs Fuel Services, based in St. Paul, is the first fuel wholesaler known to have actually delivered a load of pre-blended E15.  And Diesel Dogs is prepared to deliver many more loads of E15 to a rapidly growing range of customers. We at Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association are pleased Diesel Dogs has seized this opportunity to service the rapidly growing number of fuel retailers who want to make the switch to E15.

Based on Minnesota transportation fuel consumption data from the Energy Information Administration, approximately 2.4 billion gallons annually remain to be converted from 10 percent ethanol to 15 percent ethanol.

This brings us to the next piece of the puzzle -  fuel retailers. While we have seen a growing demand for E15 from fuel retailers, some fuel retailers need to make relatively minor adjustments to their dispensers so they can make E15 available to their customers. That’s where the State and Federal Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership Programs fit in.

Both State and Federal Funds as well as private matching dollars are available to assist fuel retailers. Hundreds of fuel retailers have already expressed interest in these programs which consist of either concrete breaking and blender pumps or the dispenser retrofits. In addition to fuel retailers’ demonstrated interest in the fuel dispenser retrofit program, we know of at least 50 independent retailers, annually impacting at least 60 million gallons of fuel, who sought to participate in the Federal Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership Program which could partially fund new underground storage tanks and blender pumps. For both these programs, the complete infrastructure fix and the dispenser retrofit, we know the fuel retailers remain interested because they will have the resources to rapidly roll out E15 or E15 plus higher level blends of ethanol.

But all of this potential is just that until it is actualized. Based on available information, the Program must be completed by the end of the year and to the best of our knowledge has yet to be actualized. Thus, the multi-million dollar question yet to be answered: will the State seize this Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership Program and secure its full implementation based on a realistic timeline?

GHG Emissions

The second big puzzle piece are greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While the consultant who put together the Climate Solutions and Economic Opportunities Report dismisses the role of today’s 21st century biofuels in reducing GHG emissions, to ignore this factor and the concomitant science puts Minnesotans at risk.

To compound this problem, State Agencies have gone so far as to dismiss the additive value of more efficient vehicles and biofuels in the fight to reduce GHG emissions. These State Agencies ignore the science and metrics and are content with waiting for only the biofuels of the future.

Obviously the consultant and the State Agencies have not done their homework with respect to 21st century biofuels and the actual production of biofuels in Minnesota. Furthermore, had the consultant and the State Agencies done their homework, they would have discovered that fuel storage and dispensing systems as well as internal combustion engines are incapable of distinguishing between today’s 21st century biofuels and advanced biofuels. The molecule is the same. 

What should matter to those State Agencies that have the authority to set policy priorities and corresponding budgets that will impact all Minnesotans is reducing carbon emissions in the transportation sector. 

Consider this reality. Minnesota ethanol producers are in a continuous process improvement mode. That means they actively look for ways to make more renewable ethanol, dried distillers grains with solubles and corn oil for biodiesel by using less energy and less water. Given all the continuous process improvements that have been made in the last few years, the GHG lifecycle factor for ethanol is even better today than it was in 2012. Yet even in 2012, when the Well to Wheels GHG lifecycle analysis was completed by Argonne National Laboratory, the GHG lifecycle for ethanol was from 44 percent to 57 percent less than petroleum gasoline.

More importantly, in the world beyond consultants to State Agencies, when renewable ethanol is used in vehicles, it does have a major impact on reducing GHG emissions in the transportation sector. 

Dr. Steffen Mueller, with the University of Illinois, Chicago, did some investigation.  He found that by simply moving from E10 to E15 as the new unleaded regular, Minnesota could cut annual GHG emissions by 358,000 metric tons. The slight increase in ethanol (from 10 percent to 15 percent) produces a GHG emission reduction which is equivalent to removing at least 75,000 vehicles from Minnesota roadways or installing and operating approximately 90 2MW wind conversation systems.

State Agencies, rather than dismissing today’s 21st century ethanol, should embrace ethanol as the immediately available GHG reducing tool for the transportation sector. But will Minnesota Agencies finally embrace today's ethanol as a GHG emission reducing tool and seize the opportunity to make an impact in the transportation sector today?

Economic Contribution

On the economic front, the third big puzzle piece, there remains a great deal of opportunity for growth in Minnesota’s renewable fuel sector. In 2015 the ethanol industry supported over 18,000 jobs and injected $ 2.1 billion into the economy.  These renewable ethanol industry dollars went into the household incomes of real working Minnesotans, tax coffers and the overall vitality of communities. 

In addition to the ongoing economic contribution of the renewable ethanol industry to Minnesotans, some producers are investing millions of dollars to further modernize the local ethanol plant and increase the capacity to displace more finite, carbon intensive petroleum gasoline.

Here again, the question remains: will State Agencies passively or actively dissuade ethanol producers from making further contributions to the economy or instead seize opportunities to build upon success and facilitate the further growth of this homegrown industry and the production of renewable fuel?

Consumer Benefits

Finally, what about the consumer? By consumer I mean, for example, individuals who purchase E15 for their personal transportation needs as well as local units of government who fuel vehicle fleets.

E15 offers more octane for engine performance and is generally 10 cents less per gallon compared to regular. Using data from the Energy Information Administration, annual gasoline consumption is approximately 2.4 billion gallons.  When we do the math on E15, at 10 cents less per gallon, Minnesotans could save $240 million in a year. That $240 million can stay in household budgets and be used in other sectors of the economy.


Over the years, many State Lawmakers and Governors, along with renewable ethanol visionaries, have been instrumental in fostering the growth and development of Minnesota’s ethanol industry. More recently, while some progress is being made in efforts to go to the next level by creating greater access for E15 in the marketplace, it has become clear that much more work remains to be done. We need to redouble our efforts on fuel supply chain issues and in educating consumers about their fuel choice options and the implications for their household budgets and the environment.

But we also need to have better alignment of the puzzle pieces within Minnesota government. Then we need to put the puzzle pieces together to create a renewable energy future that grows the economy and tackles GHG emissions today and well into the future. To be clear, some progress has been made and continues to be made in providing more access for E15 and higher blends of ethanol. Yet in some quarters of State Government there seems to be a certain comfort with thinking about ethanol as that gasohol in the 1980's rather than learning about today’s 21st century ethanol. Unfortunately, where there is a lack of understanding, or misunderstanding, sometimes junk science or personal feelings get substituted for the facts and the law.

Will Minnesota State Agencies put the puzzle pieces together and seize the biofuel opportunities within our collective grasp? Failure to do so is not an option, especially with respect to the action which is required to reduce GHG emissions and given the current and foreseeable vehicle fleet on Minnesota highways.

To seize all the biofuel opportunities, however, will require key State Agencies to put aside the junk science and the misinformation and instead focus on how to maximize the energy independence, consumer, economic and environmental benefits today’s 21st century ethanol has to offer. We stand ready to help.

t rudnicki

By Timothy J. Rudnicki, Esq

September has been an especially busy and constructive month for the ethanol industry in Minnesota. The US EPA’s discriminatory RVP season ended, thus making E15 available once again to all 2001 and newer vehicles. Gov. Mark Dayton joined several other Midwestern governors in calling on the EPA to end the Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) ban on E15 and declared Sept 16, 2016, Ethanol Day, in Minnesota. 

Separately, we made some progress with state agencies with some tangible and meaningful action. There’s still more to be done to lower or remove artificial barriers to ethanol producers and the fuel marketplace. 

Minnesota has a set of interrelated laws which are designed and intended to lower or remove some of those barriers. The petroleum displacement law, for example, calls for using at least 30 percent biofuels (excluding biodiesel) by 2025. But until these laws (words) are actualized, Minnesota will continue to be dependent on carbon intensive fossil fuels while shipping energy dollars out of Minnesota.

Here are some of the present challenges facing our industry in Minnesota and steps we have taken to give consumers greater fuel choices at the pump.

1. We tracked the 2016 Energy Security Bill which may as well have been drafted by Big Oil. While it never got out of the legislature, it is expected to resurface in 2017. In an attempt to bring this bill into alignment with existing biofuel laws in the state, we worked with the Deputy Commissioner of Division of Energy Resources to include ethanol in a fuel inventory survey and recognize the role ethanol can play in further displacing gasoline.

2. We have also identified some cumbersome regulatory barriers that prevent ethanol producers from rapidly changing out production and pollution control equipment in order to use even more efficient equipment. These regulations clearly run counter to laws aimed at strengthening and growing Minnesota’s ethanol industry. We are currently engaging the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to identify a common roster of equipment that could potentially be changed in a matter of a few days, rather than months, through an administrative amendment or some comparable time-sensitive process.

3. The Minnesota Environmental Quality Board’s (EQB) “Climate Solutions and Economic Opportunities” report will purportedly be used by state agencies to set policy directions and budgets with respect to carbon reduction plans. Unfortunately, the report contains data that is flawed at best. Despite informing the EQB on these deficiencies, the EQB refuses to accept the science which demonstrates that ethanol’s CO2 reduction benefits augments the CO2 reduction from the use of more efficient vehicle engines. 

This is perhaps one of the most egregious examples of policies that are out of alignment with the Dayton Administration and our state’s biofuel laws, goals and science. We will continue to work with the Governor to align department policies and actions with the biofuel laws.

4. The RVP ban on E15 during the summer months can be fixed by the EPA through administrative action as well as well by calling for the use of a better quality base gasoline (reformulated gasoline). In fact, we’ve discovered that there are particulate matter (PM2.5) concerns in a specific region in the state that could necessitate the use of RFG. 

We are currently reviewing a variety of air quality measures to determine the PM2.5 levels in various counties and have engaged with local governments to explore the use of E15 blended with RFG to ensure their region is within compliance with air pollution laws.

5.  For many years the state’s procurement contract has made E10 and E85 available to state fleet operators as well as counties and cities. E15, however, has not been included. That will change moving forward. After working with the Department of Administration for over a year, E15 will now be a fuel option for all units of government across Minnesota thereby paving the way for higher consumption of E15 in Minnesota.


The constructive actions we have undertaken are aimed at implementing Minnesota’s laws so as to facilitate the expanded use of clean, homegrown ethanol in the State. We will continue to blow the dust off those law books and turn the two dimensional words into three dimensional results and in turn, keep more energy dollars in Minnesota, boost our economy, give consumers savings at the pump and reduce the carbon emissions in the transportation sector. 

It’s all about aligning and implementing those words (laws).

t rudnicki

By Timothy J, Rudnicki, Esq

Over the last few months the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association has been taking the political pulse.

We were keenly interested in what local candidates had to say about their support for:  (A) ethanol as used in regular gasoline and E15, (B) Minnesota’s petroleum displacement law, (C) the RFS and (D) expanding the fueling infrastructure to make more E15 and higher ethanol blends available to Minnesotans across the State. 

Our findings tell an interesting story.

The pilot project survey was broad but targeted. Survey questions and follow up telephone calls were made to those candidates having specific ethanol touch points in their districts. We examined, for instance, whether an ethanol plant, industry stakeholder, or fuel retailer (selling E15 or higher blends) were in the district and then tallied the total number of touch points for ethanol in each targeted district. All but one of the 67 Minnesota senate districts has at least one touch point such as a fuel retailer selling E15 or E85. Other senate districts have as many as 13, 18 and 21 touch points.

A district with numerous touch points might, for example, have an ethanol plant within its bounds as well as one or more ethanol fuel retailers and ancillary ethanol businesses such as an engineering company, accounting firm or fuel marketing enterprise. The threshold for this phase of the survey project required at least 10 touch points in a senate district.  While we plan to refine and expand the survey's methodology for use in the future, the results for this round are useful and instructive. 

We have identified those senate districts where House and Senate members might benefit from some additional information regarding the social, economic, consumer and environmental benefits that stem from the production and use of renewable biofuel in Minnesota. And we also have information showing us where the very strong support exists, too.

As we connect the dots for what this election means for ethanol in Minnesota, I have a couple of observations. First, the vast majority of candidates expressed strong support for ethanol indicating that ethanol is party neutral. Regardless of one’s party affiliation, the production of homegrown, renewable ethanol provides tangible benefits for Minnesotans. 

The second point is about politics and the future. We all know that petroleum has dominated the transportation fuel market for more than 100 years. And that dominance has come at a steep cost to our energy security and carbon emission budget. Therefore, the Minnesota Petroleum Displacement law and the Renewable Fuels Standard remain necessary to ensure, as a state and nation, we continue to move further down the sustainable and renewable, low carbon path. Many of our lawmakers understand the importance of these two laws and the incredible social, economic and environmental benefits that have flowed from them thus far.

There is an equally important future component at issue, too. While some see electric vehicles dominating the future transportation landscape, a July 2016 publication from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory suggests otherwise. In the “Summary of High-Octane, Mid-Level Ethanol Blends Study,” it states:

"[Automakers] are pursuing a broad portfolio of technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and improve fuel economy. Central to this effort is higher efficiency spark ignition (SI) engines, including technologies reliant on higher compression ratios and fuels with improved anti-knock properties, such as gasoline with significantly increased octane numbers. Ethanol has an inherently high octane number and would be an ideal octane booster for lower-octane petroleum blendstocks."  

The Report then goes on to cite additional studies which point to 25-40 volume percent as the range for a new high octane fuel and how it would assist in reaching the goals set forth in the RFS and to curb greenhouse gas emissions. In short, it seems the spark ignition engine, along with ethanol, could play a major role in future automobiles.

With respect to the election results and what it means for ethanol, we look forward to working with incoming House, Senate and Congressional Members. We have a fantastic story to share with them about the thousands of jobs that are supported by the ethanol industry in Minnesota, how E15 is about 10 cents less per gallon compared to regular, the billions of dollars of economic contribution from the ethanol industry and the millions of tons of greenhouse gas that can be displaced annually with ethanol. Equally important, as the auto industry retools for the high mileage, high efficiency, lower emitting spark ignition engine, so long as we work together, Minnesota will have the ethanol producers necessary to provide the high octane low carbon fuel.  

t rudnicki

By Timothy J. Rudnicki, Esq

The November elections did shift the balance of power among Democrats and Republicans in both the Minnesota Senate as well as the US Senate and the White House. Following the elections, I’m frequently asked, what does this shift mean for ethanol and renewable chemicals? 

On an academic level, the social, economic, energy security, consumer and environmental benefits that stem from biofuels are apolitical and have no party affiliation. For nearly six years the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association has worked with Democrats and Republicans including lawmakers from the urban and suburban areas and rural communities of the state. We all found common ground and ways to grow the biofuel and renewable chemical industry to displace imported, finite petroleum-based products. 

To produce what we require for mobility and products from renewable ingredients grown right here in Minnesota helps our community and improves the environment.

Doing what’s best for us is keeping billions of energy dollars in Minnesota rather than exporting those dollars to Canadian tar sands oil, Bakken crude or Middle Eastern oil producers. Doing what’s best for us is saving Minnesota drivers $240 million annually with E15. Doing what’s best for us is reducing nearly a million tons of greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector annually.

All of the above are being achieved with renewable chemicals and ethanol produced right here in Minnesota.

Here is a case where the old adage “if it works, don’t fix it” applies. As MBA has reported on the 2015 Minnesota ethanol industry data, Minnesota ethanol producers supported over 18,000 jobs, generated $7.37 billion in gross sales, generated $1.6 billion worth of income for Minnesota households and contributed $2.13 billion to Minnesota’s gross domestic product.

Given the very tangible benefits the ethanol industry provides for people in Minnesota, I would expect that lawmakers will do no harm or try to fix something that doesn’t need fixing. In other words, that means doing no harm to both the Minnesota Petroleum Displacement Law and the federal Renewable Fuel Standard.

We must, however, be ever vigilant and continue to advocate our positions. MBA will, once again, launch a major campaign to help Minnesota lawmakers and members of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation more fully understand the tangible, positive benefits the renewable ethanol industry and the growing renewable chemical industry provides all Minnesotans.

In addition to ensuring lawmakers do no harm to the existing biofuel laws, we will ask lawmakers to help build upon successes in the biofuel sphere. One way we can do this is by making a few minor regulatory adjustments to obtain even greater economic, social and environmental benefits. For instance, if E15 were given the same Reid Vapor Pressure treatment as E10, E15 could be sold throughout the year including the high mileage, busy summer driving season. Using more E15 would displace more carbon-intensive petroleum and also cut more greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector.

We will also ask lawmakers for assistance with expanding the fuel storage and dispensing infrastructure to handle more E15 and higher blends of ethanol. As of this writing, there are 62 E15 stations in Minnesota. The next phase of this infrastructure project will call for adding several hundred additional E15 dispensers, which can handle up to at least E25.

Many positive social, economic, energy security and environmental benefits have flowed from biofuel laws. And those benefits, and the success stories, are measurable and linked to real people in each US Congressional District and each Senate District in Minnesota. One would, therefore, expect lawmakers to allow society to build upon these tremendous success stories.

But, as we have seen this past election cycle, this has been a year of change. Some who question me about the implications of the election seem satisfied with the thought that change will come to Minnesota or Washington.

What does this mean? Change what? Change for whom? If this change comes, who will be benefitted and who will be burdened?  Change for the sake of change seems like a rather infantile and dangerous game for people, the economy and the environment.

What if lawmakers decided the best change is to stop trying to make a political football out of biofuels and instead embrace the growing success and positive benefits of biofuels and to build upon that success to produce even more benefits? What if lawmakers demonstrate change by articulating and reinforcing a renewable energy vision which puts more Americans to work building, expanding and further modernizing ethanol plants to produce an even lower carbon biofuel?

If lawmakers want to make this election about change to serve their constituents and society as a whole, then let’s work together to find ways to make Minnesota and the nation more energy independent with homegrown biofuels. Collectively, we have tremendous potential and opportunities to match the next generation of internal combustion engines with a higher octane low-carbon fuel, expand the fueling infrastructure, put more people to work and improve the quality of our environment. 

Let’s do change with a vision and a purpose. Toward that end, MBA will remain vigilant and continue to advocate for meaningful change. Happy New Year!

t rudnicki

By Timothy J. Rudnicki, Esq

With 598 House Bills and 499 Senate Bills introduced as of January 30, a fired up legislature and four more months remaining in the 2017 Legislative Session, we have an excellent opportunity to do more advocacy on behalf of the biofuel and renewable chemical industries in Minnesota.

As usual, the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association will work both defense and offense. Thus far, at some point in every legislative session, we have seen bills introduced which, either by accident or intent, attempt to hack away at the core of Minnesota’s biofuel and renewable chemical industries. Regardless what the attack might be, MBA is there to confront, challenge and change the offending bill. 

MBA also works on the offense. For instance, this session MBA is working with key stakeholders and legislative bill champions in the Minnesota House and Senate to advance a couple of bills. One bill involves a tax credit to jump start a new technology and the other bill is aimed at giving at least 150 fuel retailers the types of resources they need so they can rapidly transition to making E15 the new unleaded regular fuel in Minnesota.

The first technology bill holds some super potential to increase efficiency of production. At issue is the need to stimulate the generation of electricity onsite with, for example, combined heat and power systems or expander generators or some combination of both. These energy technologies can enable renewable biofuel and chemical producers to use cleaner energy and further lower their carbon footprints.

With these energy efficiency technologies, carbon footprints are lowered in at least two ways.  First, when a producer generates their electricity onsite, they immediately reduce the problem associated with transmitting electricity over long distances: line loss. The resistence of the transmission wires essentially “wastes” electricity, hence the term line loss, yet energy had to be used to generate that electricity. So, when renewable biofuel and chemical producers use the onsite generating technology they can cut the amount of wasted energy due to line loss.

Biofuel and renewable chemical producers can also reduce the carbon footprints of their products with the onsite generating technology because the technology uses cleaner fuel to make electricity. While the vast majority of the grid serving Minnesota is still powered with very carbon intensive fuel, the biofuel and renewable chemical producers can use much less carbon intensive fuel such as natural gas, biogas or pressure differentials. 

Today’s onsite electricity generating technology is really fantastic. A combined heat and power system produces both the heat needed to process renewable biofuels and chemicals and to generate the electricity used to power, for instance, fans and pumps. The expander generators convert high pressure gases or fluids to lower pressure by taking and using the pressure (energy) to spin a generator to produce electricity. Given the tremendous environmental benefits associated with these systems, as well as the potential to jump start the use of this dormant technology, MBA is working with lawmakers to advance a bill that would provide a phased out tax credit to producers.

Another key bill is the 2017 biofuel infrastructure build out program. This bill aims to literally build upon the success of the Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership Program which was funded by the US Department of Agriculture and matched with grants from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the ethanol industry.

Through the course of its work with fuel retailers across Minnesota, MBA has identified another set of more than 100 fuel retailers who are interested in and prepared to offer E15 and higher blends if they can get some assistance. We have identified a range of needs for the retailers including from those requiring relatively minor adjustments to their dispensers to those who could offer two or three tankers of E15 a week to their customers but for some changes that need to be made to their tanks or pipes or dispensers. The multi-million dollar bill at issue could go a long way to making E15 the new regular, boosting the Minnesota economy with homegrown biofuels and driving down GHG emissions.

When E15 is the new regular fuel, renewable ethanol will cut an additional 358,000 metric tons annually of carbon dioxide equivalent gas from the atmosphere. That’s the equivalent of taking about 75,368 passenger vehicles off Minnesota roadways. A few million dollars can get GHG emission reductions within a matter of months. It would cost several billion dollars to displace the same number of passenger vehicles with alternative technology.

In short, both of the bills spearheaded by MBA hold tremendous potential to boost the biofuel and renewable chemical industries in Minnesota, jump start an energy efficiency technology, expand annual consumer fuel savings by about $240 million and drive down those GHG emissions now.  For more news between newsletters, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. As always, I welcome you comments This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

t rudnicki

By Timothy J. Rudnicki, Esq

The current legislative session in Minnesota has been filled with policy and finance bills. For instance, 1,824 bills have already been introduced in the Minnesota House of Representatives. In the Senate, 1,572 bills have been introduced. But among the more than 3,000 bills are two which can unlock and unleash the full energy security, economic, environmental and consumer benefits of renewable ethanol made in Minnesota.

The key to unlocking all this potential is currently in the hands of legislators and embodied in House File 1257 and Senate File 1277.

First, a bit of context.

Minnesota Statute 239.7911 calls for at least 25 percent biofuel use within the transportation fuel market by 2020. As of 2015, ethanol comprised approximately 12.47 percent of transportation fuel in Minnesota. The gap between the 2015 metrics and the 2020 target can be bridged, in part, with a robust program to help fuel retailers make some technical decisions and install the most appropriate and cost-effective fuel storage and dispensing systems so they can offer E15 and higher blends to consumers.

Although Minnesota ethanol producers can supply the transportation sector with more renewable biofuel, some fuel storage and dispensing equipment needs to be adjusted or replaced to handle E15. Both House File 1257 and Senate File 1277 provide the necessary funding for technical assistance and appropriate technology so fuel wholesalers and retailers can ween themselves from foreign oil. More importantly, more stations will be able to dispense E15, thus increasing access to a clean, locally-produced fuel that is growing in popularity. 

While only 2 percent of retail fuel stations in Minnesota are equipped to offer E15 (also known as Unleaded Plus), where E15 is available, consumers choose it. E15 sales in Minnesota hit an all-time high of 5.68 million gallons in 2016, nearly double the volume in 2015. In fact, each month in the fourth quarter of 2016 broke a new monthly record with 550,270 gallons (October 2016), 742,253 gallons (November 2016) and 841,589 gallons (December 2016). Moreover, the volume in December 2016 was 60 percent higher than the total recorded in December 2015 (528,171 gallons).

Millions of Minnesotans will benefit from this biofuel bill. But for solar and wind energy and biofuels, Minnesota imports all the rest of its energy. Using more biofuels made in Minnesota keeps energy dollars in the state.  According to the 2016 ABF Economic Report, the Minnesota ethanol Industry supported about 18,000 jobs, contributed $2 billion to the GDP, paid $80 million to state and local taxes and, in more human terms, generated nearly $1.5 billion in household income.

When the legislators use the biofuel key to unlock the potential of made-in-Minnesota biofuel, additional benefits could flow to consumers. If, for instance, E15 was ubiquitous, based on current market conditions and demand analysis, annual fuel cost savings to consumers are estimated to range from $168 million to $240 million. Additionally, E15 could reduce air pollution while also reducing GHG emissions by an additional 358,000 metric tons annually or the equivalent of removing approximately 76,000 vehicles from Minnesota roadways.

Thus far, Minnesota legislators are taking some action on the biofuel key. On Monday, February 27, the Minnesota Senate Agriculture, Rural Development, and Housing Finance Committee held a hearing on the bill.  The House Agriculture Policy Committee is scheduled to take up the bill on March 1.  For those Minnesotans who support greater access to renewable biofuel made in Minnesota, now is the time to contact the Members of the House and Senate Committees to voice your support for House File 1257 and Senate File 1277.

In the final analysis, the key to unlocking more of the benefits of biofuels in Minnesota rests with legislators.  While legislators have many public policy, economic, consumer, energy security and environmental reasons to use the biofuel key, they need to hear from you.  

t rudnicki

By Timothy J. Rudnicki, Esq

The current biofuels infrastructure bill in the Minnesota legislature (House File 1257 and Senate File 1277) is really more than just increasing fuel tanks, pipes and dispensers.

It's about bolstering Minnesota's energy security, saving consumers at the pump, driving down greenhouse gas emissions and boosting Minnesota's economy. And to fully realize these economic, environmental and social benefits, there needs to be greater access to E15 in Minnesota. That's where this biofuels infrastructure bill comes in.

If the state invests $12.5 million in E15 infrastructure, some 150 additional stations would be able to dispense E15, which in turn could potentially increase E15 consumption in Minnesota to 150 million gallons annually.

More E15 equals less harmful greenhouse gas emissions. A University of Illinois analysis shows that if all gasoline in Minnesota contained 15 percent ethanol instead of just 10 percent, greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by an additional  358,000 metric tons annually. To put that into perspective, we would need to remove 75,368 vehicles from our roads annually to achieve the same result.

Investing in E15 infrastructure will also have a positive impact on Minnesota's economy.

An independent analysis by ABF Economics shows that this one-time investment of $12.5 million would boost Minnesota's GDP by $35.9 million, support 276 full-time jobs, generate $25.5 million in household income and pay $1.4 million in state and local taxes.  

This biofuels infrastructure bill will also play a critical role in meeting Minn. Stat 239.7911, which states biofuels should comprise 25 percent in transportation fuel by 2020.

As of 2015, biofuels comprised 12.47 percent of transportation fuel in Minnesota. Increasing access and usage of E15 would certainly help us meet the goals set in Minn. State 239.7911.

Last but not least, an investment of $12.5 million is just 7/10 of 1 percent of Minnesota's projected budget surplus of $1.65 billion that is available for the upcoming biennium.

The facts are plain to see. Minnesota has much to gain from this biofuels infrastructure bill and we call upon Minnesota lawmakers to pass this bill and send it to Gov. Mark Dayton.

t rudnicki

By Timothy J. Rudnicki, Esq

Right now Minnesota legislators have the opportunity to bolster the household income of Minnesotans by $25 million while supporting 276 jobs and generating $35.9 million in gross domestic product (GDP).  Prudent budget action by legislators could generate additional benefits which include cutting air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by 358,000 metric tons annually and generating $1.4 million in state and local taxes.

What stands in the way of the Minnesota legislature’s actualization of these positive social, environmental and economic benefits?  Budget targets, potentially, could be the road block. 

Legislators tell us they support funding the expansion of biofuel infrastructure because they recognize the very tangible benefits to Minnesotans.  Legislators tell us they understand when consumers have access to a “Made In Minnesota Biofuel,” especially one with more octane at a lower cost, they purchase it.  And legislators tell us they recognize the artificial barriers that have been raised against biofuels and they understand we need to lower those barriers by providing a helping hand to fuel retailers who choose to offer E15 and higher blends to consumers.

But then legislators lament the anticipated budget targets, which are expected to be too low, because there will be little or no room for meritorious initiatives such as the expansion of biofuel infrastructure.

With a $45 billion biennial budget and an estimated $1.65 billion budget surplus, I cannot understand how legislative leaders might not even consider the significant return on a modest policy proposal calling for $12 million to fund the expansion of Minnesota’s biofuel infrastructure. 

After following some of the thousands of policy bills and funding requests that have been introduced this legislative session, I understand full well that there are many competing interests for scarce taxpayer dollars.  So how do legislators decide which issues are worthy of some funding from our budget surplus? 

If the weight of the case or issue is a deciding factor, I respectfully suggest they give careful consideration to our case because it has substantial benefits.

Minnesota is home to 5.5 million based on July 2016 U.S. Census estimates.  Does having cleaner air for Minnesotans carry any weight?  Ethanol is free of toxins, such as benzene and toluene, found in petroleum gasoline.  Making more ethanol available to Minnesotans is good for the environment and human health.  Additionally, using just 5 percent more ethanol can have the same GHG emissions reduction effect as taking 75,368 vehicles off Minnesota roadways.

An analysis by ABF Economics shows that a $12 million investment in E15 infrastructure would result in $35.9 million to the state’s GDP, generate $25.5 million in household income and contribute $1.4 million in state and local taxes. If the legislature’s purpose is understood to include making policy and funding decisions which improve the lives of Minnesotans, then the modest $12 million biofuel infrastructure funding request, with all its benefits, should be an easy call.

With the early success of the USDA Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership Program making E15 available at 138 locations in Minnesota, ethanol plant modernization and expansion projects, including the $146 million Al-Corn Clean Fuel expansion, and at least another 150 retailers prepared to submit project proposals to offer E15, now is the time for legislators to act and build upon success.

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, we can achieve market penetration with approximately 600 fuel retailers offering E15.  If legislators choose to allocate $12 million from the $1.65 billion budget surplus to continue expanding biofuel infrastructure, we will be at the halfway mark in making high octane, low carbon E15 the new regular for Minnesotans.  We all win with cleaner air, lower carbon emissions and a boost to the economy and household income.


Picture Caption : Rudnicki testifying on the benefits of the Biofuel Infrastructure Bill to legislators in St Paul