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In the News

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Oct 8, 2015

By Susanne Retka Schill

In continuing pressure on the administration and U.S. EPA to not weaken the renewable fuels standard (RFS), the National Corn Growers Association and National Farmers Union released a white paper showing the impact of the RFS on farm income, which is now projected to decline 26 percent this year from the 2013 peak.

The paper cites a Congressional Research Service report that called the lack of annual renewable fuel volume standards for 2014 and 2015 a key uncertainty that was “crucial in determining how the U.S. agricultural economy will fare.” USDA projects 2015 net cash income will decline $35 billion from 2013 highs. “The net farm income projection for 2015 at $58.3 billion is down over 50 percent compared with the record $123.7 billion level achieved in 2013 and is the lowest since 2006.”  

In a media call the morning of the release, Roger Johnson, President of the National Farmers Union said, “The EPA’s proposed rule and the uncertainty around it have frozen investment in rural communities and sources of income for farmers in the advanced and cellulosic biofuels industry at a crucial time. Already, the new industry has suffered a $13.7 billion shortfall in investment because of uncertainty around the RFS. That cuts off a long-term potential for supplemental farm income, and causes job loss in rural communities. The economic and environmental benefits of advanced biofuels cannot be realized without a strong RFS.”

President of the National Corn Growers Association Chip Bowling said, “Our country’s farmers and biofuels producers have met the challenges of the RFS, investing in renewable fuel production and creating jobs in rural America that can’t be outsourced to other countries. Thanks to the RFS, we are helping to reduce foreign oil dependence with clean, secure American-made renewable fuel. However, the EPA’s weakened proposed rule has hurt farm income across the country – the USDA has projected net cash income for American farmers and ranchers to decline by 26 percent this year. Now is not the time to break our commitment to America’s farmers. It’s time to put forth a strong RFS so we can continue moving our country forward and bolster farm income in our rural communities.”

In the question period following the prepared statements, both leaders acknowledged that the uncertainty around the RFA is not the only reason farm income is declining, although Johnson stressed, “it is a significant factor.” Bowling pointed out, however, that the boost in farm income starting in 2005 has widely been credited to corn ethanol. He added that he farms near an ethanol plant that shut down recently, with an immediate drop in the basis—basis being the price differential between the nearby futures corn price and a local cash quote.

Growth Energy cochairman Tom Buis commended the two agricultural organizations “for bringing this issue to the forefront to ensure that communities across rural America can continue to grow and prosper.” He reinforced the key message from NCGA and NFU. “Farm income has already declined this year and the proposed reduction of the RVOs under EPA’s proposed RFS rule will only further drive down farm income, putting a severe strain on America’s rural economy. The past several years of inaction by EPA have resulted in significant uncertainty among producers, stifling growth, innovation and the necessary investment to move toward next generation fuels from the farm.”

Read the original story here : NFU, NCGA : RFS Uncertainty Drives Down US Farm Income

Oct 6, 2015

Syngenta 1

Minnetonka, - Syngenta today announced that, to date, it has reached agreements with 16 ethanol plants to use Enogen grain. Together, the plants have a combined production capacity of more than 1 billion gallons. Syngenta is in discussions with a number of other ethanol plants, as well, with plans to continue its expansion. Enogen® corn enzyme technology is an exclusive in-seed innovation from Syngenta and the industry’s first and only biotech corn designed specifically to enhance ethanol production.

Enogen was grown on approximately 225,000 acres in 2015, and that number is expected to top 400,000 acres next season, demonstrating the continued commercial success of this technology. According to Jack Bernens, head of Enogen for Syngenta, the robust alpha amylase enzyme found in Enogen corn hybrids helps an ethanol plant dramatically reduce the viscosity of its corn mash and eliminate the need to add a liquid form of emzyme.

“This breakthrough viscosity reduction can lead to unprecedented levels of solids loading, which directly contributes to increased throughput and yield, as well as critical cost savings from reduced natural gas, energy, water and chemical usage in ethanol plants,” Bernens said. “Growers who plant Enogen corn benefit as well – they earn an average premium of 40 cents per bushel.”

Enogen is rapidly gaining popularity because of the value it delivers and the opportunity it provides corn growers to be enzyme suppliers for their local ethanol plants. Assuming an average yield of 165 bushels an acre, Enogen corn is expected to generate approximately $26 million of additional revenue for local growers in 2016 through per-bushel premiums. Furthermore, numerous trials have shown that Enogen hybrids perform equal to or better than other high-performing corn hybrids.

“The agreements we have in place with a steadily increasing number of plants will enable them to source alpha amylase directly from growers and keep enzyme dollars in those local communities,” Bernens added. “This is what truly sets Enogen corn apart from other technologies designed to enhance ethanol production. It adds significant incremental value at the local level for communities that rely on their ethanol plant’s success.”

Go to www.enogen.net to learn more about Enogen.

Biomass Magazine

October 6, 2015

By Katie Fletcher

The International Energy Agency recently released its annual Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report at a Group of 20 leaders’ meeting in Turkey. The report forecasts global market trends and developments for renewable energy and biofuels to 2020.

The MTRMR 2015 indicates that renewable energy will represent the largest single source of electricity growth over the next five years, driven by falling costs and aggressive expansion in emerging economies. Although the report points to the promise renewables hold for affordably mitigating climate change and enhancing energy security, the report warns governments to reduce policy uncertainties that are slowing greater deployment.

“Renewables are poised to seize the crucial top spot in global power supply growth, but this is hardly time for complacency,” said Fatih Birol, IEA Executive Director as he released the IEA’s MTRMR at the G20 Energy Ministers Meeting. “Governments must remove the question marks over renewables if these technologies are to achieve their full potential, and put our energy system on a more secure, sustainable path.”

According to the MTRMR, renewable power expanded at its fastest rate to date—130 gigawatts (GW)—in 2014 and now represents more than 45 percent of overall supply additions. The report attributes the fall in fossil fuel prices over the past years to concerns about the competitiveness of renewables and government willingness to maintain policy support. One policy, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, carries uncertainty. The report states, “Amid generally sluggish demand growth, OECD power systems face challenges to maintain long-term policy frameworks while shifting away from high incentive levels and integrating higher variable renewable penetrations.”

In the report’s executive summary, it states renewable electricity additions over the next five years will reach 700 GW, or more than twice Japan’s current installed power capacity. The report concludes that the share of renewable energy in global power generation will rise to over 26 percent by 2020 from 22 percent in 2013.

This deployment is thought to increasingly shift to emerging economies and developing countries, which will make up two-thirds of the renewable electricity expansion to 2020. China will account for nearly 40 percent of total renewable power capacity growth and require almost one-third of new investment over the next five years.

The MTRMR highlights risks that may be associated with increasing deployment. Financing remains key to achieving sustained investment, and regulatory barriers, grid constraints and macroeconomic conditions pose challenges in many emerging economies.

The report shares that wind leads global renewable growth, followed by solar and hydropower. Meanwhile, other renewable technologies grow slower on an absolute basis, but still scale up significantly. The report gives the example of bioenergy supported by coal-to-biomass conversions in Europe and a significant scale-up in non-OECD Asia using domestic resources. Excluding traditional biomass, the report states global renewable energy use for heat will grow only moderately over the medium term. “While renewable heat technologies can be cost-effective options, an extended period of lower oil prices could undermine growth, particularly in bioenergy markets.”

The report also carries insight on biofuels for transport and renewable heat. “Blending mandates are expected to support biofuels for transport demand and production, even with the lower oil price environment.” The report indicates that, overall, biofuels growth is forecast to stabilize, reaching over 4 percent of road transport demand in 2020. A number of risks limit this growth, however. The U.S. continues to face structural challenges in scaling up ethanol to more than 10 percent of gasoline demand while the EU-28 has introduced a 7 percentage point cap on the contribution of conventional biofuels towards the 10 percent renewable transport target for 2020, according to the report.

The MTRMR notes that significant development of advanced biofuels is necessary for diversification and debarbonization of transport in the long term, particularly in aviation. Since 2013, the report shares that advanced biofuels have made good progress, with nine commercial-scale plants commissioned. Also, policies that mandate blending levels and provide capital incentives, along with the development of secure local feedstock supply chains have been fundamental. The report estimates new projects may require oil prices around $100/bbl or above to be attractive.

The executive summary of the MTRMR concludes, while energy security and local sustainability concerns prove a first-order motivation for adopting enhanced policies, the improving affordability of renewables can have positive ramifications for global climate change negotiations.

Read the original story: IEA Releases Mid-Term Forecast for Biofuels, Renewable Energy

Find a full copy of the executive summary here or more information at the IEA website here.

U.S. Capitol

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Oct 1, 2015

By Ann Bailey

The Senate Banking Committee has defeated an amendment that would have eliminate corn-ethanol blending targets under the renewable fuel standard (RFS).

The amendment introduced by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Penn., was defeated Oct. 1 by a vote of 7-15. Toomey attempted to add the American Crude Oil Export Equity Act which would lift the U.S.’s ban on oil exports.

“It is no surprise that Senator Toomey’s amendment failed – it never had a chance of passing,” said Tom Buis, Growth Energy CEO. “Similar to legislation he has introduced before, it did not gain any traction and failed because this legislation only restricts consumer choice and attempts to dismantle a successful American industry that is creating jobs, improving our environment and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

“The simple fact is that the RFS has bipartisan support and it has been the most successful energy legislation this nation has enacted in over 40 years.”

The Renewable Fuels Association said that consumers can breathe a sigh of relief when they fill up at the gas pump because the defeat of the amendment ensures that ethanol will remain the No. 1 source of renewable fuel in the world, said Bob Dinnen, RFA president and CEO.

“The committee understood the writing is on the wall when it comes to the RFS, and that legislative proposals that seek to purportedly “fix” the statute are nothing more than political gamesmanship. “When Congress passed the RFS, it did so with the intention of stabilizing and growing the biofuels market.

“The committee rightly rejected the amendment by Sen. Toomey because it would have done nothing more than squelched investment and created uncertainty in the market, and thereby would have had a detrimental impact on the energy and economic future of generations to come.”

American Coalition for Ethanol Executive Vice President Brian Jennings called it gratifying that a majority of Republicans and Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee want the RFS to remain the law of the land.

“Perhaps today’s vote can help EPA understand that they need to set blending targets that reflect the statute instead of riding the brakes on the RFS because of so-called E10 blend wall concerns,” Jennings said.

Read the original story here : Amendment To Eliminate Corn-Ethanol Blending Defeated

Amy Klobuchar small

The Hill

October 2, 2015

By Devin Henry

A group of senators is pushing the White House to issue a strong mandate for ethanol fuel.

Fourteen senators — a mix of Republicans and Democrats, many from ethanol-producing Midwestern states — met with White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on Thursday to make their case for an aggressive new ethanol mandate under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rankled many ethanol producers in May when it proposed increasing the amount of biofuel it wants mixed into the gasoline supply, but at levels below those set by Congress in 2007. 

The EPA is due to finalize three years of RFS targets by the end of November, and ethanol allies in Congress and the energy industry want the White House to increase the mandate. 

“The last thing we should be doing is throwing the brakes on the progress we’ve made by rolling back the Renewable Fuel Standard,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), who helped organize the McDonough meeting, said in a statement. 

“The future of the biofuels and advanced biofuels industries depend on a rule that provides stability and predictability.”

The ethanol mandate is a contentious subject in the fuel industry and in Congress. Ethanol producers slammed the EPA’s proposed targets in May for being too low, while oil producers and refiners said they’re already mixing as much ethanol as is possible into the gasoline supply.

Several lawmakers want to end the ethanol mandate entirely. Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), among the RFS’s biggest critics in Congress, tried attaching a repeal of the mandate to a bill lifting the ban on crude oil exports during a committee meeting on Friday, but that effort failed. 

The mandate’s defenders — a mix of environmentally inclined Democrats and Midwestern lawmakers — say the rule is important for both reducing carbon emissions from the transportation sector and supporting the ethanol industry in agricultural states. 

Three Republican senators from Iowa and South Dakota joined 11 Democrats at the White House meeting on Thursday. 

“When lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, representing states all over the country, come together to share a common concern, that really means it is time to listen,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said in a statement. “And I hope the Administration does.”

Read the original story here: Senator Push White House on Ethanol Mandate

Iowa Farmer Today

Sept 26, 2015

By Sebastien Pouliot and Bruce Babcock

The EPA’s justification for proposing to reduce ethanol mandates in the Renewable Fuel Standard is that consumer demand for ethanol is not high enough to meet the original targets.

About 13.7 billion gallons of ethanol can be consumed in E10, which contains 10 percent ethanol. The original mandate for conventional biofuel (widely assumed to be corn ethanol) was supposed to increase to 15 billion gallons in 2016. This would require that 1.3 billion gallons of ethanol would need to be consumed in gasoline-ethanol blends that contain more than 10 percent ethanol.

The two blends that contain more than 10 percent ethanol approved for sale are E15 and E85. The number of stations that sell E15 is currently quite small, whereas almost 3,000 stations sell E85. Thus, EPA focuses on the contribution of potential E85 sales to make its claim that there is insufficient demand for ethanol to support a mandate of 15 billion gallons.

The EPA writes in its proposed rule: “Thus, we believe it is possible for the market to reach volumes perhaps as high as 600 million gallons under favorable pricing conditions.”

Adding this 600 million gallons to 13.7 billion gallons of ethanol consumed in E10 means the EPA believes a maximum of 14.3 billion gallons of ethanol can be consumed in the United States. This is why the EPA proposes to reduce mandates for the non-advanced biofuel from 15 to 14 billion gallons in 2016.

Estimation of the demand for E85 requires data matching various E85 price levels with the corresponding amount of E85 sales.

A rich source of data was provided to us that we used to estimate directly the proportion of U.S. owners of flex vehicles who buy E85 at various price points. The data contains daily station fuel sales and prices of a major Midwest chain of retail gasoline outlets.

We report on how owners of flex vehicles in two metropolitan areas respond to changes in the price of E85 and extrapolate the results to the national level. Perhaps uniquely, this chain’s aggregate market share in these two metro areas was much greater than 90 percent, thus allowing us to estimate the proportion of owners of flex vehicles in the area who chose to switch from E10 to E85 at various price levels.

Using these new direct estimates of consumer demand, we find that owners of current flex vehicles in all U.S. metro areas would consume 250 million gallons of E85 if it was priced at parity on a cost-per-mile basis with E10, and 1 billion gallons of ethanol if E85 were priced to save drivers 23 percent on a cost-per-mile basis.

These estimates assume no new E85 stations are installed. If new stations were installed so drivers in metro areas had the same driving distance to an E85 station, as drivers do in one of our study areas, then more than 1 billion gallons of ethanol would be consumed in E85 in U.S. metro areas if E85 were priced to save FFV drivers 10 percent on a cost-per-mile basis.

These estimates significantly understate total U.S. E85 consumption because consumption in non-metro areas is not included.

Our results show that meeting the original 15 billion gallon RFS ethanol target in 2016 is feasible. The two key conditions needed to meet this consumption level are to allow the market for RINs to work as intended, which will allow the price of E85 to fall to induce consumers to buy the fuel, and for EPA to set a consistent policy signal to industry that they will indeed have to meet this target. A clear and consistent message from EPA is needed to foster investment in fueling stations that will allow enough consumers to access E85.

Comments are from an executive summary of a study by economists at Iowa State University. Sébastien Pouliot is assistant professor of economics and Bruce A. Babcock is professor of economics and Cargill Chair of Energy Economics and is director of the Biobased Industry Center at ISU.

Read the original story here : E85 Makes Original RFS Target Feasible

Read the study here

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Sept 22, 2015

By Sussanne Retka Schill

Senate democrats introduced a national energy bill Sept. 22 that they says offers a pathway to a cleaner energy future and economy.  The American Energy Innovation Act of 2015 takes a multi-faceted approach, dealing with a number of issues and sectors including electrical generation, energy efficiency, alternative fuels, clean energy research, energy cybersecurity.

Several provisions discussed in the bill summary are of interest to the existing biofuels industry.

Under a section title Clean Fuel Production Credit, a 10 year production credit would be available for facilities in 2018, starting that year for those built earlier, as well as those put in service after it takes effect. The bill also creates a technology-neutral incentive for the domestic production of renewable transportation fuels, based on lifecycle carbon emissions.  “Fuels begin receiving incentives if their lifecycle emissions are at least 25 percent less than the U.S. nationwide average in 2015. Zero and net-negative emission fuels quality for the maximum incentive of $1 per energy equivalent of a gallon of gasoline,” the summary details.  

Another provision in that section allows fuels using similar feedstocks and production pathways to be grouped together by the U.S. EPA and requires new pathways be given provisional guidance with a year of the initial request for approval and final guidance no later than two years later.  

The American Energy Innovation Act would also repeal repeal tax incentives for major integrated oil companies such as foreign tax credits, domestic manufacturing deduction, expensing intangible drilling and others.

Earlier, in July, U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., introduced a broad, bipartisan energy bill. Focused on a wide range of national energy opportunities and challenges, the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015 features five titles reflecting common ground on energy efficiency, infrastructure, supply, accountability, and land conservation. Versions of some of the provisions contained in that act appear in the newly introduced democratic-sponsored bill.

Read the original story here : Senate Democrats Introduce Comprehensive National Energy Bill


September 22, 2015

Today, Novozymes announced the launch of a new enzyme for ethanol producers who want to reduce their use of chemicals without sacrificing yield.

Liquozyme LpH is an alpha-amylase effective at low pH that thins the mash by breaking down starch into shorter dextrin chains. A more fluid mash ensures more efficient operational performance for ethanol producers running their production at low pH.

Plant trials have shown improved viscosity levels and liquefaction, enabling customers to reduce their use of chemicals for pH adjustment.

“We were really pleased by our recent trials,” says Peter Halling, Vice President for Biofuels at Novozymes. “Ethanol producers can reduce dosing of both ammonia and sulphuric acid during the cook process. This saves costs and ensures a safer working environment.

More innovation for the ethanol industry
Liquozyme LpH is the latest addition to Novozymes’ range of enzyme products for the ethanol industry, and there is more to come.

“Novozymes will continue to develop new technology for the ethanol industry,” says Peter Halling. “We will expand our portfolio further towards the end of the year with a new innovation”.

Read the original story: New Enzyme for Ethanol Producers Reduces Use of Chemicals and Saves Costs