In the News

Energy AgWired

Sep 22, 2020

“Because of the price of oil collapsing and people not driving…and also these waivers that have been given out by the administration, which should have never been considered,” Peterson said during the  Agri-Pulse Ag and Food Policy Summit on Monday. “If we had 15 billion gallons we wouldn’t be having the kind of problems we’re having in the ethanol industry.”

Peterson would like to see producers receive 45 cents a gallon based on their January to April production, or from 2019 if they were shut down. “And that needs to happen too or we’re going to lose some of these plants.” he said.

However, the chairman from Minnesota expressed concern that getting back into the habit of ad hoc disaster aid for agriculture could be detrimental to farm policy going forward.

Read the original story here.

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Sep 16, 2020

Novozymes today announced the launch of Fiberex®, a comprehensive platform based on novel enzymes and yeast strains to convert corn fiber into ethanol. Fiberex® is specifically aimed at breaking down tough fibers in the corn, providing producers with greater operational flexibility. The technology converts a low-value by-product into high-value, low-carbon fuel while also enabling the production of significantly more corn oil. "Through advanced biology, biofuel producers looking to diversify can now unlock new markets and avenues of profitability,” says Brian Brazeau, Novozymes’ vice president for bioenergy. “Working with Novozymes and our expert analytics and engineering partners, producers can use Fiberex® technology to transform their corn fiber, typically only used for animal feed, into low-carbon, high-value cellulosic ethanol.”  Novozymes is the technology leader in fiber conversion today, enabling new revenue for biofuels producers from  low-carbon credits  such as in California and  EPA’s cellulosic RIN credits.  Through Fiberex®, Novozymes is collaborating with the biofuel industry to further expand the boundaries of corn-based ethanol – literally breaking down some of the barriers between what is considered conventional biofuels and advanced biofuels. 

Converting more of the tough feedstock 

Low-carbon fuels are a crucial part of transportation – enabling domestic energy, a cleaner environment, and better livelihoods for rural America and beyond. Most ethanol is made from the starch in corn kernels, whereas the fiber is much more difficult to use, being a complex matrix consisting of cellulose, hemicellulose, starch, protein, oil, and minerals.  The cellulose is rigid and partially crystalline in form while the hemicellulose is highly branched and amorphous. Novozymes’ Fiberex® enzymes are specifically designed to break down this complex matrix – resulting in more corn oil and converting the fiber into simple sugars that are easily converted into ethanol.   “Ethanol producers know their business best! We now make available industry-leading technology and are putting our bioinnovation in top gear to convert every last pound of fiber in corn,” says Brian Brazeau. “Realizing the importance of fiber-based ethanol in reducing our carbon footprint, improving co-products, and increasing value for producers, we have embarked on a mission to develop biology that can convert all of this tough feedstock into low-carbon ethanol. It is time to reimagine ethanol.” As part of the platform announcement, Novozymes is also launching the first Fiberex® products: Fiberex R1, a technology specifically designed to provide maximum ethanol in separate fiber-to-ethanol processes, and Fiberex F1, a cellulase enzyme designed to provide fiber conversion for in-process technologies. Additional solutions, to launch in 2021, are in proof-of-concept trials now. More information on Fiberex® can be found  here.  

Read the original story here

House Agriculture Committee

Sep 15, 2020

(Washington, D.C.) - Today, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce released the text of legislation containing the provisions of House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson’s Renewable Fuel Standard Integrity Act. The House is expected to consider H.R. 4447 the week of September 21st.

“In recent years, the Environmental Protection Agency has granted dozens of small refinery exemptions, waiving billions of gallons of biofuel from RFS blending requirements. The Agency granted these harmful waivers with little transparency, concealing details from the public about which refiners are being granted waivers and why. The provisions of my bill will require EPA to pull back the curtain and show the American people how they justify granting these waivers that have greatly impacted profitability for biofuels producers and farmers across the country.”

The provisions included in H.R. 4447, Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act would set an annual deadline for refiners to request exemptions from the Renewable Fuel Standard and require EPA to publicly release the name of refiners requesting a waiver, the number of gallons requested to be waived and the number of gallons of biofuel that will not be blended as a result of the waiver. These provisions mirror the provisions of H.R. 3006, the Renewable Fuel Standard Integrity Act, with adjustments to address business confidentiality concerns that were raised by members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Congressman Peterson is a co-chair of the Congressional Biofuels Caucus, a bipartisan group of Members of Congress who advocate for homegrown renewable fuel policies that boost farmer incomes and reduce dependence on foreign oil.

Read the original press release here.

Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits

Sep 14, 2020

Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits (LBDS), a global supplier of innovative fermentation ingredients, is proud to announce the introduction of their next generation advanced yeast and enzyme platform called ConvergenceTM. 

The ConvergenceTM platform has been developed to generate increased profitability for North American biofuel producers by providing a step change improvement in ethanol production cost economics. The platform combines a new yeast that generates virtually all the glucoamylase (GA) required for fermentation combined with a small amount of complementary exogenous enzyme. 

ConvergenceTM has been created through the development of new biotechnology that enables yeast strains to express much higher levels of GA than was previously possible. Now all of the enzymes required for fermentation can be delivered through two components: 

TransFerm® CV5 is a genetically modified yeast strain that combines best in industry yield enhancement technology with extraordinary levels of glucoamylase and trehalase expression. This yeast generates between 80% and 100% of the enzymes required in fermentation. 

Alcolase® 146 is a high-performance glucoamylase blend developed to maximize the fermentation performance of TransFerm® CV5. This product provides optimal results at a significantly lower dose than other commercial enzyme blends. When used with TransFerm® CV5 it is supplied at no extra charge. 

“We are very excited to introduce the Convergence platform this week. Ethanol producers now have an alternative to purchasing expensive exogenous fermentation enzymes from traditional enzyme suppliers” says Angus Ballard, President of LBDS. “TransFerm® CV5 continues our tradition of developing innovative solutions that generate real value for our customers. We look forward to continuing this approach in the years ahead. 

For additional information on the ConvergenceTM line of products, please see the Lallemand Biofuels web site at or contact your local sales or technical presentative. 

About Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits 

Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits (LBDS), based in Milwaukee, WI, GA is a business unit of the Canadian yeast and bacteria producer Lallemand Inc. LBDS is a leading supplier of fermentation ingredients and value creating services to the global fuel ethanol and distilled spirits markets. For more information please visit 

Read the original press release here

Brownfield Ag News

Sep 10, 2020

The chairman of the House Agriculture Committee is eagerly awaiting confirmation on two major issues affecting the biofuels industry.

Minnesota Congressman Collin Peterson says the first involves President Trump reportedly directing EPA to deny dozens of so-called “gap year” small refinery exemption requests.

“That’s great, but we have not verified that. We haven’t actually seen that in writing at the EPA or anyplace else. I hope that’s true, and I hope the President sticks with that and this is not just some kind of rhetoric to get past the election. And then after the election, it goes away.”

During a Minnesota Renewable Energy virtual roundtable Thursday, Peterson was asked (by Brownfield) about Brazil agreeing to suspend its 20 percent tariff on U.S. ethanol imports for 90 days.

“Again, we have not been able to confirm this, these are the rumors. And in both of these cases, they’re quoting anonymous sources. The people say they want to be anonymous so they can speak freely, but we don’t know exactly what this means. So I hope that’s true.”

Peterson says while these are positive signals, Congress has not seen anything official on gap year waivers or Brazil’s ethanol tariffs.

Read the original story here.


Sep 4, 2020

A boom in demand for hand sanitizer in South Korea since the outbreak of COVID-19 is not shocking, but the related jump in U.S. ethanol imports to the country to meet that need may be more surprising. This uptick in demand is opening doors for the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) and partners to build new partnerships to expand demand potential for ethanol across Asia both for industrial uses and fuel.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has altered ethanol markets around the world,” said Haksoo Kim, USGC director in South Korea. “The demand for U.S. ethanol for industrial use in South Korea has increased significantly due to high demand for sanitizing products in South Korea and throughout the region.

“Despite these short-term impacts, fuel ethanol demand remains viable for expansion in the future, and the council is working to increase market access in individual countries in the region,” Kim said.

Domestic demand for hand sanitizer in Korea is now 2.6 million gal. per month, more than 12 times pre-pandemic levels. The country had already been importing U.S. ethanol for industrial uses like windshield wiper fluid and disinfectants, but increased demand has led to more purchases.

South Korea imported 58.9 million gal. of U.S. ethanol (20.9 million bu. in corn equivalent) for industrial uses from January to July 2020, up nearly 53% year over year. This level constitutes a 55% market share, with competition primarily from Brazil, China and Pakistan.

USGC met virtually on Aug. 24 with KC&A, the largest U.S. ethanol importer and distributor in Asia, to discuss the obstacles and opportunities for export expansion in the region. The company has the only facility in South Korea that can rectify -- or distill to remove water and other compounds -- ethanol for use in sanitizing products. The company’s operations in the port city of Ulsan are also well placed to take advantage of transshipment opportunities to other Asian countries.  

Representatives from three USGC offices -- the Washington, D.C., headquarters office; the Southeast Asia regional office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and the South Korea office -- all participated in the meeting. The council and KC&A discussed how to work together to introduce and expand fuel ethanol policies in the region and capitalize on logistical advantages.

“The council and KC&A worked to increase our understanding of the changing ethanol markets in the United States, South Korea and Southeast Asia,” Kim said. “By sharing information and knowledge, we will cooperate to expand and develop ethanol markets in the region.”

While fuel demand remains down due to COVID-19, USGC has advocated for revisions in government policies that permit ethanol for fuel use and provide a role for trade.

In Indonesia, the council worked with Growth Energy, the Renewable Fuels Assn. and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) to remove a ban on ethanol entering the country. U.S. ethanol can now enter the Indonesian market by way of pre-blended fuel.

In Vietnam, USGC worked with FAS to engage Vietnam's Ministry of Industry & Trade and Ministry of Finance to reduce most-favored nation tariffs, which are the lowest possible tariffs a country can assess on another country with this status. While the council and its partners pushed for a tariff reduction in line with competing products like aromatics and other petrochemical oxygenates, the tariff was eventually reduced to 15% for both 100% pure ethanol and 99% or less pure ethanol -- the maximum reduction applied to any commodity or product during this review period.

The council said it will continue to expand public and private partnerships like these to help U.S. ethanol meet the shifting demand needs in Asia and the rest of the world.

Read the original story here

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Sep 3, 2020

The U.S. exported 74.04 million gallons of ethanol and 1.08 million tons of distillers grains in July, according to data released by the UDSA’s Foreign Agricultural Service on Sept. 3. Ethanol exports for the period were down, while distillers grains exports were up.

The 74.04 million gallons of ethanol exported in July was down from 78.49 million gallons exported in June and 122.33 million gallons exported in July 2019.

The U.S. exported ethanol to approximately three dozen countries in July. Canada was the top destination for U.S. ethanol with 30.08 million gallons, followed by India with 13.02 million gallons and the Netherlands with 7.93 million gallons.

The value of U.S. ethanol exports fell to $131.77 million in July, down from $185.63 million during the same month of 2019 and down from $143.67 million in June.

The U.S. exported a total of 804.76 million gallons of ethanol during the first seven months of 2020 at a value of $1.41 billion, compared to 883.84 million gallons at a value of $1.4 billion exported during the same period of last year.

The 1.08 million tons of distillers grains exported in July was up from both the 883,193 tons exported in June and the 856,767 tons exported in July 2019.

The U.S. exported distillers grains to approximately 33 countries in July. Mexico was the top destination with 162,234 tons, followed by Turkey with 143,765 tons and Thailand with 141,749 tons.

The value of U.S. distillers grains exports reached $227.86 million in July, up from $194.7 million in June an d$174.38 million in July 2019.

Total U.S. distillers grains exports for the first seven months of 2020 reached 6.06 million tons at a value of $1.3 billion compared to 6.21 million tons at a value of $1.3 billion during the same period of last year.

Additional data is available on the USDA FAS  website.  

Read the original story here

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Sep 2, 2020

Highwater Ethanol LLC, a 59  MMgy ethanol plant located in Lamberton, Minnesota, filed an 8-K with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Sept. 1 announcing an agreement with Nelson Baker Biotech Inc. for the installation of a system to produce 20 MMgy of hydrous USP grade ethanol, which is used in the sanitizer market.

The filing indicates Highwater and Nelson Baker executed the construction agreement on Aug. 26. The agreement provides for a fixed price, which includes design, engineering and construction management.

Construction is expected to begin before the end of the current fiscal year, which ends Oct. 31. The project is expected to be complete during the second fiscal quarter of 2021.

A full copy of the 8-K is available on the SEC  website.

Read the original story here.