New York Proposes Updated Fuel Regulations Allowing for E15

  • Wednesday, 07 September 2016 11:00

Ethanol Producer Magazine

September 06, 2016

By Erin Voegele

On Aug. 24, the New York Department of Agriculture and Markets published a proposed rule in the New York State Register proposing to update the statement’s fuel regulations to allow for the sale of E15 in model year 2001 and newer vehicles.

In addition for allowing for the sale of E15 blends, the proposed rule also includes a provision that will require ethanol blends to comply with certain labeling requirements required by federal regulation. The proposal states retailers “must post the octane rating of [all] automotive gasoline, except gasoline-ethanol blends containing more than 10 percent and not more than 15 percent ethanol by volume.” This must be accomplished by “putting at least one label on each face of each gasoline dispenser through which” gasoline is sold. If two or more kinds of gasoline with different octane ratings are sold from a single dispenser, the retailer must but separate labels for each kind of gasoline on each face of the dispenser. In addition, the proposed rule will require automotive gasoline to meet updated ASTM International standards.

Growth Energy has spoken out in support of New York’s proposed move to E15, noting the state consumes more than 5.5 billion gallons of gasoline each year, making it the fourth largest gasoline market in the U.S. Growth Energy also said it has worked extensively with Poet over the past two years to update the regulation.

“This proposal marks a major victory for consumers, who would gain access to cleaner, more affordable choices at the pump,” said Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy. “Biofuel blends, like E15, are already used on the racetrack at Watkins Glen, and if the proposal is approved, drivers will be able to experience the same economic, environmental and performance-enhancing benefits. We appreciate the department’s work on this regulation to reflect federal approval of E15 and we look forward to working with retailers across the Empire State to quickly get E15 into the market.”

“E15 represents an exciting opportunity for New Yorkers to select affordable, clean-burning biofuels produced at plants like ours,” added Timothy Winters, chief financial officer of Western New York Energy. “Back in 2004, we set out with a mission to harness the power of Western New York’s renewable resources to provide consumers with a high-octane, earth-friendly option at the pump. With higher blends like E15 in the marketplace, we can continue to help drivers save money and improve the quality of the air we all breathe, all while creating jobs and growing our local economy.”

 “E15 is a 21st century fuel for 21st century vehicles and is approved for nearly 90 percent of the cars on the road today,” continued Skor. “By increasing biofuel blends, we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil, cut carbon emissions, and limit the need for toxic gasoline additives associated with cancer, water contamination and smog. New York state has long been a pioneer in clean energy, and this proposed regulation change is one more step toward sustainable economic growth for New York communities, farmers, and drivers, as well as a fair and open fuel marketplace.”

According to information published in the state register, a public comment period on the proposed rule will be open for 45 days. Additional information is available on the New York State Register website.

Read the original story: New York Proposes Updated Fuel Regulations Allowing for E15