#ACE2016 Hears about Booming Minnesota #Ethanol Industry

  • Tuesday, 09 August 2016 14:22


August 9, 2016

By Joanna Schroeder

The ethanol industry packed the room for the opening night reception of the 20th annual American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota where Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association Executive Director Timothy Rudnicki talked about the booming ethanol industry in his state.

“Within the last year and a half, we’ve seen more E15 stations become available, and that means more fuel choice for consumers,” said Rudnicki. “What we’ve found for the most part is when consumers have a choice between a clean, green renewable fuel versus petroleum they will take the renewable fuel.”

Rudnicki says because education is so important, they have developed new communications tools, such as a biofuel station locator app. “We’ve also implemented some direct consumer campaigns using social media tools to alert consumers to where retailers are having special events to promote E15 and higher blends, but more importantly, to give consumers the confidence in knowing what they’re buying is good for their engines, the environment, and the economy – and for the most part, ten cents less per gallon on E15 compared to regular,” said Rudnicki.

Read the original story and listen to the interview: #ACE2016 Hears about Booming Minnesota #Ethanol Industry