In the News

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Oct 15, 2020

U.S. fuel ethanol production increased by nearly 2 percent the week ending Oct. 9, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Oct. 15. Stocks also increased by approximately 2 percent.

U.S. ethanol production increased to an average of 937,000 barrels per day the week ending Oct. 7, up 14,000 barrels per day from the average of 923,000 barrels per day reported for the previous week. When compared to the 971,000 barrels per day produced during the same week of 2019, production was down 34,000 barrels per day.

Production of fuel ethanol has stabilized in recent months after falling to historic lows last spring due to the market impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ethanol production hit a low of 537,000 barrels per day the week ending April 24, but began to recover in May and June as travel restrictions associated with the pandemic began to ease and demand for transportation fuel began to recover. Production levels since July have generally stabilized in the range of 900,000 to 950,000 barrels per day, down roughly 10 percent when compared to the same period of last year.

Weekly ending stocks for fuel ethanol increased to 20.008 million barrels the week ending Oct. 9, up 336,000 barrels when compared to the 19.672 million barrels reported for the previous week. Stocks of fuel ethanol have fallen over the past few months after reaching a record high of 27.289 million barrels the week ending April 17. When compared to the same week of last year, ethanol stocks were down 2.053 million barrels.

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CoBank - The Quarterly

October 2020

The U.S. ethanol sector continued to recover during the quarter to a new baseline level equating to 85%-90% of pre-COVID demand. Based on EIA data on an annualized basis, weekly production averaged 14.2 billion gallons for the third quarter, 89% of the first quarter’s average production of 15.9 billion gallons.

For a representative Iowa dry milling fuel ethanol plant, industry operating margins (defined as return on operating costs but before capital costs) also improved, averaging $0.21 per gallon, up from break-even during the first quarter. The improvement occurred as supply and demand became more balanced, and active producers benefited from better productivity. 

New developments support the industry as we head into the November elections. First, the Trump administration is removing E15 federal roadblocks. The recently-introduced Next Generation Fuels Act would enable the sale of E15 fuel using E10 pumps, subject to state regulations. Second, EPA has promised to deny numerous oil refineries’ ethanol blending exemption requests. Third, Brazil has agreed to duty-free imports of U.S. ethanol for 90 days. Fourth, there is potential for financial relief to the biofuel sector in the next government spending program. Fifth, perhaps most importantly, supply and demand remain in relative balance at current production levels. 

We maintain a stable industry outlook over the next two quarters for U.S. ethanol, assuming that the economy does not experience a double dip. Our outlook assumes continued high unemployment levels and below average consumer miles driven. Our opinion could become more bullish should new coronavirus cases drastically decline and/or an effective COVID-19 vaccine is rapidly produced and widely administered. 

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Ethanol Producer Magazine

Oct 7, 2020

U.S. fuel ethanol production expanded by nearly 5 percent the week ending Oct. 2 while weekly ethanol ending stocks fell slightly, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Oct. 7.

U.S. ethanol production increased to an average of 923,000 barrels per day the week ending Oct. 2, up 42,000 barrels per day from an average of 881,000 barrels per day the previous week. When compared to the 963,000 barrels per day produced during the same week of 2019, production was down 40,000 barrels per day.

Production of fuel ethanol has stabilized in recent months after falling to historic lows last spring due to the market impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ethanol production hit a low of 537,000 barrels per day the week ending April 24, but began to recover in May and June as travel restrictions associated with the pandemic began to ease and demand for transportation fuel began to recover. Production levels since July have generally stabilized in the range of 900,000 to 950,000 barrels per day, down roughly 10 percent when compared to the same period of last year.

Weekly ending stocks of fuel ethanol fell to 19.672 million barrels the week ending Oct. 2, down 19,000 barrels when compared to the 19.691 million barrels reported for the previous week. Stocks of fuel ethanol have fallen over the past few months after reaching a record high of 27.289 million barrels the week ending April 17. When compared to the same week of last year, ethanol stocks were down 1.552 million barrels.

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Ethanol Producer Magazine

Oct 7, 2020

The U.S. exported more than 100.65 million gallons of ethanol and 1.02 million metric tons of distillers  grains in August, according to data released by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service on Oct. 6. Exports of both products were down from the same month of last year.

The 100.65 million gallons of ethanol exported in August was up from the 74.04 million gallons exported in July, but down from the 124.79 million gallons exported in August 2019.

The U.S. exported ethanol to nearly four dozen countries in August. Canada was the top destination for U.S. ethanol during the month at 35.98 million gallons, followed by India at 10.45 million gallons, and Nigeria at 9.79 million gallons.

The value of U.S. ethanol exports was at $163.82 million in August, up from $131.77 million in July, but down from $205.37 million in August 2019.

Total ethanol exports for the first eight months of 2020 reached 905.41 million gallons at a value of $1.57 billion, compared to 1.01 billion gallons at a value of $1.6 billion during the same period of 2019.

The 1.02 million metric tons of distillers grains exported in August was down from both the 1.08 million metric tons exported in July and the 1.15 million tons exported during August of last year.

The U.S. exported distillers grains to approximately 40 countries in August. Mexico was the top destination at 138,817 metric tons, followed by Vietnam at 131,854 metric tons and South Korea at 111,048 metric tons.

The value of U.S. distillers grains exports reached $208.73 million in August, down from $227.86 million in July and $237.37 million in August 2019.

Total distillers grains exports for the first eight months of 2020 reached 7.08 million metric tons at a value of $1.5 billion, compared to 7.36 million metric tons at a value of $1.54 billion during the same period of last year.

Additional data is available on the USDA FAS website

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Ethanol Producer Magazine

Sep 29, 2020

Jobs in the renewable energy sector reached 11.5 million globally in 2019, according to a report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) on Sept. 29. Bioenergy accounted for 3.58 million jobs, up from 3.18 million in 2018.

According to the report, liquid biofuels accounted for 2.475 million jobs, while solid biomass accounted for 764,000, biogas accounted for 342,000 and municipal and industrial waste accounted for 39,000.

IRENA’s data shows global biofuels production increased 5 percent in 2019, principally driven by a 13 percent expansion of biodiesel. Ethanol production increased by 2 percent. Indonesia overtook the U.S. and Brazil to become the world’s largest biodiesel producer, the report noted.

The majority of the 2.475 million liquid biofuel jobs were in the agriculture sector. Processing of feedstock into fuel accounts for fewer jobs, although those jobs generally required higher technical skills and offer better pay.

Ten countries accounted for 90 percent of global biofuel jobs, led by Brazil at 34 percent, followed by Indonesia, the U.S., Columbia, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Poland, Romania and the Philippines.

In the U.S., total renewable energy jobs were estimated at 755,600 last year. Liquid biofuels accounted for approximately 297,000 of those renewable energy jobs.

The report cites data showing U.S. biodiesel output fell by approximately 7 percent in 2019 to about 6.5 billion liters (1.71 billion gallons). IRENA said its estimate suggests U.S. biodiesel jobs fell to approximately 67,300 in 2019. U.S. ethanol production also fell last year, reaching 59.8 billion liters. U.S. ethanol employment for 2019 was estimated at 299,600 jobs.

A full copy of the report can be downloaded from the IRENA  website.

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Renewable Fuels Association

Sep 28, 2020

As Congress and the administration continue negotiations on another potential COVID-19 relief package, a new study by university economists finds that ethanol producers will experience roughly $8 billion in losses this year due to the pandemic’s impact on world fuel markets. The study, conducted by economists from the University of Florida and Arizona State University,  was published recently in the Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization.

“The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 had a major negative impact on U.S. ethanol, gasoline, and oil prices and production,” the authors found. “COVID-19 has had a major impact on ethanol production. The producer loss due to COVID-19 is $7 billion.”

The estimated economic loss grows to a range of $7.9 to $8.6 billion when unemployment effects are included. The authors acknowledge that those estimates likely “understate the cost of COVID-19” to the ethanol industry because the impact of the pandemic on co-product output, demand and prices is not included.

Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper said the new study corroborates the findings of an RFA analysis  published in July,  which found pandemic-related losses could be $7 billion or more in 2020. According to RFA, the study also underscores the importance of ensuring ethanol producers are not again left out of any stimulus package that may move forward in the weeks ahead.

“This new, independent study confirms what has already been made painfully clear to the 350,000 men and women whose jobs are supported by the ethanol industry,” Cooper said. “The COVID-19 pandemic caused fuel demand to plummet and forced scores of ethanol plants to shut down, resulting in steep economic losses for the industry. While market conditions have improved since the spring, the ethanol industry is still struggling to fully recover from the pandemic, and ethanol producers across the country remain under financial stress.”

Cooper urged lawmakers and the administration to ensure emergency relief for ethanol producers is included in any forthcoming coronavirus aid deal.

“There is strong bipartisan support for providing assistance to renewable fuel producers in both the House and Senate,” Cooper said. “The HEROES Act passed by the House in May included emergency relief provisions for ethanol producers, and a similar measure was introduced in the Senate by Sens. Grassley and Klobuchar. We remain hopeful that a fourth COVID-19 aid package, with emergency relief for ethanol producers, will finally be pushed over the goal line in the weeks ahead.”

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Ethanol Producer Magazine

Sep 24, 2020

Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-Ill., on Sept. 24 introduced the Next Generation Fuels Act, a bill that establishes a minimum octane standard for gasoline and requires sources of added octane value to reduce carbon emissions by at least 30 percent when compared to baseline gasoline. The bill would also limit the use of harmful aromatics in meeting the new high-octane standard, as well as in current-market gasoline.

To accomplish its goals, the legislation would require the U.S. EPA to create a new 98 research octane number (RON) standard, limit reliance on toxic aromatic hydrocarbons, and update fuel and infrastructure regulations to expand the availability of mid-level ethanol blends. It would ensure parity in the regulation of gasoline volatility, correct the R-factor used in fuel economy testing, provide for an E30 fuel waiver, replace the EPA’s flawed MOVES model, and restore meaningful credit toward compliance with fuel economy and emissions standards for the production of flex fuel vehicles.

“For the last three and a half years, we have been forced to fight battle after battle and face this Administration’s broken promise after broken promise to ensure our country is meeting the full potential of biofuels,” Bustos said. “The Next Generation Fuels Act looks toward the future to make sure we bring an environmental lens to biofuels production, in order to increase demand while reducing carbon emissions.”

Representatives of the biofuels industry have spoken out in support of the bill.

Growth Energy is applauding Bustos for her push for high-octane, low carbon fuels. “There has never been a more urgent need to adopt higher octane, low-carbon ethanol blends in America’s fuel supply, as they are key to achieving clean, healthy air,” said Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy. “We applaud Congresswoman Bustos for charting a path forward that will unleash clean, affordable ethanol to drive decarbonization in our nation’s transportation fleet and save consumers money at the fuel pump.”

The Renewable Fuels Association called the bill the beginning of an exciting new era in transportation fuels policy. ““The Next Generation Fuels Act of 2020 provides a bold and innovative approach to reducing carbon emissions, improving engine efficiency and performance, protecting human health, and removing the arcane regulatory roadblocks that have hindered the expansion of cleaner, greener liquid fuels,” said Geoff Cooper, president and CEO of the RFA. “By establishing the roadmap for an orderly transition to high-octane, low-carbon fuels, this landmark legislation begins an exciting new era in transportation fuels policy. As the world’s top supplier of clean, affordable, low-carbon octane, the U.S. ethanol industry proudly and enthusiastically supports this legislation. We thank Rep. Bustos for her thoughtful leadership and determined efforts to craft and introduce this bill, and we look forward to working together to make this bold vision a reality.”

Read the original story here.

Energy AgWired

Sep 22, 2020

“Because of the price of oil collapsing and people not driving…and also these waivers that have been given out by the administration, which should have never been considered,” Peterson said during the  Agri-Pulse Ag and Food Policy Summit on Monday. “If we had 15 billion gallons we wouldn’t be having the kind of problems we’re having in the ethanol industry.”

Peterson would like to see producers receive 45 cents a gallon based on their January to April production, or from 2019 if they were shut down. “And that needs to happen too or we’re going to lose some of these plants.” he said.

However, the chairman from Minnesota expressed concern that getting back into the habit of ad hoc disaster aid for agriculture could be detrimental to farm policy going forward.

Read the original story here.