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In the News

Brownfield Ag News

December 6, 2018

By John Perkins

U.S. ethanol production last week hit a multi-month high.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration says production averaged 1.069 million barrels a day, up 21,000 on the week for the highest daily average since late August. The EPA last week maintained the conventional portion of the Renewable Fuel Standard, but some in the ethanol industry criticized the agency for not addressing small refinery hardship waivers, which have been used to skirt RFS requirements. Recent trade discussions with China, Canada, and Mexico are expected to lead to improvements in export demand for U.S. ethanol.

Stocks were up 100,000 barrels on the week at 23.030 million barrels.

The USDA expects record corn use for ethanol demand this marketing year.

Read the original article: U.S. Ethanol Production Climbs

Ethanol Producer Magazine

December 3, 2018

By Erin Voegele

A new proposal released by the Ontario government indicates the province could require gasoline to be blended with 15 percent ethanol as soon as 2025. The U.S. ethanol industry has applauded news of the proposal.

On Nov. 29, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks released a made-in-Ontario environment plan that aims to protect the province’s air, land and water while reducing waste, lowering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and helping communities protect themselves from climate change.

The proposal, titled “Preserving and Protecting our Environment for Future Generations: A Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan,” includes a provision that indicates the province could “increase the renewable content requirement (e.g. ethanol) in gasoline to 15 percent as early as 2025 through the Greener Gasoline regulation, and reduce emissions without increasing the price at the pump, based on current ethanol and gasoline prices.”

Growth Energy, the U.S. Grains Council and Renewable Fuels Association have spoken out in support of Ontario’s adoption of E15. “As one of the largest markets for ethanol, this is a huge milestone for Canada and the people of Ontario,” said the three groups in a statement. “Ontario recognizes the important environmental, economic, and health benefits that ethanol provides and we look forward to seeing this plan become a reality by 2025.”

The RFA said it will continue to remain actively engaged in the development of provincial and national renewable fuel policies and regulations in Canada. Growth Energy noted, that in partnership with the USGC, it submitted comments to Canada’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change last year, urging them to look beyond E10 at higher blends like E15, and welcomed the commitment from the Ontario Province to move from a 5 percent blend to a 10 percent ethanol fuel blend by 2020.

According to Statistics Canada, gross sales of gasoline reached 16.89 billion liters (4.46 billion gallons) in Ontario during 2017. If ethanol accounted for 15 percent of that volume, it would represent a market of nearly 670 million gallons.

A comment period on the Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan is open through Jan. 28. Additional information, including a full copy of the plan, is available on the Ontario government website.

Read the original article: Ontario Could Require E15 as Soon as 2025


November 27, 2018

Press Release

A recent trial evaluating the use of Enogen® corn enzyme technology with ICM’s Selective Milling TechnologyTM and Fiber Separation TechnologyTM successfully demonstrated that the technologies work well together, providing synergies that can bring higher ethanol yield and more robust starch-fiber separations. The technologies were tested at Corn Plus, a Minnesota-based dry grind ethanol plant.

Enogen corn is an in-seed innovation available exclusively from Syngenta and features the first biotech corn output trait designed specifically to enhance ethanol production. Using modern biotechnology to deliver best-in-class alpha amylase enzyme directly in grain, Enogen corn eliminates the need to add liquid alpha amylase. The product is rapidly gaining widespread acceptance because of the value it delivers to ethanol producers and the opportunity it provides corn growers to be enzyme suppliers for their local ethanol plants.

“Enogen grain works across a broad range of pH and temperatures, facilitating an unparalleled break in viscosity through unique enzyme activity and unmatched dosage rates,” said Dr. Miloud Araba, head of technical services for Enogen at Syngenta. “Breakthroughs in viscosity reduction can lead to unprecedented levels of solids loading, which directly contribute to increased throughput and yield, as well as significant cost savings from reduced natural gas, electricity and water use.1

“SMTTM and FSTTM are two of ICM’s value-added, patented technology platforms,” said Steve Hartig, ICM VP of Technology Development. “Both technologies are designed to help maximize production and minimize operational expense. SMT maximizes the amount of starch exposed for conversion to ethanol and oil available for recovery while preserving fiber for higher value platform applications. FST is a progressive pre-fermentation system that removes fiber prior to fermentation, allowing more fermentable carbohydrates to be loaded into each batch for fermentation."

“Using Enogen corn, with its mode of action and high amount of expressed enzyme, brings a lower viscosity to the corn mash. The lower viscosity provides improved separation capability, leading to increased efficiencies when working in tandem with the SMTTM and FSTTM systems,” Hartig added.

To inquire about incorporating Enogen into a dry grind ethanol plant, contact Jeff Oestmann at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." For more information about Enogen corn hybrids, contact a Golden Harvest® Seed Advisor or NK® retailer or visit www.Enogen.com.

For more information about implementing ICM’s SMTTM or FSTTM system, contact Jeff Scharping at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." or (316) 977-6833.

Join the conversation online – connect with Syngenta at Syngenta-us.com/social.

1 Based on Enogen trial and commercial results at Midwest ethanol plants.

About Syngenta
Syngenta is a leading agriculture company helping to improve global food security by enabling millions of farmers to make better use of available resources. Through world class science and innovative crop solutions, our 28,000 people in over 90 countries are working to transform how crops are grown. We are committed to rescuing land from degradation, enhancing biodiversity and revitalizing rural communities. To learn more visit www.syngenta.com and www.goodgrowthplan.com. Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/Syngenta and www.twitter.com/SyngentaUS.

About ICM, Inc.
Established in 1995 and headquartered in Colwich, Kan., with a regional office in Brazil, ICM provides innovative technologies, solutions, and services to sustain agriculture and to advance renewable energy, including ethanol and feed technologies that will increase the supply of world protein. By providing proprietary process technologies to over 100 facilities globally with a combined annual production of approximately 8.8 billion gallons of ethanol and 25 million tons of distiller grains, ICM has become a world leader in bio-refining technologies. For additional information, please visit http://www.icminc.com.

Read the original press release: Enogen Corn from Syngenta Combined with SMT and FST Technologies from ICM Help to Provide Added Value to Ethanol Production at Minnesota Plant


November 28, 2018

By Cindy Zimmerman

Al-Corn Clean Fuel has been recognized by the Minnesota FFA Foundation for the company’s support of programing throughout southeast and southern Minnesota. The partnership between Al-Corn Clean Fuel and the Minnesota FFA Foundation allows for scholarship funds to assist 58 FFA chapters in select programs, including service projects.

“The leadership skills acquired by the next generation of agricultural leaders through organizations such as FFA will benefit our local communities well into the future,” said Rod Jorgenson, Chairman of the Board for Al-Corn Clean Fuel.

“The need to build partnerships in support of local and state agricultural education programs continues to grow as budgets are increasingly tight,” said Val Aarsvold, executive director of the Minnesota FFA Foundation. “It’s a win-win partnership as our programs receive valuable support to prepare future employees for agricultural careers and develop skills to provide leadership for their local communities.”

Read the original article: Al-Corn Clean Fuel Support MN FFA


November 28, 2018

By Jarrett Renshaw, Humeyra Pamuk

The Trump Administration has temporarily frozen a program meant to exempt small oil refineries in financial distress from the U.S. biofuels law, as it reviews the scoring system to evaluate applications, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

The review means changes are likely to the program, which has become a lightning rod of controversy between the rival oil and corn industries since the Environmental Protection Agency vastly increased the number of waivers for last year.

Under the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard, oil refiners must increasingly blend biofuels like corn-based ethanol into their fuel each year or purchase blending credits from those that do. The regulation was passed in 2005 to help farmers and cut fuel imports.

But small oil refineries can be exempted from the standard if they prove that compliance would cause disproportionate hardship. The EPA granted 29 such waivers for the 2017 compliance year, up from 14 in 2015 and 20 in 2016.

The biofuels industry and lawmakers representing farm states want the program halted, saying the expansion hurt farmers by eroding demand for ethanol. But refiners consider the program a lifeline to small facilities and have won lawsuits accusing the EPA of being too stingy with waivers.

The two sources, who requested anonymity to discuss the matter, said over the past week that the Trump administration was delaying consideration of any new waivers while the Department of Energy reviews its scoring system for applications. The department evaluates waiver requests and provides recommendations to the EPA.

That has placed on hold seven applications for the 2017 compliance year, and 15 applications for the 2018. Typically, the EPA waits until the latter half of the year to begin reviewing applications because applicants need to demonstrate financial hardship using hard figures for their facilities.

An EPA official confirmed the review. “I think what DOE needs to do is tighten up their approach and we need to do the same,” said the official, who asked not to be named. “I honestly don’t know where they’ll end up and whether they’re going to make any changes at all.”

Whatever the outcome, it could have a dramatic impact on the multibillion-dollar credit trading market, which has been hard-hit by the waiver expansion.

“This is a promising and long overdue development that shows Acting Administrator (Andrew) Wheeler cares about righting the ship at EPA after the prior administrator’s mismanagement and poor leadership. There’s no good reason multibillion-dollar oil refineries making record profits should receive so-called ‘hardship’ waivers exempting them from following the law,” U.S. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, of Iowa, said in a statement on Wednesday.

Credits, called Renewable Identification Numbers or RINs, have plummeted in value from over $1 to 10 cents this week as reports emerged of the number of EPA waivers granted last year. Some of those went to facilities owned by big, profitable companies like Chevron Corp and Andeavor, which recently merged with Marathon Petroleum Corp, Reuters has reported.

That cut in credit prices has saved hundreds of millions of dollars in compliance costs for merchant refiners that lack enough biofuel blending facilities, like Valero Energy Corp, PBF Energy Inc and Carl Icahn’s CVR Energy Inc.

The issue has placed President Donald Trump in a tough spot between two key constituencies, trying to support the agriculture industry slammed by the impact of his trade war with China while also keeping costs down for the oil industry.

Biofuel supporters contended the expansion of the waiver program was politically driven by former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, an Oklahoman considered an oil industry ally. Pruitt resigned in July in a flurry of ethical scandals, and has been replaced by Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist.

“Under the last EPA chief, the waiver program became a cookie jar open to every well-connected refinery owner, and we’re seeing the results across rural America with biofuel plants closing their doors or idling production,” said Brooke Coleman, head of the Advanced Biofuels Business Council.

The EPA has blamed the program’s expansion on recent federal court rulings, triggered by challenges filed by small refining companies Holly Frontier and Sinclair, which said the agency was using too strict of a test to determine disproportionate hardship.

All hardship applications are first handled by the Energy Department, which determines whether compliance would lead to disproportionate impact, or threaten a refinery’s viability. The final decision on applications rests with the EPA.

Read the original article: Exclusive: EPA Refinery Biofuel Waiver Program on Hold Pending Review - Sources


November 20, 2018

By Chris Prentice, Jarrett Renshaw

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency granted oil major Chevron Corp a 2017 hardship waiver from U.S. biofuel laws for its Utah refinery earlier this year, according to a source familiar with the company’s operations.

Chevron, which reported a net income of $9.2 billion in 2017, becomes the largest known company to be awarded a hardship waiver from the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which requires refiners to blend biofuels like ethanol into their fuel pool or buy compliance credits from competitors that do.

The waivers, which have grown significantly under the Trump administration, have angered corn-belt farmers who say it hurts demand for ethanol and other biofuels.

“When an oil company whose net profits surpass the total value of the Iowa corn crop claims it is experiencing ‘hardship,’ you know we’ve reached a new level of absurdity,” said Geoff Cooper, CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association.

California-based Chevron declined to confirm whether it received a small refinery hardship waiver, but did say that seeking them can level the playing field.

“EPA has acknowledged that it has granted several small refinery exemptions from the RFS. Any Chevron refinery not exempted from the RFS would be at a disadvantage in the highly competitive markets where we operate,” the company said in an emailed statement.

The EPA did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Refineries with a capacity less than 75,000 barrels-per-day can receive waivers from the RFS if they prove compliance would cause them disproportionate hardship. Chevron’s Salt Lake City, Utah, plant is 54,000 barrels-per-day.

The EPA, under President Donald Trump, expanded the waiver program, awarding 29 exemptions for the 2017 calendar year, up from 19 in 2016 and just seven in 2015, EPA data shows.

The EPA has attributed the program’s expansion to a lawsuit brought by two oil refiners who challenged the EPA’s denial of their waiver request. A federal judge ruled the EPA was using too narrow of a test to evaluate applications.

Biofuel backers say the expansion was politically driven by former EPA administrator Scott Pruitt, who sought ways to lower compliance costs for refiners. The Chevron approval was granted under Pruitt, the source said.

The surge in hardship waivers has pummeled the price for compliance credits some refiners must buy.

Reuters previously reported that Chevron, along with Exxon Mobil Corp, sought a hardship waiver from U.S. biofuel laws.

Exxon Mobil’s application status was unclear.

Read the original article: Exclusive: Chevron Granted Waiver from U.S. Biofuel Laws at Utah Plant - Source

West Central Tribune

November 17, 2018

By Tom Cherveny

One of Benson's largest employers is looking to expand its plant by developing a second business operation that will create new jobs and add value to the crops raised by its member owners.

The question is will the city of Benson provide the keys to the former Fibrominn facility to make it all possible.

That will be the topic Monday, when representatives of Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company and BioPro meet with the Benson City Council.

"It's a win, win, win for everybody,'' said Chad Friese, general manager of Chippewa Valley Ethanol. He will join Truman Homme, CEO and board chair of BioPro Power of Spicer, in asking the City Council to support their request to purchase the former power plant building and its combustion system.

The two companies are interested in about 8.41 acres of the 77-acre site. They are not interested in the haul building or administrative office and trucking facility that Brightmark Energy, of San Francisco, California, is seeking to acquire.

Brightmark Energy wants to produce renewable natural gas at the site by using animal and plant wastes from nearby dairies and possibly other farms in an anaerobic digester it would construct there.

BioPro and Chippewa Valley Ethanol believe there is plenty of room at the site for the two operations to co-locate, making it possible for both entities to create new jobs and economic activity for the area.

The problem is this: Xcel Energy has offered to sell the site to Brightmark, which has the support of the city of Benson in its quest to acquire the property for its project.

"Essentially, at this point we're out,'' Friese said. Xcel had declined a bid by Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company and BioPro to acquire the site.

Xcel Energy had purchased and closed the Fibrominn operation, which produced electricity by using turkey manure and wood chips as a fuel source. Xcel Energy was obligated to buy the biomass-produced power as part of an agreement to continue storing spent nuclear fuel. Last year, the company persuaded legislators and the Public Utilities Commission to allow it to buy out the plant — by that time known as Benson Power — and save ratepayers millions of dollars by doing so, while continuing to support renewable energy by using solar- and wind-generated electricity.

Xcel Energy is obligated to dismantle and remove the Fibrominn power plant, which is very likely to happen if Brightmark become the site's sole occupant. Brightmark is not interested in utilizing the power plant whatsoever.

BioPro wants the plant, but it is also offering to take on the responsibility for dismantling it if the proposal to produce steam from corn stover does not work, according to Homme and Friese.

The companies do not want the turbine used to produce electricity; Xcel could sell it, they added.

BioPro has U.S. and Chinese patents for technology that allow it to reliably combust corn stover as a fuel to produce steam.

And it's steam that Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company wants. Friese said the ethanol producer is at the end of the natural gas pipeline. It uses natural gas to produce steam for its operations. It cannot purchase additional natural gas to make possible a desired expansion of its operations from 55 million gallons a year to 120 million gallons without making very costly investments in expanding the natural gas pipeline serving the area.

In contrast, the combustion plant at the Fibrominn plant is available at a bargain basement price. With a low capital outlay, the ethanol company can adapt the plant to produce the steam it needs for an expanded operation.

It would use only corn stover as fuel, all of it harvested from the fields of its member owners. The cooperative has over 900 members, and a number of them had been interested in the value-added opportunity of harvesting a portion of the corn stover as fuel.

Friese said Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company had previously analyzed the costs and logistics of using corn cobs and stover as fuel when it built a gasifier in the early 2000s. It was looking at ways to reduce its reliance on natural gas.

That and other research also showed that periodically harvesting a portion of the corn stover in fields can benefit corn yields, he said.

The gasification approach cannot compete with natural gas at today's prices, according to Friese. Additional analysis is needed, but it appears that straight combustion of corn stover in a low-cost facility using BioPro's technology would work economically, he said.

The city of Benson is believed to be in the driver's seat in terms of what happens to the Fibrominn site. Homme and Friese said they hope that support from the city would lead Xcel to reconsider and allow Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company and BioPro to co-locate on the site with Brightmark.

They are hoping that support can be found before Xcel begins to dismantle the Fibrominn power facility and that asset is lost. "Once it's gone, it gone,'' Homme said.

Read the original article: CVEC, BioPro Seek Benson's Support for Steam Energy Proposal on Portion of Fibrominn Property

Renewable Fuels Association

November 20, 2018

Press Release

There has been a media blitz lately by the oil industry saying that ethanol demand has been unaffected by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rampant grants of Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) exemptions to small refineries.  Recently, even some in the agriculture community have bought into these claims.  Don’t be fooled.

Under former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, 19 small refinery exemptions were granted retroactively for the 2016 compliance year, and 29 were doled out for 2017, compared to seven or eight in each of the three previous years.  The EPA reinstated RFS credits known as renewable identification numbers (RINs) to these refiners, which they can use for compliance rather than blending physical biofuels.

As shown in a new analysis by the RFA, these large-scale exemptions have impacted both components of ethanol demand: quantity and price.

The impact on quantity is reflected in the ethanol “blend rate,” the average inclusion level of ethanol in the nation’s gasoline supply.  The blend rate exceeded 10% in all but three months in 2017, and it hit a record 10.8% in January 2018.  However, it slumped starting in February 2018, as exempted refiners were flush with reinstated RINs, and as rumors and press reports regarding the exemptions made their way into the market.  The blend rate fell to 9.8% in February, ticked down to 9.7% in March and receded further 9.5% in April.  Between February and June, the blend rate exceeded 10% in only one month.

Additionally, as alluded to above, small refinery exemptions have impacted ethanol prices along with ethanol consumption.  The RFA conducted a basic regression analysis to determine the effect on prices.  The results showed that ethanol prices were 8 cents/gallon lower than they otherwise would have been in February, and that the impact grew to 34 cents/gallon by June and stayed at that level throughout the summer.

Every gallon produced and sold by the U.S. ethanol industry has been priced lower than would have been the case in the absence of the exemptions.  There were 9.4 billion gallons of ethanol produced between February and August (the latest month for which comprehensive supply/demand data are available).  By multiplying production by the price impact in each month, it can be determined that the industry’s revenues were reduced by $2.3 billion during that time period.

Moreover, the impact on the ethanol industry continues.  Largely as a result of the exemptions, the EPA has estimated that RIN inventories at the end of 2018, which will be available to meet 2019 RFS obligations, will swell to 3.06 billion.  This is an increase of 840 million RINs (nearly 40%) from the agency’s estimate of inventories carried over into 2018.  To the extent that refineries have “kept their powder dry” by using ethanol and other biofuels in recent months, they will be able to use their RIN inventories for compliance when expedient in the future.

In summary, small refinery exemptions have had a marked effect on ethanol consumption and a massive impact on industry revenues.  Don’t be fooled by commentary and social-media posts that fail to show the full picture.

Read the original release: Demand Destruction from Small Refinery Exemptions is Clear and Continuing