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In the News

CBC News Toronto

December 4, 2017

By Mike Crawley

The Ontario government is proposing to double the minimum amount of ethanol in gasoline, a step that would form one of the province's biggest moves toward hitting its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. 

The plan puts Ontario on track to become the first province to require fuel suppliers to put at least 10 per cent ethanol in regular gasoline, starting in 2020. The province's current minimum ethanol mandate is five per cent. 

The proposed changes would reduce carbon emissions by about two megatonnes per year. That's the equivalent of taking about 130,000 cars off the roads, according to Chris Ballard, minister of the Environment and Climate Change.  

"Increasing ethanol content in gasoline is a very significant step forward in helping us meet our targets," Ballard said Friday in an interview with CBC News. "We're trying to drive down what's coming out of people's tail pipes in terms of carbon content."  

Ontario's proposal would require the ethanol that is blended into fuel to be 35 per cent lower in net greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline. 

Transportation produces about one-third of Ontario's carbon emissions, more than any other sector.

"It's a really important move to make sure we're de-carbonizing our transportation sector," said Erin Flanagan, a director of policy for the Pembina Institute. "These kinds of policies make a lot of sense." 

"This is really going to help spur investment in our industry," said Jim Grey, chief executive of IGPC Ethanol Inc. and chair of Renewable Industries Canada, the national association of biofuel producers.  

"It is probably the most significant, and one of the quicker ways that the government can help move toward its target on GHG reductions," Grey said in a phone interview. 

The federal government is in the midst of creating a new cleaner fuel standard that could involve mandating an increase in the minimum required ethanol content nationally, currently set at five per cent. 

Canada's Ecofiscal Commission, an independent group of economic policy analysts, reported recently that while biofuels like ethanol have resulted in significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, they have done so at a high cost to taxpayers and the economy.

The commission recommends governments phase out their ethanol content rules, rather than increase them as Ontario is doing. Their report argued that the quota gives an unfair advantage to ethanol producers and inhibits the development of other low-carbon technologies.  

"Decarbonizing the transportation sector will involve many different and competing technologies; the technologies that prove the most effective and economically viable should win the day," said the report.   

The Liberal government in Ontario mandated the five per cent minimum ethanol content rules in 2007. Since then, the government pumped some $500 million in public money into ethanol producers

An ethanol company was the biggest corporate donor to the Ontario Liberal Party in recent years, a CBC News investigation found in 2016. GreenField Specialty Alcohols Inc., its related companies and its founder donated more than $480,000 to the party since 2007, while receiving more than $160 million in public funding.

On Thursday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that refiners must use 15 billion gallons of conventional renewable fuels (predominantly ethanol) next year, holding steady with the quota it set for 2017. There has been pressure on the Trump administration from oil-producing companies to reduce the renewable quota, while midwestern corn-producing states wanted to see an increase. 

Some critics have blamed rising ethanol demand for soaring food prices, but the scientific evidence is unclear.   

Read the original article: Ontario Looks to Double Amount of Ethanol in Gasoline

Senator Amy Klobuchar

November 30, 2017

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, issued the following statement following the release of the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2018 and 2019 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volume requirements.

“Renewable fuels are a Minnesota-grown economic generator for our state and country. The Administration’s choice to maintain ethanol volume requirements for 2018 and 2019 is a good decision that underscores the importance of—and signals a commitment to—corn ethanol. However, failing to increase the blend targets of advanced biofuels hamstrings the growth we have seen in clean energy innovation, needlessly flat-lining a sector that creates good jobs and strengthens rural communities. A strong RFS means a strong economy, improved national security, prosperous rural communities, and U.S. leadership in the energy of the future. I’ll continue to work with the Administration to ensure that the standard is administered in a way that is good for Minnesota and rural communities across the country.”

For years, Klobuchar has led a bipartisan push for the EPA to release a stronger RFS to support American jobs and decrease dependence on foreign oil. Last November, the former Administration released a stronger final rule for 2017, which will require a record amount of biofuel to be mixed into our transportation fuel supply next year. Minnesota’s twenty ethanol plants and three biodiesel plants generate roughly $5 billion in combined economic output and have made our state the fourth-largest ethanol producing state in the country. In April, Klobuchar and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) led a bipartisan group of 23 senators in urging the Administration to reject changes to the RFS that would upend stability and predictability for small businesses and rural communities.

Read the original release: Sen. Klobuchar on EPA Release of Renewable Fuel Standard Requirements

KTIC Radio

November 28, 2017

By DTN/Progressive Farmer

China’s newly instituted E10 mandate has the potential to create more demand for both corn and ethanol produced in the United States, according to a new analysis from the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development at Iowa State University.

In its fall 2017 agricultural policy review, CARD said there are many unknown details about China’s mandate. However, the Chinese are expected to see an increase in gasoline consumption from about 40 billion gallons in 2017 to 46 billion gallons in 2020.

“Meeting the national E10 mandate would require an extra 3.6 billion gallons of ethanol, putting China ahead of the European Union to become the world’s third-largest ethanol consumer,” CARD said.

“Since details of the mandate have not been disclosed, it is not yet clear how China will generate more than fourfold output growth within three years (assuming domestic production is to keep up with consumption).”

As U.S. ethanol producers have faced concerns about the implementation of the Renewable Fuel Standard in recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on growing export markets in China and elsewhere.

China’s government announced the new E10 mandate in September as a way to decrease the nation’s corn stockpiles that peaked at more than 4 billion bushels in 2015-16.

According to CARD, the total accounts for about half of world ending stocks and would be enough for domestic consumption for about six months in China. The stockpiles grew as a result of a corn price support policy that was paying Chinese corn producers more than twice the international price level until 2016.

“Burdened by high storage cost, food safety risks, and potential waste, China recently adopted multiple measures to cut supply and increase demand,” CARD said.

“These measures include replacing the support price with a producer support based on planted area and financial assistance for corn processors. These measures have been effective — since 2015, China’s corn consumption has caught up with production, the price for corn dropped to the lowest point in six years, and ending stock has been decreasing. The E10 mandate will further increase the demand for corn and speed up reduction of the stockpile.”

CARD said the mandate started on a trial basis in 11 provinces and will become national by 2020.

“This measure would require ethanol consumption in China, the largest motor vehicle market in the world, to at least quadruple within the next three years,” the analysis said.

“For U.S. producers, this recent development fuels interest in whether China is going to import ethanol and/or corn (the main feedstock for ethanol production in China) to meet the mandate.”


CARD said that in 2016, China produced more than 1 billion gallons of ethanol. It became the fourth-largest ethanol-producing nation in the world behind the United States, Brazil and the European Union. China’s average annual production growth rate in ethanol production was about 17% from 2004 to 2016.

China’s primary ethanol feedstock is corn, according to the report, which accounts for about 64% of ethanol production in the country. China started ethanol production at four state-owned plants in northern China in 2002 after corn stockpiles reached historical highs.

“As the stockpile decreased and refineries started to use newly harvested corn for feedstock, the government stopped approving additional generation-one ethanol refineries in 2007. By calling for ‘appropriate development of grain-based ethanol,” according to CARD, “the current national E10 mandate relaxes the government’s previous stance against corn-based ethanol.”

In 2006, China began development of ethanol production using cassava. The starchy root plant now accounts for about 23% of China’s total ethanol production.

“However, it is challenging to grow enough generation 1.5 feedstock domestically, and cassava refineries in China still heavily rely on imports,” CARD said.

“Cassava refineries are located in southern China, close to domestic and foreign cassava production regions. Recently, China has been encouraging ethanol production using cellulosic feedstock. However, cellulosic ethanol production is not expected to reach large-scale production until 2025.”

The CARD analysis said recent low oil prices have hurt Chinese ethanol producers. In addition, the Chinese government gradually has removed ethanol subsidies.

“China has been importing substantial quantities of ethanol in the past two years,” CARD said.

“Before 2015, even though the imported ethanol was much cheaper than domestic ethanol, very little ethanol was imported. This is due to government forbidding distributors to handle imported ethanol in order to protect the domestic ethanol industry.”


In 2015, ethanol imports to China reached almost one-quarter of the country’s total supply in 2016, or about 225 million gallons. About 95% of those imports came from the United States. China was U.S. ethanol’s third-largest export destination in 2016, amounting to about 17% of total U.S. ethanol exports.

At the end of 2016, China increased the ethanol import tariff from 5% to 30%. CARD said that action caused the forecast for imports in 2017 to fall to just 35% of 2016 levels.

With a national E10 mandate in place, however, CARD said China will need to take action to ramp up ethanol availability.

“Since details of the mandate have not been disclosed, it is not yet clear how China will generate more than four-fold output growth within three years,” the report said.

“Currently, production capacity utilization rate is about 85%; therefore, a short-term production spur can be achieved with existing facilities. Beyond that, a dramatic increase in capacity is needed. Since it takes one to two years to build a large-scale generation 1 or 1.5 refinery in China, it is possible that China will be able to construct the physical facilities in time.”

If current trends in production and consumption continue, according to CARD, “China’s corn stock will fall quickly, opening up potential opportunities for more imports.”

The analysis said China’s E10 mandate is likely to speed up the reduction in corn stockpiles, requiring between 650 million and 1.35 billion bushels of corn per year.

“If China wants to maintain a stockpile of 1.39 billion bushels, the lowest in recent history, it will need to import 2 billion bushels of corn by 2020-2021 and much more after that,” CARD said.

“China may change its policies if it finds high levels of corn import unacceptable. In the past, China has imported large quantities of ethanol when domestic production has fallen short of demand. If imports surge as a result of the E10 mandate, the United States, the top ethanol exporter to China, will benefit” even with a 30% tariff in place at the time of the analysis.

Read the CARD analysis here.

Read the original article: Report: US Corn, Ethanol Could Benefit From China E10 Mandate

Ethanol Producer Magazine

November 27, 2017

By DuPont Industrial Biosciences

DuPont Industrial Biosciences has announced the launch of Synerxia Thrive Fermentation System, the newest innovation in the company’s synergistic fermentation system technologies. The new fermentation system will deliver higher ethanol yields, incomparable robustness during thermal excursions and improved performance.

“With the new DuPont Synerxia Thirve Fermentation System, ethanol producers can now expect up to 4 percent higher ethanol yields in dry grind fuel alcohol facilities, when compared to conventional systems,” said Joseph DeSalvo, North America regional industry leader, DuPont Industrial Biosciences. “Synerxia Thrive is the result of a multiyear investment in yeast technologies focused on improving performance in ethanol fermentation to deliver increased value to our customers.”

DuPont Synerxia Thrive Fermentation System consists of a new active dry yeast (ADY), Synerxia Thrive ADY and Synerxia Thrive LC, a glucoamylase liquid complement. The new system blends the right combination of yeast and enzymes to deliver up to 4 percent additional ethanol versus a conventional yeast and glucoamylase combination.

Synerxia Thrive ADY incorporates a patent pending, carbon-efficient pathway that redirects a portion of the carbon that would go into CO2 and glycerol into ethanol production. In lab and plant results, the Synerxia Thrive Fermentation System outperformed conventional yeasts during thermal excursions and demonstrated increased robustness in the presence of organic acids.

“The launch of Synerxia Thrive Fermentation System gives ethanol producers the opportunity to integrate an unparalleled fermentation system into their business,” DeSalvo added. “We are thrilled to bring the technology to commercial scale to revolutionize the industry with our current and future partners.”

Read the original article: DuPont Launches Synerxia Thrive to Increase Ethanol Yields

Quad-City Times

November 23, 2017

By James Q. Lynch

The Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to deny attempts to change Renewable Fuel Standard rules is good news for the ethanol industry and fuel retailers who would have had to assume responsibility for blending ethanol with gasoline, according Iowa officials who opposed the changes.

“This is the right policy conclusion and I’m glad to see it happening,” Sen. Chuck Grassley said about the EPA decision announced Wednesday. “This decision puts the issue to bed, and certainty is so important. It’s a decision from the EPA that sides with the integrity of the RFS.”

Moving the point of obligation to blend ethanol with gasoline “from a handful of refiners to hundreds or thousands of small fuel retailers would undermine the integrity and viability” of the Renewable Fuel Standard, Grassley said. Refiners would have little incentive to produce the necessary fuel blends, which would make it difficult for fuel retailers to comply, he said.

Sen. Joni Ernst called it a “win for Iowans” that the administration is keeping President Donald Trump’s “pledge to rural America to advance the full potential of the RFS.”

However, the EPA ruling is not the final word on changes, according to Grassley’s office. A decision on proposed changes in the renewable volume requirements for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel and total renewable fuel renewable volume requirements is to be announced Nov. 30, the EPA said.

In rejecting a petition to shift the responsibility for blending renewable fuels to distributors, the EPA concluded that the change sought by oil interests would not benefit the program and could significantly reduce renewable volume obligations for ethanol and other renewable fuels under the fuel standard, which was implemented in 2005 as a way to support farmers, reduce imports and combat climate change.

That “ensures stability in the biofuels market,” said Gov. Kim Reynolds’ spokeswoman, Brenna Smith. “Gov. Reynolds expressed that to (EPA) Administrator (Scott) Pruitt on multiple occasions, and he genuinely listened to her concerns.”

The change sought by refiners was widely opposed by fuel marketers, retailers, truck stop operators, petroleum producers and renewable fuel producers because of the added complexity and the undermining of investments that businesses have made to comply, Grassley, Ernst and other senators from corn-producing states wrote to Trump.

“The overwhelming majority of transportation fuel market participants oppose any change to the point of obligation because it would cause massive disruptions and could lead to higher prices for consumers,” the letter states.

Changing the standard’s point of obligation would have rewarded “those who haven’t lifted a finger to help the implementation of the RFS and to punish those who have worked hard to make it the most successful energy policy in U.S. history,” Iowa Renewable Fuels Association Executive Director Monte Shaw said.

An administration official said that in the judgment of the EPA, changing the point of obligation would not result in a net benefit and would be disruptive to the program. Also, it would undermine “long-settled expectations, and the program stability” that are critical to success of the program.

Growth Energy, which represents producers and supporters of ethanol, called the proposed changes a “one-sided handout (that) would have added regulatory red tape, created havoc in the marketplace, and denied consumers access to more affordable fuels with higher blends of biofuels like E15.”

The RFS is America’s “single most successful energy policy,” saving consumers money, protecting the environment and improving U.S. energy independence, Growth Energy said.

Read the original article: EPA Won’t Change Responsibility for Ensuring Renewable Fuels

Ethanol Producer Magazine

November 20, 2017

By Erin Voegele

The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute has named The Chippewa Valley Ethanol Co. of Benson, Minnesota, its 2017 Ag Innovator of the Year. The award, which has been given annually for the past 15 years, will be accepted by CVEC Board Chair David Thompson and General Manager Chad Friese at the company’s board meeting on Nov. 20 in Benson. 

Each year, the AURI Board of Directors bestows the Ag Innovator of the Year Award, the organization’s highest honor, on a client company or entrepreneur it feels has made a substantial impact in the areas of product innovation, uniqueness and commercialization potential. This year’s award is the culmination of 20 years of cooperative work between AURI and CVEC. 

 “There were a number of contenders for this year’s award, but the board of directors felt CVEC’s many accomplishments and innovations in the ethanol industry best fit the criteria,” said AURI Executive Director Shannon Schlecht. “CVEC contributes to Minnesota’s economy by purchasing more than 18 million bushels of corn from local farmers and has a capacity to produce tens of millions of gallons of ethanol annually, and is notable in its constant exploration of innovative changes to its products and processes to add value for its members.”   

CVEC began as a dream between two Benson men more than 20 years ago. They wanted to make the most of the area’s corn production while also stabilizing electricity rates. From that dream came the Chippewa Valley Agrafuels Cooperative, a group of more than 650 shareholders that included producers, elevators, and local investors. 

In 1995, CVAC became the general partner of an ethanol partnership, The Chippewa Valley Ethanol Co., and by early 1996 was in full operation at its own facility. Among its accomplishments, CVEC was the first direct blend E85 facility in the state. However, the innovation didn’t end there. Today its facility produces fuel, as well as high quality alcohols used in food and beverage applications as well as industrial and pharmaceutical applications. 

Currently, CVEC has the capacity to produce 50 million gallons of ethanol annually. It is still a small-town, Minnesota company at heart, but has grown to 975 cooperative owners, with the majority living within a 50-mile radius of the plant. CVEC is recognized at both the federal and state levels for efficient production and leadership in shaping ethanol policy. 

“CVEC is focused on adding value to its coop members through the continued utilization of corn and ag-based products for fuel, feed and food, which add value to rural America,” Thompson said. 

Since beginning operations, CVEC has grown and diversified, counting its culture of innovation as a significant strength that has led to solid returns for its member owners. Currently the company has ownership interest in four other ethanol companies and is a founding owner of the Renewable Products Marketing Group. 

RPMG has grown into one of the premier ethanol and co-product marketing firms in North America. With RPMG’s logistical ability and industry contacts, CVEC fulfills customer order and placement needs with product staged in terminals throughout the United States or adjacent to export facilities. RPMG’s motto is also a CVEC guiding principle, “We take care of our customers.” 

AURI awarded its first Ag Innovator of the Year in 2003. Previous winners include Kay’s Naturals of Clara City (2016), EarthClean Corp. of South Saint Paul (2015) and Midwest Ag Enterprises of Marshall (2014), among others.

Read the original article: AURI Names Chippewa Valley Ethanol Co. Ag Innovator of 2017

BioFuture Platform

November 16, 2017

Press Release

Countries representing half of the global population and 37% of the global economy today agreed to scale up the low carbon bioeconomy and develop collective targets prescribing the contribution of sustainable bioenergy to final energy demand and as a percentage of transport fuel use.

The decision is set out in a declaration released today by the Biofuture Platform member countries – entitled “Scaling Up the Low Carbon Bioeconomy”.
It is a major breakthrough for sustainable biofuels and the broader bioeconomy, which will now become a key component of the global solution to climate change.

The declaration is the culmination of nine months of negotiations and is the first time countries and other stakeholders have formally agreed to develop targets for biofuels and the bioeconomy, and construct an action plan to achieve them.

The declaration was adopted today at the COP23 Climate Change Conference in Bonn by member countries of the Biofuture Platform: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Morocco, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Paraguay, the Philippines, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Uruguay.

“What we have just accomplished here with the endorsement of this statement is quite remarkable”, said Brazil’s Minister of the Environment, José Sarney Filho. “The technology and the awareness of the need for bio-based solutions are finally coming together.”

The decisions announced today have been informed by modelling from the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) – both partners in the Biofuture Platform – concluding that the 2030 temperature goals adopted in the Paris Agreement cannot be reached without a major increase in the production and use of sustainable biofuels and bioproducts.

Specifically, the IEA and IRENA conclude that “in order to limit the increase in global average temperature to well below 20C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to reach 1.5ºC, bioenergy and biofuels share in the global energy matrix must be accelerated to achieve at least a doubling in the next 10 years”. In specific sectors, such as transport, the need is even greater. “Biofuels in transport would need to grow three fold by 2030, most of it coming from advanced technologies using non edible feedstocks, including waste and residues.”, says Fatih Birol, Executive Director of OECD’s International Energy Agency (IEA).

In addition to developing specific targets, participating countries will “devise an action plan outlining detailed actions to support achieving the targets, [and] develop a reporting mechanism to track progress”.

“Because of its abundant, renewable raw materials and its integration with existing fuel systems, biofuels have been instrumental in reducing emissions and replacing existing fuels,” said Special Representative for Climate Change of China, Mr. XIE Zhenhua. “Through problem-oriented work methods, we should strive to form feasible proposals or solutions and promote transformative measures”.

While some progress has been made in growing the bioeconomy, there is an urgent need to drive investments and overcome challenges in scaling up production and use, including oil and feedstock price volatility and policy uncertainty.

To address such challenges, in the declaration member countries agreed that coordinated international action is required to implement policy solutions, many of which have already been adopted by member countries, including specific biofuels mandates, sustainable low-carbon agricultural policies, R&D support, and incentives related to verified carbons savings.

In the declaration, member countries also call for climate and green financing mechanisms and institutions to ramp up resourcing of bioeconomy projects as a top priority.

“It is important that the statement includes key actions, as concrete actions are needed to reach our common goals. All actors need to get involved. With wise policy measures, like streamlining regulation and creating incentives, we can create an encouraging business environment for bio-economy investments”, said Kimmo Tiilikainen, Minister of Environment of Finland.

“While renewables have made rapid progress in the power sector, energy transformation in end use sectors such as industry, heating and transport needs to be accelerated to meet climate objectives. Bioenergy will play a key role in this context. As such, we welcome the vision statement of the Biofuture Platform and will continue to support it as it works to build a sustainable energy future,” said Adnan Z. Amin, Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

The full text of the declaration and more information about the Biofuture Platform – launched at COP22 in Marrakech – can be accessed here: http://biofutureplatform.org/statements .

The declaration was be launched today at an official event convened by the Government of Brazil and the Center for Strategic Studies and Management, entitled the “Biofuture Platform and the contribution of bioenergy to the Paris Agreement”. Details are below. Media and Parties attended the event.

At the event, Brazil provided an update on the RenovaBio Program to create financial incentives for investments in low-carbon biofuels, as part of its commitment to the Biofuture Platform. A bill to implement the program was introduced into the Brazilian Congress this week.

Read the original press release: Biofuture@COP23: Major Countries Agree to Scale up the Low Carbon Bioeconomy and Develop Sustainable Biofuels Targets

Ethanol Producer Magazine

November 15, 2017

By the U.S. Grains Council

An announcement was posted last week on China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website that the country would again allow U.S. distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) to be imported without charging an 11 percent value added tax (VAT), potentially impacting global DDGS market dynamics for the better.

The announcement was made in a report of key areas of consensus between the United States and China during President Donald Trump’s official visit this week. Other areas impacted include banking, security and autos.

"We are pleased to see this move, which we've been working toward for months," said Tom Sleight, U.S. Grains Council president and CEO. "This change will immediately improve the competitiveness of U.S. DDGS in what was once our top market, which is a very positive thing."

In January 2016, China’s Ministry of Commerce announced it would begin anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations related to U.S. DDGS exports to its country. Those cases resulted in duties applied to U.S. DDGS and the ending of an ongoing exemption from paying the VAT. The combination of the duties and the VAT made U.S. DDGS exports to China even less competitive, affecting market prices and export flows globally. While the VAT has been removed, the anti-dumping and countervailing duties remain.

China's actions against U.S. DDGS elicited a strong and detailed response from U.S. ethanol and DDGS industries, coordinated by the Council. The Council’s staff members in China and the United States have been working closely with the U.S government at the highest levels for nearly a year to emphasize the importance of this $1.5 billion market to the U.S. grains and ethanol industries.

U.S. DDGS exports to China fell from 5.4 million metric tons in 2015 to 3.3 million metric tons in 2016 and just 739,000 tons so far in 2017.

More on the USGC’s work in China is available here.

Read the original article: USGC: China Reallows Exemption from Value Added Tax for US DDGS