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In the News


April 9, 2018

By Jarrett Renshaw and Chris Prentice

Five Republican senators on Monday called on President Donald Trump to temporarily halt the use of biofuels policy waivers for small oil refineries, after reports the Environmental Protection Agency had issued a recent wave of such exemptions.

The group of lawmakers, which includes Senators Charles Grassley and Joni Ernst of Iowa and John Thune of South Dakota, said the EPA waivers are “undermining” the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard, a law that requires biofuels like ethanol to be added to the nation’s fuel, which Trump has said he supports.

“We therefore urge you to call on the EPA to cease all RFS waiver action until the agency’s administration of the RFS can proceed in a more transparent and impartial manner,” the senators said in a letter dated April 9.

The request comes as Trump is scheduled to meet with EPA head Scott Pruitt and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue on the issue later on Monday.

An EPA source told Reuters last week that the agency had issued 25 small refinery exemptions, relieving the plants of their requirements to blend biofuels last year.

Reuters also reported that Andeavor, one of the country’s largest refiners, also received EPA exemptions from the biofuels law for three of its smallest refineries.

In the past, the EPA has issued between six and eight waivers from the RFS per year to small refining operations of less than 75,000 barrels per day that can demonstrate they are struggling financially to comply, according to a former official familiar with the waiver program under past administrations.

But refiners have applied for the waivers in larger numbers after a federal appeals court ruling last year that said the EPA must expand the guidelines for approving them.

They have also been encouraged to apply by the Trump administration’s recent efforts to broker a deal between the oil and corn industries to reduce the costs of the RFS, industry sources said. Those talks have not yielded a deal.

“The EPA is using its small refinery waiver in an unprecedented manner to benefit some of the largest refineries in the nation, including Andeavor, which posted profits of approximately $1.5 billion last year,” the senators wrote.

White House spokeswoman Kelly Love did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The RFS requires refiners to blend biofuels, or purchase blending credits from other companies - a policy intended to help farmers, and cut pollution and fuel imports.

Read the full letter here.

Read the original story: Senators Ask Trump to Suspend EPA's Use of Biofuel Waivers

Marshall Independent

March 30, 2018

By Jody Issackson

Highwater Ethanol is applying to increase its ethanol production with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Highwater Ethanol CEO Brian Kletscher said his company hopes to make the best use of equipment and resources to increase shareholder profits. He said the number one reason for increasing production is to produce more renewable fuel for consumers to use in their new flex fuel vehicles. Kletscher also said that will help decrease the country’s dependency on imported crude oil and finished gasoline.

He said the company will consume another 2 million bushels of corn which will be good for the local farmers. Kletscher said that the majority of the grain Highwater uses in its processes comes from a 25-mile radius including farmers and elevators.

“It’s not going to be a huge increase, but as long as margins are profitable, it will be an increase,” Kletscher said. “Anything we can do to increase ROI (return on investment), we owe it to our shareholders to do it.”

The CEO and his staff have calculated that with their current facility and production equipment, they could increase their production form 59.5 million gallons of ethanol per year to 70.2.

“We looked at how much our plant can handle by an engineering review and calculated how much our plant can produce with the current equipment,” Kletscher said Wednesday.

One of the reasons Highwater Ethanol would not have to add equipment or storage to make this leap in production is because the company had already added a 600,000-bushel grain bin which was completed in August of 2017. This brought their storage capacity up to 1.8 million bushels.

The company had also added new computerized systems for handling grain and distillers’ grains.

The increase in production would increase the volume of pollutants, which requires the involvement of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA requires Highwater Ethanol to monitor its air emissions and calculate how much more will be produced with the increase in production, he said.

“We’ve been working with them since mid-January on this permit and expect to hear back in late summer or early fall,” he said.

The application itself was started in May of 2017 and the EPA was able to start looking at it in January.

“We do a modeling of the project for them,” Kletscher said. “They may require us to measure the emissions. However, we do those already. We anticipate very minimal increase in emissions.”

At the recent annual meeting, Board Chair David Moldan announced fiscal year 2017 (ending Oct. 31) was “another successful year.”

The company took in 20.3 million bushels of corn and sold 59.4 million gallons of ethanol. Kletscher explained Wednesday the company also sells byproducts of its process. Dried distiller grains (DDGs) are sold for swine and poultry feed, while modified distillers grains (MDG) are sold to feed beef cattle.

“They serve as protein and energy sources for livestock,” he said.

Ethanol production for FY 2017 was 200,000 gallons more than the previous year while the corn used was 600,000 bushels less.

“That allows us improved efficiencies, and the potential for a more profitable year is definitely there,” the CEO said.

The net income was just over $3.5 million, an increase from the $522,668 margin in FY 2016, the company reported to its shareholders.

Total sales for last year were $100,225,143. The previous year was just under $99 million. This profit was due in part in the 10 cent per bushel decrease in the cost of corn, going from $3.30 in 2016 to $3.20 in 2017.

Distributions of $345 a unit were paid to shareholders in December for a total distribution of $1,660,657.

Going forward, Kletscher said tariffs on imports could create a problem, but he is optimistic.

“Tariffs could potentially hurt exports,” he said. “We’ve reviewed that any tariff can have an impact on ethanol exports. Currently China has a 30 percent tariff on our exports and has talked about adding an additional 15 percent on top of that. We’re hoping our other foreign markets will pick up and offset the drop to China.”

Kletscher is anticipating the permits to increase ethanol production at Highwater Ethanol to go through by fall and they will be able to meet an increasing demand for the renewable resource as the flex fuel vehicles that use it catch on in the metro areas as well as the rural areas.

Read the original article: Highwater Ethanol Applying for Boosting Production

Ethanol Producer Magazine

March 26, 2018

By Erin Voegele

The USDA has released a new report that measures economic growth, job creation and household income from biofuel and bioenergy production, along with future growth in renewable chemicals and biobased products.

The report, titled “Indicators of the U.S. Biobased Economy,” shows that the biobased economy is playing an increasingly important role in the U.S. economy. “Through innovations in renewable energies and the emergence of a new generation of biobased products, the sectors that drive the biobased economy are providing job creation and economic growth,” the report states.

According to the USDA, the report aims to understand and analyze trends in the biobased economy by comparing 2011 and 2016 data.

The data shows significant increases in the production of liquid biofuels, with U.S. ethanol production increasing from 175 million gallons in 1980 to more than 14.7 billion gallons in 2015. The number of ethanol plants reached 199 in 2016, with three facilities under construction and the industry accounting for more than 270,000 U.S. jobs.

Biodiesel production also grew exponentially, increasing from 343 million gallons in 2010 to 1.26 billion gallons in 2015. From 2005 to 2012, soybean use for biodiesel increased from 670 million pounds to 4.1 billion pounds.

The production of solid biofuels has also increased significantly. The report states that “wood pellets manufactured primarily in the Southeastern United States have become an important component of the bioenergy sector.” The U.S has established itself as the world’s largest exporter of wood pellets, with more than 4.6 million metric tons exported in 2016.

Growth has also occurred in the production of renewable chemicals and biobased products. The report states that the number of renewable chemicals and biobased products certified under the USDA’s BioPreferred program has increased from 1,800 in 2014 to 2,900 in 2016. The number of overall biobased products in the U.S. marketplace has increased from approximately 17,000 in 2008 to 40,000 in 2014. An estimated 4.22 million jobs were attributed to the biobased products industry in 2014. In addition, the report estimates the value-added contribution to the U.S. economy from the U.S. biobased products industry was $393 billion in 2014.

The Biotechnology Innovation Organization has spoken out to welcome the report. “The biobased economy is approaching a tipping point in its growth and maturation,” said Brent Erickson, executive vice president of BIO’s Industrial & Environmental Section. “The economic impact is evident.

“BIO calculates that the global economic value of the biobased economy—including industrial biotechnology, renewable chemicals and polymers, biofuels, enzymes and biobased materials—is $355.28 billion,” he continued. “Looking at the new USDA Indicators report and other sources, we estimate that the United States generates 58 percent of the global value of biobased manufacturing, or more than $205 billion. And that economic activity supports employment for 1.66 million U.S. workers.

“The growth of the biobased economy has been supported by good federal policy that strengthens the agricultural sector and rural America,” Erickson said. “For instance, Farm Bill energy title programs have compiled a record of success that deserves to be continued. We look forward to working with USDA and Congress to build on that success and reauthorize the programs.”

A full copy of the report can be downloaded from the USDA website.

Read the original article: USDA Report Shows Impact of US Biobased Economy

LITTLE FALLS, Minn.March 27, 2018 - Green Biologics, Inc. announced that it has agreed to supply their patented GreenFlame® bio-based charcoal lighter fluid formulation exclusively to Kingsford® Charcoal, to be marketed under a new brand: EcoLight™. The licensing agreement builds on the successful 2017 introduction of GreenFlame, a natural USDA BioPreferred® certified, clean-burning charcoal lighter fluid based on Green Biologics' proprietary advanced fermentation process.

Kingsford®  EcoLight™ Powered by GreenFlame® charcoal lighter fluid will be available at retailers across the country starting later this month, with intentions for continued expansion throughout 2018 and beyond.

"As the leading charcoal brand and wholly owned subsidiary of The Clorox Company, a champion for sustainability, we found Kingsford to be an excellent partner for the GreenFlame charcoal lighter fluid formulation," said David Anderson, global vice president of marketing, Green Biologics. "Their strong branding, extensive retail presence, and distribution capabilities will quickly introduce a large number of consumers to a high-performance, bio-based alternative to petro-based charcoal lighter fluid. We see this as a critical first step toward an exciting future of renewable product collaborations."

"Working with Green Biologics to introduce this product was a logical addition to our existing line, showcasing Kingsford's commitment to launching products consistent with evolving consumer trends," said Lauren Kahn, director of marketing at Kingsford.  "The key to EcoLight's success lies in its superior performance.  Unlike other natural charcoal lighter fluids on the market, there are no trade-offs in performance here. EcoLight lights quickly, stays lit and works every time." 

About Green Biologics

Green Biologics Ltd (GBL) is a renewable specialty chemicals company based in Abingdon, England with a wholly owned U.S. operating company, Green Biologics Inc., based in Little Falls, Minn. GBL's Clostridium fermentation platform converts a wide range of sustainable feedstocks into high performance green chemicals such as n-butanol, acetone, and through chemical synthesis, derivatives of n-butanol and acetone used by a growing global consumer and industrial products customer base in numerous markets including Coatings, Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care, Consumer Fuels and Cosmetics. The platform combines advanced high productivity fermentation with superior-performing proprietary Clostridium microbial biocatalysts and synthetic chemistry to produce a pipeline of high value renewable specialty chemicals with optimal performance in downstream formulations. For more information, visit www.greenbiologics.com

MPR News

March 23, 2018

By Mark Steil

There's been a lot of hand-wringing in farm circles about trade with China for the past two years, ever since presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized the Asian economic giant with comments like this: "China is ripping us off like nobody has ever seen," Trump said, on the campaign trail.

But fears over a possible trade war with China moved much closer to reality this week.

Words have become action as now-President Trump announced proposed tariffs on Chinese products sold in the U.S.

Minnesota sells about a billion and a half dollars' worth of agricultural products to China each year — and China's list of proposed tariffs against U.S. products includes several that are important to farmers across the state.

"We're poking the bear if you will," said University of Minnesota grain market economist Ed Usset.

China responded to the U.S. tariff proposal by announcing import taxes of its own. And if the back-and-forth snowballs into a full-scale trade war, many industries could be affected.

Agriculture is a big one.

"There's a lot at stake here for American farmers, Minnesota farmers," said Usset.

China is taking a two-step approach in its retaliatory tariffs.

The first group of U.S. products to be hit includes ethanol, which is threatened with a possible 15 percent Chinese import tax. That worries Minnesota's ethanol CEOs, including Randall Doyal of the Al-Corn Clean Fuel ethanol plant in Claremont.

"We are depending on being able to export our production to the world," Doyal said.

China is a part of that overseas market. It has enacted ethanol tariffs in the past, so U.S. sales there have been up and down.

But as recently as 2016, sales to China accounted for about 20 percent of U.S. ethanol exports.

Doyal said if China follows through on its tariff threat, it will hurt U.S. sales there. And that will hurt Minnesota farmers who sell corn to ethanol plants around the state. Doyal also worries that a sour export market will hurt his plant.

"It certainly will put a damper on us," he said. "We're coming out of an expansion, we've got a lot of debt. And I don't like the thought that we're looking at markets that are going to be returning less."

State pork producers are looking at a similar scenario.

Pork is in the second group of products facing a 25 percent tariff if the U.S.-China trade dispute escalates. China is the second-largest market for U.S. pork. Minnesota Pork Producers Association President Greg Boerboom said hog farmers in Minnesota and across the country will feel the impact of a trade war.

"If something happened that we would lose the China market, which is our No. 2 market, that'd be a devastating impact on both hog producers and the rural economy," said Boerboom.

But Boerboom, a self-described optimist, still believes the two nations can pull back from the brink, and avoid an escalating series of trade barriers and taxes that could hurt both countries.

"Nothing has been finalized yet," said Boerboom. "It's still a threat on both sides. So we're hoping that they can negotiate and actually resolve the situation before any tariffs or retaliation would take place."

That would also be very good news for Minnesota's soybean farmers — China has not yet proposed a soybean tariff. But if the trade fight expands and soybeans are pulled into the retaliatory actions, Minnesota farmers would take their biggest hit of all: Soybeans are Minnesota's top farm export — and China is the state's biggest customer.

Read the original story: Minnesota Ag Has Much to Lose in U.S.-China Trade Spat

PR Newswire

March 20, 2018

By Enerkem

Enerkem Inc., a world-leading waste-to-biofuels and chemicals producer, announced today during the 255th American Chemical Society national meeting being held in New Orleans, that it had succeeded in producing a new high-performance biofuel that could improve the octane rating of fuels sold on the market and reduce their carbon footprint.

The chemical engineering expertise at Enerkem's Innovation Centre in Westbury, Quebec, allowed the company to successfully develop a process that uses its proprietary waste-to-biofuel technology to produce a new biofuel with a Research Octane Number (RON) of up to 112. This is 20 points higher than the average octane rating found in regular motor gasoline. By using bio-dimethyl ether (Bio-DME), a product derived from Enerkem's biomethanol, combined with a DME-to-high-octane-gasoline catalyst developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the United States, the Enerkem-NREL team were the first to demonstrate at pilot scale the production of an alternative fuel rich in paraffins.

"It's a major breakthrough that could enable the development of a new non-oxygenated biofuel made from waste on a commercial scale," explained Stéphane Marie-Rose, Director of Enerkem's Innovation Centre. "Through the very selective catalytic reaction achieved using our waste-to-biofuels process, we have formed paraffinic molecules, such as triptane, whose properties already contain a high-octane rating, thereby increasing the volume of paraffins when used as an additive in a conventional fuel."

In addition to the various environmental and economic upsides, there are many possible applications for a high-octane biofuel derived from Enerkem's bio-DME. The non-oxygenated additive could serve the specialized fuels market, such as the aviation gasoline and professional motorsport sector. As with the biomethanol and advanced ethanol produced today at commercial scale by Enerkem, this new biofuel allows better combustion, replaces fossil fuels and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Enerkem's Innovation Centre intends to build on this technological advancement by further developing and optimizing the process as well as evaluating the potential commercial applications in the coming months.

About Enerkem

Enerkem produces advanced biofuels and renewable chemicals from waste. Its disruptive proprietary technology converts non-recyclable, non-compostable municipal solid waste into methanol, ethanol and other widely-used chemicals. Headquartered in Montreal (QC), Canada, Enerkem operates a full-scale commercial facility in Alberta as well as an innovation centre in Quebec. Enerkem's facilities are built as prefabricated systems based on the company's modular manufacturing infrastructure that can be deployed globally. Enerkem's technology is a prime example of how a true circular economy can be achieved by diversifying the energy mix and by making everyday products greener while offering a smart, sustainable alternative to landfilling and incineration.

Read the original article: Enerkem Makes a Major Breakthrough by Producing a New High-Octane Biofuel

Post Bulletin

March 17, 2018

By Noah Fish

The first bushels of corn were delivered to the new system at the Al-Corn Clean Fuel ethanol plant last week, signaling that completion of its $146 million expansion and modernization project is right around the corner.

Al-Corn CEO Randall Doyal said construction is slated to wrap up the first week of April, and the system should be functional later that week. Construction on the project began in December 2016 and was originally expected to end this July. Doyal attributed the swift work to good collaboration by personnel.

“To get done the first week in April, that’s phenomenal,” said Doyal, who credited McGough Construction for instituting a system that has subcontractors and plant staff working effectively together.

The expansion will increase annual ethanol production by the Claremont-based cooperative from 50 million gallons to 120 million gallons by early this year, making it one of the state’s top producers in the industry. The plant will also increase its annual throughput of corn from 17.5 million bushels to 47 million bushels. Doyal said the move is in line with the cooperative’s proactive history of trying to stay relevant in a wavering industry.

“In any business that’s commoditized, you want low-cost producers, because that’s how you weather the storms that come with all cycles of business,” said Doyal. “You want to be in that top tier, and the folks that continue to operate when others are forced to stop production because of financial circumstances.”

The farmer-owned ethanol production cooperative was formed in 1994 as a way for local farmers to add value to their corn crop. Annually, the plant turns out 132,000 tons of livestock feed, 12 million pounds of corn oil and 70,000 tons of beverage grade carbon dioxide, according to the cooperative’s website.

The expansion consists of new additions as well as the modification of some existing equipment at the plant. Additional fermenters have been added, and the fermentation scrubber has been expanded to operate at twice the water and gas flow rate of the previous unit.

Other updates include new distillation and vaporization vessels and a Combined Heat Power unit, which will be capable of generating up to 40 percent of Al-Corn’s power. The plant also expanded its rail capacity, which Doyal said will allow Al-Corn to reach new markets. The upgraded Al-Corn facility covers 200 acres altogether.

On March 7, three of the original Al-Corn board members — Lyle Kuhlmann, Lyle Borgschatz and Orlo Toquam took part in delivering the first bushels into the new machinery. All three were joined by their sons, who now serve on the board.

“That was really kind of cool,” Doyal said of the ceremonious testing. “And in one case, the person actually driving the truck was a grandson of an original board member. Really just a neat, multigenerational impact we got to see there.”

Read the original article: Expanded Ethanol Plant Boosts Production


March 19, 2018

Press Release

A prototype of the world's first hybrid flexible-fuel vehicle (Hybrid FFV), debuted in an event Toyota held today in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Stakeholders including the state government, universities, and the sugarcane association (the Sugarcane Industry Union: UNICA) attended the event. The prototype is the combination of a flexible-fuel vehicle (FFV) that can be powered by both gasoline and alternative fuels such as ethanol, and Toyota's famous hybrid system which combines a combustion engine and an electrical powertrain.

Hybrid FFV is a new powertrain system that Toyota is developing with an aim to popularize Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Brazil and contribute to the environment through reduction of CO2 emissions. Hybrid FFV has the potential to drastically reduce total CO2 emissions as it is built on Toyota's hybrid system that has high energy efficiency and low emission levels and it also leverages the CO2 reabsorption capacity of ethanol, a plant-derived 100% renewable fuel. The prototype uses the Toyota Prius as a base model, which is currently sold and becoming popular in Brazil.

Toyota's initial studies indicate that Hybrid FFV has a great advantage in environmental performance compared to a standard FFV, when we estimate CO2 emissions starting with the extraction of the raw material, through its distribution at the fuel pumps to the ignition in the combustion process of the car. If it is fueled only by sugarcane-based ethanol (E100 fuel), the results are even better.

The development of Hybrid FFV represents one of Toyota's efforts to achieve its "Environmental Challenge 2050" where it challenges itself to reduce vehicle CO2 emissions by 90% in comparison with 2010 levels, by 2050. Another objective of the Environmental Challenge is to completely eliminate CO2 emissions from the vehicle lifecycle, including materials, parts and manufacturing. In line with that goal, Toyota also targets to have more than 5.5 million electrified vehicles in its global new vehicle sales by 2030.

"I am very proud of our Toyota do Brasil engineers that worked closely with our engineers in Japan to develop the world's cleanest hybrid vehicle that uses ethanol for our Brazilian customers. The invention demonstrates our journey in providing a new mobility society," said Steve St. Angelo, Senior Managing Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation serving as CEO of Toyota Latin America Region and Caribbean, as well as Chairman of Toyota do Brasil.

Toward the commercialization of Hybrid FFV in Brazil, Toyota will collect various data through real-world road testing in Brazil going forward and evaluate the system's reliability, durability, and powertrain performance.

Read the original press release: Toyota Reveals World-First Flexible Fuel Hybrid Prototype in Brazil