In the News

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Jul 27, 2020

Legislation released by the U.S. Senate on July 27 could provide relief to biofuel producers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. A separate bill introduced on the same day aims to benefit workers who have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic.

Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, R-Ala., on July 27 introduced an emergency supplemental appropriations bill that provides $306 billion in emergency appropriations to aid American families and businesses suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. While the bill does not provide dedicated relief for biofuel producers, one provision of the bill provides $20 billion of additional funding to the USDA to support agricultural producers, growers and processors impacted by COVID-19.

That $20 billion funding would provide support for agricultural producers, growers, and processors impacted by COVID-19, including producers, growers and processors of specialty crops, non-specialty crops, dairy, livestock and poultry. Biofuel producers would be considered eligible entities under the program.

“This is a good first step towards healing the damage wrought by COVID-19, but falls short of providing the necessary clarity that would have been provided in Senators Ernst, Grassley and Klobuchar's proposed language," said Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy. "The next critical step in a final agreement between House and Senate is to provide additional certainty around the nature of biofuel industry relief to ensure our producers have access to this much needed assistance. Our fight is far from over, especially with the number of retroactive refinery exemption applications continuing to rise and COVID-19 depressing trade to our key ethanol markets abroad. It’s encouraging to know that we have House and Senate leaders in our corner who understand that protecting America’s biofuel workforce now is vital to rebuilding our nation’s agricultural supply chain and markets for American farmers.”

separate bill released by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassey, R-Iowa, would provide further relief for workers affected by COVID-19; assistance to individuals, families, and employers to reopen the economy; support for patients, nursing home residents, providers and foster youth in responding to COVID-19; additional flexibility and accountability for coronavirus relief fund payments and state tax certainty for employers and employees.

One section of that bill, would provide supplemental unemployment insurance payments of $200 per week through September. Starting in October, the payment would be replaced with a payment of up to $500, that when combined with the state unemployment insurance payment, would replace 70 percent of lost wages. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which was signed into law in March, provides a $600 per week supplemental unemployment insurance payment through the end of July.

Another section of the bill would create a second recovery rebate payment of $1,200 to all U.S. citizens and U.S. residents with adjusted gross income up to $75,000. For married couples with gross income up to $150,000, the payment would be $2,400. An additional rebate of $500 per dependent would be available. The amount of the rebate would phase out completely for single filers that exceed $99,000 and joint filers with no children and income over $198,000.

Read the original story here

Biofuels International

Jul 24, 2020

The US Grains Council (USGC) has been engaging future export opportunities for distiller’s dried grains (DDG) to South East Asia.  

Thanks to extensive technical education and trade servicing by USGC staff, DDG is expanding its footprint in countries throughout the region. Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand all rank in the top 10 buyers for the co-product. Other markets like the Philippines and Malaysia are also increasing interest and purchases of DDG and other corn co-products.  

“South East Asia is now the destination for one-third of all US DDG exports,” said Caleb Wurth, USGC assistant director of South East Asia. “The region will be one of the strongest performing markets for distiller's grains this marketing year, despite challenges related to movement restrictions, lack of available containers and new trade agreements signed between major markets and U.S. competitors.”  

The DDG tech talk series followed webinars focused on trade policy and challenges and opportunities in the region. The first talk was conducted in partnership with PAFMI (the Philippine Feed Mill Association) with technical staff of PAFMI member companies joining the webinar. PAFMI members represent the largest segment of the Philippine feed industry, making this partnership critical to expanding trade relationships in the country. 

“When designing the program, we wanted to address the top constraints to increased DDG usage in the Philippines,” Wurth said. “Leading examples were storage and handling followed by nutritional value awareness, which became our focus topics for the webinar.”  

The second talk was conducted with one of the largest feed millers in South East Asia, part of a new strategic partnership in the region. More than 60 decision-level participants logged in from all the company’s offices in South East Asia, South Asia and North Asia. 

Read the original story here

E & E News

Jul 22, 2020

After carving out a role as an "ethanol senator," Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said yesterday he's not sure he's won much support even in his own party — but he's making an additional pitch to help the industry weather the pandemic.

Grassley, Iowa's senior senator, told reporters he and fellow Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst are still pressing for pandemic-related aid for biofuel producers in the next coronavirus aid bill and that he wishes more lawmakers from corn-growing states would warm to the idea.

"We need help from others, and I expect that other people are going to help, but it seems like we have to be the instigators of it," Grassley said. Iowa is the country's top ethanol-producing state.

By Grassley's count, 14 states are considered big corn producers. With two senators each, he said, those states ought to generate 28 pro-biofuel votes in the chamber.

"I don't know why it always falls on Ernst and Grassley to be the only ones that presumably are ethanol senators," he said.

Grassley repeated his earlier calls for financial assistance to help biofuel producers who had to shut down or slow their plants during the early months of the pandemic. At one time, as much as half the nation's ethanol production was affected, and more than 130 plants either fully or partially shut down.

Asked if he believes biofuel producers should be given dollar-for-dollar parity with the oil industry — which benefited from government purchases for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve — Grassley said ethanol should be treated more generously.

"There ought to be more help for ethanol than for oil," Grassley said, because oil was cheap at the time the government helped that industry though SPR purchases.

Among the measures Grassley has sought: reimbursement to biofuel producers for feedstocks they bought between Jan. 1 and March 31. He introduced thatbillwith Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) in May, resurrecting a proposal he'd initially intended to add to a pandemic relief bill — but hadn't because oil industry relief wasn't included either.

The petroleum reserve purchases came through Trump administration actions instead.

Grassley's call for biofuel assistance is one of a few agriculture provisions he's pressing, including help for hog producers who lost money through forced depopulation of animals. That was a result of COVID-19 outbreaks forcing meatpacking plants to close.

Biofuel groups such as the Renewable Fuels Association continue to press for assistance, along with restrictions on EPA's ability to waive biofuel blending requirements for small refineries.

Prospects for biofuel aid aren't clear as the Republican leadership crafts a relief bill this week. And while Grassley said he doesn't think his party's leadership is much more friendly to ethanol than in previous years, the Democrats aren't any more receptive.

"I've got all sorts of quotes from Schumer, how he's anti-ethanol," Grassley said, referring to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who's supporting Ernst's opponent, Theresa Greenfield, in a close reelection race this fall.

Despite Schumer's history against ethanol mandates, Democrats have tried to cast Ernst as not aggressive enough on biofuel issues, including prodding her to demand EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler's resignation, as Greenfield has (E&E Daily, July 21).

"Don't put it on the shoulders of Republican leaders when Democratic leaders are fighting it," Grassley said. "It's not just a Republican problem."

Read the original story here

Whitefox Technologies

Jul 21, 2020

Whitefox continues growth in North America – now at 100 mmgy of installed capacity

Council Bluffs, IA – Whitefox Technologies, is pleased to announce Southwest Iowa Renewable Fuels (SIRE) has surpassed 250 days of operation of their Whitefox ICE® membrane dehydration system at its plant in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The start?up in September 2019 was Whitefox’s third in 2019, now Whitefox’s 8th installation in the U.S., and its second installation in Iowa. The first ICE® installation in the leading ethanol producing state was at Pine Lake Corn Processors in Steamboat Rock.

SIRE CEO Mike Jerke stated “We’ve had a lot of highlights at SIRE in the past year, and the Whitefox project has been one of them. The combination of benefits improves our plant operations and efficiency, and helps SIRE provide more value to the community and our shareholders. SIRE is in our best position ever to move forward and efficiently meet the demand for ethanol driven by increased use of higher blends.” Jerke recently wrote in an op?ed piece for the Des Moines Register: “Ethanol’s best days remain ahead of us… our industry and workers will always go above and beyond.”

Gillian Harrison, CEO of Whitefox CEO, commented “working with SIRE was a very positive experience for our team. Their professional culture and high standards start at the top and extend throughout the whole organization. I felt that our respective teams complimented each other well, getting the best out of the project. They were an excellent project partner from the start. We share Mike’s positive view of the industry; ethanol is a home?grown product that gives us cleaner air and Whitefox is committed to helping plants improve their profitability and reduce energy and emissions.”

The Whitefox ICE® system treats existing recycle streams to free up distillation?dehydration capacity, enabling SIRE and other producers to lower natural gas use by over 1,000 BTU/ gallon, cut carbon emissions, improve plant cooling, and increase potential production capacity by 20% or more depending on the system design. Whitefox ICE® is integrated into existing corn ethanol production plants with minimal disruption and a small footprint.

Paul, Kamp, Whitefox VP of Business Development added “SIRE has always been a plant with a unique vision for innovation and a strategic location. Working closely together with the SIRE plant team on project execution was a great experience and results are top notch. Together we achieved the initial target objectives for reduced steam use and higher production capacity potential. Almost immediately after start?up, their engineers and operators dialled?in improvements and BTU reductions across distillation and dehydration.”

About SIRE

Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy, LLC: SIRE is located on 275 acres in Council Bluffs, Iowa, operating a 140 million gallon per year ethanol plant. SIRE began producing ethanol in February 2009 and sells its ethanol, distillers’ grains, corn syrup, and corn oil in the continental United States, Mexico, and the Pacific Rim. SIRE is a Limited Liability Company incorporated in the State of Iowa on March 8, 2005. The owners of SIRE have positioned the Company to be a locally controlled business enterprise providing farmers and local investors with the chance to extract added value through ownership of a processing plant that converts local corn to higher value products.

About Whitefox Technologies Limited

Established in 2000, Whitefox Technologies is a leading solutions provider for fuel ethanol and other alcohol production processes. Specializing in technology development and process integration based on proprietary membrane solutions, its efficient designs reduce energy and water consumption in ethanol and organic chemical manufacturing processes. Whitefox provides solutions for fuel ethanol, other biofuels, and industrial alcohol production in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and South America. @WhitefoxTech

For further information:

Trond Heggenhougen

Whitefox Technologies

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+44 (0)20?7953?8408

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Jul 17, 2020

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, confirmed during a press call on July 17 that he and Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, will advocate for the inclusion of dedicated relief for ethanol producers the fourth COVID-19 stimulus bill, which Congress is expected to take up as soon as next week.

Grassley sponsored a bill introduced in Maythat would provide relief to ethanol producers via payments for feedstock made through the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corp. During the July 17 call, Grassley indicated he and Ernst would work to include provisions of that bill into the upcoming COVID-19 bill.

In the long-term, however, Grassley said he thinks that hope for the ethanol industry will be directly related to the extent to which the economy picks up and people start driving. While ethanol production has picked up in recent weeks following sharp declines in March and April, Grassley said he thinks it will be a slow turnaround for the industry to return to pre-COVID-19 production levels. “I think the Ernst-Grassley bill will help in that effort a lot, if we can get it put into the [upcoming COVID-19 relief bill],” he said.

Grassley also briefly addressed the “gap year” small refinery exemption (SRE) petitions that several small refineries have filed with the U.S. EPA in recent months in an effort to circumvent a January ruling made by the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals that determined the EPA cannot extend SREs to any small refinery whose earlier, temporary exemptions had lapsed. The 58 gap year SRE petitions that have been submitted to the EPA so far represent an effort by several small refiners to create a continuous chain of SRE approvals that would allow the impacted refineries to maintain eligibility for future SREs.

Grassley discussed a conversation he and Ernst recently had with EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler regarding the gap year waivers, noting that Wheeler said the agency is considering the waivers as required by law. Grassley also noted that Wheeler indicated the agency isn’t sure how it would provide relief for any approved gap year waivers. “We got the feeling they don’t know what to do about these, but they have to consider them,” Grassley said.   

He also briefly addressed comments made by Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette during a July 14 hearing held by the House Subcommittee on Energy.  During that hearing, Brouillettee was questioned on the gap year SRE petitions and the Department of Energy’s process to evaluate them. He confirmed that he will work with the DOE’s general council to ensure the analysis his agency is required to conduct is fully compliant with both the Tenth Circuit Court decision and federal statute.

Read the original story here

Senator Amy Klobuchar

Jul 15, 2020

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) sent a letter to Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Sonny Perdue urging USDA to allow businesses that have received grants under the Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) to use grant funds to cover project costs incurred any time in 2020—before or after their grant agreements are signed. Eligible fuel retailers in Minnesota may not be able to effectively participate in the HBIIP if construction of storage tanks and blender pumps cannot begin before cold weather and frozen ground halts their ability to complete projects. The senators note that biofuel infrastructure improvement efforts have a significant impact on increasing demand for clean energy and providing consumers with more environmentally friendly fuel choices. 

“Our state has proven to be a valuable partner in utilizing United States Department of Agriculture cost-share programs to aid in the adoption of infrastructure upgrades that deliver higher blends of biofuels to consumers,” the senators wrote.

“Under the original Biofuels Infrastructure Partnership (BIP), the combined federal, state, and matching funds provided investments of $14 million in new biofuels infrastructure in the state, where we now exceed 350 retail stations selling E15,” the senators continued. “These efforts have had an enormous impact in driving investment, increasing demand for clean energy, and providing consumers with more low-emission, environmentally friendly fuel choices when they fill up at the pump. Last year, sales of E15 in Minnesota tripled in volume from 2017 and exceeded 70 million gallons.” 

“With an application window that is set to close on August 13, the effectiveness of the HBIIP in Minnesota and other cold weather states may be limited unless additional flexibility is granted,” the senators continued. “We urge you to modify the program to allow grant funds to cover costs incurred during the 2020 calendar year.”

For years, Klobuchar has been a leader in the fight to strengthen the RFS to support American jobs and decrease dependence on foreign oil. Klobuchar has led several letters urging the Administration to cease issuing small refinery waivers and reject changes to the RFS that would upend stability and predictability for small businesses and rural communities. 

In June, Klobuchar led a bipartisan letter joined by Smith, with Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) urging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reject petitions for Small Refinery Exemptions (SREs) under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for past compliance years.

At a Senate Agriculture hearing in June, Klobuchar highlighted the urgent need to help farmers identify conservation techniques that would have the greatest benefit for the climate and farmers’ bottom lines.

In December 2019, Klobuchar led a public comment letter to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler expressing concern over the proposed supplemental rule establishing the Renewable Fuel Standard’s (RFS) 2020 Renewable Volume Obligations and 2021 Biomass-Based Diesel Volumes. The senators argued that the proposed rule—which determines how much biofuel is required to be blended into our transportation fuel supply on an annual basis—fails to adequately account for the waivers, including those given to big oil companies. In October 2019, Klobuchar sent a letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue asking the agency to document the impact of small refinery waivers on farm income, commodity prices, and renewable fuel usage.

In May 2020, Klobuchar and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) introduced bipartisan legislation to support biofuel producers that are feeling economic hardship from fuel demand and ethanol price declines as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The Renewable Fuel Feedstock Reimbursement Act will require the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to reimburse biofuel producers for their feedstock purchases from January 1, 2020 through March 31, 2020 through the Commodity Credit Corporation.

As a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee Klobuchar successfully pushed for key climate provisions in the 2018 Farm Bill, including provisions to increase acres in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) by 3 million acres, invest in renewable energy programs including the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), protect native prairies by fixing a loophole in the “Sodsaver” program, and improve the use of conservation data so that farmers are able to make better choices about conservation practices that benefit their yields and the environment - based on her Agriculture Data Act with Senator Thune.  

Full text of today’s letter can be found HERE and below:

Dear Secretary Perdue:

We write to urge you to modify the Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) so that fuel retailers may use grant funds to cover costs incurred for qualified projects throughout the full 2020 calendar year. Doing so will ensure that the HBIIP meets its goals of increasing the availability of higher-blend biofuels, driving demand for our farmers, and improving air quality through decreased emissions.

Our state has proven to be a valuable partner in utilizing United States Department of Agriculture cost-share programs to aid in the adoption of infrastructure upgrades that deliver higher blends of biofuels to consumers. Under the original Biofuels Infrastructure Partnership (BIP), the combined federal, state, and matching funds provided investments of $14 million in new biofuels infrastructure in the state, where we now exceed 350 retail stations selling E15. These efforts have had an enormous impact in driving investment, increasing demand for clean energy, and providing consumers with more low-emission, environmentally friendly fuel choices when they fill up at the pump. Last year, sales of E15 in Minnesota tripled in volume from 2017 and exceeded 70 million gallons.

That’s why we were disappointed to learn that funds from HBIIP cannot be used to reimburse expenses that are incurred on qualified projects before a grant agreement is signed. Fuel retailers in our state are ready to utilize the HBIIP to purchase, install, and enhance storage tanks and blender pumps dedicated to dispensing E15 and E85, but are concerned that they will not be able to promptly receive permits and begin construction before cold weather and frozen ground halts their ability to complete projects. With an application window that is set to close on August 13, the effectiveness of the HBIIP in Minnesota and other cold weather states may be limited unless additional flexibility is granted.

We urge you to modify the program to allow grant funds to cover costs incurred during the 2020 calendar year.

Thank you for your consideration.


Read the original press release here.

Renewable Fuels Association

Jul 15, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has already led to more than $3.4 billion in lost revenues for the U.S. ethanol industry, according to an economic analysis released today by the Renewable Fuels Association. Based on the latest projections from the Energy Information Administration and the Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute, the RFA study also found that pandemic-related damages in 2020 and 2021 could reach nearly $9 billion.

The new study by RFA Chief Economist Scott Richman uses empirical data to assess the actual impact of COVID-19 on the ethanol industry to date.  For the period running from March through June 2020, the study found:

  • The cumulative decline in ethanol production and consumption exceeded 1.3 billion gallons.
  • Nearly 500 million fewer bushels of corn were used in ethanol production during the period.
  • Industry revenues from ethanol and co-products sales were reduced by over $3.4 billion due to the combination of reduced output and lower prices.

Based on EIA and FAPRI projections and assuming current market conditions do not deteriorate, total pandemic-related revenue losses for the industry could approach $7 billion in 2020 and $1.8 billion in 2021. However, if additional travel and business restrictions are adopted by states, the losses would be larger and may even surpass the $10 billion estimate from RFA’s initial forward-looking analysis released in April.

“At one point in late April, more than half of the ethanol industry’s production capacity was shut down,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “The idling of dozens of ethanol plants reverberated throughout rural America and sent ripple impacts across the farm economy. We have seen conditions improve since the low point in April, but ethanol production and consumption remain well below pre-COVID-19 levels.”

Cooper said the report provides a clearer picture of the damage done to date, and the challenges the industry will continue to face well into 2021. “The analysis again underscores the need for Congress to act expeditiously to deliver emergency relief to the renewable fuels industry,” he said. “As members of the Senate begin to craft their next COVID-19 stimulus package, we implore them to ensure the renewable fuels industry is not left behind again. We ask that they stand up for the 350,000 critical and essential workers whose jobs are supported by the ethanol industry.”

Cooper said RFA strongly supports the Renewable Fuel Reimbursement Program included in the HEROES Act passed by the House on May 15, as well as the Renewable Fuel Feedstock Reimbursement Act of 2020, introduced in the Senate May 19 by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). Both programs would provide vital emergency relief to the nation’s struggling ethanol producers and help ensure the industry is able to participate in the nationwide economic recovery from COVID-19. According to RFA, either program should be included in the next comprehensive COVID-19 stimulus bill.

Read the original story here.

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Jul 14, 2020

This winter, countries around the globe introduced months of unprecedented lockdown and shelter-in-place restrictions to stop the spread of COVID-19. An economic shutdown is the worst possible way to get environmental improvement, full stop. However, only a few weeks into lockdown, many noticed fresher air, and earnest talk began of this being a serious wake-up call about the environment. Whether governments in Canada will capitalize on this moment, however, remains to be seen. 

The pandemic quickly cut down car traffic and saw oil prices plummet, a combination that set off a record 5 percent drop in annual carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. Environmentally impressive but not at all perfect. First, this record cut in global emissions is still less than what scientists say is needed every year this decade to avoid disastrous climate impacts for much of the world. Second, even with remarkably less traffic, air pollution did not improve. Analysis by NPR shows that while car traffic decreased by 40 percent across the U.S., ozone pollution dropped only by 15 percent or less, which is to say barely at all, compared with levels over the past five years. Part of the reason is continued air pollutants beyond those from passenger cars, like emissions from trucking, refineries, petrochemical plants and coal power. But the more important lesson is that merely driving less, in and of itself, does little to improve climate outcomes unless we find ways to make sustained improvements. Put another way, the long-term solution remains cleaner fuel, not fewer cars. 

Next come automobiles. On the surface, having a car can seem unnecessary when working from home and getting more purchases delivered. However, an April survey by Capgemini Research Institute suggests otherwise. Capgemini surveyed more than 11,000 potential buyers in 11 countries that account for 62 percent of global vehicle sales. It found half of all global respondents said they plan to drive their cars more in the future and will rely less on public transportation and ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft. The reason: “greater control of hygiene.” At the same time, one-third of those surveyed said they plan to buy a car in 2020, with 45 percent of those potential buyers under age 35. That’s a significant percentage, considering that 79 percent of people ages 25 to 35 currently do not own cars. Policymakers need to take note, especially when projecting post-pandemic vehicle fleets and fuel mixes.

As I write this, many jurisdictions are beginning to reopen. Consumers are emerging eager to return to a semblance of “normal”—including driving and the associated carbon and tailpipe emissions. Ethanol blended in gasoline is proven to reduce both, and those designing Canada’s Clean Fuel Standard and proposed provincial increases to E15 in Ontario and Quebec should take note. Even though the pandemic delivered an unprecedented shock, the prospect of a green recovery will ultimately be decided by the strength of our climate policies and the content of our gas tanks.

Read the original story here