In the News

Ethanol Producer Magazine

Nov 12, 2020

U.S. fuel ethanol production increased by nearly 2 percent the week ending Nov. 6, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Nov. 4. Weekly ending stocks were up nearly 3 percent.

U.S. ethanol production reached 977,000 barrels per day the week ending Nov. 6, up 16,000 barrels per day when compared to the 961,000 barrels per day of production reported for the previous week. When compared to the 1.03 million barrels per day produced during the same week of last year, production was down 53,000 barrels per day.

Production of fuel ethanol has stabilized in recent months after falling to historic lows in the spring of 2020 due to market impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethanol production hit a low of 537,000 barrels per day the week ending April 24, but began to recover in May and June as travel restrictions associated with the pandemic began to ease and demand for transportation fuel began to recover. Production levels since July have generally stabilized in the range of 900,000 to 950,000 barrels per day, down roughly 10 percent when compared to the same period of last year.

Weekly ending stocks of fuel ethanol increased to 20.129 million barrels the week ending Nov. 6, up 484,000 barrels when compared to the 19.675 million reported for the previous week. Stocks of fuel ethanol have fallen over the past several months after reaching a record high of 27.289 million barrels the week ending April 17. When compared to the same week of last year, ethanol stocks were down 826,000 barrels.  

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Ethanol Producer Magazine

Nov 9, 2020

The USDA on Nov. 6 released select commodity tables from its USDA Agricultural Projections to 2030 report, which is scheduled to be released in full in February 2021. The report predicts a slight growth in corn use for ethanol over the next decade.

According to the USDA’s projections, corn planted acres are expected to remain relatively flat over the next 10 years. Planted acres were at 89.7 million in 2019-’20, are expected to reach 91 million in 2020-’21, fall to 90 million from 2021-’22 through 2025-’26, fall to 89 million in 2026-’27 and remain at that level through 2030-’31. Similarly, harvested corn acres were at 81.3 million in 2019-’20, are expected to increase to 82.5 million in 2020-’21 and remain at that level through 2025-’26, fall to 81.5 million in 2016-’27 and remain at that level through 2030-’31.

Corn yields are expected to increase steady over the next decade, from 167.5 bushels per acre in 2019-’20 to 198.5 bushels per acre in 2030-’31.

The USDA’s data shows 4.852 billion bushels of corn went to ethanol production in 2019-’20. That volume is expected to grow to 5.05 billion bushels in 2020-’21, increase to 5.125 billion bushels in 2021-’22 and remain at that level through 2027-’28, and increase to 5.15 billion bushels in 2028-’29 and remain at that level through 2030-’31.

Additional information is available on the USDA  website.

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Ethanol Producer Magazine

Nov 3, 2020

The Governor’s Council on Biofuels has given Gov. Tim Walz its consensus report on the steps needed to grow Minnesota’s biofuels industry and get the state back on track to meet renewable energy goals.

Walz charged the 15-member council to recommend policies to accelerate achievement of Minnesota’s biofuels and greenhouse gas reduction goals. The group worked over the past nine months to find ways to achieve this that help farmers, rural communities, the natural environment, and economically disadvantaged populations.

“I am a longtime supporter of biofuels because they are good for both our environment and our economy. A strong biofuels industry in Minnesota not only provides good-paying jobs and helps our economy grow, but it also aids in reducing harmful greenhouse gases,” said Governor Tim Walz. “I am grateful for the work of each member of the Council, and I look forward to reviewing the full set of recommendations.”

The Council’s recommendations  (pdf) include accelerating the state’s move toward 15 percent ethanol content in gasoline; adopting a Low Carbon Fuel Standard; increasing biofuels use in the state fleet; increasing public understanding and marketing of biofuels; and developing advanced biofuels.

“Agriculture has a big role to play in helping our state achieve its renewable energy goals,” Minnesota Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen said. “I want to thank all the council members for helping us figure out how to move Minnesota toward those goals in a way that will be good for producers and consumers.”

Minnesota adopted statutory goals in the 2007 Next Generation Energy Act to replace 30 percent of the state’s petroleum use with biofuels by 2025. But is not on track to meet those goals, due to a combination of low market prices and changes in federal policy.

”Gov. Walz, Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan and Commissioner Petersen convened us to ensure that Minnesota homegrown biofuels play a vital role in Minnesota’s response to the climate challenge,” said Mike Bull, director of policy and external affairs at the Center for Energy and Environment, and a member of the council. “I’m thankful for their leadership and grateful to my fellow council members for our good work together.”

The biofuels industry provides important markets for agricultural commodities and generates an estimated $6.7 billion in annual economic impact.

Members of the council represented the biofuels industry, agricultural and farm groups, the service station industry, the wood products industry, and energy and environmental organizations.

“Our Biofuels Council approved the final report today culminating from a year of work among the stakeholders,” said Brian Thalmann, board member of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association, and a member of the council. “It recognizes the value that expanded biofuel use will provide to Minnesota’s citizens and the environment and provides recommendations to accelerate achievement of our petroleum replacement goals. I look forward to engagement by the stakeholders moving forward as we work with state officials in the implementation of these ideas.”

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) facilitated the Council’s work. Find more resources about the Council’s goals and view the report on the  MDA’s website.

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Oct 30, 2020

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States and Brazil, the two leading ethanol producers, see potential for a large increase in global use of the biofuel as an outright way to cut carbon emissions while the world transitions to all-electric cars, according to industry representatives this week.

“There is a lot of hope (to cut emissions) related to electric vehicles, but the current fleet will still be around for a long time,” said Brian Healy, director for ethanol market development at the U.S. Grains Council, adding that biofuel blending in combustion engine cars is the quickest way to improve air quality.

Speaking during the Datagro’s International Conference on Sugar and Ethanol this week, Healy said countries should move faster to implement plans to blend ethanol to gasoline.

Several countries and regions around the world are discussing or setting targets to increase use of biofuels such as China, Canada, Britain, India, Mexico, Vietnam, South Africa and Australia. But there have been delays everywhere.

Analysts see an unwillingness from some countries to depend on renewable energy sources if they can not produce them, as is the case with China which postponed its target for a national E10 blending policy.

Lara Bacellar, trading manager at Brazil’s Copersucar SA, one of the world’s largest ethanol merchants, said that if all mandates and policies for blending in the world were fulfilled, including the U.S. E15 proposition, demand could jump as much as 55 billion liters (12.1 billion gallons) per year.

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Energy AgWired

Oct 30, 2020

The  U.S. Grains Council  (USGC) signed an official memorandum of understanding (MOU) this week with the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) aimed at expanding the use and availability of ethanol in Vietnam. The agreement promises to further a strong partnership between the two nations and encourage expanded ethanol use throughout Southeast Asia.

“The Council stands ready to support the MOU and the Vietnamese ethanol industry,” said Ryan LeGrand, USGC president and chief executive officer, who provided virtual remarks for the MOU signing. “The MOU helps further an already strong partnership between the U.S. and Vietnamese industries and governments. We thank the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Vietnam and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA’s FAS) for their ongoing dialogue and partnership.”

The MOU was signed during the 2020 Indo-Pacific Business Forum, which took place this week virtually and in-person in Hanoi, Vietnam. This year’s forum was aimed at advancing a vision for the Indo-Pacific region as a free and open region comprised of independent, strong and prosperous nations. Hosted by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, the event is part of overall efforts to establish the United States as an essential and enduring partner to Southeast Asia.

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Ethanol Producer Magazine

Oct 28, 2020

U.S. fuel ethanol production increased by 3 percent the week ending Oct. 23, while weekly ending stocks fell by nearly 1 percent, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Oct. 28.

U.S. ethanol production expanded to an average of 941,000 barrels per day the week ending Oct. 23, up 28,000 barrels per day from the average of 913,000 barrels per day reported for the previous week. When compared to the 1.004 million barrels per day produced during the same week of 2019, production was down 63,000 barrels per day.

Production of fuel ethanol has stabilized in recent months after falling to historic lows last spring due to market impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethanol production hit a low of 537,000 barrels per day the week ending April 24, but began to recover in May and June as travel restrictions associated with the pandemic began to ease and demand for transportation fuel began to recover. Production levels since July have generally stabilized in the range of 900,000 to 950,000 barrels per day, down roughly 10 percent when compared to the same period of last year.

Weekly ending stocks of fuel ethanol fell to 19.601 million barrels the week ending Oct. 16, down 120,000 barrels when compared to the 19.721 million barrels reported for the previous week. Stocks of fuel ethanol have fallen over the past few months after reaching a record high of 27.289 million barrels the week ending April 17. When compared to the same week of last year, ethanol stocks were down 1.498 million barrels.

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Ethanol Producer Magazine

Oct 26, 2020

The U.S. Grains Council conducted a webinar for producers in the Dominican Republic and Educator in mid-September to provide an update on U.S. corn and sorghum production and offer the latest information on the benefits of U.S. distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) for feed, poultry and swine production. The webinar also introduced distiller’s corn oil (DCO) as a potential new feed ingredient.

“We are working to build confidence in these potential buyers,” said Ana Ballesteros, USGC marketing director for Latin America. “Increasing DDGS awareness and understanding of its benefits when used in poultry and swine formulas is needed to generate a willingness to buy.”

Poultry and swine producers in the Dominican Republic do not currently use DDGS. In February 2020, the Council’s staff in Latin America set a strategy to engage with producers and purchasing groups, specifically targeting those with the volume capacity to import DDGS in combination shipments with corn and other U.S. agricultural products.

The recent webinar included 10 speakers, including five U.S.-based consultants covering the nutritional benefits of corn, sorghum, DDGS and DCO, handling and management practices, and logistics of the Latin American market.

Feed, poultry and livestock producers who are members of AFABA, an Ecuadorian poultry and livestock producers association, were also invited to attend the event after the organization reached out to the Council in search of technical information on DDGS.

“The array of topics allowed for broader discussions with markets where we feel these U.S. products could make a difference in our customers’ bottom lines,” Ballesteros said.

The Council will continue to work with producers in both countries to help them gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of DDGS and how best to formulate its use for different species. Follow up one-on-one consultations with participating companies and virtual tours of U.S. production are next steps in this engagement.

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Oct 21, 2020

Greenfield Global Inc., Canada’s largest fuel ethanol producer, announced today that it will acquire the 182 million litre (48 million gallon) per-year Corn Plus ethanol facility in Winnebago, Minnesota.

The Corn Plus facility makes ethanol for the purpose of blending into gasoline and has been shuttered since September 2019.

“This ushers in a new era of North American production for Greenfield,” said Howard Field, President & CEO of Greenfield Global.” We are excited to join producers in the United States in making the world’s cleanest and most accessible biofuel. The addition of Corn Plus to our biofuels portfolio complements our strategy of being a leading producer of renewable energy solutions and enhances our ability to service low-carbon fuel markets more effectively and efficiently.

”North American fuel markets will continue to operate as an increasingly interconnected supply chain given the market challenges of COVID-19, coupled with the recent coming into force of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Greenfield Global’s addition of a United States based-corn ethanol facility provides the Company with a larger and more diverse geographic footprint from which to operate. Greenfield Global purchased the Corn Plus facility in a receivership process. The Company expects to produce fuel ethanol and its co-products once a startup plan is established.

“We look forward to welcoming the Corn Plus team to Greenfield, re-establishing a market for Minnesota corn growers, and working closely with the community to bring jobs back to Winnebago.” said Jean Roberge, EVP & Managing Director of the Greenfield Global Renewable Energy Business Unit. “We are confident that our best practices, paired with the technology adaptation experience of our combined staff, will produce Greenfield’s industry-leading, low carbon intensity biofuels from this facility.

”Roberge added, “Biofuels are the key to lowering greenhouse emissions in the transportation sector. This investment in our ethanol portfolio, combined with the expansion of our biorefinery in Varennes, Quebec, will significantly increase our ability to supply renewable fuel needed to help preserve the health of our planet.”

Douglas Dias, Greenfield Global’s VP Sales and Market Development, stated “Greenfield’s fuel ethanol customers will benefit from this new supply of low carbon ethanol. We are excited to offer our existing customers more resilience and broader supply options to meet their increasing demands, while serving new fuel customers in the United States.”

About Greenfield Global Inc.

Greenfield Global provides high-value, mission-critical raw materials, ingredients and additives that are vital to businesses, improve people’s lives, and preserve the health of the planet. Greenfield is the largest ethanol producer in Canada and owns and operates four ethanol distilleries, five specialty chemical manufacturing and packaging plants, and three next generation biofuel and renewable energy R&D centers in Canada and the United States. Founded in 1989, Greenfield continually develops more efficient and sustainable technologies and products while shrinking its own carbon footprint. From start-ups to the largest brands in the world, customers trust Greenfield’s extensive portfolio of premium products, regulatory expertise, and industry-leading service. Under its Pharmco and Commercial Alcohols brands, Greenfield delivers hundreds of products to thousands of Life Science, Food, Flavor, Fragrance, and Beverage customers in more than 50 countries worldwide.

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