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In the News


Aug 10, 2015

The topic of how higher ethanol blends help fuel retailers to succeed will be highlighted during the ACE Conference in Omaha, Nebraska, August 19-21.

The CEO of Protec Fuel, Todd Garner, and Kum & Go’s Vice President of Fuels, Jim Pirolli, will be participating in an E15 panel on August 20.  

The panel involving the two fuel retailers is part of the day-one agenda of the conference which will focus heavily on the sale and handling of E15 and flex fuels. Also scheduled to speak August 20 is Kristi Moriarty, one of the authors of a National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) report investigating the true costs of E15 fueling infrastructure.

“The ethanol industry needs to understand the challenges facing fuel retailers who want to sell more ethanol-blended fuels. Last year’s conference presentation by single-station and small chain operators received overwhelmingly positive reviews, so we’re providing this year’s attendees with two additional perspectives from the ‘downstream’ fuel marketplace. Kum & Go is a large c-store retail chain with a history of leadership with E85, that can tell us why adding E15 isn’t as simple as decaling pumps and dropping fuel in the tank. Protec is a fuel distributor with an interesting approach to expanding the availability of E15 and flex fuels by providing retailers with ethanol-blended fuels and the equipment needed to sell them,” said ACE Senior VP Ron Lamberty. “And on the topic of ‘equipment needed to sell E15,’ we’re excited to have NREL present their recent authoritative study on that very subject. It’s good news for fuel marketers, but fuel marketer groups seem strangely unhappy their $400,000 per store cost predictions have been proven wildly inaccurate.”

The theme of the August 19-21 ACE Conference is “Quiet Ingenuity, Bold Advance.”  The event will also feature a talk on technology and advanced biofuel innovations involving Ray Defenbaugh, President and CEO of Big River Resources LLC, Delayne Johnson, CEO of Quad County Corn Processors, and Jeff Oestmann, President and CEO of East Kansas Agri-Energy, LLC, a progress report on ethanol and DDGs exports, ethanol plant board member training, and much more.

Click this link to view the agenda and register for the ACE Conference. 

The Charlotte Observer

Aug 5, 2015

By Richard Childress

As a former NASCAR driver and current team owner, I know a thing or two about engines, performance and fuel. My team’s success depends on using the best technology to get the best results. I would never turn my back on a competitive advantage. That’s why I support the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and the use of E15, a higher blend of ethanol fuel, in NASCAR racing.

My team didn’t win six Sprint Cup championships, six Nationwide Series championships and two NASCAR Camping World Truck Series championships by not paying attention to the performance details of our race cars. So when NASCAR decided to switch to a 15 percent ethanol fuel in 2011, we did our homework.

We didn’t listen to the empty rhetoric surrounding ethanol. We did our own testing and proved that higher blends of ethanol deliver. Since switching fuels, NASCAR has experienced an increased horsepower from a higher-octane ethanol fuel blend and decreased emissions. After five years and over seven million miles, E15 has proven its merit. It has met and exceeded the performance requirements for the most demanding driving situations imaginable.

I’m passionate about winning each week on the track. I’m equally passionate about my country, its sustainability, economic health and security. That’s why I support the RFS. After sitting on the Board of Directors at Growth Energy, the country’s leading trade association of ethanol and renewable fuel producers, I’ve come to understand the important role ethanol plays in America and its amazing potential as we begin producing the next generation of fuels.

The RFS has been the most successful energy policy this nation has adopted in the last 40 years.

The RFS has created American jobs, revitalized rural America, reduced our dependence on foreign oil, made our nation more energy independent and improved our climate security. Renewable fuel has reduced our dangerous dependence on foreign oil by nearly two thirds. It has opened up the vehicle fuels market by injecting competition and providing drivers with savings. Currently, the RFS supports nearly 400,000 American jobs and generates nearly $53 billion in economic activity.

Besides, no beaches have ever been closed because of an ethanol spill.

But now, on the 10-year anniversary of this bipartisan policy, our nation finds itself at a crossroads. Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a proposed rule that would drastically cut back the production of ethanol and other biofuels. Not only would this affect production of ethanol, but it would severely hinder innovation and investment in next generation fuels made from sources like biomass and farm waste.

Americans have made their voices heard, telling America’s leaders to move the RFS forward not backward. After all the great strides we have made and the exhaustive testing of E15 and other higher blends – with truly exceptional results – it is time to take the next step in biofuels production. But we can’t if EPA blocks the path moving forward.

If E15 can handle the Daytona 500, Talladega or the Brickyard, it will definitely meet the needs of daily drivers. It is finally time to break through the mythical “blend wall.” It is time to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, step up our efforts to improve our environment and ensure America’s rural economy stays robust. It is time to give consumers the choice of a less expensive, higher performing fuel.

Most importantly, it is time for the EPA to follow the law and help move our nation forward on the development of renewable fuel.

Read the original story here : Why The EPA Must Move Forward With Biofuels

Renewable Fuels Association

Aug 3, 2015

WASHINGTON — Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Bob Dinneen applauded a recent decision by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to recalculate its ethanol export estimates for 2014. In a memorandum, which was placed on the RVO docket on July 24, EPA acknowledged that it made an error in determining the 2014 available supply of Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs), which are credits used to keep track of the amount of ethanol.

“Kudos to the EPA for recognizing this important error and reassessing the 2014 ethanol export data,” said Dinneen. “This is a critical issue because it affects the estimate of how many RINs generated in 2014 will remain available for compliance with biofuel obligations required by the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). It also has implications for estimates of RIN carryover stocks.”

The memo comes after RFA and member biofuel companies raised the issue in correspondence with the EPA in early June and again at a public hearing on June 25 on the RFS in which dozens of commenters took issue with the agency’s proposal to slash the renewable blending volume obligations (RVOs) for 2014–2016.

According to the memo, “… public commenters indicated that they believed it was an error to treat the reported amounts of undenatured ethanol as being part of the 2014 supply of RINs. Ethanol that is exported in undenatured form would not have generated RINs, and thus should not have been subtracted from the total number of RINs generated for fuel ethanol in 2014 for purposes of calculating the available supply of RINs for 2014 in the proposal. EPA intends to account for this…in the determination of the appropriate volume requirements in the final rulemaking.”

As a result of EPA’s error, the agency will likely revise the 2014 RVO. This revision could increase the blending obligation for renewable fuel from a proposed level of 13.25 billion gallons to more than 13.6 billion gallons.

“We applaud the EPA for responding to stakeholder feedback and committing to make the requisite change regarding exported ethanol in the final rulemaking,” said Dinneen. “However, as underscored in the comments we submitted to the EPA last week, we continue to urge the Agency to consider carryover RIN stocks in determinations of ‘available supply.’ We hope and trust that EPA will make other changes consistent with the facts on the ground—and the law—prior to issuing a final rule in November.”

- See more at: http://www.ethanolrfa.org/news/entry/rfa-applauds-epa-for-recalculating-2014-ethanol-export-estimates/#sthash.pFOxH1Wu.dpuf

WASHINGTON — Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Bob Dinneen applauded a recent decision by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to recalculate its ethanol export estimates for 2014. In a memorandum, which was placed on the RVO docket on July 24, EPA acknowledged that it made an error in determining the 2014 available supply of Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs), which are credits used to keep track of the amount of ethanol.

“Kudos to the EPA for recognizing this important error and reassessing the 2014 ethanol export data,” said Dinneen. “This is a critical issue because it affects the estimate of how many RINs generated in 2014 will remain available for compliance with biofuel obligations required by the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). It also has implications for estimates of RIN carryover stocks.”

The memo comes after RFA and member biofuel companies raised the issue in correspondence with the EPA in early June and again at a public hearing on June 25 on the RFS in which dozens of commenters took issue with the agency’s proposal to slash the renewable blending volume obligations (RVOs) for 2014–2016.

According to the memo, “… public commenters indicated that they believed it was an error to treat the reported amounts of undenatured ethanol as being part of the 2014 supply of RINs. Ethanol that is exported in undenatured form would not have generated RINs, and thus should not have been subtracted from the total number of RINs generated for fuel ethanol in 2014 for purposes of calculating the available supply of RINs for 2014 in the proposal. EPA intends to account for this…in the determination of the appropriate volume requirements in the final rulemaking.”

As a result of EPA’s error, the agency will likely revise the 2014 RVO. This revision could increase the blending obligation for renewable fuel from a proposed level of 13.25 billion gallons to more than 13.6 billion gallons.

“We applaud the EPA for responding to stakeholder feedback and committing to make the requisite change regarding exported ethanol in the final rulemaking,” said Dinneen. “However, as underscored in the comments we submitted to the EPA last week, we continue to urge the Agency to consider carryover RIN stocks in determinations of ‘available supply.’ We hope and trust that EPA will make other changes consistent with the facts on the ground—and the law—prior to issuing a final rule in November.”

Ethanol Producer Magazine

July 29, 2015

By Urban Air Initiative

Many gas stations are promoting E0, or gasoline with zero percent ethanol. It not only costs more than regular gasoline that contains 10 percent ethanol, new data shows it also burns dirtier in your engine which then puts more toxic emissions into the air.

Urban Air Initiative tested every E0 in Wichita, Kansas, and compared them to regular gasoline that contains 10 percent ethanol. The testing found toxic aromatics such as benzene and toluene were about 45 percent higher with E0. Benzene and toluene, which are known carcinogens, are added by oil refineries to boost octane in vehicles. However, these toxins create harmful emissions that cause air pollution which impact public health.

Click here for short video demonstrating UAI’s findings

UAI knows this isn't just a problem in Kansas. A recent study by the group Clean Fuels Omaha also found higher toxic emissions in Omaha, Nebraska with E0 compared to regular gasoline or E10.

The data is clear; adding ethanol to gasoline reduces toxic emissions, improves air quality and our health.

Read the original story here: UAI: Removing ethanol from gasoline increases toxic emissions

Domestic Fuel

July 27, 2015

By Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) will once again partner with the Buffalo Chip Campground at the 75th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which will be held Aug. 3-9 in Sturgis, South Dakota. More than 1.5 million motorcycle enthusiasts are expected to attend the event this year for the big anniversary and RFA Vice President for Industry Relations Robert White the event offers a perfect venue to dispel some of the misconceptions about the use of ethanol blended fuel in motorcycles.

“We do that around the “Free Fuel Happy Hours,” said White. “From Sunday August 2nd through Thursday August 6 from 1 to 4 pm, any motorcyclist can come up and fuel for free with 93 octane 10 percent ethanol.” This is the fourth year that RFA has sponsored the free fuel happy hours and White says it also offers them the opportunity to talk one on one with bikers and provide them with information about ethanol.

In addition, White says messages about ethanol can be found throughout the Buffalo Chip Campground during the rally. “We have everything from banners to commercials on the Jumbotron at the main stage and we sponsor the Essentials Guide that goes out to every camper this year,” said White.

The event sponsorship has become more important in the last 2-3 years as the oil industry has worked with the motorcycle association to spread misinformation about 15% ethanol, which is not approved for use in motorcycles – a fact which is stated clearly on all pumps that sell E15. But White says the information they provide goes beyond motorcycles. “If there is 1.6 million or more people there, they all own lawnmowers, cars, trucks, SUVs, boats back at home,” he added.

Read the original story here: Ethanol to Help Fuel 75th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

Biofuels Digest

July 27, 2015

By Jim Lane

In Washington, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy addressed the Corn Congress and said that ““you might’ve heard we’re trying to shrink or kill this [RFS] program. But the truth is, we’re committed to growing it. The volumes we’ve proposed for 2015 and 2016 are designed to bust through the blend wall.” She added that “our proposed 2016 standard for total renewable fuel is about 1.5 billion gallons more — almost 10% higher — than the actual 2014 volumes,” she added. “And the proposed 2016 standard for cellulosic ethanol is six times higher than what the market produced in 2014. So EPA isn’t just promoting growth; we’re pushing the envelope.” The agency’s comments period for the RFS comes to an end today (July 27), and the EPA has committed to finalizing the 2016 Renewable Fuel Standard by November 30th.

The Administrator added, “We know the delay last year in getting these standards out was disruptive to say the least. I apologize for that.”

Read the original story here : EPA Administrator To Corn Farmers : [Our RFS] Delay...Was Disruptive To Say The Least. I Apologize For That

Star Tribune

July 24, 2015

By David Shaffer

The nation’s first new corn ethanol plant in more than five years — in Spiritwood, N.D. — has gone into commercial operation, its owner said Friday.

Dakota Spirit AgEnergy, 78 percent owned by a Minnesota cooperative power company, is a 65 million-gallon-per-year ethanol plant built next to one of the ­electric utility’s coal-fired power plants. It supplies steam to produce the biofuel at significant energy savings.

The $155 million ethanol refinery, 12 miles east of Jamestown, N.D., came in on budget, with construction costs of $135 million and $20 million in financing costs and working capital, said Greg Ridderbusch, the Minnesota-based president of the ­ethanol operation.

“We have found a way by co-locating with industry to generate power more efficiently and with less environmental impact than an ethanol plant by itself or a power plant by itself,” said Ridderbusch, who also is a vice president at Great River Energy, the Maple Grove power cooperative that is majority owner in the North Dakota plant. “It is state of the art in the use of energy and emissions.”

The technology doesn’t reduce the release of greenhouse gases, but offers a lower rate of carbon emissions for the energy output. Roughly 60 percent of coal’s energy gets used at Spiritwood, compared to 30 to 35 percent at a ­typical coal generator.

Most of the nation’s 212 ethanol plants were built in the last decade in response to federal policies encouraging blending of ethanol at the pump. But the biofuel building boom faded by the decade’s end. Three of the last corn ethanol plants were built in Minnesota in 2009. Other recently built ethanol plants are cellulosic versions that produce the fuel from corn cobs and stalks, but not the kernel.

The North Dakota plant will produce 20 percent of the motor fuel used in that state, the company said. Since motor fuel typically is a 10 percent ethanol blend, Dakota Spirit will need markets out of state. Ridderbusch said one unit train of 100 tank cars — similar to an oil train — likely will be loaded every 18 to 20 days and head to eastern markets on BNSF Railway. BNSF’s main line, the same one used by Bakken oil trains, runs through central Minnesota and the Twin Cities.

Dakota Spirit expects to purchase 23 million bushels of corn annually, the company said. Besides fuel, the plant expects to produce 198,000 tons of distillers grains used as cattle feed and 6,900 tons of industrial corn oil used mainly in feed and to produce biodiesel. The plant has 38 employees.

“The Dakota Spirit AgEnergy biorefinery is an important investment for North Dakota because it adds value to the state’s production agriculture industry, expands our renewable energy offerings, and creates jobs and economic opportunities for our people,” North Dakota Gov. Jack ­Dalrymple said in a statement.

It is the second ethanol plant developed by Great River Energy, a power supplier to 650,000 Minnesota customers in 28 local co-ops that own the utility. Its other biofuel plant, Blue Flint Ethanol, is next to the company’s Coal Creek power plant near Underwood, N.D.

Both ethanol plants take waste steam from their adjacent generators. The Spiritwood coal-burner also supplies steam to a nearby malt plant owned by Cargill Inc.

For Great River Energy, the investment in an ethanol plant came largely out of necessity. As the utility planned its Spiritwood generator, it counted on steam sales to operate the power plant economically. When the $437 million generating plant was finished in 2011, another company’s plan to build an adjacent ethanol plant had fallen apart.

In an unprecedented step, Great River Energy immediately mothballed the new power plant, whose electricity wasn’t needed after a recession-driven drop in demand. When the power plant finally opened last year, the ethanol plant was under construction, with Great River Energy leading the ­project. The utility sold a 22 percent stake in all its ethanol operations to outside ­investors for $17 million in 2014.

The older Blue Flint plant produced record profits last year, adding $28 million to the utility’s bottom line. Now, the ethanol industry faces challenges because of lower fuel prices and higher corn costs. Unlike many older ethanol plants with paid-down debt, Dakota Spirit enters the market with the higher cost structure of a newly financed plant. But Ridderbusch said he has no ­concerns.

“In this industry, you can never time it,” he said.

Read the original story here : Minnesota Electric Co-Op Opens Ethanol Plant In North Dakota

Domestic Fuel

July 24, 2015

By Cindy Zimmerman

The deadline for submitting comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on the proposed Renewable Fuel Standards for 2014, 2015, and 2016 is Monday, July 27.

EPA administrator Gina McCarthy encouraged members of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) meeting in Washington DC last week to make their voices heard during the comment period. “Keep talking, keep communicating, take advantage of the public comment process,” she said. “This was a proposal, this was not a final rule, so tell us what you think. That way we’ll be able to produce a final standard that is based on all of the best information and data available.”

NCGA has made it a priority to get growers involved in commenting on the EPA proposal, sponsoring rallies at the EPA’s public hearing last month in Kansas City, Kansas and on Capitol Hill last week. NCGA president Chip Bowling says they are doing everything possible to help their farmers make their voices heard. “Anyone out there in the countryside can send their comments to EPA,” said Bowling, who notes that they can also send your comments to the EPA through the corn growers website ncga.com/rfs. “We don’t have a whole lot of time to get your comments in but we could really use them.”

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen says everyone who has a stake in the ethanol industry should send in comments on the proposal. “EPA needs to be hearing from farmers, from consumers, from renewable energy advocates across the country,” said Dinneen. “We made a difference before when we got EPA to not finalize a flawed program. We need to make a difference again.”

Read the original story here : Comment Deadline For RFS Proposal Is Monday

Want to send the EPA your comments? Click here to send your message.