In the News

April 24, 2014

The Ascheman Uni-Mart in Appleton is the latest station to join DENCO II's E85 discount campaign.

With Ascheman Uni-Mart on-board, there are currently a total of 12 stations participating in DENCO II's campaign to offer E85 at $1 cheaper than regular unleaded gasoline.

Ascheman Uni-Mart joins the Hancock Co-op as the latest stations to join the campaign and both stations are expected to begin offering E85 at a $1 discount to regular gasoline by the end of this week.

The E85 campaign earlier this month and is expected to run throughout the summer months. The other participating stations are the Morris Food Shop, Morris Co-op Association, Jerry's U-Save Conoco (Morris), the Tri-County Co-op Association stations in Chokio and Wheaton and Cenex stations in Alexandria, Donnelly, Glenwood, Graceville and Starbuck.

The stations that have already begun offering E85 at $1 less per gallon than regular fuel are the three participating stations in Morris, the Tri-County Co-op Association stations in Chokio and Wheaton and the Cenex in Graceville and Alexandria. The other remaining stations are expected to begin offering the discounted price for E85 soon.

In fact, on April 18, the three stations in Morris were offering E85 at a $1.11 discount to regular gasoline.

Denco II is supplying the aforementioned stations with discounted E85 in April and throughout the summer. Denco II invested over $100,000 in 2011 in upgrading its ethanol load-out system to offer E85 and higher level blends directly to retailers.

Updates on the campaign will be regularly posted at Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association's Facebook and Twitter pages. To find these stations, go to MBA's E85 and Blender Pump map here

April 24, 2014

A new footprint study by Fuels America finds that the renewable fuels industry contributes $11.7 billion to Minnesota's economy annually.

The study, which was prepared by John Dunham & Associates, Inc of New York for Fuels America, includes direct and induced economic output from the renewable energy industry as well as economic contributions from the industry's suppliers.

The renewable energy industry, as defined by the study, includes conventional and cellulosic ethanol, biodiesel and advanced biofuels.

According to the study, the renewable energy industry annually supports 48,506 jobs, generates $3 billion in wages and contributes $708.2 million and $401.9 million in federal and state taxes respectively.

The study also examines the economic contribution and job creation from the industry in individual congressional districts within the state. Congressional district 7, which encompasses most of western Minnesota, has the most number of jobs related to the renewable energy industry.

The Fuels America study can be found here.

Environment & Energy Daily

April 30, 2014

By Amanda Peterka

A trio of House Democrats said they met with senior White House officials yesterday to express concerns over U.S. EPA's proposal for this year's renewable fuel targets.

The lawmakers, all three from Midwestern states and on the House Agriculture Committee, said the agency's proposal to slash the targets for both conventional ethanol and advanced biofuels would hurt Midwestern economies and undermine national energy security goals.

"The EPA's proposed rule would do nothing but undercut a growing American energy industry and further our reliance on foreign oil," Reps. Tim Walz and Rick Nolan of Minnesota and Cheri Bustos of Illinois said in a statement after the meeting. "Biofuels allow us to take control of our energy future, promote industry innovation and create thousands of jobs in the Midwest and across the country."

In November, EPA proposed to require that refiners blend or purchase credits for 15.21 billion gallons of renewable fuels this year, a 16 percent cut compared to the level set by the 2007 statute that created the current renewable fuel standard. The proposal would set this year's targets below last year's actual production of both conventional ethanol and advanced biofuels.

The three lawmakers have previously met with EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy on the proposal and are among a larger group of Midwestern representatives who have pressed the agency to increase the numbers (E&E Daily, Jan. 16).

Ethanol and advanced biofuel producers have also slammed the agency's targets. On the other hand, EPA's proposal has failed to quell calls by opponents in the oil and livestock industries for Congress to repeal the renewable fuel standard.

The agency is expected to issue a final rule in June. McCarthy has said publicly that EPA may have gotten the numbers wrong, but it's unclear whether or how much the agency will change the proposed targets.

EPA says that it's trying to put the renewable fuel standard on a "manageable trajectory." The agency based the proposal on the limit to the amount of ethanol that can be blended into gasoline, which is known as the blend wall, and on a slower-than-expected ramp-up in advanced biofuels.

Read the original story here : House Democrats Meet With White House On RFS Targets

Domestic Fuel

May 5, 2014

By Joanna Schroeder

Ten new E15 stations have opened in Wisconsin. Vehicles manufactured after 2001 and flex-fuel vehicles (FFV) can fill up at the United Cooperative Cenex convenience stores located throughout Wisconsin: Beaver Dam, Baraboo, Hustisford, Iron Ridge, Pickett, Poynette, Reedsburg, Watertown, and Wyocena. The stations offer blender pumps that include additional mid-level ethanol blends: E30 and E85 for use in FFVs.

David Cramer, United Cooperative president and chief executive officer, noted, "Ethanol-blended fuels like E15 are better for the environment originate from locally-grown corn, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. United Cooperative enjoys offering our customers multiple ethanol options at the pump and doing our part to support the American economy.”

With the addition of these 10 new stations, there are now 75 E15 stations in 12 states.

“United Cooperative understands the vital importance of choice in the transportation fuel market. The addition of blender pumps to these 10 stations give the people of Wisconsin access to E15, E30, and E85, all low-cost fuel options,” said Robert White, director of market development at the Renewable Fuels Association. “The expansion of E15 in Wisconsin is only the beginning as retailers continue to see the economic benefits of installing blender pumps and offering higher-level ethanol blends to their customers.”

Read the original story here : Ten New E15 Stations Open In Wisconsin

Ethanol Producer Magazine

May 16, 2014

By Erin Voegele

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has published the results of a study that determined 6.5 million people were employed by the renewable energy globally last year. The report, titled “Renewable Energy and Jobs—Annual Review 2014,” highlights the important role that renewables continue to play in job creation and growth in the global economy.

According to the report, bioenergy jobs around the world are mainly concentrated in feedstock production. Liquid biofuels, biomass and biogas industries are estimated to employ a respective 1.45 million, 834,000 and 264,000 people.

The report indicates that only the solar industry employs more people than the liquid biofuels industry on a global basis. According to the analysis, the largest share of the 1.45 million liquid biofuels jobs are related to the growing and harvesting of feedstock. Processing the feedstock into fuels also accounts for a portion of the employment. While the U.S. is the world’s largest biofuel producer, Brazil’s biofuel industry employs more people. However, as Brazil continues to mechanize feedstock production, the number of jobs is falling. The report estimates Brazil’s direct jobs in feedstock declined 7 percent from 2011 to 2012. European Union countries accounted for an estimated 108,000 liquid biofuel jobs in 2012.

According to the report, Europe was home to more than 1.2 million renewable energy jobs in 2012, with wind, solar photovoltaic and solid biomass industries being the largest employers. Together, Germany, France, Italy and Spain accounted for 60 percent of all European renewable energy jobs. In 2012, European wind and solid biomass posted significant job gains, while liquid biofuels, biogas and geothermal jobs were up only slightly. The biomass industry was also a significant employer in China in recent years.

According to IRENA, skill shortages around the world are creating bottlenecks to the expansion of renewable energy. In the bioenergy sector, employers indicated that R&D and design engineering positions, service technician jobs and training positions were difficult to fill.

Read the original story here : IRENA : Renewables Employ 6.5 million Globally

May 19, 2014

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s final proposal for ethanol consumption under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) in 2014 will reflect comments it received from the biofuel and agriculture industry.

In a report by the High Plains Journal, EPA administrator, Gina McCarthy, said the final proposal, which is set to be released in June, would address concerns raised by the biofuel and agriculture industry on the agency’s original proposal to reduce ethanol consumption in 2014 by 10%.

Late last year, the EPA announced a proposal to reduce ethanol consumption this year to 13.01 billion gallons from 14.4 billion gallons as originally stipulated in the RFS.

Following the announcement, the EPA has received plenty of feedback from both the biofuel and agriculture sectors on the negative impact the agency’s proposed reductions would have on those two industries.

“I’ve been concerned about the disappointment I’ve seen the faces of those farmers. I’m concerned that overall, that this rule..has not just impacted corn ethanol producers but it’s had a chilling effect on the renewable fuels market as a whole,” McCarthy said, according to the High Plains Journal report.

The report said McCarthy’s comments were made at a recent briefing with some of the nation’s leading farm broadcasters and communicators.

Read original story here: EPA's McCarthy Attempts To Build Bridges With The ag Community

Renewable Fuels Association

April 3, 2014

WASHINGTON — Bob Dinneen, President and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), today sent a list of questions regarding the “abject failure of the rail system to adequately address the needs of all of its customers,” to Ed Hamberger, President and CEO of the Association of American Railroads (AAR).

U.S. ethanol is the lowest price liquid transportation in the world, saving American consumers between $0.50 and $1.50 per gallon. Dinneen writes, “Over the past several weeks, however, the sheer chaos that is today’s rail system is denying consumers that price relief by driving up the transportation cost for and impacting the supply of ethanol and other commodities. Nothing has changed with regard to ethanol production costs or efficiencies. The only change has been abject failure of the rail system to adequately address the needs of all its customers. The U.S. economy is suffering as a consequence.”

The letter spells out in clear detail the limiting impact the rail situation is having on the ethanol industry. “In response to increasing demand, the ethanol industry was producing at an average rate of 949,000 barrels per day (bpd) in December 2013. But disarray on the rail system in the first quarter of 2014 has forced ethanol producers to significantly curtail output.

By the first week of March 2014, ethanol output had fallen to 869,000 bpd, as producers were forced to slow down. Onsite storage tanks were brimming full and, in many cases, the railcars and/or locomotives needed to ship ethanol were simply not available. As a result, ethanol stocks in key regions have been depleted and prices have increased. All of this is due to the turmoil on the rails—dislocated railcars and locomotives, increased terminal dwell times, slower train speeds, an insufficient number of crews, and a shortage of spare railcars and locomotives.”

Dinneen exposes the excuse of winter weather, and drives straight to the heart of the issue, “The railroads have attributed this lackluster performance and inefficiency to winter weather. But they seem to have forgotten that winter comes every year!... Indeed, a more plausible explanation for the severity of the current epidemic is the explosive growth in railcar shipments of Bakken and Canadian crude oil.

"The surge in crude oil production from fracking has reshuffled the existing fleet of railcars and locomotives, pressured lease rates, changed normal rail traffic patterns, and generally exerted significant stress on the rail system. According to AAR, crude oil shipments have increased from 9,344 carloads in 2008 to 434,032 carloads in 2013.In addition, AAR data show rail shipments of industrial sand nearly tripled between 2008 and 2013, stating, ‘…frac sand is almost certainly the primary driver behind the increased industrial sand movements on railroads over the past few years.’

"It seems absurd to suggest, as some have, that the efficiency of the rail system has been unaffected by the 4545% increase in crude oil shipments and the 170% increase in sand shipments since 2008.”

In an effort to better understand the causes, extent, and strategies for resolution of the current situation, Dinneen asks AAR to answer the following questions:

• What role has the explosive growth in crude oil (and frac sand) shipments played in current rail inefficiencies?

• What steps are being taken in the short term by the rail industry to alleviate the current logjam on the rail system?

• When do you expect service on each of the Class I railroads to return to more normal operating conditions?

• How can you assure the ethanol industry—and other rail-reliant industries—that crude oil shipments are not being prioritized over shipments of other goods and commodities?

• Will average train speeds recover to historically normal levels, or do you expect slower speeds to be the “new normal” due to the increase in crude oil shipments?

• What efforts are being made to educate the public about the impact of the current rail situation on the U.S. economy and prices for individual consumer goods?

• As a longtime customer of the railroads, what can the ethanol industry do to assist in your industry’s efforts to ensure similar situations are avoided in the future?

Read the letter here

Read the original story here : Oil-Induced Rail Chaos Driving Up Consumer Costs For Gasoline And Goods

Rapid City Journal

April 5, 2014

By Keith Alverson

We are blessed as Americans to have the safest, most affordable and abundant food supply in the world. Consumers have thousands of choices when it comes to food any time of the year. It’s the American way.

But when it comes to fuel, choice is extremely limited, as the oil industry has had a monopolistic hold on our country. Until just the past decade, there was basically zero choice for consumers. Now ethanol and other biofuels provide the option of an American-made, cleaner-burning, less expensive, renewable fuel.

So it’s troubling when an academic like David Miller (March 15 Forum) ignores the facts with his column, “We shouldn’t use food crops as fuel sources,” and serves up another dose of misinformation about America’s most successful alternative to gasoline.

Does Miller realize humans don’t directly consume the type of corn used in ethanol production? Field corn is much different than the fresh, frozen and canned sweet corn that humans eat and represents 99 percent of the corn grown in the United States.

Ethanol produces feed and fuel. One-third of the corn used for ethanol production is turned into the co-product, distillers grains, a high-protein livestock feed in high demand because it efficiently displaces the need for corn and soybean meal in livestock rations.

Meat prices have reached market highs, and companies like Tyson reap record profits. But when it comes to rising food prices, corn isn’t the culprit; in fact, it has little to do with your grocery bill. For example, corn was $7 per bushel a year ago and this winter it was just $4. Has your grocery bill come down? At $4 per bushel, corn’s value is 18 cents in a pound of beef, 13 cents in a gallon of milk and 6 cents in an 18-ounce box of corn flakes.

Do you know how much of your food dollar goes back to the farm? The answer is about 12 cents, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Statistics show a strong correlation between the price of oil and the price of food as the rest of your food dollar goes towards transportation, processing, packaging and energy.

Food security is vital, but what about energy security? Since 2007 the United States has reduced oil imports by 20 percent. Ethanol now makes up 10 percent of America’s fuel supply and last year displaced 476 million barrels of imported oil; that’s approximately $48.2 billion that would have left the country. And we did this with less than 3 percent of the world’s grain supply.

When it comes to the environment, precision agriculture tools reduce energy usage, emissions and spray overlap. More farmers are optimizing their fertilizer and using lesser tillage practices to prevent runoff and erosion along with buffers and cover crops.

Better yet, South Dakota State University research shows that South Dakota cornfields over the past 25 years have become carbon sinks due to lesser tillage practices and higher yields.

Can oil companies say the same? Google the latest oil spills in Lake Michigan and the Gulf of Mexico for your answer.

Read the original story here : A Brief Lesson On Ethanol And Food Prices