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In the News

Agri Pulse

February 15, 2017

By Jodi Delapaz

A group of engine experts and motorsports professionals recently testified about the benefits of ethanol during a panel discussion at Growth Energy’s Executive Leadership Conference in Miami.

Growth Energy assembled the panel to highlight engine performance and what the group sees as other advantages of using biofuels.

The panel – “American Ethanol: A 21st Century Fuel for 21st Century Performance” – featured Andy Randolph, technical director of ECR/RCR Engines; Keith Holmes of CK Motorsports; and Kyle Mohan of Kyle Mohan Racing.

Randolph discussed the octane boosting properties of ethanol and concluded that “it adds up to better engine performance for not only racecar drivers, but all drivers.” Randolph also added cost savings to his list of benefits of “choosing E15 at the pump.”

Holmes said he chooses ethanol to fuel his Cat Can Do Racing boats because it gives him a “competitive advantage, burning cleaner and cooler.” CK Motorsports is a Mercury engine dealer, specializing in high performance parts and service.

Mohan said he recommends that drivers fuel up with E15 because it’s better for the environment and gives consumers more miles per dollar.

“We are excited to have been able to assemble such a phenomenal range of experts touching on every facet of engine performance for our members,” said Emily Skor, Growth Energy CEO.

“Each one of these experts sees firsthand the tremendous benefits of ethanol for engines — whether those be race engines, marine engines, or everyday vehicles. We’re thrilled to showcase how these benefits extend to American drivers who are embracing higher ethanol blends, like E15 for its performance, environmental and cost considerations.”

Read the original story: Racing, Engine Experts See Benefits in Ethanol

The Hill

February 13, 2017

By Timothy Cama

Senate Democrats are investigating the role that President Trump’s adviser Carl Icahn is playing in setting the administration’s ethanol policy.

The Democrats are concerned that Icahn, a prolific investor whose holding company owns more than 80 percent of fuel refiner CVR Energy, is using his advisory role to steer ethanol policies in his favor.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and six of his colleagues wrote to White House counsel Don McGahn Monday, asking for details about what Icahn's interactions with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), how he influenced Trump’s decision to pick Scott Pruitt to lead the agency, whether Icahn is recusing himself from some matters and more.

Details that have been reported about Icahn and his role in the administration “suggest a conflict of interest between Mr. Icahn and advice he gave President Trump on the nomination of Mr. Pruitt,” the senators wrote.

“They further suggest he will be actively working to change RFS regulations to benefit CVR. And with a sprawling business empire and potentially unlimited portfolio in the administration to address ‘strangling regulations,’ Mr. Icahn’s role presents an unacceptable risk of further real or potential conflicts of interest absent immediate and thorough steps to address them.”

Trump announced in December that Icahn would be a “special adviser” on regulatory and deregulatory matters and would not be a government employee in any way.

Icahn has been pushing the EPA to tweak the renewable fuel standard in a way that would remove a regulatory “point of obligation” — the responsibility for demonstrating compliance with blending mandates — from fuel refiners and move that obligation to another party in the supply chain.

He wrote last year that the current system is costing CVR hundreds of millions of dollars.

In November, when President Obama was still in the White House, the EPA proposed to formally reject a petition from CVR and other refiners to make the regulatory tweak. But the agency extended the public comment period for that proposal to February, putting the ball in Trump’s court.

At Pruitt’s January confirmation hearing, senators asked him about the ethanol mandate and tried to ascertain whether he would make the obligation change that CVR seeks.

Pruitt largely avoided the question, saying only that he would follow the law, which leaves matters like obligation up to the EPA.

Read the submitted letter here.

Read the original story: Dems Probe Trump Adviser Icahn’s Role in Ethanol Policy

Renewable Fuels Association

February 14, 2017

U.S. exports of distillers grains (DG) — a high protein co-product of dry mill ethanol production used to feed livestock and poultry — totaled 11.48 million metric tons (MMT) in 2016, down 10 percent from 2015’s record-high but still the second-highest on record, according to a 10-page summary of 2016 ethanol co-product trade data published today by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). DG exports were shipped to 50 countries on five continents last year.

According to the report, an estimated 31 percent of U.S. DG production was exported in 2016, meaning one out of every three tons produced was shipped to foreign markets. China was the leading destination for U.S. DG, followed by Mexico, Vietnam and South Korea. However, U.S. DG exports to China plunged 63 percent in 2016 compared to 2015, as the country implemented anti-dumping and countervailing duties against U.S. product. Meanwhile, shipments to nine of the other top 10 markets experienced growth in 2016. In fact, DG exports to Mexico, Vietnam, South Korea, Turkey, and Thailand grew by a combined 2.06 MMT in 2016 — equivalent to the annual DG production of 10 average-sized ethanol plants.

“Distillers grains and other co-products have become an enormously important component of the global feed market. This report underscores that our co-products are in high demand in every corner of the world,” said Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Bob Dinneen. “Unfortunately, we saw a slight downturn in total exports in 2016 because of China’s protectionist actions to shut out U.S. distillers grains. Last week, RFA and our partnering organizations sent a letter to President Trump, alerting him to China’s unfair and illegitimate trade barriers, and urging the incoming U.S. Trade Representative to address the issue. We remain concerned with China’s actions and look forward to the administration’s response to ensure free and fair trade between our countries.”

Among other facts from the RFA report:

S. DG exports had a total value of $2.19 billion in 2016, down 27 percent from 2015 and the lowest in four years. DG export prices averaged $191 per MT, down 19 percent from 2015 and the lowest in six years;

While U.S. DG exports to East Asia were down, shipments to other global regions surged. In particular, Southeast Asia and the Middle East experienced dramatic growth;

S. exports of corn gluten feed (CGF) — a co-product from wet mill ethanol — rebounded to a five-year high in 2016. CGF exports were up 43 percent over 2015 levels. Ireland was the top market, receiving 27 percent of total U.S. CGF exports, while Turkey and Israel were other top markets; and

Total exports of corn and corn-based ethanol co-products tallied 73 million metric tons in 2016, the highest on record.

The new report is a companion to RFA’s 2016 ethanol trade summary published last week.

View RFA’s co-product trade summary here.

Read the original story: New RFA Report Shows U.S. Distillers Grains Exports Reached 11.48 Million Metric Tons in 2016

Ethanol Producer Magazine

February 9, 2017

By North Dakota State University

Distillers grains could be a source of fertilizer for some crops, according to research at North Dakota State University’s Carrington Research Extension Center.

Wet distillers grains and condensed distillers solubles (sometimes referred to as “syrup”) are organic byproducts of ethanol production from corn.

Scientists at the Carrington center have been testing whether wet distillers grains and condensed distillers solubles are a viable source of phosphorus for corn and spring wheat crops. They applied those byproducts, as well as triple superphosphate, a fertilizer with a high phosphorus content, at various levels.

Here’s what they found:

Corn yield in 2016 increased by about 4 bushels per acre when phosphorus (P2O5) was applied at the rate of 40 pounds per acre.

Wheat yield increased by 2 bushels per acre when phosphorus was applied at the rate of 40 pounds per acre and by 5 bushels when phosphorus was applied at the rate of 80 pounds per acre.

In 2016, corn yields were significantly higher from applications of wet distillers grains than the other phosphorus sources, but in 2015, condensed distillers solubles produced much higher yields.

Wheat yield also increased significantly with wet distillers grains applications, compared with triple superphosphate, and applications of condensed distillers solubles produced higher yields than triple superphosphate but not as high as wet distillers grains.

“These results indicate that there are nutrient benefits to crops from using distillers grains as sources of crop nutrients,” says Carrington center soil scientist Jasper Teboh, who is involved in this research.

He speculates that nutrients in distillers grains such as sulfur may have enhanced the effect of the wet distillers grains and condensed distillers solubles. The yield gains from the distillers grains also probably are due to enhanced microbial activity. However, the scientists aren’t sure why the yields from the wet distillers grains were better than from the condensed distillers solubles in 2016 but not in 2015.

Teboh also cautions that the use of distillers grains may not be feasible for all producers.

“Preliminary assessment of net returns to farmers suggests that only producers farming within close proximity to ethanol plants are more likely to benefit from using distillers grains as fertilizer sources because of transportation costs,” he says. “As of early 2016, condensed distillers solubles cost much less ($5 per ton) than wet distillers grains ($30 per ton), and cost about $25 for an applicator to haul and apply within 25 miles of an ethanol plant.”

Visit the Carrington Research Extension Center’s website at http://tinyurl.com/DistillersGrainsasP for more information about this research.

Read the original story: NDSU Scientists Study Distillers Grains as Fertilizer

Ethanol Producer Magazine

February 8, 2017

By Erin Voegele

The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the February edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting U.S. fuel ethanol production will average 1.01 million barrels per day in 2017 and 2018, up from 1 million barrels per day in 2016. In January, the EIA predicted ethanol production would average 1 million barrels per day this year, increasing to 1.02 million barrels per day next year.

On a quarterly basis, fuel ethanol production is expected to average 1.02 million barrels per day during the first three months of this year, falling to 1 million barrels per day in the second quarter, increasing to 1.02 million barrels per day in the fourth quarter and finishing out the final quarter of the year at 1 million barrels per day. In 2018, the EIA currently expects fuel ethanol production to reach 1.03 million barrels per day during the first quarter, falling to 1.02 million barrels per day during the second and third quarters, and falling to 980,000 barrels per day during the fourth quarter.

According to the February STEO, the EIA currently expects U.S. fuel ethanol consumption to average 940,000 barrels per day in 2017 and 2018, maintaining the 2016 consumption level.

U.S. regular gasoline retail prices are expected to fall from an average of $2.35 per gallon in January to an average of $2.27 per gallon in February, before increasing to an average of $2.33 per gallon in March. For the full year 2017, gasoline prices are expected to average $2.39 per gallon, increasing to $2.44 per gallon in 2018.

The EIA’s most recent weekly ethanol production data shows production averaged 1.055 million barrels per day the week ending Feb. 3, down from a record 1.061 million barrels per day set the week ending Jan. 27. The EIA’s most recent monthly import data shows the U.S. imported only 31,000 barrels of ethanol in September, all from Canada. The most recent monthly export data shows the U.S. exported 2.904 million barrels of ethanol in November, with Brazil, Canada, and China as the top destinations.

Read the original story: EIA Revises 2017, 2018 Ethanol Production Forecasts


February 8, 2017

By John Perkins

U.S. ethanol production is holding near record levels.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration says last week’s average was 1.055 million barrels per day, slightly less than the previous week’s all-time high of 1.061 million, but still above an average of a million barrels a week for the 15th week in a row.

Corn supplies are ample and the industry is expecting solid demand, despite uncertainties about Trump Administration policies towards renewable fuels and a slowdown in demand from China, which is trying to support its domestic industry at the expense of U.S. ethanol.

The high rate of production is also pushing stocks higher, with supplies at 22.085 million barrels, over 22 million for the first time since the week ending April 29th, 2016.

Read the original story: Ethanol Production Tops a Million Barrels for 15th Week in a Row

Renewable Fuels Association

February 7, 2017

By Ann Lewis

After experiencing two months of unprecedented volumes, U.S. ethanol exports pitched downward 20% at the close of 2016, with 98.0 million gallons (mg) shipped out, according to government data released today. Brazil and Canada were the top destinations in December, receiving 42.5 mg (43%) and 27.3 mg (28%) respectively. Peru (6.1 mg), Nigeria (6.0 mg), the Philippines (3.7 mg), and South Korea (3.6 mg) were other leading importers of U.S. ethanol. In calendar year 2016, American ethanol producers exported 1.05 billion gallons—up 25% from 2015 and the second-highest annual total on record. Two-thirds of all shipments were sold to The Big Three—Brazil (26%), Canada (25%) and China (17%)—with remaining quantities dispersed among 75 other countries.

Denatured fuel ethanol exports totaled 34.9 mg in December, down 12% from the prior month and resting lower than recent averages. At 25.2 mg, Canada was once again the leading importer of denatured product with 72% of the market. Brazil increased its purchases to 6.5 mg (19%), as did Peru (3.1 mg), but China bowed out completely. December sales of 54.2 mg in undenatured fuel ethanol fell 31% from the prior month’s record-breaking high as Brazil scaled back to 36.0 mg, although still maintaining its foothold in market share (66%). The Philippines (3.7 mg), Peru (3.0 mg) and Nigeria (2.7 mg) were other top spots for undenatured fuel exports.

Sales of undenatured ethanol for non-fuel use returned to hefty levels, up 140% to 3.4 mg, as South Korea (2.7 mg) and Colombia (534,620 gallons) purchased their largest monthly volumes to-date. December sales of 5.5 mg in denatured ethanol for non-fuel use regained 31% over the prior month, shipped primarily to Nigeria (3.3 mg) and Canada (2.0 mg).

December was absent of any fuel ethanol imports—the third month in a row and the fourth time in 2016. As a result, the United States saw an average of less than 3 mg per month enter its borders the entire year, for a total of 33.7 mg and the second lowest level on record. Likewise, net exports have gained a new threshold.

Trade sanctions were likely responsible for much of the late-year deterioration in U.S. DDG export market and reshuffling of top customers. Mexico took over as the new leader in December with 161,165 metric tons (mt), despite an 18% decrease from prior month volumes. South Korea opened its doors to more U.S. DDG (up 27% to 96,573 mt), as did Turkey (up 35% to 93,669 mt) and Thailand (up 5% to 86,706 mt). China’s imposition of anti-dumping and countervailing duties against U.S. DDGS continued to erode that market, such that less than 60,000 mt entered the country in December. Similarly, Vietnam’s new phytosanitary/fumigation requirements reduced U.S. exports to less than one-tenth the November shipments. For the full calendar year, China did end up as the top market, receiving 2.4 million mt, or 21%, of the 11.48 million total U.S. DDG exports. Mexico was the No. 2 market at 1.9 million mt (17%), while Vietnam (1.2 million mt), South Korea (923,709 mt), and Turkey (789,613 mt) rounded out the top 5. The remaining third of all exports were scooped up by 45 other countries across the globe.

The Renewable Fuels Association released a new statistical report today to provide details on top export destinations, shifts in the marketplace, import volumes, the value of exports, and other key data regarding U.S. ethanol and co-products trade in 2016.

Read the original story: Ethanol and DDGS Exports Cap Off 2016 with Strong December Volumes

Hoosier Ag Today

February 1, 2017

By Gary Truitt

According to EIA data analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association, ethanol production averaged 1.061 million barrels per day (b/d)—or 44.56 million gallons daily. That is up 10,000 b/d from the week before and a new record. It is the 14th week in a row with production above 1 million b/d. The four-week average for ethanol production stood at an unprecedented 1.054 million b/d for an annualized rate of 16.16 billion gallonsStocks of ethanol stood at 21.9 million barrels. That is a 0.7% increase from last week.

Imports of ethanol were zero b/d for the 23rd straight week. Gasoline demand for the week averaged 349.0 million gallons (8.310 million barrels) daily. Refiner/blender input of ethanol averaged 837,000 b/d, meaning gasoline delivered to the market contained an average of 10.07% ethanol.

Expressed as a percentage of daily gasoline demand, daily ethanol production was 12.77%.

Read the original story: Ethanol Production Continues to Set Records