In the News

The Hill

April 20, 2015

By Devin Henry

A progressive group is promoting ethanol on the anniversary of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Americans United For Change has launched a six-figure ad campaign in the Midwest, promoting the federal ethanol mandate in Des Moines, Iowa and warning that efforts to repeal it could result in more incidents like Deepwater Horizon. The oil drilling rig exploded five years ago Monday, killing 11 and eventually spilling 3.19 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

The ad is meant to target Republican presidential candidates — some of whom are wary about the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) — in the state that produces the most ethanol and hosts the nation's first presidential caucuses.

"It comes down to this: the more Big Oil drills, the more they spill," the group's president, Brad Woodhouse, said in a statement. "If lawmakers discourage innovation towards cleaner renewable fuels of tomorrow, Big Oil will only be encouraged to drill, and spill, more."

A separate ad campaign in Chicago promotes a proposed ordinance requiring gas stations offer a fuel made with a higher blend of ethanol.

Green groups and environment-minded lawmakers have used the anniversary of the Gulf oil spill to make the case against expanded off-shore oil drilling. Americans United for Change's ads come as the energy industry, environmental groups and lawmakers gear up for a larger fight over the 10-year-old ethanol mandate.

Read the original story here : Progressive Group Pushes Ethanol On Gulf Oil Spill Anniversary

The Hill

April 15, 2015

By Timothy Cama

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with representatives of Iowa’s ethanol industry Wednesday as part of the first trip of her campaign for the president.

Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, met with Iowa former secretary of agriculture and lieutenant governor Patty Judge and Bruce Rohwer, director of the Iowa Corn Growers Association, among other Democrats.

Judge is also a co-chairwoman of America’s Renewable Future, an ad-hoc group advocating for 2016 presidential contenders to endorse the federal ethanol blending mandate.

“We had the opportunity to talk about issues facing Iowa — renewable fuels being one of them,” Judge said in a statement after the meeting in Marshalltown, Iowa.

“Secretary Clinton was extremely receptive and I feel encouraged by her comments about the Renewable Fuel Standard,” she said.

Rohwer also said he was happy with the meeting.

“I was able to thank Secretary Clinton for her past support of the RFS and I am confident future conversations will be just as positive,” he said in the statement.

Clinton opposed the ethanol mandate in the Senate in 2002 and called it a “tax.”

But when she ran in the 2008 presidential election, Clinton was strongly supportive of the renewable standard, which is widely supported in Iowa, whose economy depends large on the corn that makes most ethanol.

She said ethanol provides one of the best chances toward “limiting our dependence on foreign oil.”

Read the original story here : Clinton Meets With Ethanol Representatives

MINNETONKA, Minn., – Syngenta announced today that Quad County Corn Processors (QCCP) has produced its one millionth gallon of cellulosic ethanol through the use of Cellerate process technology at its Galva, Iowa, ethanol production facility. This milestone puts QCCP on track to produce 2 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol per year.
Cellerate can help ethanol plants increase production by converting corn kernel fiber into cellulosic ethanol. In addition to enabling plants to increase production by up to 6 percent, Cellerate can help ethanol producers increase the protein content of dried distillers grains to as much as 40 percent and increase total yield of distillers corn oil up to 1.6 pounds per bushel.
“With Cellerate process technology, we are able to extract more ethanol out of the same kernel of corn,” said Delayne Johnson, chief executive officer of QCCP. “The combination of Cellerate and Enogen® corn enzyme technology allowed us to produce advanced and cellulosic ethanol while decreasing natural gas usage, increasing ethanol throughput and reducing energy consumption. This technology package is very appealing for ethanol plants looking to improve their bottom line.”
In 2014, Syngenta announced an agreement with Cellulosic Ethanol Technologies, a wholly-owned subsidiary of QCCP, to license Cellerate to ethanol plants.
“Ethanol plants can easily integrate Cellerate process technology into their existing production process,” said Jack Bernens, head of marketing for Enogen corn enzyme technology. “In conjunction with Enogen corn enzyme technology, Cellerate is capable of delivering notable benefits to ethanol plants beyond what can be achieved through either technology alone.”
QCCP was recently honored with the RFA 2015 Industry Award at the 20th Annual National Ethanol Conference in recognition of its achievements in advancing the use of cellulosic ethanol technology. The RFA Industry Award is bestowed annually to individuals or groups that demonstrate great dedication and innovation within the renewable fuels industry.
“QCCP is helping to make cellulosic ethanol a reality,” Bernens said. “We are proud to be collaborating with them to make this breakthrough bolt-on process technology available to other ethanol plants.”
For Cellerate technical inquiries, please contact Tim Tierney with Syngenta at 612-656-8169 or Travis Brotherson with QCCP at 712-282-4628. For more information about Enogen corn enzyme technology, visit
For more information on Cellerate process technology, click here. Join the conversation online – connect with us at

American Coalition For Ethanol

April 13, 2015

By Gene Hammond, owner of Association Motor Club Marketing

As the co-owner of Travelers Motor Club and Association Motor Club Marketing, my colleagues and I never imagined we would be on Capitol Hill visiting with Members of Congress about the safety of ethanol-blended fuels, but that’s exactly what we did recently as part of the American Coalition for Ethanol annual grassroots fly-in.

We’re not lobbyists. We’re in the business of helping motorists who get stranded and need fuel, a tire repair, a quick tow or who lock themselves out of their cars. Our companies serve nearly 20 million motorists in all 50 states, and we’ve operated auto clubs for more than forty years.  But for two short days on Capitol Hill in March, we met with 17 congressional officesfrom Arizona, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin to explain what we’ve heard from our auto club members regarding E15.

More than two years ago gas stations around the country began selling E15, a new fuel approved by EPA for cars made in model year 2001 and later. AAA and some gas companies predicted frequent and severe engine problems from this new fuel and called on the federal government to suspend the sale of E15. As stations began to offer E15 and motorists began using it, we closely monitored our road service calls for any indication of problems from the new fuel. The results? We’ve never had an E15 related service call or complaint of any kind. That E15 hasn’t caused any damage to cars is no surprise to us, because during our entire time in the motor club business, we’ve never had a complaint about any blend of ethanol in gasoline, period.

But the critics and the E15 ghost stories haven’t gone away, so we did our part recently by meeting with Members of Congress about what we’ve seen, and more importantly what we haven’t seen, from the usage of E15 by our motor club members. If the anti-E15 predictions and warnings Congress has heard for the last two years were true, the people who had those problems would be well known to you by now. But the charges aren’t true. We let Congress know how safe this fuel is. We don’t think motorists should be forced to use any fuel, but what the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) does is give every driver in the United States the option to buy a quality American made product like the E15 fuel blend if they choose. More fuel choices mean more competition and that means our members save at the pump.

With nearly 20 million members nationwide, we’ve seen it all. Flat tires, dead batteries, and a lot of people who accidently put diesel in their gasoline-powered cars. When these things happen, we’ll be there to help. What we haven’t seen and don’t ever expect to see, are problems from using E15 or any other blend of ethanol.

Read the original story here : Motor Club's Blog Post : E15 Is Safe


Ethanol Producer Magazine

April 10, 2015

By Erin Voegele

The U.S. EPA has posted a notice to its website announcing that the volume requirements for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 renewable fuel standard (RFS), along with the 2017 volume requirement for biomass-based diesel, will be finalized by Nov. 30. A portion of the new compliance schedule is the result of a proposed consent decree in litigation brought against EPA by the American Petrochemical Institute and American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers. 

Under the proposed consent decree, the EPA said that it will propose 2015 RFS volume requirements by June 1 and finalize volume requirements for 2014 and 2015 by Nov. 30. Also under the decree, the EPA will resolve a pending waiver petition for 2014.

Outside the scope of the decree, the EPA has committed to propose RFS volume requirements for 2016 by June 1 and finalize them by Nov. 30. The agency also said it will finalize the RFS biomass-based diesel volume requirements for 2017 on the same schedule. Regarding the 2014 standard, the EPA said it will re-propose 2014 volume requirements by June 1 that reflect the volumes of renewable fuel that were actually used in 2014.

The consent decree relates to a lawsuit filed against the EPA by the API and AFPM on March 18 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. In the compliant, the oil groups allege the EPA has violated a nondiscretionary duty under the Clean Air Act to establish renewable fuels obligations for 2014 and 2015 and to approve or disapprove a petition filed by the API and AFPM to waive, in part, the 2014 RFS. That waiver petition was submitted to the EPA in August 2013. 

Documents published by the EPA explain that the consent decree is not yet final. While it has been signed by the API and AFPM and lodged with the court, it has not been signed by EPA and has not been signed or entered by the court at this time. According to a notice filed by the EPA with the court, the consent decree is not final and cannot be entered by the court until the EPA administrator provides a reasonable opportunity by notice in the Federal Register for members of the public to comment in writing. Following the public comment period, if none of the comments disclose facts or considerations which indicate that the decree is inappropriate, improper, inadequate, or inconsistent with the CCA requirements, the administrator will request that the court enter the decree. 

The Renewable Fuels Association has spoken out in support of the EPA rulemaking timeline. “We applaud EPA and API for reaching an agreement that will provide all stakeholders some certainty with regard to the renewable fuel standard,” said Bob Dinneen, president and CEO of the RFA. “No one has benefited from the delays in setting annual renewable volume obligations; and while we are sympathetic to the difficulty EPA faces in promulgating annual targets, the statute is clear about the volumes required and the agency simply has to do a better job moving forward. This consent agreement is a good start. We are particularly pleased that the agency has committed to addressing the 2016 RVO in the same timeframe even though that is outside the scope of the consent agreement. More important than EPA meeting its statutory deadlines, however, is that the agency recognize the market transforming purpose of the RFS and allow the RIN mechanism to drive investment in infrastructure and compel consumer choice at the pump.”

The Adavanced Ethanol Council also supports the agreement between the EPA, API and AFPM. “The scheduling agreement between the oil industry and EPA is actually a good signal for the advanced biofuels industry because it lays out a time frame and a reasonable market expectation for resolving the regulatory uncertainty around the RFS,” said Brooke Coleman, executive director of the AEC. “Now that we have a better idea of when it will happen, we look forward to working with EPA to make sure that the new RFS proposal supports the commercial deployment of advanced biofuels as called for by Congress. We were encouraged by EPA’s decision late last year to pull a problematic 2014 proposal, and we are optimistic that EPA will make the necessary adjustments and put the RFS back on track going forward.”

Growth Energy said the EPA’s timeline will provide the industry with some certainty. “I am pleased to hear that the EPA has finally put a process in place to establish some certainty for biofuel producers with the recent announcement of the timeline for the proposed 2015 RVO rule by June 1st as well as the final 2014 and 2015 volume obligations by Nov. 30, 2015,” Tom Buis, CEO of Growth Energy, said. “Our producers have faced ambiguity for too long and today is welcome news that they are establishing a level of certainty with this announcement. However, far more important than timing is that that the EPA establishes a final rule that moves our industry forward, and reflects the bipartisan vision Congress intended for the RFS. Additionally, while not part of the consent decree, we are pleased to see that the EPA has committed to finalizing the 2016 RFS RVO numbers this year as well. By taking this action, they are ensuring that the RFS is back on a path to certainty for the biofuels industry, providing the necessary guidance for the industry to continue to thrive and advance alternative fuel options for American consumers.”

The American Coalition for Ethanol is also pleased with the EPA’s newly announced timeline. “ACE has consistently said it is much more important for EPA to get the RFS done right than it is for them to get the RFS done quickly, and that bears repeating given today’s announcement that the RFS will be getting back on track for implementation,” said Brian Jennings, executive vice president of ACE. “Last year Big Oil came close to bullying EPA to completely re-write the RFS so they could escape their legal responsibility to blend E15 and flex fuels into gasoline.  But thanks to comments from ACE members and other biofuel supporters, EPA wisely chose to abandon their proposal to set the 2014 RFS on the E10 blend wall.  It appears EPA is going to get the RFS back on track for implementation.  Our priority will continue to be to ensure EPA holds oil companies legally responsible under the RFS for making cleaner and less expensive fuel choices, such as E15 and E85, available to consumers.”

The National Biodiesel Board said it is supportive of the EPA’s announcement. “We are pleased to see the EPA make these further commitments toward ending these delays,” said Anne Steckel, vice president of federal affairs at the NBB. “Biodiesel is the most successful EPA-designated Advanced Biofuel under the RFS to date, and the Obama Administration should be doing everything it can to promote biodiesel so we can show that Advanced Biofuels are here today, cutting greenhouse gas emissions by more than 50 percent, creating jobs and reducing our dependence on global petroleum markets that wreak havoc on our economy. The RFS is the most successful policy we have for reducing emissions in the transportation sector, and it is working. We applaud the EPA for taking this step and look forward to working with the Administration in the coming weeks to get this program back on track.”

Read the original story here : EPA To Finalize 2014, 2015 and 2016 RFS Rules By November


Ethanol Producer Magazine

April 10, 2015

By David VanderGriend

In baseball, they often refer to the leadoff man as the igniter, whose job is to get the offense going: get on base, start a rally and set the stage for a lot of runs. In many respects, that’s the role of the renewable fuel standard (RFS), to set the stage for a bigger score for biofuels. But rather than focusing on a big inning, the ethanol industry may be playing small ball as we await the final rulemaking renewable volume obligations (RVO). The U.S. EPA stated it intends to package 2014 with the 2015 and 2016 volumes in what could be one heck of an announcement by the end of June.

I am encouraged by numerous recent statements out of EPA that it remains committed to making the RFS all it can be. But at the same time, let’s not kid ourselves. Do we really think there are going to be any surprises? We know that the 2014 RVO will be exactly what was consumed and 2015 is not likely to be any different. EPA will be hard-pressed to do anything more than take what was used the first half of 2015 and multiply by two, so we probably know that number as well. Sure, there might be a little more due to an increase in E15, midlevel blends and E85. For 2016, there might be a slight increase, if total gasoline use goes up. But for now, it is clear we will wind up somewhere in the 14 to 15 billion-gallons-per-year range for corn ethanol. There may be another billion or two gallons in the export market, but would the corn ethanol industry be satisfied with a 17 billion-gallon cap, when the motor fuel market is 125 billion gallons plus? I certainly am not.

I have always viewed the RFS as an important building block, assuring a base market. Whether wearing my hat as CEO of ICM or as president of the Urban Air Initiative, or as a member of most ethanol trade organizations, I support the RFS. However, it should not be viewed as what defines the value of biofuels, a value which can only be realized if we get the fuel into the market.

How do we get access to the market? How do we maintain the RFS and build on it? The answer lies with carbon controls and protecting public health—the new value proposition.

One element Congress got right with the RFS was to reward fuels that reduce carbon emissions. While the corn cap is law and, to some extent, EPA's hands are tied, the carbon footprint of corn ethanol is demonstrably better than the credit given by EPA. Our work at ICM and other new, and constantly evolving, research clearly shows that corn ethanol can attain advanced biofuel carbon-reduction levels, one of the primary objectives of the RFS.

If refocusing on achieving carbon reduction is one way to create new demand, another is the critical issue of improving fuel quality and emissions of gasoline. Ethanol's greatest strength is its high octane. This is an issue of public health in that ethanol used in midlevel blends like E15 or E30 can replace some of the most harmful components of gasoline—if we have access to the market. At ICM and Urban Air Initiative, we have concluded that EPA is blocking access to the market for midlevel blends and we are challenging them.

In legal action along with the Energy Future Coalition, ICM has asked the courts to agree that the certification procedures adopted by EPA are keeping E30 out of the market. In another challenge, UAI is calling EPA out on its antiquated modeling used to guide states on how to control pollution that includes an unwarranted penalty for ethanol. Our research, supported by auto industry experts, clearly shows many of the negative emissions attributed to ethanol are, in fact, changes made to base gasoline. Splash blending ethanol always improves gasoline quality and EPA’s outdated models simply need to be updated. Why is this so important? Gasoline is the source of some of the most dangerous and harmful pollutants linked to a range of health and respiratory ailments, including lung disease and even neurological disorders. Infants, the elderly and expectant mothers are particularly at risk.

The RFS is the platform to launch and engage the environmental and health communities in this discussion. Let’s get past the RFS numbers game—as important as it is—and look at additional ways to reduce carbon and protect public health.

Read the original story here : Setting The Table For The Big Score


Farm Futures

April 7, 2015

As world food prices hit a near five-year low, dropping 1.5% last month according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization's most recent price report, Growth Energy said this is proof that " claims of ethanol increasing food prices do not hold any merit."

According to the FAO, the global food price has been on a downward path since April 2014. It tracks five major food commodity groups internationally: cereals, meat, dairy products, vegetable oils and sugar.

In the latest report comparing February 2015 to March 2015, sugar was down significantly, charting a 9.2% drop; vegetable oil a 3.1% drop; cereal and meat about a 1% drop; and dairy was the only gain, with a 1.7% increase.

Tom Buis, CEO of Growth Energy, said the report shows the U.S. and other nations are "capable of producing increased quantities of food, feed, fiber and fuel."

He noted that global grain stocks increased between 2006-07 marketing year and the 2013-14 marketing year by 160 million metric tons, or 47%. Those dates correspond with the enactment of the Renewable Fuel Standard, he said.

The RFS is a policy that sets the amount of renewable fuels to be blended in the domestic fuel supplies.

Buis said global crop prices have strengthened also, helping farmers invest in new production practices that improve sustainability and productivity.

Read the original story here : FAO's Latest Food Price Report Good News For Ethanol


Des Moines Register

April 5, 2015

By Ryan Koopman

Chicken Little ran nervously through the barnyard, warning that "the sky is falling, the sky is falling."

For the last decade, Big Oil has been running nervously through the halls of the U.S. Capitol and the EPA, screaming — to anyone who will listen — that the Renewable Fuel Standard is an "unworkable," "infeasible," "unsustainable," rule that will create a "death spiral" in the fuels market.

The stories are similar, with one difference: Chicken Little believed his tale.

A new study published this week by University of Calgary professor (and one-time Iowan) James Coleman shows that for years, Big Oil hasn't been completely honest about the RFS. They've been telling the EPA one thing (that the RFS is a horrible, economy-killing law) and telling their shareholders another thing (that it's no big deal). That general concept — that Big Oil has been misrepresenting the effects of the RFS — is something Iowans have been saying for years. But until now, no one has realized that Big Oil has effectively admitted as much.

Each year, the EPA proposes a new RFS — a rule that governs how much biofuel must be sold — and solicits comments on that proposed rule. These comments aren't supposed to be a joke. The EPA is required to consider them, and it's important that it does. When a regulatory body makes law, it needs input from stakeholders; they're the ones on the ground, after all. So it's important that those stakeholders be honest in their assessments.

As you might expect, oil companies — Chevron, ExxonMobil, Marathon, Shell, and others — take the opportunity to tell the EPA what they think of the proposed RFS standard. And as you might expect, they don't have good things to say. Shell told the EPA in 2013 that the proposed RFS would "limit the supply of gasoline," which would hurt its business and cause "severe economic harm." Even more forceful, the American Petroleum Institute — which boasts that it is the only "association that represents all aspects of America's oil and natural gas industry" — recently told the EPA that its 2013 RFS proposal could cause "large increases in transportation fuel costs" that "would ripple through the economy imposing significant costs on society" that would eventually push the fuel markets into a "death spiral."

That seems pretty bad. And it would be, if it were true. But it's not, and we know because Big Oil has told us.

Each year, publicly traded companies must file what's called a Form 10-K. The purpose (and the legal requirement) is to tell shareholders how the company is doing and to warn them about significant bumps in the road ahead. So if the proposed RFS is really such a problem — if there really is a risk that it will create a death spiral in the fuel markets — then Shell, ExxonMobil, Chevron, and other oil companies should be telling their investors in the 10-K.

They're not. Professor Coleman collected the comments that publicly trade oil companies made to the EPA on the RFS from 2009 to 2013 and compared those comments to those company's 10-K filings. He found that oil companies tell the EPA that the RFS could create significant financial hardship for them and the country, and at the same time they assure their shareholders that everything is OK. Indeed, Shell — the company that said that the RFS could limit the gasoline supply and cause "severe economic harm" — suggested in its securities filing that the RFS was a boon for its bottom line.

The EPA should take note, and it should review the oil companies' comments with the appropriate skepticism.

Of course, maybe the oil companies think that their sky-is-falling assessments of the RFS are accurate; maybe it's the shareholder disclosures that are the fib.

Probably not. The failure to make full disclosure to shareholders is against the law and can lead to costly lawsuits. Oil companies and their lawyers know that. Exaggerating to the EPA, on the other hand, doesn't come with legal consequences.

Professor Coleman has a simple solution for this problem: If a publicly traded oil company (or any public company, for that matter), comments on the EPA's proposed rules, it should attach its 10-K. That way, it can't tell the EPA one thing and its shareholders another. We'll get the truth — at least as Big Oil sees it.

Read the original story here : Study Shows : Big Oil Is Chicken Little Over Ethanol